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VOL. XVII. INo, 36
American Historical Association To
Begin National Campaign For
Popular Support
BAY CITY, July 29.-(A.P.)-Wil-
liam L. Clements of this city, donor of
Clements library of Americana to
University of Michigan, has been ap-I
pointed chairman of a Michigan com-I
mittee of the American Historical as-
; ociation, which is seeking to raise
one million dollars "to promote Am-
erican history and history in Am-1
The Michigan committee, of whichI
Dr. Everett S. Brown, professor of
political science at University of
Michigan, has been named executiveI
secretary, will work with a nationalI
endowment committee headed byc
former Senator Albert J. Beveridge, of
Indiana, and with committees in other
states. A New York committee has
been organized under the chairman-
ship of Charles Evans Hughes, former
secretary of state.
Many prominent men and women
will make up the. membership of the
Michigan committee, which will have
the support of a large and influential
body of Americans. The American
Historical association, founded in
1884, aims to embark upon a compre-
hensive program of historical re-
search. One project, already under
way, is a survey of history teaching
in the schools. Through this investi-
gation it is hoped to reveal the factst
so that :a nationwide plan of co-
ordinated methods may be framed,
"What the association now asks,"
says a statement explaining the work
of the Michigan committee "is an in-
crease in endowment of $1,000,000 with{
the expectation that the additional in-
come thus provided will be used, not
only to secure more certain and ade-
quate support for work already under-
taken, some of which has been seri-
ously curtailed or delayed by lack of
such support, but also to make possi-
ble certain new forms of service." I
English Teacher k
Says Oxford Is
More Specialized
Students at Oxford do a great deal
more concentrated work than the av-
erage Michigan student, according to
Alfred Cyril Ewing, an instructor in#
philosophy In the University, who is
offering courses in political philosophy
and Kant's Critique of the Pure Rea-t
'son in the Summer session.
"Oxford is much more specialized
in its system than most American{
Universities, and, consequently, the1
work is more thorough. The lecture
system is employed less, and more
private teaching is done. Each pupil
meets his teachers alone or in groups
of two or three for one hour a week
and receives most of his instruction
in this manner." .
Students are compelled to live in the
colleges at least half the time. These
college residence quarters are much
like our dormitories, except that they
are organized by the tutors who also
live in the dormitories. A student is
never entirely free from school from
the time he enters until he graduates,
because he must work and cover long
assignments during vacations,
"There is no last word in dipiom-
acy "-Joseph Caillaux.
-Says that there may be showers to-
day but not much change in ten-
Mr. And Mrs. F. W. Stevens
Give Collection To Museum IIIDDDI ll
The gift to the University of a large
collection of Chinese and other Orient-
al pieces relating to family life was
announced yesterday by Dr. A. G.
Ruthven, director of the University
M1useum. The collection was given
by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Stevens,
formerly of Ann Arbor and now living
in Grand Rapids. It was made by
them during a residence of five years
in Peking, China, from 1920 to 1925.
Most of the collection was purchased
in Peking.
The collection will ultimately be
included in the museum of anthrop-
ology and will be exhibited in a spec-
ial section of the new museum build-
ing, which is to be built in the near
future. The large part of the collec-
tion consists of a wide variety of tex-
tiles covering practically all the
weaves in common use by the Chinese.
The woven work consists of tapes-
tries, embroidered panels of many
types, many pieces of the more elabor-
ate clothing of the nobility of the oal
Chinese dynasty, and a large variety
of Chinese silks. The range of these
examples of both early and recent
Chinese textiles will make the collec-
tion especially sought after by stu-
dents of textiles who are interested
in the Oriental methods of weaving.
Boy Scout Camp Near Dexter Scene
For Annual Meeting Of Summer
Unusual interest, manifested by a
large advance ticket sale, is being
shown by summer school students
over the annual interchurch picnic
which will be held Saturday after-
noon and evening at the Boy Scout
camp, Dexter. Arrangements are be-
ing made to accomodate more than
150 people and a good share of this
number have already bought tickets,
according to the committee in charge
of the affair.
The picnic is an annual event on
the church programs for the summer
and is always the outstanding event
of the summer. Any summer school
student is invited to attend. Tickets,
which include supper and admittance
to a dance on the grounds in the even-
ing, are on sale at all book stores.
Games, swimming, stunts put on by
various groups for prizes, races, And
contests of all descriptions have been
;irranged by the committee for the
afternoon's program. Dancing will
l>e the main attraction in the evening.
Transportation will be furnished
)y the committee but it is desired
that all who can furnish cars will do
so. It is planned to use four trucks.
besides private cars to carry the
crowd to the camp. Cars will leave
Lane Hall shortly after two o'clock
Saturday afternoon, rain or shine. In
case of rain, the program will be
staged in buildings on the Boy Scout
camping grounds.
The interchurch picnic is an an-
nual affair. Last year more than 125
took the trip to Portage Lake where
the picnic was held. A larger 'crowd
is expected this year by those in
charge of the arrangements. Several
surprise stunts are being planned for
different times during the day. Also
prizes will be awarded in many events.
Persons who desire to attend some
one part of the picnic and not the re-
mainder will be required to buy a
ticket which will admit to the entire
afternoon and evening.
Newberry Gives
Party Saturday
The women of Helen Newberry Resi-
dence will entertain all foreign stu-
dents on the campus at their annual
party from eight to eleven Saturday
night. The program will be short and
consist of musical numbers by repre-
sentatives of the various nations. It
will be followed by dancing.'
The Newberry Residence party is for
all foreign students and not merely
for members of the Cosmopolitan
To illustrate the family life of the
Chinese there are, in addition to
clothing, a large variety of jewelry
and ornamental work of all kinds.
One interesting item is a special col-
lection of Chinese buckles, some of
them valuable because of the stones
set in them, others decorated with
handwork and metal design.
Of the more valuable home furn-
ishings in the collection te iiagniti
cent display of old rugs is perhaps out-
standing. It represents a compielet
development in Chinese rug-making.
Similarly the collection contains a
wide range of Chinese silk scrolls,
which hung upon the walls of the
Chinese home. Many of the more
ordinary pieces of furniture-cbairs
and tables, and a screen or two are
The chinaware of the Chinese is also
prominent ,in the collection, many
tableware pieces being of rather rare
porcelain from the Manchu dynasties.
The Chinese porcelain exhibit includes
lamps and small toilet accessories.
The smaller pieces of the collection
include toys, inlaid work, decorative
pieces of all kinds, even a selection
of small figures of a Chinese house
goddess, Kuan YiYn.
The University Museum has long
possessed a large collection of Orient-
al materials illustrating the private
life of the eastern peoples. The
I Stevens collection will, however, be
a splendid addition to the anthropol-
ogy section and will further complete
the material already in the possession
of the Museum.
Ten Countries
Have Students
Enrolled Here
All of the forty-eight state and the
District of Columbia are represented
in the enrollment of the Summer ses-
sion according to the final summary
of attndance given out yesterday aft-
ernoon in the Dean's office. The total
number registrated is 3,323 or just
116 more than the total enrollment of
Michigan, of course leads, in send-
ing the largest number of students;
the number from the home state this
year is 1892. Ohio is second and In-
diana third. With the exception of
Arizona, Idaho, New Mexico and
Wyoming which have one each every
state in the union has sent more than
two to the University.
Ten countries are represented in
the enrollment this year. China
leads all foreign countries with a total
for the Summer session of 47. Canada
is next with 26 and India third with
13. Cuba, Malay, Finland and Russia
sent one stud'ent each.
The College of Literature, Science
and the Arts this year had a smaller
enrollment than the 1925 figure but
this was more than compensated for
in the enrollment shown in other col-
leges. The Graduate school and the
School of Education showed notable
increases over the 1925 figure.
The Biological station showed an
enrollment of 75 or 19 more than that
of last year. The course in Library
methods had 100 enrolled.
The enrollment in the college of
Pharmacy, the Graduate school and
the School of Education were the
highest ever recorded in Summer ses-
sions. The Graduate school this year
had the second largest enrollment of
any department in the University.
Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary
educational fraternity, will hold its
annual summer initiation this after-
noon at the Union, at which time sev-
en men will be taken into member-
The initiation, which is to be held at
4 o'clock will be followed by a banquet
at which Dr. George S. Counts, profes-
;or of secondary education, of Yale
University, will deliver the main ad-
'dress. Dr. Counts will speak on "The
State of the High School Curriculum."
Prominent educators throughout
the state will be in attendance at the
Iniestig-ators Widen Hearing To Iowa
In Effort To Track Down
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO,.July 29.-Testimony in-
dicating efforts at vote-buying in the
Illinois senatorial primary and the re-
fusal of Thomas S. Cunningham of
Philadelphia to disclose the source of
$50000 which he contributed in the
Pennsylvania Republican senatorial
contest furnished the high lights of
today's session of the Senate campaign
funds committee.
Timothy P. McCarthy, an East St.
Louis newspaper man, told the investi-
gators that Charles Sendry of East
St. Louis, secretary of the Foreign
Voters league, had agreed for $6,000 to
have that organization support Frank
L. Smith over Senator William D.
The committee also dipped briefly
into the Iowa Republican senatorial
contest of last month, calling to the
stand Smith W. Brookhart, who won
the Republican nomination from Sen-
ator Cummins after the Senate had
unseated him in favor of Daniel F.
Steck, Democrat. Brookhart told the
committee his managers raised and
expended less than $36,000 on his be-
half and that while he had no first
hand knowledge of expenditures on
behalf of Senator Cummins he would
say that if no more was spent over the
rest of the state than was expended in
one district, it would not exceed
Calling half a dozen witnesses in
the Illinois primary in addition to
TMcCarthy, the committee failed to un-
cover any appreciable new amount put
ut in that contest.
On the other hand, it found that
there had been a duplication of $25,-
'000 in accounts, with the known total
to date thus reduced to $940,635.47.
Expenditures of the Crowe-Barrett
Republican faction of Cook county
were testified to by State Attorney
Robert E. Crowe and Charles B. Bar-
rett, the big two of the organization
and the former disclosed that he per-
son ally deserted the McKinley ranks
only after the Senator had disregarded
his plea to vote against American ad-
herence to the World court.
A wide field of inquiry was openel
up by McCarthy's story about the pro-
posal of Smith's managers in East
St. Louis to pay $6,000 to Sendry for
the support of the Foreign Voters
To Pave Cut-Off
Bid:, are to be received shortly for
the paving of the M-17 around the
southern end of Ann Arbor. Four
miles of new road are to be added.
The road has been ready for paving
since 1925 at which time the grading
was completed. Separate contracts
for the bridges over the railroad and
South State are to be let.
As soon as the paving of M-23 be-
tween Saline and Ypsilanti is complet-
ed the prison gang that is working on
that line will move here to start work
on the leveling of the Broadway hill
1 in the north end of the city. When
this is finished there will be a new
completely paved road running from
Ann Arbor to Detroit and affording a
nmuch more beautiful drive than could
be had on the other roads.
Austria plans to reduce its unem-
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Local Boy Stars
In Last Role Of RETNiJitO
Dramatic SeasonSK SPOICA
:: ::::<; ; Iescrlbes Aimost Hopeless 'lixtur,
Of Races, Nations and Creds
Since World War
Eastern Europe is of interest to An-
ericans for three reasons, declareJ
Professor Preston W. Slosson, of th
History department, in his lecture
yesterday afternoon, on "Politic. I
Conditions of Eastern Europe." Fir<
the World War has changed all former
boundaries, and created new nation
Eastern Europe was far more affeCtEd
Robert B. Henderson by the war than the west. Second, z
Whose appearance in the title role great experiment is being carried oa
of Colin Clements' "The Haidue" to- in Marxian socialism. And lai,
morrow night will mark the end of a United States immigration for the pat
long career in campus dramatics. His few years has been coming from the
work in this play has won the approv- East.
al of many persons in the dramatic Racially the inhabitants of this reg-
field, among them Charles Chaplin.
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Music And
Ililltil1 llill ill By J. Gail Lyons
The advice given by our friend was
followed and we saw "The Haiduc",
as presented by The Players last even-
ing, at Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
ion are Alpine, that is, of the sanie
type as the people of Switzerland,
Bavaria, and other parts of the moun-
tain belt of Western Europe. There
are large groups of northern Euro.
peans, Mediterraneans, and somi
jeople of Asiatic descent. To the west
'are the German speaking folks of
Central Europe; to the East, the Rus-
sians; and in between the Finns,
Esthonians, Letts, Poles, Ruthenians,
Roumanians, Servians, Bulgars, Al-
banians, Greeks, and Turks.
These various and conflicting races
The play was a revelation. To one are not easily divided. The interior
who has viewed no other since "Great I may be one, the coast another; or, the
Catherine" there is but one fitting country of a particular nationality.
,phrase which we can imagine that and the cities an altogether different
' would fit a comparison; "There has
I been a great improvement."
Perhaps this does not lie at the
door of the actors, in fact the chief.
reason that we can see is the differ-'
ence in the play itself. Shaw's "Great,
Catherine" was written for two people
to act. It holds the record for the
largest number of presentations on
our campus-whatever that may
mean-but it cannot approach Colin
Campbell Clements' contribution as
presented by the same players.
Robert Henderson and Amy Loomis
made "Great Catherine". The others.
were there to do their little parts.
Last evening the same two playersf
gave a performance far superior to
group. Fiume, the Italian city on the
Adriatic, in the midst of an Anstrian
countryside, is an example of the ]at-
ter. and Poland, with its East Prus-
sian seacoast, the former.
It is ail almost impossible task to
give justice to many of these regions,
said Professor Slosson. Macedonia,
'for example, is for the most part Bul-
gar and Serb. There are many Greeks,
however, and also bands of Albanians,
Roumanians, and in the cities, Portu-
guese Jews.
Religion is a dividing factor. One
writer said that Albania has only one
religion, that of hate; but three
churches for cultivating it. There is
no industrial development throughout
their former effort and they were aid- this region, except Germanized Bo-
ed by a cast which was given a chance hemia.
to act. There were dull moments in $ Russia has always been the victim
Shaw's farce, there were -no dull of history, explained Professor Slos-
moments last night. son. Her early Greek culture isolated
The girl who said, "I felt weak her from Latinized Western Europe.
after that third act" has our respect. Asiatic invasions destroyed her early
She appreciated the thing the way it civilization. Despotism and serfdom
was intended to be appreciated. We held her back for centuries. There
felt when that act ended the show are three main parts of Russia, Great
should have ended; for we couldn't I1ussia, in the north an ice bound
quite see how the show would go on plain, farther south a forest. Little
twenty years later with the Halduc in Russia, or the Ukraine, is a ,ieppe,
Hell. As it turned out the fourth act and the western part of the country
produced fine bits of acting from Eric is known as White Russia. The only
Klewer, Amy Loomis, William Bishop, gain made by the peasants in the re-
and Camille Masline. The latter as cent change of government has been in
the old fortune teller was excellent %he breaking up of great estates into
throughout. And best of all Hender- small farms held by the people.
son came back from Hell and provided Finland, Latvija, and Esthonia are
the play with a far different end than Cutheran, highly educated for Eastern
we had anticipated. Europe, and very similar to the Scan-
"The Haiduc" is the last of the sea- dinavian lands. Poland's chief distine-
son of summer plays. It will be shown tion from Russia is her Roman Catho-
for the last time Saturday evening at lic religion. This also separates her
Sarah-Caswell Angell Hall. from East Prussia, her nearest neigh-
bor and dearest enemy. Czecho-
;Slovakia has prospered greatly due to
WR SL D[VTL~IV IN excellent statesmen and very high
educational standards. Hungary is a
republic in fact, though nominally a
r JTIflIL kingdom. She can find no king satis-
factory to the neighboring 'powers.
r1mTf J Tm 2T,1 9 C C.n t r+n Wells !
ployment doles. DTR)ju'iT, usy '.--uar ,,
of Ann Arbor, defending champion,'
'I was eliminated in the first round of
BASEBALL SCORES I championship match play of the Mich-
igan State Golf Tournament today, his
American League conqueror being Howard B. Lee of the
Boston 5, Detroit 6 Detroit Country Club, state champion
New York 10, St. Louis 7 in 1910, 1911 and 1920. The match1
Philadelphia 2, Cleveland 3 I ended with Lee 4 up and three to play.t
Washington 7, Chicago 3 (11 Mr. Wells, instructor in the rhetoric
innings) department, has been state amateur
champion since 1924. In the qualify-j
National League ing round Wednesday he made a hole
All games postponed-rain in one on the 155 yard fourth of thel
nari . 111h_ I
August Seniors
To Fill Blaus
All students enrolled in the Sum-
mer session who expect to complete
the requirements for degrees or for
teachers' diplomas are requested to
call at the office of the Secretary of
the School in which they are en-
It is necessary that certain blanks
be filled out as soon as possible and
the dinioma fees attended to.