THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHIUAN DAILY PAGE THREiB .. ommomm DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume T1 THURSDAY, J1ULY 129, 1926 Number 114 Public Speaking 193-Omie Act Plays: The class in One-Act Plays will give a public performance of three plays Friday evening, July 30, at 8:16 in University Hall. The programn will in- clude "The New Poor", by Gertrude Jennings, "Will o' the Wisp", by Doris Halman, and "Evening Dress Indispensable", by Roland Pert wee. Reserved seats at Water's and Slater's. Price 75 cents. General admission, 50 cents. 1IL C. Hunter. Al'onien Students: The Women's, League will be at home to nurses, students. in Public Health Nursing and women students in the Medical School Thursday, July 29, from 3:30 to 5:00 o'clock in Barbour Gymnasium. G~race Richards, Actinig Deani of Womten. Teachers' Diplomas: Students expecting to complete (during the Summer Session) the re- quiremnents for degrees or for teachers' dip~lomas are reqluested to call at the office of the Secretary of the School in which they are> enrolled and fill out the necessary blanks preparatory to the payme~nt of the diploma fees to the University Treasurer. Edward H1. Kraus. Examnationi Schedule: The final examinations in the Schools and Colleges on the eight weeks basis will be conducted according to the schedule printed on page 230 of the' Summer Session Announcement. This schedule will also be printed in the last weekly bulletin and posted on tihe various bullet in boards. All classes will continue to meet regularly until Wednesday noon. August 11. Edward It. hKraus. Statements of Credit : In the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, in the School of Education andl in the Graduate School, credlit for work done during the Summer Session will be recorded] and credit. coupons mailed in strict ac- cordance with the blanks on file in these offices. Students should make sure that their election cards and the addresses on their coupons agree with the facts. Students in the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, and of Pharmacy desiring to he notified of the results of the examinations should leave addressed and stamped envelopes in their respective registration o ff1ices. Edward It. Kraus. Attention Householders: All householders having rooms available for men students for the first semester 1926.27 are requested to list their rooms at once with the Ofilct of the Dean of Students. Call 6115. F. B. War Assistant Dean. Attention Faculty : Any faculty member who has~ a house to sublet for the college year 1926- 1921 will please call the Office of the Dean of Students (6il5) and list, as soon as possible. F. B. Wahir, Assistant Deani. SW e have one of the most corn- p lete lines of Magazines in the Women's Educational Clutb: Oil Thursday evening, July 29, at 8 o'clock the Women's Educational Club will hold a benefit bridge party for the Women's League Building Fund, at the home of Miss Cieo Murtland, S:36 Tappan. Tables may be reserved by calling Ethel Servis, 7388. Ethel Servis. Phi Delta Kappa Iitiation anid Banquet: Informal initiation of new members will be held Thursday evening, July 29, at 7 P. M., Tappan Hall. Formal initiation will be held at the Union Friday afternoon, July 30, at 4 P. M. followed by a banquet at 6 P. M. Dr. George S. Counts, Professor of Secoudry Education, of Yale University, will speak, Notification of attendance must be made for banquet reservations. A complete chapter membersbip is urged. FOR RENT FOR RENT- Overlooking Cavanaugh Lake, five room furnished cottage. jscreened porch :U1xl, lre-place,! half acre on hill, good bathing, near beautiful golf course. From August' 14 for one year.,. Enquire 1315 Canm- bridge. Phone 3047. 33-34-35 FOR RENT- Two apartments. Onel especially suitable for business wo- men. Furnished or unfurnished. 324 E. Srefferson. 33-34-35 FOR SALE FORb SALE---Canoe---Good condition. Call 3682. 736 Forest. 32-33-34 k large attic. Four pairs French doors, stone fire place, light laund- ry with water softener. Double gar- age. Steam heat. Built for home. Priced $2,000 below cost. Call 6584 or see owner at house. 34-35-36 LOST LOST-In lavoratory of Library man's Gotham wrist watch. Spring strap. Finder p~lease call 9117 or at 1617 Washtenawv Ave. and receive re- ward. 32-33-34-35-36; LOST-Grown leather purse, contain- ing key and money. R3eward. Mrs. kReagan., 931 Greenwood. 32-33-34 Herold C. Hunt, President. Classified Ads dent friendI for coining college year. Please address -W. -". Denton, 4211 WANTED___ \VANTEI)---College girl desires room \NT EI in Private home for comning college P'osrk-C year. Phone 9755.3-435 9r, D) - Teaching p~osition by Laluate stumdent. A.B3. degree. FOR SALE - One 1925 Fronty-Fordt LOST--A large Amethyst ring. Find- Roadster, 8-valve overhead system. er please return to Margaret Hum- eBosch ignition, racing wire wheels, phreCys, 544 Thompllson St. D~ial \VANTED)--Doonm or suite bhr Uni-' versity Professor and colored stu- zII ys experience. References. Ad- fully equipped, just over-hauled.; 8227. Reward. 31-36 Mich. Daily, Box 1ll. Will :sacrifice for cash or terms.! 33-34-35 } Michigan Daily, Box 112. 34-35 ATLANTA, Ga.-Miami and West Palm Beach, Fla., were cut off from FOR SALE--House at 1625 Granger wire communication with the outside Ave. Owner leaving city. Ten world today due -to the hurricane Srooms, sun p~arlor, sleeping porch, which swept up the lower east coast. Mifflin CilemicaI Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA. Sales !Agents. HAROLD F. RITCHIE & CO., Inc. 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto Sydney Wellington MIFFL'IN ALIKOHOL the external tonic AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES I i MIFFLIN ALKOHOL + +aa...taE Fk9l "DEL PRETE COLLEGIATE SHOP" July Clearance Sale! F SPECIALLY r DESIGNED for CLASS ROOM USE ' T HE CONKLIN Stu- dent's Special Fountain Pen is designed, built and priced to specifically meet the needs of the college student. See and try Conklin Pens and Pencils in any leading store. THE CONKLIN PEN MFG. CO. Toledo, Ohio cr~~~ ti.~', * .~f. .r O ..-. W ve offer one of the finest stocks of clothes in Ann Arbor, tailored by Adler. i 11 City, Come in and get your favorite copy. Swift's Drug Store Your choice of any suit in the store Guaranteed Value to $60.00 A Few Items That Should Interest You- $2.50 to $5.00 Straw Hats.. $1.50 SF S FU'L) T:, N i YIx for ml--. ' $3.50 Here is the Conklin Black Pencil to match the 5;TUDET'.S SPECIAL Pen 340 S. State Street Phone 3534 -I umpommomm mmm W The most refreshing news on this page --a rich ripe, real Jarnaicc- pure fruitj beverage thi under allR "When gooc together" ei these delig nations - A-J- zned blend of a. Ginger and juices - is a .at mixes well conditions. I fellows get ;njoy one of htfuj corribi- Shandy Gaff (( Budweiser and Ginger .aleail' and Lhalf. arse's Neck. do by adding rr ion rind and ci ed Ice to B. Ginger.Al1e. $2.00 1 B UY AC:() N K LI N--"GET LIlNE-MILEAGE" 323 SOUT14 MAIN ST. EN' ,D ogf MO.NrTH SALE $2.50 to $4.00 Caps li $4.00 Panama Hat h... $8.00 Flannel Trousers... OF COATS- Por I~ress or Short wear --_ ur trinimed, full Crepe linted Many good styles .left. Prmiced' at OF DRESSES- Of Tl'intSilk, (Georgette, 'repe., Novelty M1 i, all color1s anid white. $15 and $2t) values $I0) OF HATS- All Summer ?Millinery selling at $A) h art,(, and small shapes. OF SWEATERS--- All Styles, $lAHO OF MIDDIES- Broa dcl t hLinuen, 1{haki and Galatea $1.00) 0 e " 0 0 9 a 1., ; :r Ilu \ i ;, I% _ _- -_- ii 11 $3.50 Shirts.. $9.00 Knickers $1.75 Golf Sox . " . " " " "* " " v " " " " " " " f " 1.95 2.80 6.40 1.75 7.20 1.25 TWUNTY-UNE YRARS' EXPURIENCH Ginger Tea Ice~ Tea and A.-B Ginger Ale. k~1f osClhtif. mad lemn< A AT Core~ TWO-THIRTEEN EAST LIBERTY STREET 11 ST. LOUIS Sill.f foso Sill: Slips Silk Scarf's Silk Underwear :1 = r.. - I ~ - I- 1 E I