PAGE TWO THE SUMMER cJUGAN DAILY i s a.v ..+ ... a. a a a aaa a .ps is W ir JL-li " i.!(->l L l THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1926 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday! during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. wvould, d(omeC through the definition f l 0J 1 the word ",liqu or." ED'nL fir. C'odiinan'.s plan is simply this. Te next Congress may repeal the Volstocad act with its (definition of liq- uor a: a beverage containing morePNH than one half of one percen t of al- ITN cohol. It has the legal powe'r to do this. The Supreme court hasaled Upnteistncofumrs GRAHAM'S Special Tables ot Books ot Interest' to Educators GRAHAM'S At Both Ends of the Diagonal The Associated Press is exclusively en-! said that Congress may define titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not othei wise in any way it wishes. Congr'ess Pr~'1t rlinthc ------.i .i.. 11 it ie W T,.- I, .~. liquor would Ifriends, we are about debut as a columnists. that. to SO inake our much for crdie ULtin11 thI~ is aper anattiloca~IlI'ews The lHepu bliems had done ivet- thing they could to aid the prosperity of the East; they' suipported the hih tarif, defea tedihe(- La kes-o--ie-t a xwatr- Iy?. plan1. 0)1(1lprotectdtthe great East erni powd er intersts when t hey I'ftised to hbarermits from te mails. This would cont ribut t' to the prosp~erity of Ilsernrs, and theY in turni wouldfi 1) able to buy foo] and htelp )thet-'farim ers; It soundihs logial, -but wh len the fa rmers, who don't. ont ri lnt e inmich to the Republican campign fund any-- way, couldn't se the poin th(re threatened to hI-' trouble0andthtel ad -' ministrat ion~ has ball enough of it. every since. 1t seems that the re are aboutt51 ,00f.06 tpeople In theIi n ited States that a)re depeIn dent uipn thei farms for their livings; and although the Republ icans have iisun ly een able to dece1ivethle farm voe ly sone. senisational1 grandstam] p1aty just be- fore elect iotIime. theh v bni to have mifsgivings abou t 'orfoui ithelbIfeat' again. Somre elections went0 rog. far'm belt senator, labell eli a on Ir- ('flc wits hel11. aiil t lie gtaml old partyvibegan sl ippinig in te o Wst. The whole poi ( f t e joke was lost- Now, b oweci, with Ii nt o)Ia ry suaveness, tiell'te]nlIi(-aiis havean - nounced thai as oon ias: they 1ak1e1 care of the powdern a nnifsact rc rant] the big financial interests in he next Congress, tbhey will see ht they (an (10 for the farmers ut this timel the farmers saw the joke and real ly a p - preciated it, mU(chi to tochagriniiof Sen ator Pess awmldihis lenchminn. The administration had a large inn -j ing whlen it dofen ted lie farm rel i0d il, and it took advanage of it to the ultost ; now, it eems, te farm- ers are to0 ha vIethie Ist laugh wit the bal lot, and tis is not. n1early so funny-but thlin, ithe(' ast nt i tdus- i tries will close and thle workers won't buy food and then whoic xil tie; farmers he? A WAY OT Mr. Julian Codman, noted Boston lawyer, his idiscovered a way Ip get I around the Eighteenth amendment that will satisfy th wets and shouldI quiet Mr. Borah's outcries of treasont against a referendum. The am end- t Pi'o tie pgesuf he eset Nxv","d Iyour hlorses. Ilowzat ? Don't you think we coutld fill many columnis with of Salt Lake. tUtah, conles the an- th1at array? nouncceniun tthat "anty wr itelr who di- "*f*"* redtly or' in direct ly encour'ages the use T he calves names are Gwendolyn,k aof ciga rettIes is a mtenac-e and should I yllyanx, and Arthur-they are a be' barred fr'om the public prints." C I.nighity clever trio. It is most ludic- 'Agitation or this sort is not a new roes Ito see tihe way Arthur ttries to hind, in U'tahi. Five or six years ago, imitate th~e men arotind the place. t hat state antualnly torbade the salej One lay he0 acted awfully queer-bel- of the "l ittlei white devil'' withi the h crng and staggering all over the l astoniishinig result that the state's best yard. (If one can say that a four- cit izelis hcra nli la-breaktlers. Smok-I footedil animal staggers) We couldnf't 1 h(U was restrictetd to roomis especially figure out what could be the matter designed for that purpiose, anti it vN asI with him so we trailed the little devil no tt longy before 'tihe ma in dining rotmis!aroundt. He xwas having a great time ini thelo -adinig hotels becarne simoking " chasing the big bll all over the pas- r 'oms5. tunec anti doing other childish pranks. Timh~t anyvonie encouraging the use of I finalIly, hie wandered off where hej cigatret tes is not a menace is a tie-1 I tought no one could se'e him and c larat ion whiiihvary few tdoutbtMed-; O1 oi made a bee-line for the wood-r it-al authorit ies hax'e not condemned; sbed. I peekedI through a crack in the th.1wicigarelte. An individual who be- door and watched him. Now in that licexes that entconuaing the use of cig- woodshed was an old earthen jug; atrettes is a Inciiac e seemis rather fool-( filled, sonmetimes, with old cider which salt t oclly. Buttthe note taken from the me n lwere fn fdikn o the Desert Nxvs recommends closing noIn hn1olrvnthltss t he priess to) such encoturageinent-I «elI, sir~, that darnetd calf went over'- that. Snagestion is in itself a thoujis- to t hat jug, pulledl out the cork with, :tti tinies muore- tanigerouis titan rig- his teeth, anid, grasping the neck firm- 1arettt-s ever will hie, It is itterely the; ly in his mouth, tippled it up, drinking rv of fanatics. in loudl gurgles. We just busted outt - ------ ---- laughing. Art was so scared that he drpe h u n aa era EDITORIAL COMMENT he rculdi approach the act of running. i ~Now Arthur has a jug of his veryf A WA VA'VlNV wii, from which he alone drinks, un-j th1 - l-m pori a IDaily C a zt et less he now and then treats a lady; One of thte shortest, hills nowx be- frientd. folre ('on gross,conttaintiig 0only14 " * iin4-s of text, is regardied by a ul- Gweidolyn, we call her Gwen for 1 bet' of im~pormtant meni as conitainintg short, is the darlingest little tike you maitiy ofthfle pr'operties mie(e triy to, ever want to see. So cunning in her ktiltill' jinigo virus, ways, and so lovable. But one night, 11hen t this bill is passed -as it like-;we, dreamed that Vilma Banky had Ilf x illI be -iiice it hasa beinreconit-' be-t over outr pillow and was kissing ndned by ott reicenit ptresidents5 and!l 'is. Of course, we awoke with a start. mat~ny of on r foremost statesmten----it; Lying on the covers, and snuggled up «ill 1we a ll iht t raft billdle'lgat-, close to us with her nose in our ear ilg 11(1w ceta t o 1tliesraident which! was Gwen, sounid asleep. 'xililIetale Itiinitotomicenit rate all tOw' * # - i'4 >otl 't-c5 of thle'ohit t y 1fo' ta nat ion - IS you see, we could fill a columnj ' ei' 'O IVY. every' day witi) the antics of our pets * On of he 1)01S inilortntI if we wanted to but we are going to 1 iits of tio bill is liatxwhich gives stick to a. higher sort of-----stuff. i te I residdcii power'i to "'freeze'' all (One could hardly say humor, be- iprit sc an1d01inteIr1est matles' at their then, cause Rolls isn't supposed to be hum-_ le-tI xxhewil'xem- he feels that war is ~')s immiinnot. By executive- oarder' he con i * * * conipti all the re-sources of the na-; On our way to work this afternoon, till, -.1-VtOt Irootps, reven before Con-!Yates (of the Ishpeming Yatezes) gres hasdechi'edwar.handed us this poem and says, "Here, Tbiis ;)scriptitin of industry is go-1 when you get around to writing that iwg to loosen te ptrobabhility of an ec -!hong p romised column use this. Save' onumnic wlat-, null the ''freezing" of' it until then. It's good poetry." That enr g 0,1fll price tua ilria tes(If interest is what really prompted us to write xill ha vI stenI Ii 0 y 1to imItinish tlleCthe col today. He calls it---- Zst xxithIixxhichi IRig Btsiness becomes passiotatt-l patrioitic wxhen there are OI1 f GARDEN O~F 1OVE3 ius to be fire'd, 111('11 to be killed, an Wonderful sun that shone oti us, tiot'lnius 5(Ittn ii] t is of everything to Wonderful skies of blue, bo tmade and sold. Wonderful hours I spent, dear heart, ______________In the Garden of Love with you. 7 111 l ti . MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HALLER'S STATE STREET JEWELERS /J.IY./J, P1 %Y~dGN ,1 I BLUE-BLACK - the kind you will use in business IAIN All Sizes and RLU aGK Colors For Real Fountain Pen Satisfaction, Use SANFOIWS FOUNTAIN PEN INK "The Ink that Made the Fountain Pen Possible" Daily Excursion to PUT-IN-BAY 80 One Round Trip $1.25 Sundays 0 V Way (Return Same Dray) Holidays Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. m" (E. T.) The fines exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard. Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-in-Bay-bathing-dancing- groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's Historic monument. Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland, Toledo and Lakeside. Daily to Sandusky The Put-in-Bay goes to Sandusky every day. Fare-$1.50 one way. Special Friday Excursions to cedar Point (After July 4th) A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large surnm~er hotels, groves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seven hours at Put-in-Bay! Leaving Cedar Point at 5 p. m. and Put:-in-B.ay at 7 p. mn.; arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare--Cedar Point, $1.75 round trip; Put-in- Bay, 80 cents. Dancing Moonlights Write for Map Folder Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m. Ashley & Dustin Fare, Wed., Thurs. 60c. Sat., Se m rLn Sun. and Holidays, 75c. Se m rLn Foot of First Street D-etroit, Mich. - a ' .. .' '7- Read The Dail 7 "Classified" Columns 1 I --. PRODUCTS - .S r I 'i _ F =tea = -_ f y, a7 _ - _ Yx _ _a~ . a e,. ris yK =_ _Zc- "~ate .L ' K L.- i Lloyd Loom Suite Rocker, $f2.50 Chair, $12.50 Sofa, $35.00 Table, $9.50 Lamp, $12.50 ('Ihe I 'i Iatllh in.I l'l icLedger) Tie o ld 111rhaves of thetoBatmnocksl iand Shobiysi Ol dancItiing the sN n-tlacc o Poc1a ti-Ilo. A bor'ed farmer' tooling asntort ing tractor dloxv-n a July fur- r'ow. * * A buffalo skimll on a totenm -po111e in the cente-r of the dlancing ring. A lip--st ichod Iady p~owderinig a sun- hurnt i-itnose xvii lo sitting in a nimckel- I ' lilatIedl limiotusinit. * * * A Shoshone -buck clad in .a little hlantket, a bead- odl bell - a weasel-skiineckpiece andt afermo(iots gmit). A youngi squaw in sa tint sli ppeira,blu ltfhose, a blue 0tray -, (lin unit and a Mexicani hat carrying a a-'egingeae dog.* * * Bucks dancing in g;host paaint. anid squaws watching iii powider and rotuge. Blaniket Indians rubbing elbows- with civilization's ye- neen and savagery in the near raw. * * * Thie 20th century squatted) down a lon gside a dlying barbarism that goes back to) the time when Idaho's nmoun- thints were young. * * * For the first time i four years the White Father at Washington has permitted his red children to hold forth in the good oldI ! )ablinlg brook that sang to us, Whispering leaves above, IAll lbhe world knelt dawmn to us, Dear heart, in our Gharden of Love. 'A streak of red where the sun has set, The rest of the sky is grey; Amid so, Dear Heart, I sit alone, Alone at the close of day. Gonte is the brook of yestereve, (Gonte are the leaves above, And alimony I pay to you, 'Stead of rent-for our Garden of Love. isn't that beautiful sentiment? Your poetry is like a golf ball in the rough, Yates. We adore it. Send more. No miatter what. you retauim-e in nlexw-antd iup-to-datau htome furriishimngs, yotu will save tilme and tmoniey by com1- ig to outr store first. As an example of the umnusumal values we aire offering, notice the hamidsomne suite of famous Lloyd Lolom Woven Fumrnitumre shiowxn above. This furntitume is alonie in beauty amid character. Made o1' fabr'ic spirally wo'tvent on the Lloy-d Loom, it has the- wondeiful smioothtness of weave characteizinig all Lloyd :Loom products. Note thte pr'etty coxvereid uphmolstering, luxuriously comfortable arid easy. Many designs--mnany pleasing color effects, in Lloyd duotone fimnishies. Antt many other unusual values in high gr'ade dependable home furnishings of all kinds. (Third IFloor) i Come Today and See Our Beautiful Display. Three-piece Suites as Low as $54 ILOIo is I And now we are at the bottom of the p age-- Karl Snowdrift. imay or mnay not think about it, Lo, the ,poor Indian or Idaho, had the time of A P 4. I _________'