ESTABLISHED 1922 &1hr A~'ummirr Ilfia ~Iait6i ASSOCIATED PRESS IJAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERTICE Y VOL. XVII. No. 34 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THU'iRSDAY, JULY 29. 1926 r PRICE FIVE CENTS BUNTING EXPLAINS TOOTH DECAY AND THEORY OF CAUSE Will Present Last Production TITTISmith Implicated Of Players'_Tonight, Saturday In Slush Charges As the two final performances in the he created two summers ago unde l FNDS ADO1TINI season of summer plays, the Players the personal direction of the author; are presenting Colin Campbell Clem- Amy Loomis, as Andreia; Eric Klewer fil>:ll OlFI as Peter Kazan; and Camille MaslineiLi P.~tL HULIII4IL }IdU " LNf- as laa Daigh. The entire prod.ct.on DENTAL PROFESSOR TELLS DISCOVERY OF BACILLUS ACIDOTIS OF TO SPEAK TODAY Lecturer Brands "Four Out of Five" Pyorrhea Percentage Figure As False Prof. Russell W. Bunting of the College of Dental Surgery stated that the first clue toward determining the cause of tooth decay had been found in the discovery of the bacillus acidotis, which was present in every tooth de- cay case which he has investigated. He lectured in the Dental auditorium at 4:00 o'clock yesterday. The two most common diseases of the teeth are decay and pyorrhea. The decay of a tooth starts on the crown and then goes down into the roots, ac- cording to Professor Bunting. Fer- mentation of carbohydrates produces lactic acid which etches into and then disintegrates the teeth. The reasons for the difference in the way this goes on in different person's mouths are not apparent, Dr. Bunting said, but it is true in all cases that the place which decays is protected from dis- turbance by being out of the way in some crevice. The lactic acid is al- lowed to do its work under a gelatin- ous film which cannot be seen unless stained with some drug. The two things that are required for decay are sufficient acid and pro- tection for the peaceful decaying. The mouths of persons past twenty are not so liable to be affected as those below that age. This is another in- explicable thing, declared Professor Bunting. In 98 per cent of the pa- tients studied it was found that the bacillus acidotis was present in mouths where there was decay. Also, the bacillus was found only in regions where the decay was going on. z The dental professor believes that decay is the most prevalent of all dis- eases there being some schools where 100 per cent of the students have de- cay to some extent. As yet there has been no definite cure found for it, but ;it has been discovered that diet has some control over its prevalence. It has been found that if carbohydrates are not eaten to any gre~at extent the teeth will not decay. Professor Bunting stated that the proportion "four out of five having pyorrhea" was too large, because all cases that were called pyorrhea are not that. The term means pus flowing from gums. Pyorrhea may be prevented by simply taking care of the teeth and being sure that there is no strain on them. Professor Bunting showed many slides where the pyorrhea had been stopped by a thorough cleaning, even where the person had an heredi- tary tendency. In many cases where the individual does not take care of his teeth there may be no pyorrhea developed, because there is no ten- dency toward it. In these cases the system is too strong to be disturbed by the local infections. Professor Bunting's lecture today will be given at 4:00 o'clock in the Dental Auditorium, and he will dis- cuss the care of the teeth. No Dance Tonightr Under a new policy, there will be no dances at Sylvan Garden Pavilion, Sand Lake, on Thursday nights, as stated in an advertisement in yester- day's Daily. efiS n naauctorgn anz ,atu 'as Baba Dagh. The entire production day evenings in Sarah Caswell Angell has been staged by Mr. Stephenson. hall at 8:30 o'clock. The advance Colin Clements, the author of "'The sales for "The Doctor In Spite of Him- Haidue", has spent many years in the self" and the present production have Balkans and the Near East where his been the largest of the entire summer, play is laid, and thus he is able to Despite rumors to the contrary, an transcribe much of the authentic additional week of repertory will not .color of the Carpathian mountains be presented due to the engagement on Mr. Clements was for several ears Wednesday and Thursday, August 4 stage manager and actor with Stuart and 5, to present W. S. Gilbert's Walker's Portmnanteau Theatre, and "Sweethearts" and Moliere's "The during the pas year ho has been di. DJUCLUX TT, Qnifn of riimu fe i 1 .- 5 ..t+.e $10,000 GIVEN TO HEiPUBLICAN FACTION BY UTILITIES MA G NATE SESSION IS LONG Test-imon At Political Campaign lintestignttion Shows at Total E penditure Near Million loctor in spite or Himseilf in the j Castlepark Amphitheatre just outsidey of Holland, Michigan. Further per- formances were also inadvisable due to any possible conflict with the work of Professor Hunter's Play Production' classes. "The Haidue" in its present per- formance utilizes fourteen member- of ,Paul Stephenson's class at the Mich- gan State Normal college in Ypsi- lanti for the supplementary parts. Leading roles are taken by Robert Henderson as Busuoic, a part which' i 7 1 510590W TO SPEAK TODAY ONHiSTORY Four Lectures and Two Play Programs Remain On Schedule Of Week's Events SEVERAL NEXT WEEK Four lectures and two dramatic pro- ductions remain on the week's enter- kainment program today and tomor- row. At 3:30 o'clock today in Barbour gymnasium the Women's league will be at home to nurses, students in pub- lic health nursing, and the women1 students of the Medical school. Prof. Russell W. Bunting of the Col- lege of Dental Surgery will continue his lectures on the care of the teeth at 4 o'clock in the auditorium of the Dental building. At 5 o'clock in Nat- ural Science auditorium Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will speak on "The Historical Back- ground of Eastern Europe." At 8:30 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall the second performance of Colin Campbell Clements' "The Haiduc" will be presented. The last of Professor Bunting's series of lectures will be given to- morrow at 4 o'clock in the auditorium pf the Dental building. Professor Charles P. Wagner of the Romance language department will lecture at 5 p'clock tomorrow in Natural Science auditorium on "Picturesque Spain." Three one-act plays will be present- ed by Prof. R. C. Hunter's classes in play-production at 8:30 o'clock tomor- row night in University hall auditor- ium. Admission will be charged. The first lecture of next week will be given by Prof. Jonathan A. C. Hildner of the German department who will speak at 5 o'clock Monday in Natural Science auditorium on "Ger- many under the Professor's Lamp." Lectures by Prof. John B. Waite of the Law school, Prof. Preston E. James of the geography department and Lionel Crocker of the public speaking depart- ment are also scheduled for next week. FERGUSONCHARGESU AN BEHIND WIFES DEFEAT (By Associated Press) AUSTIN, Texas, July 28.-James E. rector of the Lobero Theatre at Sanmii (y Associated Pressi Barbara, California. At present, he is 1CHICAGO. July 28. --Another con- staying in Hollywood. tr ib)tion by Samuel Insull, Chicago The name "The 1lai due' I pru - ' tics ma gnate, to the campaign nounced "High DIu ke'), is the title of funds raised in the April Illinois prim- a t raditional lege idary figure of lou ary, was disclosed today before the manian peasanf-lore. He is a gay, Scnat campaign fnds committee reckless boy, who despite his apparent lhre. fascination and high-spirits is pursued It was $10,000 paid to the powerful by a relentless, melancholy fate. The Crowe-Barrett Itepublican faction of leading figure in Iir. Clements' play Cook county, which generally support- exemplifies such a person, and his fin- ed Frank L. Smith, chairman of the al destiny leads him through purga- lllinois commerce commission, in his tory and life-after-death. siccessful efforts to wrest the Repub- lican senatorial nomination from Sen- ator Williamr D. McKinley. IRAATO 1ato1s increased the known outlay by Insill during the primary campaign to $193,735.19, of which $125,000 was a R N O U gift to the Smith organization, $15,000 Eto George E. Brennan, who won the laemocratic Senate nomination, and Three One-eAt Paiys Will Re Given $10,00o to the D)eneen group In Cook In University Hall Atiditorimm unty. This with other but smaller Tomorrow inexpenditures testified during the day, raised the known total in the Illinois ADMISSION CHA RGED 1primary to $965,835.47. This total is divided as follows: Senator William ). McKinley,.$362,616.72, Frank L. Two programs of plays will le pre- Smith, $253,547.51, George E. Brennan, sented at S:10 o'clock tomorrow night $2,41.42,. Deneen organization, $129,- and Friday, August 6 in University 51 ., ('rowe-Barret group, $175,000, Ifall auditorium by the classes in play- Insull direct for anti-would court production under the direction of propaganda, $33,735.19. Prof. R. '. CHunter of Ohio State uti- In session today for almost five versity and Lionel Crocker of the pub- hrs, the committee continued per- lie speaking department. sinst ntly to dig into contributions and The program tomorrow night will expenditures, turning up an additional consist of three one-act plays, "The $l77,000. Now Poor", by Gertrude Jennings: An otherwise dry recital of figures "Will o' the Wisp", by Doris FIalhnan; emnlivened by the appearance of and Roland Pertwee's "vening Dress aEdwari it. Wright, a negro member of Ondispensable" Athe Illinois commerce commission and On Friday, August f. the play-pro boss of Chicago's second ward. He duction class will present (ieorg" iwicre declined to tell how much money Kelly's satirical comedy, "The Show- was collected by his ward organiza- Off", which Heywoodl Broui. dra matie tion critic of The New York World declai- I "W' ll see whether you'll answer ed was "the best comedy yet written or not after a while," Senator Reed, by an American." "The Show-Oft"' Democrat MNissouri, said when Wright was one of the leading contenders for made his second declination. the Pulitzer Prize in the drama two With his voice pitched low, and years ago. with a pause between almost each An admission of > cents for re- word, the usually fiery Missourian be- served and 50 cents for unresrrved gan to ply Wright with-questions. The seats will be charged. Tickets are on upshot was that the ward leader tes- sale at Wahr's and Slater's book tiled to spending $2,900 for workers at stores. time polls on primary day and $600 for The casts of these plays will be u-I a canvass of the ward to increase reg- nounced in the Music and Drama col- istration. uinn of tomorrow's Daily. Expenditures of $175,000 by the Crow-Barrett group in the primary Busine'ss Activity wcere testitied to by Charles E. Bar- rett, treasurer of that organization. High For Sun'nner The leader of it supported Colonel Smith. Mid-suuner business activity is at ' lii Drough the total of the ds- I closed expenditures in the primary an unusually high level, and business close to the one million mark. This sentiment is growing more coniden L Steel is exceptionally strong, most of includes oney spent i the senatorial the buying coming from the autono- primary and for the rival ticket in bile and building industries ('ook{ county. Outside of the United States, busi- LU L(t TO SPEAK AT ness conditions are unsatisfactory. [ Great Britain is suffering a depressionI lue to the coal strike, and depreciated C currency calls for drastic action in France, Belgium, and Italy. Agricul- gE Frank L. Smith VOTE MIUST WAIT Premier Poincare Says Ratification Will Be Postponed Until October f Convention URGES FINANCIAL BILL (By Associated Press) PARIS, France, July 28.-Ratifica- tion of the Washington and London debt agreement must wait until the chamber of deputies convenes in October. This Premier Poincare made clear to the finance committee of the chamber when he appeared be- fore that body to urge the pasabe of the financial bill. He reiterated the statements con- tained in the ministerial declaration of Fance's most earnest desire to settle its inter-allied debts, "within th'e imeasure of its capacity for payment." The financial bill was approved in principle today by the finance com- nrittee 20 to 12 with six abstentions. The separate articles, however, met with sterner opposition, one of them, number four, dealing with the tax on1 *BULK OF INCOME TAX NOT PAID BY COMMON PEOPLE PROF. W. A. PATON CALLS THIS TAX GREATEST SOURCE OF REVENUE EXPLAINS SYSTEM k5 Billion, As Much as War Debt, Is Collected By This Means In Last Ten Years Speaking on the subject of "Who Paysthe Income Tax-" Prof. William A. Paton of the economics departmen declared that the burden of the tax does not fall unduly upon the comnmou people, as is the general impression, in his lecture at 5:00 o'clock yesterday ,afternoon in the Natural Science audi- torium. Professor Paton pointed out first the Immense revenue which the govern- ment has derived from the income tax in the last ten years, which amounts to about 25 billion dollars or almost as much as the war debt of the United States. This tax is the chief source of revenue of the Federal government and at its peak in 1918 produced about four billion dollars a year. The in- come from this source now is about two billions. This sum amounts to the total esti- mated income of the whole United States only 20 years ago, and under the present system, which was in- augerated in 1925, the tax is grad- uated at one and one half, three and five percent according to the size of the income. The main difficulties of this type of tax are that it is difficult to measure the income of men and it is also diffi- cult to discriminate between the var- ious types of income. The common impression is that it falls with undue severity upon the person of small means, but this contention is not, ,borne out by the facts of the case. It is often said that the rich avoid pay- ment of the tax by investing in tax exempt securities, but the evidence sloes not show this to be the case. Of the income tax one of the chief features is the tax on corporate in- comes, which was started in 1909, al- though the government was not spec- ifically given the power to tax in- comes until the amendment to the con- 'railroad passenger and freight rates being defeated. 5titut.imi whir!h wa d]A ztl in 1g1.1 Women's League At Home Today All women students enrolled in medicine, nursing, and public health are cordially invited by the Women's league to a tea this afternoon from 3:330 to 55:00 o'clock in Barbour gymnasium. The wives of the facultyI members, heads of the nurses' dormi- tories, assisted by residents of Helen Newberry, and the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will act as hostesses. Fires Spreading ' (By Associated Press) MISSOULI, Montana, July 28. -Fire scattered throughout the Kaniksu forest of northern Idaho and eastern Washington have covered 65,000 acres, reports to headquarters of the Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington district in- dicated today. The largest of these, the Sullivan lake fire, is said to be spreading rapidly. A large horde of' fighters today centered their attention on the Quartz creek fires in an at- tempt to check its spread into a spec-I ially valuable timber area. --- UL -- w~iu as passeu im11,. The tax of 1909 passed under another name, however, and a levy of one per- cent was made on corporate incomes. This levy has increased so that at the present time it amounts to13 1-2 per cent, an increase of 13 1-2 times the amount in the short space of 17 years. This fact shows that the principal burden of the taxing system falls upon the corporate incomes. In addition to the corporate profits tax there was an excess profits tax which amounted to about 80 percent of the excess profits of industries and sometimes as high as 90 percent be- tween the years of 1917 and 1922. The measure was repealed in 1922, al- )though there were not many corpora- tions affected by this tax even when it was operating most severely, because not many of the corporations of thi; country were making excess profits in these years. In 1918 there were 317,000 com- panies reporting to the Federal tax bureau, and of these 115,000 made no profit whatsoever. They were either the failures or industries which suf- fered from the times. Only a very small percentage of those that did re- port profits made excess profits and consequently not very many were af- fected when the excess profits tax was removed in 1922. The companies that ( advocated its repeal were cutting off I the limb they were sitting on, accord- ing to Professor Paton, because the additional money had to be raised by additional taxation from them. In a certain sense the taxation of corporate incomes is a double tax, because the same profits are again taxable as gross incomes to the stock- holders when the dividends are paid. tural conditions in Denmark are poor, and business is stagnent in Norway. Germany and Spain are improving. ;Business is slack in Argentina and jrazil. predicts unsettled weather today with Ferguson, in a statement tomight, TOKIO. ---The Japanese government charged that the Ku Klux Klan was will take up the emigration questiomn the "silent force" behind the defeat. of as one of the most important confront- his wife, Governor Miriam A. Fergu- ing the country in connect ion withi son, in last Saturday's primary. food and population. "I hope in due course to be able to learn the real reasons for the result in COPENI AGEI':N. -live large water- last Saturday's election," Ferguson falls at Arnarfjord, Iceland, with a said. "My wife and I are desirous total capacity of 40,000 horsepower, and hopeful that Attorney-General' are to be utilized for the development Dan Moody's administration may be of hydro-electric power in the coumntry. oone of service to the people." PARIS.-Miss Mary McCormick, the LANSING.-The state of Michigan Chicago opera singer, has been hon- is now spending less per patient each ored with the title role in a special day to care for its insane than it is presentation of Romeo and Juliet at Dr. Paul Voelker, president of Battle Creek college, will be the principal speaker at the joint banquet of the Mien's Educational and Women's Edu- cational clubs to be held next Tues- day night at the Union. Tickets for the banquet, which' is open to everyone interested in educa- tion, are now being offered for sale by members of the clubs for $1.50. Tme program of the banquet is as follows: Toastmaster. Prof. Clifford Woody;f co1nmunity singing, led by W. W. Gumser; selection by the Midnight Sons quartette; vocal solo, Miss Jean Vis: "The Well-Dressed Principal",! W. W. haggard; "Bridge as a Voca- tional Subject", Miss Edith Hoyle; violin solo, Miss Ellen Nikander; Ad- dress, Dr. Paul Voelker; singing of "America," BASEBALL SCORES I ! American League Boston 5, Detroit 4 New York 3, St. Louis 2 Philadelphia 2, Cleveland 5 Philadelphia,0, Cleveland 2 Chicago 5, Washington 2 National League St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 6 St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 4 Chicago 2, Boston 3 Pittsburgh 6, New York 0 Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 3 T I ft There is no basis for the statement that the burden of the taxes falls upon the average person, for less than five percent of the population pays more than 95 percent of the income tax, and there are only two and one quar- ter percent of the people who earn more than $5,000 annually, I probable showers or thunderstorms. Ifor the inmates of the three prisons. the Paris Opera House. S