PAGE FOUR WDEDY UY2,12 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1926 I DAILY a OFIIAL BU LLTIN Flublication inl the Bullet in is constructive notice to all mnembers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. In. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Toliune VI WE ~ ~ ~~~2 1I S) , UY2 1924; Numbier 213 St tide1tl s xpectl 11totug In c'lillet e (Idit'itIgthe Summ~ner Sessionr)the re- quiremnents for debgrees or for te achers diplomas are requested to call at the office of the Secr et as y of the School in which they are enrolled and fill out the necess-ary 1)10 nks prepa ratory to the paymenrt of the diplomia fees to the Uinivecrsit vTe t'rEdward 11. Kraus. xSIIumer essit l Si dei s The finaml exalnivnaions , in he ,.S- chtoohi and Colleges op the eight weeks basis will le colidu e1 't eod it g to t he schedule printed on page 30 of the Summer Seso nuneei. 'This schedule will also be printed in the last weekly bullet in and l jo, - ed ontine various bulletin boards. All classes will continue to in . t ft unt y111ill Wodii esday noon, August 12. Ed'ward H. K{raus. AtteutiottIlousictdde- Ali o ~'ttdrh naio i Vial for men students for the first senesii' P2U!7:n~t qiesa t . is hirrooms, at once with the Office of the lx an t snei,('l i Cuban Sugar To Fertilize Links MIAMI BEACH, July 27 (A.P.)-Mi- ami Beach soon will boast the "sweet-{ b~st" golf courses in the world with the use of 100,000 pounds of Cuban raw sugar for a vast fertilizer experiment. A surplus in the market allowed the purchase of sugar at one and one-half cents a pound, a lower figure than the Everglades muck soil which the } course lbuilder had been using as aj fertilizer. Subscribe for The Summer Daily. .....-.® I BOOK CAIN!N; Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Additions Daily WAHRI UNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE i" 11 AttientiniFIacuty:I Am, 0(111 y n- 1921 Nvill soonl as ~5he mbe a'o I s hoseto subhlet for the college year 1926- 'het!ti' _oF 1 e an of Students i(611 )and list, as F. 1IL Wahir, Assistantt Dean. Daily Excursion to PUT-IN-BAY 8OC One Round Trip $ 1,25 Sundays 0 Wy (Return Some Day) Holidays Leaves Detroit Daily 9 a. aM. (E. T.) The finest exclusive excursion steamer, the Put-in-Bay, noted for its large ballroom, makes this trip a memorable one. Orchestra and dancing aboard, without extra charge. Cafeteria aboard., Four hours crammed with outdoor pleasures at Put-inBay-bathing-dancing- groves for lunching and athletic fields. See the wonderful Caves, and Perry's historic monument. Connections at Put-in-Bay with steamers for Cleveland. Toledo and Lakeside. Dally to Sand usky The Put-in-Bay goes to Sandusky every day. Fare-$1.50 one way. Special Friday, Excursions to Cedar Point (after July 4th) A special excursion is made every Friday to Cedar Point-the fresh water rival to Atlantic City-the finest bathing beach in the world-large Summer hotels. groves, and all outdoor amusements. Four hours at Cedar Point and seken hours at Put-in-Bayl Leaving CedarPon at 5 p.T. and Put-in-Baty at 7 p. in.; arrive back in Detroit 10:30 p. m. Fare-Cedar Point. $1.75 round trip; Put-in- Bay. 80 cents. Dancng MonlihtsWrit, for Map Folder Leaves Detroit 8:45 p: m. Ashley & Dustin Fare, Wed., 'Thurs. 60c. Sat., Se m rLn Sun. and Holidays, 75c. Se m rLn p) Foot of First Street ii.?.Detroit. Mich. A M U S E M ENi~tt~tlttltitliiittttitlttlltit tSltttilttttttiltitl r r,~ COVE T COZY __ __ ___ __ _ __ LAST TIMES TODAY LAST TIMESj %Vith a powerful cast including H. B. WARNER LILLIAN RICH JOHN JBOWERS LILLIAN TASHMAN Oinl Tni 'aoL v~ ii sJol at ' o'clock the Womnen's EducationalI Club will I told a he!e,'1hrid j' t, to IheWomen's League Building Fund, at the home 'of Ai' . 'le AC1, 'nt;"21 Tppan. Tables amay be reserved by calling Ethel >fervti ,s, 785. EthM Servis. 1111 Delta Kappa I n10tit ion and 1,1 n4117t: Informxal iito iat nOf slow 1 ,.fl st's;ill be held Thursday evening, July 29. at 7 11. M., Ta p-; iflail.lFornia 1 jolt iation Nill be Aheld at tI ire Uniion Frielay a ftorenoon. J n t 1' 11t.~fllowe by a banquet at #a P. M. Dar. I GeorgerS.Counlts,1rt . 4Scn vH ationr, of Yale University, twill spek, otileii in o al cus ae tttit b maeor banquet treservations. A (ouliel ({ap~'r tenher.ln istiid.Herold C. Ifunt, President. Forest Preserves. Of Chicago Being Used For Golf Course' A dramatic story of early railroad days, portraying vividly and clearly the tremendous problems and dangers which con- fronted the railroads in the west. 'Those who have seen 11. B. Warner in w ,LNC 'xill be glad to see hire again. Those who have not yet seen him will have the oppotunity to set a great actor- REALISTIC-INCOMPARABLE. TOMORROW MADGE BELLAMY In a story of love and lial in the mountaius. SEE A SLIP OF A GIRL CONQUIER A MOUNTAIN OF MADNE~SS RILLIM~tf[O)p.-ent MOUNTAIN fron JOHN GOLDEN'S hOWDY FOLKS" Shows at 2:00-3:30 7:30-9:00 CHIICAGO, ink in: A.") GoIfif A'ousesa rn ri (Chi es n mroenopfast- , r t ;abut there a;re o ? m d Ih niaking , with w r, ntels w 1"ottt'such forit',t lli arSt(' Itol -J)Ptt and 1 nle ofiethem aeeoutit ,cdated i721 Ilayers onnn' SuinzlaY itt .nt. 'Plie Public fe eans - t'l, the~'('tv The (:oU mt vbar' i o'tnidn them it (-o t f mie f1e, ,s "' tO 1 1 0 ' Ili ers pam very ite.\niit' s' have repaid,11t1},bilders or;Wet' ,. penditut 's', dieForst etiL '-ill1'1151 ed over to th e ('ojinty to1,a ttl. (I of enthusiasts boast that Chicago has five per'cent of all the links in the coul n rv, and ten pjercent of the play- I'rs, largely becautse of the great num- let -r 'l to thle public at nominal, "'(ould have thirty-five more l loiti ic tee courses around the city and1 still have congestion on all of them", s'riid Prof. Leon (. Kranz of North- west m University, whxo developed last yeatrs lig Ten Champion golf t;r lent -"Im . .. CHUBB HOUSE iI Has served students satisfactorily since 1899 under the same management. All welcome. Last Times Today 0 9paramnount 1 I'T S TIIEOLDAR V A E'i 5c,50c, 75c. THE GARRICK COMPANY Thtrilling Mystery Al elodraina ##Shooting Shadows " I- First 'vlie iin lctroit1 'A..W.Mmww Read The. Daily "Classified" Columns LCI ALWAYS : COOL : AND COMFORTABLE I 2:00-3:35 LAST ' IMES TODA1 :590 A GN G IF7I59o 5YLVAN GARDEN .SAND LAKE PARK PLAN DANCING NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY Featuring the Famous Orchestra.-- "TH E BREEZE BLOWERS"$ A JEAN GOLOKETTE UNIT Novelty Nite Every Friday Matinee Sunday Good roads all the way via Saline and Clinton AlsoP INJ UN" L O C A L S f r/N1 - w S' t altd TB N d lent C ast Thursday Coming-Sunday--Commin Wmn. DeMille presents LON CHANEY in "THE RUNAWAY" "'THIE ROAD TO With Clara Bow M A ND A LA Y i *I I i I' z