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June 14, 1926 - Image 2

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MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1926



04J tj stter classmates, and the University for the 1
j~at best id life. May each attain success
M i 4i n W as he sees, and when this life is :T D R L
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THIS done may all of them leave their if;
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN names indelibly inscribed -in the M BATHTUBS
C cr run :nuexcet Iona hearts of the world.
durig th e U.niversity Sxummer Session by!____________________
she Board in Control of Student Puablica- u-mr' rAL FLYSPECK, June 13.-Great excite-
ti n .M N Y T LSThe .Associated Press is exclusively en-1 G reat B ritain and T urkey w ere al- I e t a en d th f m o s b h - u
ditespotheuches crediatinitedl two!ria hrettdyorh herot pendtisatcescwditdeo twitht ththese mexamayinationwa oerthof it EarlamnaJarrolarlrrll
"redited in this paper and tile local news pub- Mosuil Question when the greatest of owen aae o h e ra
lishd heeii pacifying remedies-money-was in-
Entered at the Ann Aror ichivanj troduced and the stormy waters werenoVadvlendCemThtr,
Aror ostotffce as second class muatter.'clei who was alleged to have given a party

,1 , .

B O&1KS -- 9New



GRAIIA --"° mBoth Ends of the Diagonal

" uc i pltlon by carric , $t.50; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, 'Maynard Streetl
Anin Arbor, Michigan.
Coinimications, if signed as eviuence ofs
goodl faith, will be published in The Summer
D oily at the dliscretion of the Editor. "3n-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. T[he signatuire may be omitted in
publication if desired by tihe writer. The
Sumpnter Daily does not necessarily endorse
the sentiments expressed in the comnnrunica-
Telephone 4925
C hairman,
Editoriad Board .... lugene 11. iGutokunst~
City Ii.ditut............William R?. Breyer
Music and Drama......... William C. Lucas
Night Editors
Wilton A. SitpSOn Theodore HIorrnberger
Paul 1. Kern Miles Kimball
Dooglas I])ouhledas°
Gadl Lyons Tlhaddeusn'r \asielewski
Gieorge IT. Mc Keani Morris Zwerdling

Although the matter had been re-t
fered to the League of Nations a long,
time ago and the World Court had
acted upon it, no satisfaction wast
given either party. Turkey said she!
would "never" surrender sovereignty}
over the territory involved and Britainr
w as equally firm in saying she " o l " g i o t o . W e a
seemed imminent the two parties
hesitated, and then settled down to{I
trading, with the result that a slight!I
territorial concesAlon with a promise'
of ten per cent of the Mosul oil royal-
ties to the Turkish government soon
made her forget the matter of sover-
Thus a question of right and justicei
bowed before the almighty dollar,
only this time it was a pound sterling.
Through this action, a menace ofr
war has been removed in the im-
mediate future which justifies the con-t
duct of both governments in settling
the squabble in such a manner.

on the stage of his playhouse at which
the goings-on were said to he, to put
it mildly, not nice,
iIn short, Mr. Jarroll was indicted on
two charges; first, of having on the
stage of the theater a bathtub filled
with champaigne, and second, with
having a young lady, who was none
other than Miss Effie Snorp, submerge
herself in said bathtub. Mr. Jarroll
pleaded not guilty on both counts.
{Numertous notables had been invited
t o attend the trial. The prosecution
especially wanted John S. Sumner,
secretary of the Society for the Sup-
p~ression of Vice in New York city to
come and tell what kind of wild par-
ties, or "orgies" as he so quaintly puts
it, they have in the metropolis. They
were also anxious to have present
some famous humorists, such as Frank
Sullivan, Milt Gross and Robert Bench-
ley, so that people would be more in-j
terestedl in reading the accounts of the
trial. However, none of these men
were able to attend, leaving the re-
porter for ROLLS the only humorous
iwriter among the occup~ants of the


One of tilt, 1 rg est ceideiit
w id Health listIn uince (Coimies
Im ireal opeiling 101fo'ali hin
1)etrolildwhoC; w. become .i real 1
salesmanl.11. ou will be g Veii .
good 001(oltrct, tr igh~It how to sell j
ounr polli(ies and 1giveui five le'ids~
a t iIq. All applivia hs courteouis.
A. .11.

Bought Sald Rented
Cleaned and Repaired
. _0,0, MORB ILL, 17 Nickels Arcade
Tlie Typewriter and Stationery Store



Telephone 9-1214
t'irc1lation........................eut h aeni
:Advert ising.................Francis NorqistE
Erhna rd Solomn William F. C ok
MONDAY, 31NE 14, 1926;
"It is obvious that it local of-
ficials can be made national of-
ficials to execute one national law
in a particular locality, they can
be made agents of a general and
and centralized Government t
enforce other national laws in
every locality. If a careful Presi-
dent like our present Chief Exe-
cutive would use wisely this un-
limited and essentially autocratic
power, a heedless President might
use it recklessly. Such boundless
authority in the unrestrained
hands of a certain type o1' su-
preme Executive cold be em-I
ployed to destroy the very reform
which it is now invoked to sup-
port ."-Cornmmt on the recent]
executive order by the President.
empowering local officers to be-
conie agents of the Federal (1ov-
ement, by Albert J. Beveridge.
'APS AM)DB}V11hi,
The(,,t rumpeters have blown taps.
College days for over sixteen hun-
dre~d ichigan students have ended.
And reveille for the life that is r
follow has been sounded. The com-
mencement of that for which colleg
has been a preparation will now begin.{
The class of 1926, once a clos knit]
body, playing and working togetiil
will now be scattered throughout
world to take up active participatiori
in the Business of Life.
They are now leaving the acaemic5
shelter to practice what. they have
learned in their professions and voca-I
tions. They do not. leave here with
the idea of conquering the world,
but they do leave with a calm assur-
ance that they do have an advantage
over their fellow men in that, mental-
ly they are better equipped.
For the next decade they will di-
appear into the vast machinations of
society to carry onl the menial (uties.
'Then gradually, a head, here and
there, will project alove the multi-
tude. And the multitude will honor
it and make obesiance before it. p
leader, a great man has stepped
forth, andI the class of 1926 will have
its celebrities.
They cannot all be famous, these
men and women who have graduated
today. Many have been called but
only a few will be chosen. High
honors will come to some while
the vast majority will come an ordi
nary success-or disappointment. TheI
great body, however, will not seek na-
tional fame but will consider their
lives worthwhile if they can attain the
respect and admiration of the com-
munities in which th,1ey live and the
moderate means necessary for life.
There they have a definite task cut
out for them in service to society and
if they carry it out successfully they
will have been as valuable to the
world and to Michigan as those who
seek fame in broader spheres.
Regardless of what their ams andt
deals are, nearly seventen hundredl
men and women leave the halls which
they have frequented for the past few'
years to take their graduate work in
the College of Hard Knocks. As they
leave, they take with them the bestj
wishes of parents, friends, (relatives,.

) ~ IP

Grkadua'Ltes Interested in
Getting Into Advertising
A large metropolitan department store has openings in
its advertising department for one man and one woman.
Give full details as to age, experience and college prepara-


iA new factor entered the "Refornm press box. I ' Iion. Box 101, lichigan Daily
field" the other day when Labor Particular interest for Ann Arbor ti___
:stepp~ed to the front anidl warned the residents attaches to the trial in view
movies to mend their w~ays. of the fact that Effie Snorp was a pop-
Hugh Frayne of the American Fed- Jfular coed here up to the beginning o
feration of Labor announced at a tes- f he 1921 Christmas vacation. _
timonial luncheon to Will H..IHayes, 1 Miss Snorp was summoned to the
motion picture czar, that his organi- witness stand by Caspar Nincompoop, =
nation would refise employment in popiular prosecuting attorney. Effie 1= usvr"poutos h atc a ustoe sflos e n G l k n ys Ta a ~ d
ulrojcin u ot y M. Q idu tt ed a f alowsy- givenJ7on
unaoypwrdctegions.tteeth e igtafJue bic-Eal a-
Mr.I oujyeaid "itebyimr a . Didl yo uryattenaaty wAeton -
crame weie tedatinsrtheluse th ighpatyofju2ry Mr.nalyJarIs
of noori ousproae in the rim nd orouully montesaedof 1then andIai E uu -
of asaren an aeswo comnten-' Vauevilean lCneaThaer AeNtePlyrga
aced tick escalpting ape im A. ISu tre member.
Mr.n t raycommsidn "f therime ha Q. Tellt yre mery ejust twhat went _on
come henralletaprteistansary-to bati aty.coajuinFlspecits I LAD A K
scuan jo in tfilmpcts and ae Aok-coumen not,
umhsze hs rtsubasin ;Q ink caip~rullorMis har..
ou1pole nooorheeco -m.Ho cud--etinoanoriar-
tractas areatatress isrtuchpom ahtb tws wmitg aaforeman.)g5P~ J .. , fJ 11a
onth(-ei Gre ms in d of cri e npl- Q Do teo't Hiyour meb eein n
d eietomclngexplotinedth eir iaids? teISLAND LAKESnor
"Ihve aisdanpotesyt gaistou- bttbcnaiigsiiuu
scnaswl a eih A. 7 Of unot.cnuso 12).
it, we wll en ic urobetosb
hagour people otuto workwrk icn-Q htddIo aeonwe o -ud"y .a n
itete whr prcie ofta otgtinA.tow chi ldtIngetrino no rdnryT*
t recotnareofeedfr uh ios . thtubnItheasthiswimminggank-FU'grdeyI~n .cxei.~n
Thr salrefedfrcen~Ic-amade moldacHipodrome9Thatoer
( Rferr igrt apingfhe lconmin e confo besthaty Mr.ssao noeied -
ihre,s wer racti"a of tha tgtitIorhistnk repolckr Ucl






V±;twr v11F ' I is prpoU~sedUty N iiI1in'
Imovie producers, and the support of Jed' gave nie for Christmas.
the government is asked with the Q. Were you barefoot?
idlea of preserving the record for the A .No, I had on a pair of fawn-col-
future. The plan is to film a true ored silk stockings, but you couldn't
acc:ount of the life of the monarch, tell it, because I wore a pair of rube-
not making a romance out of it "as ber boots over them,
Americans perhaps would be tempted Q.I}ttu htti akcn
tained champagne?
S A new field for movies sems to have A Helno Itwseaber
jbeen opened. Although many so- A el o twsna er
called historical pictures have been Q. But you were accused of being
issued, the tendency is to dress up carried out of the theater drunk.
the facts with a lot of romance, in A. I wasn't drunk, I was uncon-
short, to make a "good" story of it.'su. Somebody went upstairs and
One notable piece of work in this dropped a bag of Portland cement on
field was (lone by Yale university re-I my head.
c ently when it produced a series of Q Cnyupoueti ako e
movies, "The Chronicles of America," meaCt? o lrdcetissc o e
which gave real historical materialmet
IA. You don't think I value it so
without the usual fictitious frame.
This film dealt with the story of Am- Iu highly that I want to preserve it, do
erica's discovery and rise, and isyu
wothy of introduction into the class- Jde aedsisd
room. Yhnlif.
The filming of lives of prominent l *
men of modern times should providej After pondering vainly for an idea to
material of great historical value toI fill the last two inches of this column
students of the future, for psychology, and after burrowing equally vainly
teaches that seeing is more effective through the desk formerly used by
than hearing. The new history should Tiffin and Hay for old stuff we give up.
be an effective aid to learning. All we want to do before retiring into
comparative peace for a week is to
jCRAIiIVG file an impassioned plea for contribu-
Great or small as its significance tion. A. column, in our opinion,
may be, an interesting and timely should not be a one-man job. Prose
story on examination preparation! and verse are equally acceptable. No,
comes from Canadian immigration of- on second thought we'd rather have
facials. A man who had been in that verse. Thanking you in advance we
country two years was recently mak- remin - Wre-lme
ing a visit in Montreal. At this time Wre-iney
it was discovered that he could not~
speak a work of English, although # forgetting of that then sufficient
that is one of the immigration require-; knowledge of English. Cramming is
ments. a wonderful and effective gift in
Further investigation of the case me- emergencies. But it is inded a for-
vealed the fact that the applicant for' tunate thing for the universities' and
admission in Canada had thoroughly students' reputations that all exami-
and successfully crammed for the ex- nation preparation is not done by
amination. A two year interim, how- cramming, and that some knowledge
ever, had brought about a complete is retained for future use.

and best wishes
for future suc-
cess to the
Class of
'The Shop of Personzal

De Prete Collegiate Shop"
Congratulations Upon Your
You are now a Michigan man.
We know you will be a complete success,
We wish you all the luck in the world.
Graduation Offering
Entire stock of Fine Collegian Clothes
Reduced 25
New Prices
$24.*-~ - $28.00, -$33,75
$3 6.00 - $37.50


T Coa ts 14COff
$20.00 - $24.00 - $28.00

-j I

Flanel Trousers and Knickers
$5.00 - $6.00 - $7.00

Furnishings, a straight reduction of 20%
Stock up now for your summer needs,
213 East Liberty St. Worth the Walk

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