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July 28, 1926 - Image 2

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TTTVnXTLIOn A Xr TTTT V' 00 nar.+

a . A-i w.- - ----.----- - %- Aw.~' )..1 LilyiL 7

Published every' morningecuept Monday
during the University Sumnmer Session by
the Board in Control of Student P'ublica-'
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all newsl
dispatches credited to it or not other wise;
credited in this paper and the local news oub- I
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Miichigan,4
postotbce as second (lass matter.
Subscription by carrier, $ i.5o by mail,'
Offices: Press Building, Nl ax'iau lStreet,'
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Cortnmaoicationis. if signed as eviu~ ace of1
good faith, ,vill h~e published in 'The Summer
Daily at the discrection of the L-ditor. n1
signed communiceations will r eel :i no con-
sideration. The signature q cotitdinl
publlicationL if c?<-;red b1 t1), xwriter. The.
Summer Gail% does not neg. r' .l~ts
the sentimnts 05 express'.ed in 1t2e c,,T oanica-

C ha irmiani,
Editorial B'.,urd... neIL .lt'itl.
City' Editor .. ...........Vi illIam1.:. e'
Music and ) :.. ..........1 -ilw Lu':--
W omn i's Edlit(:.... .......Jii 1:_ ii t;:ti .n
Nigilht Ltit(Js
WXilliami Stuc kmc ll T:l'e.d i _ orlerc
Paul J . Kern I eri. I. :
Douglas Doubay
Dona Boyle Nita Ke1L'
William Finla'}lap McDn'
Frances (iust,' oge' t
Lawrence Ilnan Mla. amet \Oa:'
Telephione 2121-1
Circulation ......... ...........KeT et" 1 , .i
Advertising ............... .....l~SNo~~
Mlabel Chamljers Luee\alu'
WVilliami F. Cook \l1,,red\Wil;~.'
Edward Solomon
'Night EditorP W.V. 11,ST(('tK \V L,

thing else that drives persons to a! ad( almost bly accident it would seem., ..:.
state uivixersity thani that, even ill that. he can sell human interest of a
bte regular term? Tlhere is also a more genuine sort. Probably he does-
C'hoseni Pow, eveni smaller than in n't know what it's all about as vet, GAA
t he Summner session --inuilite in coali- but he's on his way. That much for
pa rison -with t he reguilar number of Wil lie.
students. But the vast majority of IBut about this alleged loving-kind- p c l
regular stutdents come here for self- ness for the criminal-if we venture S e i
ish commnercial reasons while the mra-I in this very serious business of dis-
jority oif conmmercialists Iin the Sum- cussinig critne and its treatment, 1 ts 'Jute.
mer session are going out to instruct (10 a little more than utter fervid
fYoung Auieriea next fall. Which is amens to the orations tof those who
the worthier commercialism'? cry "Sob stuff," and who prattle in-
Is it worthier to fill these "pigeon-I amazingly clever platitudes. Queer,
hole brains'' or to waste instruction, is it. not, that we seldom hear theo
d]iii g thle regul ar Itern on a bun chi cries of "Stol stuff" about the treat-1
of n(ol' op 00)5whio are here for, al ment of hunian diseases'? We have
tour 1' ea r voal ion or are here that comle to leavxe all that to thle care of ~
t ir s ca srad n in O h oh rj lo g tfu sce ifc r s a c an inW s Painted Post or Cartersville may be vest igation. Perhaps we should utter- 111W Leni ng i brar
raisedI? It is easily answered.apryro thanksgiving that inedi- MAYNARD Library
_ dmlitted that "the sideshow" is like cine attained the state of general pub- THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT
an- othbet' side shtow. But thien, there' lic sanction before the adivent, of mod- Cover Charge - Cornell Woolrich
is usutal lvnimtre of real interest entlFern jounaulism , (anti the need for 001.
o1' 1(h, l rhn~ nasiehxvceer writing to fill yawning- print
than there ore in the "big Circus.''Aspt btween adv4ertisemlents. H ow-
~taeuniversity is merely a Cross sec- cever, wherever we Call, lets get aw? M~ICHIGAN PINS
iou of society. There are Plumbers front c'opiotus but sadly unacedemi:' L RM C O
.ve it l owe r classes in Life-Life it- tidaily' AM CLC.
I self chi':(,rus aiid as long as the -TII. II. Q
restr lit.ive hbarriers; are (do wnton our
State tini -ersli 1, they, too, will be nIs'II{P: _1N I) vA MIM',1H .E'
- Ii ll ri'eile<'i ions of the Ilia;circus of'lote dir
At~What the present attitude of Europe STATIE STREET
C-AMPUtoOwaMdNtlhis country is too will JEW ELERS
CAMPUS PINION kno« n e (ed further elucidation. In
noiynlO'is commnunications will be the opinion of the Eureopleanrs we areL. re" ' "
dircgairoed. The names of communi-
cants will, however, he regarded as greedy of gain antI our- chief concern____
confidential upon request. -j nlift' is thet worship of the Goldan
=_ _ _____- Calf. ;BLUE- BLACK
T'I'II P I:I'A:I>1fxUII: AP4)i,I.Ohi S By wxay of comparison it is inter- -the kindv
'1"( bt Ed (ift or: esti ng t o note how the greatuipolti , I you will use
lti i" -jly to itthenive l o 11011! intra la din dran at h Tagore l oks U itE-"inbses
ree-1' m su fTeI) ysm 'p.Ti na y be gathered from the
'I nst o t I (4fh1o e tt t at fit 'V,'(' t and t lo in p s1 e, taken from aii LI
lte-peditgogu~tmswee a cy) ig iteed Oieei( eive't a h Itera ni AlSze n
v'ersity fx'oko nTue 94 x EUUFOI N Al ie n
t" - i . r i ' ittr i V. 110't'it i It(' to vi ' '- f oko, ii .ltii 92 'Colors
on"-tero itn''u adwreihe civilization of Europe,'' said
10' ,uigtes, thiatxx'e are all afflicted 'TgrsilI ieacrs.I
%vit i (xerwx-ln111ing sorrowxx-because consu mies the peopIles xwhom it ini-
so ri ieIlv and socijal ly we tail to vaides. It exterminates or annih il-
Noe wi l lbisx'omth'saprovl.ates the races that impede its march!. Fo Real Fountain Pen1
It. is a mal(t ii' for dte(1ws t regret 01' conlquest: it oppiresses the wveak Satisfaction, U~se
an-mi s ti 15 1,s ei5t hat wve are not aind en riches itself'at their ex-
li ' 2se 1 wittha;t patrticlearot-amid peCti- p1en t.Every where it casts the
will y ofvi era i ir vacuity which re- seedol f jealousy- andi hatred. ItOf S
j(it os's in thle w eli'd forni s of lbodily-jlprod uces empItiness in its wake. It' PENIN
aidor'In menilt tut etl ytheCollege boys Is a scientific, inhunman civilization. F U rAl .ELIN
anad girl. Bo ll;st ob, situ( rabundanuR Its p~ower results from concentrat- 'h n htMd h
r'out>(l. stipet' short:skii-t loud and , u l tsfre txa' tesl Fountain Pen Possible" -
l(i udol 'p'us fotirt'.vga rt erif'-s ocks e(ndiiof en richiutg itself.Tin der the
and t he manlil'esrat ions of' rali-ralb pro~toi of patr ioitismi it bireaks its
lia OX'v Ir';j xe ns asping xxithi rage Idiglt ed xoi'd. lax's snaemito
nliigi( ( withl tear's that we arnabliehh shame" spreawds xvelis of lies. It
I. r'' ititvalral tsra i ai Ps 0'igaltic aiid inolistrotis idols
ram-tori~ (1In<tanli Cenict. in titmeiples whor'ie itxxworshtips its
!t' x'in i a ilutd",o the te'ndei' minI 2'i'i';al god. (LAINi. Wo' trophesy-
( Lie' o ot Iiiit'ii 0W th e alnilgs x'itho>ilftthe le'ast hesitat inn that this
\01 < vI' ( tia iol . t he ",ljIOof a' p XX'llnot last forev'e'''


it Tables of Books, of
rest' to Educators
At Both Ends of the Diagonal
ti ' 1 )
Clearance of Summer Dresses
"E At$9.75



The D~et roil Satuordlay Night has :11t1 j
unusually keen 'I 'iies ilvty t ccry-
er'' who writesrt e'salhmig ) I
the Uniivers ity .taehtIweek (hefotly,
he took it utpon iPt elto k('011i1100
Oil ''the qutieel'r iIe ii 'wh ikht the'
Universityi'ous ini conneiteioninx thPits
''big circus.'' Prom he Iiotl l, gn
that Ima~kes oillt'e Sumnmer ys 40I'
hlehas 'lmtseu tiiroE dirist mt elzst s.
iirst iconie.s tl l i nlmu tern. 1:(i
''flunkem's aind t hose Olo a/.'i'to, xx'ri'l
in the summtter XXho ) (' to'' sco-ol,fl ii
a vacation,. coitsexllttll'l ix' tu lk''
oinly 'pipie'" cour'se; .hienct,' hir ;.,
1J1fII~itOt i. T i iit'" i I 00 i''' 0 I truer{



thme uecessaiI'X'color Io ,I11' " I (e'' (owIli'
camtpus. The iin ial () f !het' t\j ?anyIthkir
('ice hero is ''booth g beer l" - , aid hal thI h1It
jazz. ''its fo11111lot
The second class lbe calls the Coil A e A11:'rb(
scietitiotis Nomt-() je(,(iors- . '''I,, {ro. ill t(, wfX, ,
the nitecliical. coloa'+e (,t iler'-'r holiest ofif
tern', the rui it School leaohei s -out fur Yitiiorst
an All. so that they (-:li get a (-iiy 1t0 liii lack of
sitioni, the school tcIr(he'5 0111ut ai it by1th
A.M. so ihat the(ir sa!ri-o will be in' izing thats
creased from in - ) t +111Ii ____i t o 1 r o
gineer hack to gel hi.isdipiloiatti t11,_ha e(=I f
end of suiiimimrschool so Ihe tan Lid such s ie
a ,jot as a timnekotem' ini Ohi'cemniit ir"ti1\is Ii
factor'y inihis Itolictiow xn. iTli' (7,N. ishc to 10
0. is hard xorlkiig bit dull. 11e ans aciatdoniiip oll Ii schit xis t
structor....Theirm tltu a-. ~ Ilpn
like that of tna(ltainethl tized Ptionte Jt a
about to go tinder thle sieo s iif''t1 i gr e
. . ' T h e i ri s n o t t o r 'ta s o n " 'X: b t t I o t ' t i i t . . . T l , , h o i m-
ing process to thta miteanis that oaw
should liko'n himts('lf to a coal bl.. .. To the, Edit(
''The ('. N. 0, is almost ias mu t1li the I. note, Xvit
(despair' (f the lnstrut'or 0'as I ho I-ih tit led"''he
er. Neither ';gels tix' leal x'ale ()Ili'spouse '(m]:
of university conises. '1'hi, lattei rout' edtitor
uses his hIgentitx bo e('NhIe worh its- t i,sageoh(fi
signed; the former' has no inrettuity watery verb'
to pitt into XXo'l . .. PerIhaips life has> ti'' of 'TbeT
for~edi thieni to accept the (icttos ofl Tbliv (Nara
autocratic boards of e'iuoat ion antil lii eraii'x- I't
school sul)(eittesdoiii5so long itat a:tfut iveX m
now they ('antdo nt hing else.'' babe, at: the
The third cla-s sire the ''('hios.en 501)S of ote
Few.'' They are 111e' on("(' ) X hik a hi-= sie o 2
the Summier se'snion XX't't Ilx('ile. ''TO idea..(Saturc,
them eduicatioll is lli ' smeltinig oo. iiig Ithe lais
The (cilde ijiatetials, ori' nst riot ion, teal ig tntm
must. be suhject(eA to keen scltut in x, crooks wvithl
worked on, atmd made to dlivulge, their letltin ";ite
inmlost Secret s."'' They ate 01r1'litel'- their x'ftIini
I el u alIs. ' Poor'littlh
This article is evx'oeitt lvYwi'itt on LbyitlX' with hi,
one oif those exceediniglv cle ver xxpit - blamed fom'1
ers, or, betterm' t. space fiillers. We ;int I e Iinlkr
are forced to admnit thbat hist (A ssitica- fori ii Iling'
tioit is ratlhem' correct, eveni thotughi it that catpital
is harsh. Buit li( seems to) have niss- of the daKirk
ed the poinit completely, or lse he is tIlbe moitdel
has inever givem) it -,,ors; d[e p eoiisidt't-, sJinof atxxi(A
sition. Journalists, often Dressed with flt,, enef(
with limited tlme. Ititist InowXtand then (>d lionmaity.
write these' superfi cial1 articles. NovXX dear
lie is still laborinig unde r the oldo sewsi ble a 1)0:
delusion of a tunivrsity its a cultural ' of youri faitl
institution, such ias la rv'ard'owas fiftyv I ritthfuiness"
years ago. The point of his a rtice(, (I iscuissional
it seems, is that all except. thme chosen se;(ll p apers.
few are driven to summier schooil 1liy sold scanidal
rank commercialisnm. Is there any-! frights,.IHe

of "tl'upro'ioimporta nce 't'and'
ig iBing oit'liI tot() eali'v.
'Iil'i'S t it ay wXaIl iockh oil
tons anidlthat the icitizenIs;
foir maytx x"'Alstaaiml alklfd
sitnmmem' stuldentus shock t he
('olle'ge I radiiions
I XX'lile von;lFoppe, us
if so'ial am"nit ic iidtulgedl
staid plitgo not,11)1real -
Such I o'aclteis ashave trtied
y kilyXXh thl beir' itighborsr
fro0zen Ito ithe x'ery' Inarrow

IT. Levi.



(11 "lheIPiih'l lhI is Pubtihc Iedler)
,rho i' xx'ar itgtiis ctemntr'alize tiiiui of
Ipow'em' ini Fed e ial 1)11 ieaitc'a('ies hays I
teen I'd Pied bef'ore I th' AminricanitMat'I
rAssoc(ia tioni. F. Dummonit Sitti I, of

in1t7ara<lleled insolence. It f K'antsas, ill a plea" for a rC-tilt' to local
not1 boutihtido'le unless tiler sell'- role detclar'es Itlie 'old, vii'ile

lie zrega iitedasa iii issing:
sito vi'r l'1'omu rs, ori'somne
iird of creattire.
hat t hits apology it ay sooth
End feeclings ol' this chiild, I
frilly s(enough,
a o ofIthio IPedagoigues.''

5 li iit'' has gone a ald-
thi Ameicani'it i tizell t~is beimig
paPtitei'zed by C t','ime nt:a ims,
If hie supp~orts5 the' (iovem'nlnemi
hle'asks the Governmenit in met ii n
to supIpom' him. If prlices are too
hight, instezad of doinig withouit, lie
wMas the Government to oxve'r
themn. If they are too) lowr, he

This giant hydro-electric unit weighs 750 tons and consist~s of a vertical shaft
- _- hydraulic turbine attached to an electric generator delivering 52, 000 kilowatrs
. = _ -at 12,000 volts.

ttYIp:watth Goenettris
11h regret your repr'int en- tliem. Ife wants the Government
('et :Soib"' whetrehby you, to build his r'oads, educate is off-
Much in thmelilac keoning of° spring, sanitate him, physic hini
in soul) thle Xweak mental brintg his children into the Xworldt,
it h1 wxx ith the thin and; prescribe his dietar'y and tell hiim
'a : so tft en chiaracteris- { what to b~elievo i in matters of con-
Oi )'i t . -tutry Night. science.
it Sob it1 seemus, is in said lIt is a stinging indictmenit, biut it
alhence Laid1, as thlough by;' Stinigs because it is so nearly the pllaini
101hc de'iispiosinig cf her ;tm'uth. rThe tendeiicy is to swap indi-
1)1bla1nd ait opuilent door i viol tal liberty and the rights of thte
w' Wim. Ianny Hurst. Amid State for a good fat bonius or a juicy
obis gne othomr thani the bounty. If the citizen and his com-
(In', rite hbotrn) "thtat dur- muttify fail to (10 what must or should
1 25 yearis wet Ihavye been h1ob done, it must or will be done by
im'tlepeis andl all other the Federal Government. Consequent-
I love' anitohaffleetion, antd ly, bureaus miultiply and the bureau-
xv idlowxs zmdi orphians of c'lats flourish.
s shift flip themselves." As the distinguished Kansan says,
Wil lie, loving all humnan- 'uormous powers have been central-1
a5 m'eat ltim'ry hear'l is ized in Washington. The war hasten-
leonmiiig "pollyanna-like" ed this, but it was under way long be-1
par wi'sxhiich hte sells, attdI for the Gernian war-machine started
all his eager eistomil('iSto roll dlown across the Ithine. It
Iit islintnt. is a owonitti'o' will continue so long as an organized
ag es wXhit'l looks 'inendeimnmority is able to enforce its will onj
11'it . 1ti n Jutst think of the a muajori ty amidxwill endur'e UutilI
[,(d pulisheri working omi! there is a sharper realization thatj
fEolitigs of lig, soft-hea't .. while a citizen has undoubted rights
Soba sofi, still! under his Government, these rights
editot., please do lets liae! cannot cancel out his duties.
otilt 'all this even in spite
t in the "frankness end 'Well seasoned cr'oquettes are more"
oif that: edifying of all tanit(cioonets ; a successful head wait-
sheets. Willitim likes to er has it all over oat inteirnational
He has for a long time diplontat aind the world's best peace
and crime and freaks and propaganda is a good dinner in a for'-
;has discovered recently, eign countr'v.-Dr. Marcel Knofurht

The General Electric Com-
pany, as of Detcinber3, 1924,
had 37,716 stockholders, of
whorn 45 per cent were
women. Thie average num-
ber of commnon shares held
by stockholders was 55. In
ownersip, piolicies, past and
present activities,, G-E is un-
selfishly detdicated to the
c'ause of electrical progress.
A new series o#' G-E adver-
tisemnents showing what elec-
tricity is doing in many
fields will be sent on request.
Ask for booklet GiEK-i.

Bigger Gen.%4ators-
Cheaper Electricity
A 70,000 horsepower hydro-electric unit recently installed at
Niagara Falls utilizes the same amount of water as seven
former 5,000-horsepower units,, yet does the work of fourteen
such units. And it saves 700,000 tons of coal yearly for the
As more and still more uses are found for electricity, larger
and more economical generators are installed. At the power
plant, as well as at the consumer's end, impor'tant changes and
startling developments have steadily reduced the cost of
electricity for light, power, and heat,
And wherever electricity has blazed its trail-in towns, cities,
industrial centers, and rural comrnunities--comfot and progre,3
have come to stay.
Generating and distributing eiectricity concern the techri itA
student. But electricity's application in the bettermient of
industry, the professions, and hiome life concerns eve'-y CdaL-
cated person. Cheap electricity means many startling eclhiz've-
mernts today, but countless and unbelievable possibilities


'Asomobba 44 44ML 4WAmb R'AL 1 44 E iL C T 04 R 04 [C
u 4wEjN .WE .W ow T-T ij 4A d 40
t' Cl M U e u v r n v v At L - IV A T% v %, t ...



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