ESTABLISHED 1922 P #'ummr giltt :4Iazi14 ASSOCIATED PRESS I)AY AND)-NIGHT WIRE >J V ICE +X-.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, JULY 28,1926 PRICE FIVE CENTS - - I ADAMS DISCUSSES LABORATORY TESTS OF PERSONALITi I SUBJECT OF PSYCHOLOGIST IS QUALITIES OF JUDGE OF PERSONALITY TESTS DIFFICULT Belleves That Personality Is Image Of Individuality In The hind Of Another Person Prof. Henry F. Adams of the Psych- ology department in a lecture deliv- ered yesterday in the Natural Science expressed the belief that individuality is the sum of a person's physical, mental, emotional, and social traits. One's personality is the image of this individuality, as reflected in the mind of another, said Professor Adams. His subject was "The Qualities of a Good Judge of Personality". During his talk he explained carefully the methods used in his laboratory to de- termine a means of measuring person- ality.. Five Clawses of Traits An individual's trait may be divided into flve general classes, physical, mental, emotional, volitional, and so- cial. A trait Professor Adams de- fined as a characteristic mode of re- sponse, or characteristic manner of being. Measurement of many of these traits is exceedingly difficult. Physical characteristics such as height, weight, or complexion are easily determined. Mental traits can he estimated, though not very ac- curately. by means of grades, or men- tal tests. However, the judgment of emotions is a more serious problem. Percentage measurements do not work out well, so a comparitive scale is used. That is, the persons in a group are rated in order of their standing in regard to each other on any particular trait. Used Groups of Ten In conducting the experiment, Pro- fessor Adams used groups of ten stu- dents who had lived in one house or else had worked in one line of student activity for at least a year. These students rated themselves and each other on 63 subjective traits, and 14 physical characteristics. Examples are; industrious or lazy; obstinate or reasonable; touchy or good humored; quick or slow (mentally); blond or brunette; forehead high or low. The first in the list received a score of 1, others in order up to ten. Each stu- dent made two complete ratings, at an interval of four weeks. Results Analyzed Analysis of the results revealed many points of interest. The correla- tion between the first and second scores made by each individual was 7rery high, particularly on objective traits. Correlation of individual wit individual varied according to the trait under consideration, being best on physical and objective characteristics. Correlation between individual scores and the average of all reports was rather poor. Last, the ability shown by the students to judge themselves was slightly above chance. The final results showed, Professor Adams said, that the opinion of any one individual is not a good measure of another's personality; but that of a group, perhaps of ten to twenty, af- fords a highly accurate measure. People of strong social tendencies are good judges of themselves; and in- dlependent, homewhat self-centered in- dividuals make the most critical esti- mates of others. When the results are completely worked out there will probably be found some eight or nine traits that are fundamental and serve as the foundation for all others. Per- severence, fore-sight, and mental alertness are among these. M0urWea~ther Man ' ---Says that it will be mostly cloudy with moderate temperature to. day,. ;1 i SUMIER SCHOOL CREDIT COUPONS TO BE MAILED Credit for all work done in the Summer session in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, in the School of Education and in the Graduate school will be recorded and the credit cou- pons mailed in strict accordance with the blanks on file in the re- spective offices of those colleges. Students should make sure that the correct addresses are given on these cards and that the courses are set down without error. PICNIC SATURDAYI Trucks Will Leave Lane Hall at Two O'clock On Saturday For Dexter Trip DODGE IS CHAIRMAN More than 150 students of the sum- mer session are expected to attend the annual interchurch picnic Saturday which will be held at the Boy Scout camping grounds at Dexter. Trucks will leave Lane Hall at two o'clock Saturday afternoon and will return after the picnic Saturday night. The interchurch picnic is an annual affair. Last year more than 125 at-I tended when it was held at Portage Lake. A picnic supper, furnished by the committee, stunts put on by var- im, pih h mc ci i riic ?r ,vvc..l [ cxL L:1VJ" I IV (x VALATI UIV 1N A.UIM(. NDACKS f T 3n, TT)IT2G' 2 JET T 7I17Tf-' TY-AT " 7X7r~r-nT A ~r, _ BUNTING DENTISTRY PRO "OWESSORi ON INSUFFICIENCY TIAL[KS OlF t 1 f i SAYS NEW ION WILL JR1 TETH President and ilrs. Coolidge posing with their white collies in front of the White Pine Camp, in the Adiron- (lacks. Open Window INIiI flITVGOL Experiments Draws Quervy TEAM PLAYS TODAY ous enurcn groins, swimming, and dancing are planned as the features of the afternoon with several surprise acts in addition.1 Tickets are on sale at all book stores and the sale will be closed as snn as200 tiLk tq darc t df Strange sounds which have been heard issuing from the Physics build- ,ing caused residents in its vicinity to make inquries as to ther origin. They found that these were due to the ix- periments which Pirof 1)aniel L. State 'Fourniaept ITo Be Ileld At 'Cle Loclunoor CouIutr r Cliii 0f pet~rglt PI.A AV PFrlf:NF.'N 4LCII F V l a-1 1.J11 . 111 a U u C 1. A1 a A LA.E Iv s Transportation will be furnished to Rich has been carrying on concerning all those who do not have cars. Any ,the emission of sound through an open All the members of the last year's person who plans to bring a car window. university golf team are playing in should notify Weslie Dodge, '27, gen- An oscillator in th basement ot the eral chairman of the picnic. Physics building, an amplitier omi thth state tournament which is to start Swimming and games will take up curb of East University Avenue, and a today at Lochmoor Country club, De- most of the afternoon. Following the radio control in the experimentation troit Fred Glover, Jr,, Fred Feely, supper will be a program of stunts room of the third lfoor, make up the Addison Connor, Ralph Cole, and Rob- arranged by the committee in charge eluipment used for this queer ex- crt Newman are all paired in the and prizes will be awarded, Inuie- periment by the physics department qiualifying round which is being run diately after this program the dane- professor. ,off today, ing will begin and continue until the Tilting windows, it is believed, emit There will be only .18 holes played close of the picnic. Any person de- more noise than the ordinary draw and the thirty-+two best of these will siring to attend to only one part o~f windows. All sorts of tones have qualify in the championship flight. the picnic will be required to purchase been used in the trial, either a whistle The university golfers all should a ticket to the entire picnic. or an automobile horn being trans- make a good showing as they are all The affair will be held, according tmitted from the oscillator which is capable of championship play. to the committee's announcement, ' amplified and received on the third Addison Connor, a short time ago, rain or shine. Suitable buildings are floor through a microphone which re- broke the Amateur record at the De- on the grounds to make it possible to cords it in milliamperes. troit Golf Club with a 68. This ganje have the supper and hold the stunts was played in the first time that the followed by the dancing even if it A sizable city is being added to tho new regular greens which the club should rain during the day. world's population each day. he been l)utting in were finished. t! t Class Of '30 To Be Large As Past Ones . According to a statement given out yesterday by the Registrar's office the prospects are that the enrollment of freshmen in September will show about the normal increase despite the fact that the new system of admittance will be inaugurated at that time, This is the first year that the newI system of questionnaries will be put into practice and indications are that the number admitted will not be ma- terially affected. The freshman class in the fall us- ually consists of about 1800 or 1900 students. Registration this fall will start September 21 and the regular semester will commence Tuesday morning, the 28th. DEAN KRAU5 ADDRESSES MENSS EUCTONLCLUB a l k I I - s .i DEVELOPMENT TRACES GROWTH Cites Certain Foods Which May Give Remedy For Irregular Teeth Of Coming Generation "The children of the coming gen- eration are doomed to have irregular teeth," said Dr. Russel W. Buntin, professor in the college of Dentistry, in his lecture yesterday afternoon in the Dental amphitheatre. The le- ture was supplemented by a number f slides illustrating work done in de- tal surgery. Dr. Bunting first spoke of two com- monly known abnormalities occurin ; in children, those of hair-lip and cleft palate. These mal-formations, ie e plained, are due not to an insufficient ' of tissue but to the failure of the pro- cesses in the development of face and 'mouth to unite the tissues in harmoi- ious relationship. This condition can best be attributed to traumatic injury to the embryo before birth, whici might interfere with the union of pro- cesses. Child's Teeth Discussed Disturbances in the development of teeth were next discussed by Dr. Bunting. In normal growth the child's teeth should come through in sets of 4, with intervals of rest between. Sometimes, however, more than four develop at the same time, causing un- due stress and consequently producing all manner of bodily disorders. Teeth develop in various stages of perfection, Dr. Bunting went on to ex- plain. Our first set of teeth is formed largely before birth, the second set entirely after birth. Of pre-natal conditions we have but little control, but there is hope of improving the condition of the teeth later on. When the child's first set of teeth is bad, it is usually because he has had poor prenatal nut4:ition and .metabolism. A large number of such cases are due to mental instability or syphallitic in- dection existent in the family. Most children however, are born with a good set of first teeth. Speaks on Teeth Arrangement Concerning the arrangement of teeth in the mouth, Dr. Bunting said, "The majority of people today have teeth which vary from the normal or ideal arrangement. This faulty form- ation is due to an insufficient develop- ment of the jaw to provide room for the number of teeth which nature de- ternmines for us. Our jaws and faces are tending to elongate and our bones to become smaller and more delicate along with civilization and its arti- ficial diet. This generation is develop- ing irregular teeth and distorted faces, getting farther and farther away from the normal arrangement. The crowding of teeth creates yxcessive pressure and consequently causes liervous disorders." Advises Calcium and Vitamin Foods "We can help counteract this tend- ency," D. Bunting concluded, "by see- ing that the child has enough calcium and vitamin foods to build an adequate bone, by giving him foods which will exercise his jaw and stimulate the bones to grow, and by keeping the first teeth as long as is necessary to in- sure ample roomfor the permanent ones." Camp Celebrates Michigan Day will be celebrated in Camp Custer this year by a special program for visitors to the camp. It will be held on July 30. Major-Gener- al Wilson and many relatives of the present members of the camp are ex- pected to be present for the celebra- tion. A, part of the program proffered to the visitors will be a testing of the Lability of some of the regiments. A ball game between two company teams for the Fort Wayne Championship will be played in the afternoon. Australia plans an automobile fac- tory, started with $12,500,000 capital and backed by the government. MUSIC AND DRAMA "TtlE E AIDU " (Romantic meloilrama by Colin Campbell Clements presented by The Players Tuesday evening in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall, with the follow- ing cast.) Mihail, a candlemaker..Harlan Cristy Demetre, a shopkeeper............ .... , . ..Richard Woellhaf Mesandra, a flower girl..Alma Merrick' Baba Dagh, an old woman....... . Camille Masline ,Peter Kazan, an innkee per .........I ... . Erik Klewer Neagoe, his partner......Wm. Bishop Busuoic, a halduc.. Robert Henderson Andreia .................Amy Loomis Mariora, her friend...Frances Horine As a gentleman in last night's audi- ence remarked with more truth than elegance, "these players have been holding out on us." Essentially he I was right. "Great Catherine", "Sweet- hearts", "Belinda", "The Doctor", all seem frothy nonentities in comparison to the glamour, the beauty, the sheerj poetry of "The Haiduc." It is cer- derson succeeded in precisely this, and literally carried an at-first skepti- cal audience by storm. His perform- ance was one of varyint shades, and moods, magnificently colored, sutl respondenit to an almost tragic syim- phony, rising to a climax in a never- to-be-forgotten scene in what the pro- grant too prosaically calls "a lonely place in the Dobrudja prairies'', tiid which Maeterlinck would probably have termed the "vale of death." This scene represents the finest actiig we hope to see in many a day. The large cast is excellent. Amy Ioomis as Andreia carries her role in a mood subdued but mightily effective. William Bishop as Neagoe, is a perfect villain, a malevolent, crafty. His act-j ing in the second scene calls for the highest praise, melodrama mnagniti- cently done. The work of the other performers, and the play itself ,de- mands more than these cursory re- marks. But time and space permit us to but express the hope that everyone who cares for what is truly fine in the UNI As the long auti off dotte 12 o niedi An ed a eon, by D VERSITY BALLOON HAS SUCCESSFUL TRIP its second flight of the season, l'niversity 1, the free balloon be- ing to the department of aeron- s, College of Engineering, took at daybreak Sunday from Wyan- e and landed near Bryan. Ohio at 'clock after making two inter- liate stops. altitude of 7,000 feet was attain- s the halloon passed over Waus- Ohio The balloon was piloted Dr. LeeGalle of the Detroit Flying "Training for Citizenship" is now the slogan of the German university. stated Dean Edward H. Kraus last night in his talk before the Men's Educational club at the Michigan jnion. German institutions of higher learning are all turning toward the American idea of education, declared the spealter who has recently re- turned from a trip to Europe where he visited 233 different universities, 15 of them in Germany. In Heidelberg, where 2200 students are in attendance and where hundreds of German boys are fed twice a day in the huge messhall, formerly a cav- ary barracks, there is no drinkixmg or smoking, asserted the dean. He also asserted that whereas be- fore the war very few students at- tempted to work their way through fchool there are hundreds trying it club. Students on the flight included at the present time. Lee Agnew, Charles Strang, William German universities are forcing the Renison, Wendell Miller and George retirement of all professors at the Uine nann. age of 65, primarily in order to get - -- rid of the ones who were responsible Pumpage from the Huron river was for the trouble that started in 1914 not necessary to supply the city's de- and also tq make room for younger mand for water Sunday when 4,798,000 men who will be more sympathetic gallons were pumped from the Steere with the changed student body and farm wells, water department officials i the newer ideas in education. Prices report. of tuition and even of food are re- duced for those who can not pay the I regular amount, asserted the speaker. BASEBALL SCORES I!Last night's meeting was the final formal session of the Men's Educa-I American League I!tional club. A joint banquet with the Boston 7, Detroit 0 women's organization 'will be held New York 6, St. Louis 5 next Tuesday night at 7 o'clock in the Philadelphia-Cleveland (rain) sMichigan Union. Tickets are being Washington 7, Chicago 2 ( sold by members of these groups and ----I---will also be on sale at Tappan Hall f National League Thursday and Friday afternoons. St. Louis 9, Philadelphia 5 Chicago 01 Boston 1 PHILADELPHIA.-The sesqui-cen- Pi-ttsburgh 4, New York 3 tennial exposition is confronted with Cincinnati 3, Brooklyn 6 a huge operating deficit and needs Cincinnati 2, Brooklyn 0 $3,700,000 to meet outstanding obliga- tions. tainly the most important event o ftheatre will see "The Haidur '' The Players season-and quite right- t -WilaiCuc ) ly it comes as a climax to five interest- ing plays, but it is not of their kin.I Now it is not easy to move an audi- WASI IINGTON.--Alien college pro- ence to any pitch of emotion with the fessors and ministers who entered the exotic symbolism which Colin Clemi- iUnited States before July 1. 1924, will ents has employed in this drama. have until July 1, 1927, to bring in There is perhaps nothing in the their wives and unmarried children theatre so exacting in its require- I under 18 without regard to the immi- ments of the actor, Yet Robert Hen- gration quotas.