THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY 'I'UESI. A Y , JULY 27, 1926 V~YiTR TuESDAY', JULY 27, 192G I 4 i 7 DAIYOF2IL U L LETI N Pu blica tion in the I ul let iii is construct ive notice to all mnembers of the University. cop;y recei-ved at the ollice ot the Summer 'Session until 3:30 1). ni. (11:30 a, m. Saturday). 'VolumeVI l'1: S JULY 27, 1920aa~r 1 I t 1 "LEGEND" S TIR S FJEIDJERIcKTI VN' j' 1 down Lentz street to Patrick street, westward, going out West Patrick _______and hence out of town-past Barbara's h rthehue :Hen' Educion~ al (lubi: There will b( a i e g ogf Ithe I Iu's Educational Club at, 7 o'cl ock this evening inithe Ali chi ga i11i lo. I la t Haid 1Kraus will speak and there xwili be L. Y. ID. ji iitt ioni.'Cthe tComittee. Unhiers iti MenHandi XV o univ The Social 1 Ja neiliglas wvil ritet Itonight at + o'clock. Admission twenty-rive (cuts. Ethl 1McCormiick. Womenin's Itl olat1 ('1 i Oil Thu r;da v, c i a 'c h clithe W~omen's Educational Club will hold a iob t dej iyir t he W\onmen's Leag;3ue Buillding Fund, at the homr tMi'tof i itlaa l 2 amppi'ra bies rmay be reserved by callinlg Ellhe] Srvis, 7isEthiel Servis. Pihi Delta a pa lini'heon :i Tho co me l tt x f] o ii tll lir ries Hc"oft' PtiiDelta Kappa: luncheonis will 1, IliTu'aIax. d 7a 2 'lc oon, at the Lantern: Shop, corners at ' ii WitIa ' Tre I ldlnmemuberis x'ill speak alu, important iavn , llh nidoi'ed. All chapter fmembers are urged to alt pit], d Hiud IC. linti, Proeigient. t tenittli hlti ? l] rr°_ All ?",)I W~haxi'''.~ vilh:fr _initstudents for the first semstci I'I'_"~'rea'c - Iheii'roan,>at olce %With the Uffice of the leanki Snen"r'l ci F.I. H.Xal, A ssistant D)ean. Attentlion Faculty: Anv fafen1111v . er w a Ita ahour;' o sublet for the college ye ar 1J926 192'; wxill pleaa al~?' ' t" i t''etO amof'Studenitsh(61.'5) and list, as~ FREDER ICK, Md., July 26 (A..)- *aekon's Pairt Uncertainif~iCi stue u emnl oi t Even though controversy may rage History does not confirm that Jack- dsac eidtemi oyo i IMFa-Ahriaesetu troops. Jackson also appears to have; out of the Caribbean Sea today, side- over John Gxreenleaf Whittier 's poetic ;son led his troops through Frederick.a been in Frederick four days preceding swipping the lower Florida east coast account of her deeds, B~arbara, Fritch- He did, however, pay a visit to theI the flag incident, with' a heavy wind traveling at be- ie's personality left an imprint on this Presbyterian manse on West Second On the morning of September 10 the' tween 40 and 50) miles an hour. No historic town as no other ever did. street. He and his party then went Confederates broke camp, and moved( damage has been reported. From the idealism of the massively _______________________________ simple granite monument, which etery. to the plate bolted to the rail ofMI the West Patrick street bridge overAL t h e t o w n c r e e k , h e r n a m e dle s c e n dls t r i -OO m h n - n o t e e e y a a k , o r .lintfe.teevrda also MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCEBOK 1 ann Sites Bear dame I d i } 1 It is einplazoned on Ta gasoline fill-} ing station. A chocolate shop also bears it. So does a soft drink and a sausage stand. Yet douibt of her authenticity, xvhich has split Frederickstown into two well d tefined c'amps, 111)0n occasion has Imade itself felt. Several years'ago, xwith the con- struction, o' a new comunity hotel, suggest ion th at it carry her name was met xwith unveiled hostility. H~er leen as branded a fraud. In comn- pii'lise, tihe iranks of the illustrious of' a later' generation xxworc scanned, l. an Fd rancis Scott Key filled the, breach. Sonmc historians generally have been 1 IDrone to considler the Barbara. Fritchie tale as chiefly a figment of WVhittier' s imnagination, albeit most deftly con- t rix'ed. RAE WHEti'RE x0'F~,A iM - NORMAN KERRY in "THE AQUITTAL " HAM HAMILTON in j . ..THE MOVIES "' # THURSDAY When the Door Opened" Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily W H BNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE ____________________________________- '-~----- THE GARRICK COMPANY Thrilling Mystery Melodrama 'Shooting Shadows" SI First Time in IDetroit I h Sooni as i)0> iblel F'. 13 . W'alir, Assitant Deanu. RAT IHRAION N pleted at the plant cI 1 e 't't'IP pa ny near her e,. li ax pro v ''I tat oil e r n r c ,f o nearly txxicc as iH(u itt( i~ci tent anol possible re~'oxc''x' ,_" Anon canl shale". The tests hax'e called ai atih, th e f'act th au t' tIe- , i stl;I'l TEST BOOKS for RENT 1'' a : ; c"cent taller -- F. Cane'RoRogers It Is Serb ice To That Counts Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 Maynard St. I TODJAY AND) WEDNESDAY 2:0J-3:3,5 7:25-9:00 With HELEN COSTELLO BRYANT WAS H'BURN in Tci pt]erature Alxx'ax's Cool andlConIlfortable fiN M MNf I; I ii M j ( a ( 4 M, M ti 3 I f i ''Wet Paint"' usually spells trouble_ for someone, But this time it's LAUGHS for everybody ! 1 And (:reat Added Bill DANCE TO Phil Diamond and His E ight of Diamonds St tielt, [li ,ersit 3", En oile Pal iii Everv Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights WHITMORE LAKE 'Thiursday- " Till-, RUNAWAY" With Clara Bowy Sunday-ILon Chaney-" THE ROAD) TO 1MANDALAV" _I ®. c~. 17 Arcade }, .'"". ie n 'tatloI C x Staret 4 A Co (amaiount (jicture 11$ THlE ODAR f*. KETHFEATURIE, 7JHE comedy genius of stage KEIT_. and screen in his first star- GROH & ring motion picture. ADONIS A special de luxe laugh film. "Th PanoHnd" 'Something new! Something dif- ~.ferent! The Famous Follies Comedian in a picture mnade by the watlhkxxlho inade ' BFHINI) THE FRONT.'' vl- '%: ., - ...........w_ _ -. -.; nw = ' -1 COOLW._ TCEZ_ "WHISPERIN4GSMITH-" with H. B. Warner DANCE I FU. Lantern ISLAND LAKE ighit ly except Monday Sunday Matinee, 3-6 Jean Goldkette's Vagabonds I I I With a strong supporting cast including LILLIAN RICH, JOHN BOWERS~ ,lLLIAN TASHM1AN Added Attractions ies Schedule : ' Matn-e200-3:30 Fighting Heart " Cosaed - prices-sac, 23c, 35c. Fox News Nights-----------7:30-9:00 Concert Organist .- prices-roc, 35c, 30c. Comning Thursday-Madge 1iellani) in" THUNDER MNOUINTAIN " II . .~. « I'l 0I 'An W es~. '-'