TUESDAY, JULY 27, 192,6 THE SUMMER MICHILAN DAILY PAGE THREE POIC4REPICKS NEW CABINET Classified Ads El , . _ _ u _ i.I 1. iAR; e w 4 J t < t *w f 141 _, c y v< not" r ;;%.,, isz , , , . f1,4 iDk TARt 1EU t c ' >; a '. ....,. T .. ,: . WANTED C lIZI TO, I care for club rooms onie hour a flay. Call 6175. Margaret Eaon, President. 32-33 FOR SALE FO'(R SALE-"New suburban, 6 room house. Full basement. Lot 66 by 132 ft. $3,50. Dial 21371. 31-32-33 LOST LOST- -A large Amlethlyst ring. Hand flmadle 111(1 mounted onl Silver. Lose in U'niversity hall. Monday, between 4:00 and 6 :0(. Finder returni to - lar ;area 1-lumnphreys, 544Thn- Thm-son St. Phone 8227. 32 LOST -- On State or Packard, grey squirrel fur. Call 5787. Reward. 32 LOST- In lavoratory of' Library man's Gothamt wrist watch. Sp~ring strap. SFinde(r please call 9117 or at 1617 W tashtenaw Ave. and receive re- ward. 32-33-34-35-36 IOSl--Grown leather purse, cnan cotan-g key and money. Reward. Mrs. Rea ani, 931 Greenwood. 32-33-34 teamns, one complosed of white men and the other of negroes, which at fre- (luent intervals compete with profes- sional baseball teams of Atlanta or teams playing in Atlanta. P~atronize Daily Advertisers.- Ad(v. 3rev Zbop Scientifically selected and prepared foods Special Sunday Eveninig Lunch 5to II opeu every -tight cxcept Monday and Tuesday 40Q )E. Liberty fPhone 9215 _-_.. ~ S t ,, i , t'i , °" t Y . v : J1C yY4 . T A 'le i~,,a t-l ~ e r l'rill'nicrRvtnd Poinicairo io help him~ ledli]~ ~ i~w ~i~'I!iideco mic risis w'iicII hourlN- hecilfles JflOe c~in a n.~~aoi- to 'A n 1 iletial nie n of the French republic than~aVtie i~< Ow U i~l~t ine r((i( -_ ieelt as Iat leIst, In ad- diton l'We;i' :'ave h eaint as 1Loulis a rt hen asnmin'ister of jut~ec:~ p>~~d-n Ailid I;ra.mfiiistvr of foreign1) affa irs; Alb~cvs~r . a a as ~ r FI n thr ; dnaa i IIerio t, miohistr rof public usireti ~i I e ~ ~-- inin st r a nortue ; aul Paileve, ni i nist r I of war. S 0 ta .i i enusAlan rco Beklnowski, 2ministlr' of corn- mee ao 1i.miiseratpblic works: M. Perrier, niln':'itr of colo i<- Al ~ inns~r o agrcupure;: Andrcz Fallieres, mini sterof jnt t . Iii rs(i e Bra , ,in ist yr of foreigni affairs; 1le . A Fascinating Collection of Summer Frocks Summer is a season of brilliant colors and filmy femininle fabrics--and if you would look your daintiest and best you will find cause for rejoicing in this collection of adorable summer frocks. Colorful gardens are rivaled i11 hue. For they include soft pastel tints or rich jewel shades, as well as white. And whether you chose a model for sports, afternoon or dance occasions, it will pay you--and cause you to receive--many a compliment. $5.95 $12.95 $16.95 (Second Floor) Prso r2Lno Baebaull- ive ARlAN ,(ia jt; ; . .,-o t r- i! i( vit a a ii ~ i tn 0 }'n ; i L /x&' 1cti i i';r" h1'ro, tuovinitpilcitir( e erforill- tX11111tolhes,-balI gam-s witin ithe 1)pri n ae -eli111,r la ) week. 1, ),11 Hittugtheiuiiac1mot s baseall, 1-' xvI hih s ly)- na tol ield with-f A 4 I h i l I.! -' 1 They sent their laundry to the Varsity to try it Now the Varsity truck Pick a pipe calls each week Why?9 and pack it 'with good old P. A. N ". /z e S -; _"y ,.. > ;:J . c ,r ', - ' ' ,y , - - k -D'i r. '; i " Y . . '; s' i _r f- y -il ry _ }4 ; -: : > i_ 4 ! 1' , . 'e . i ' i i t . - r'- j '3Y Y 3 e Z4 000e. ,o if f TIhey were satisfied -I. I, f 1 tflC~1 'JQL'U 121Q~v v~WF'C Ii A/tIrIteJ. (,c'n>le 1 ac ..~ 1 1 an- I. - -. ye in ih.a a';; t~'n~ er I 1011 ~- ~.f: 01 ~g cap. /k n'~ I ~':~ty e~ I ~ r r~ki.~ ~-<- n~; 0' 1 Is, in ~nhbcr ~te{ It TIc~1tI--- -. pro. & it vi V ,v a'~ for U' IiCiL and ~2.5~) (1t~~lir~ itt avery Orni, TLE COYTKLP'I PLN hi l {; (:0., 1 ULLDU, eititU I I UU ii IU~ . iA U BU~~ 101. Pthone 4219 Liberty at Fifth TALK about "talliteration's artful aid" . .. the printer certainly raided the "gp" box that trip. But let that go! The advice is just as serious and sound as though it were couched in the careful diction of an English prof. just get yourself a jimnmy-pipe and fill the bowl to the brim with Prince Albert. Light up, and let the first fragrant whiff tell you that no other tobacco is like P. A.-or can be! Cool and sweet and fragrant, P. A. has everything a fellow ever wished for in a smoke. P. A. can't bite your tongue or parch your throat. The Prince Albert process settled that in P. A.'s freshman year. Get yourself °a tidy red tin of Prince Albert today. The first load-up will tell you why pipes are so fashionable among young men today. IORINI3E ALBERT --no other tobacco is like it! 1 P. A. is sold everywhere in tidy red tins, pound and half- pound tin h umidors, and pound crystal- glass humidors with sponge-moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by the Prince Albert process.. 4 t vi r ' zy MONK* ND, I i .\ f n vI,~iilvAvries-Av usrb o h umrDiy 19E.L3. RejuoldsTobeame Company, WirntonSdom. N. C. Patronize L aRy Advertisers.- .Adv. Subscribe for The Summer Daily.