PAGER TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DA.ILY' TUESDAY, JUL.Y 27. 392f I i Iie ummer OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Mlonday during the University Summer Session byl the Board in Control of Student P'ublica-' tions.I CAMPUS OPIND Anonymous communications disregarded, The names of cants will, however, be reg confidential nupon reque AOIl'w ia~i ASPECT OF ATTITU' li 'ON will be comniuni- Barded as ""- ,e" s est. ~ADD RO L L F UROPE'SFETRS Wois Whio? The Associated Press is exclusively en- '0 h LliK nww Ann Arbor! In an effort to titled to the use for republication of all news In a rec~nt number of the sumne r tbeoe h stdti5ofIh dispatches credited to it or not other wise po(ltbfr h tlei"o h credited in this paper and the local news nub-I Daily you Nvere courteouiS EnIough1 to fished herein. iniecmett'tt ot'Simer session, a first hand ho1owi-, Entered at the Ann Arbor, M ichigar, your editorial page. As my job is e PIf' orilini et citizens of A nit; POstoftice as second class miatter. I tachling mnodern history I ant natuir- Alrbor',lUOLlaS Ihas Ibroc a redtheic bio- Q.,hs,,.,.tion byI carrrie'r. Si.;: liv mal; Spca als BosInterest" to Educators Al Both Ends of the Diagonal $2. 00. ally especiatlly interested in Offlces: lies; Rlinildin3 z, )lat uso1 ti; 'e, it orials on foreign affairs. Ann Arbor, Mlichigan. last two or' three years mxos"t Your' ed- Fi ortllni D a ily ('(I- Cumnin uniicati o s, if ig ned ascv jucnec of good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. - n- signled commnuo0iations will receive no con-! side ration. The signatu re may be, omitted in l Publication if desired 1 y the writer, The Summer D~aily do~es not'ecsr'yc.os the sentimlens cxpresd in the colnniunica- Lionis. Tfelephonie -1)2, MANAGING EDITOR MANNING iIOUSEWORTil Chairman,; - Editorial Board..... ugenle 11.( Gueknst City Editor.. . .............\WilliamiiR. lBreyer 'Music and Di aa........Viiatn('. Lucast Woman's Edito r............Itiia RuthBrSow n Night Editors WVilliamn Stockwell T'I'll re Hornbci gei Paul J . Kern FE-ederict 5billiio Douglas Doulded;a' gt'apilv 0f tJaIn'iei Stluggenzs. ill or-, der ltha ttls \x ts wolgo aw ay liozi) w iljott~ kilowilhtn soiiietilit11 itho lit i7.ct- ()f lt ' ttl\\ i ii Whicl h 1he I'll- Dona Boyle William Finlay Frances Gusteni Lawrence lHymian Assistants .Nita Kelley Mary Macl~cnatd Georuge T. NMclRca n Margaret \Ward BUSINESS STAi1FF Telephone 212114 BUSINESS MYANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Circulation................... nneib Haven Advertising..................I'tiiicis .Noritui'.t Assistants Mabel Chambers Laurenc e V ani'u yl Willianm F. Cook % ldred W\illkno Edward Solomon TVESI)AY, ,JUILY 27, 1926i ~,Night J'dit or Fi. 11.8111 LIITO THE' FIIE'NCI RIOTS Frenchmen in thei r d emoinst rations against Amnerican I turrss ar1e act in;i like a 1hunch1 of ridic uloutsly angry school boys. Their actions detnon- stIrafe that the French are in enio- tional nation for, in lbhis insta nc, their etot ions hotvxe s wayedI tir in telligence to a rematrkable ext e't. Granted, they mtay hiave soito excuse to be stllen about, t'e fiancial out- look of France buit that i5I no1 ri ason I they should assaulht .Xtmita ttavek ler's. W\henr Mr, M\eilont lndedI in Frattes' he w~as greeteid xithI shahts o* "T'Io hell with ,Mellon, Down with the debt s."' While thie fury of the at- tacks on American travellers was it- creased greatly. In Front oft Ihe Offshi de la lPaix side wal1k s pea kers deeIa r- Qt that toleiglier; itt Pratnce Apre buy-' ing outt the stores antdt were ttking advantage oA the exc'hanige sit Oat iou. Tihoutsands gathered in I te streets a-nid, took up the cr'y aganist M ellont, Art-I t rican, and the debtIs. iLx idetlv I 'at'- isians hate to have the display splen- dor of their stores spoileld by' buyer.- -- money in t he cash register does not please the eye nearly as much elt,- goodis artistically diisplaye(d on thlei countters. Le Temips taken ai sane attlitude to- ward the situation. In an editorial printed on its front page, it saai(L, "A~s a nmatter ot fact Atmerican tour- ists are far frota nwiting thet re- piroaches~ show'ered Iont t hiem. Tbhey buy, eat, santd drtin k, and leave us their (lollarsi', thIius helping to coin)-, pensate our adlver'se t radle balattee., If' manifestations suc'h as htave hap- pened (luring the last. few daxs cotn- tinue, there is dIanger of tntr guests leaving out' cities attd beaches for oth- er count ries, whi(ch und1 outbte(dly ask nothing bet ter' than to a tt ract tbenm and p~robtablly wol d like to see.c these provocations continue." Further L1e Temps urges its re4adIer's to mla initain the reputation theit' cityv has for hos pitality. Somte of these outbrea ks, however, are doubltlessl1y provoked Eby the at'- rogance of thte American Babbitt. fresh from Mai street, whoII is abroad for the first. tine and~ is labhoring un- der the delusion that there is only one civilizedi country - the Inited Stat es Many instances have beean cited in which the row has been stard byi It an Amneican who curses5C the French for differing witht him, who ridictules French cust omis, anid who regards with contempt P'rencb currency- It seems that both conuntr'ies are at fault, but the mob spirit on the part of the Frenchi will not alleviate thete difficulties. Hlowever, we are inl fav-, or of "rough house methods" for ouri "bourgeois-antnered blowers." Cion- 1 trary to their ideas, the world is not a itorials in this field have beun vry; wvell infotrme~d andI intelligent,1I1far tat this Sunday's editorial ol the' French debt har'dhy measures up to your tno'mal level. Surtely it our, ficry natural resentment agaihitslil- just foreign conmment roe should nott be led into the sante ('roofit ijust tie and overstatement. The inplication in your edtoral~ tliat.ttte ['sited States was tntrtahpetl; inito the Great WNat'by1100hii isI lt j retcih-'pt'opagantda' is as itmtcit toC anl itnsult to Aaerianint el1l;gence a<- it. is to European sincerity. Thlea' was Ittch propagatnda intu tiv wr. a,- in all wars, somte of i soutndt, silllit of it false, most of i a or-sidetl 01' overcolored pictre itfIthe facts. Ilit' the atual historic canst of our in- tervention inl the war tns thle lmtu Ier 0of Ametric'an citizenslt 5 111 1hii i Isms byV(tflitin 5 tbmlfa ii stt e tplichy e "madite in (itrniuatt-,' ntl aitgeiI craic trepublic of modern I riata" wvhich sympttlly is itself wholly cred- itall to its a t tnatin, latdus to ior'get fihnt the auorayr ui tuailed.l from h1l-4 to 191s, it vry real hil ti t hli, liettits of the world, If (Gemany is Wrday ait fee andIwi iaeet'itlnation lip,' result is dine in nio smiall part toIl .\tnierica's share in te victotry over Wilhelm 11 anti I und etdo~ff. Et the itain cet 'iotiniolfityou' edittial was but ttc iprtsent t i ('tfly aginst Iflht debt settclltots itt Entglandl IFra ti. anti It aly'ad 1tt, juistificatilot-i 'ertaiily it lis o ]lg, ai jtstication. 'The money asloanit ot tc~l te'tto) whicht te telnl;t'IVes a.ra nd i'I 811we ave gntetously tald-r eviid a latrge art of the iit'-Frest to Tru ti eno'tt li;li also it is ri' ln t ai - I '-iiitt it'the vasit'tor. t hl x.ha y'n- itnal" asi'nt of ogur Seeing'i'>of tiul tna~it'atha~t'twes of raittIentta-et Iv Al ttatii as ooth tt'Oavy cdttitti'u n ir'tor lenor ' littitlit xaf'rom h (det, easepisWus, vButo. nait nthee been ery lowerstod prelsno' ill iever tht % iv e ap itis e'otl t'ttdrot'sToad hthatld isrlh;mn tint IN, Un etltl is nit ''Lititl vltj'kof'Faceid on h toihltlna te ittoatkdiieavaimament- silcthe i-ativ ithe iitman fahily. Bt hae is ja t tai nahlatn iMs ''1101' r- lotit iosapeamspnpts.'ui .Jinitmlpay otear ishe ebo illtneeit butths, ihe mantast tuprt.Ule ' uli [i>;n(? I'lteploydchildreisonthver ctotrrythetdd ost itlland gn n tr- ous relao ti itl. husin family. Fran cotsisamilonaeoffnyetIll,, tltpoo est Jhnl Biugslonas t frms;wer bunetn tsr, at th lie hast spprtboeenittil lin uninpfoyevenhildearl 'his itover liowed ald tf'anltly ullduisamort ('onl sin Aton il taaoas iteetuanoFran-t cois isrretloof iiys e. Aslmanyeles] (trn (yahoistneig~haberjtit stit out-'o It-wi ,and atonyi)hlse arm. The sir %ieiibor se tiyesateosewofr vce. able= totalweath ttull lUlt'ope nihbtst togthr aatrch oe ofncl Sam's hlnaccoun;tt, altt iecially if nia- 'I '1~ t / .. . .V M . 1l'loto by \Vti-'kli. _ _ _ _. _ w . . _ I t- r h' iI' t -(- i irt 11l'! I e S.rel' t ,I ift:'iii' . 'li, i- .)Gt'a l eh '.h"t at to 1;31ti-t t Nft.A I i itil, I i t l it- I t . 1tul s nen.ItoII iil I'' ll t er, s. L211~t. hi-'' iNt itili;1,. , -i. lii) ry an- , t,'iii lbt-t' ". t,:11f lit i " 1 10h t' Il [thotigh is, 'ItI' i hl ]theGl~'il was_ hIlt tM ll ,ti - ii ax . 'al Ihat I am.k asttl nil that I evil' Nwill tiel. I ow'ti? ItolksBooh lu-NivIiNu former 5,000-horsepower units, yet does Ic~ work cif fcuns. i such units. And it sagyes 700,000 toni of coal ;'ea -Ij' for I nation. As more and still more- uses are found for electricity, kre and more economical generttors are installed. At t he pt-,., - plant, as well as' at the consumner's end, important cl.arcs;t,,d startling developm-ents hav-> steadily reduced the cort of electricity for lihl, powe'r, a-id elat. And wherever elect:'i c: ,y bias blazed its trail--ill tow'ns, cites, industrial c t ers,rand rural coulnnities.--comfor"t anar>":;c ~ss have come to stay. Generating and ciistributi:_-; electricity con cern the tcc-!ici student. Bu eectricity's app?-( tlc;i)n INni ebett-rmxI t C-. - industry, the r-ofessions, and h-n e life cnen v' Ji cited person, Cheap electricity enmnyaaringc-x- mnents today, but countless ;.:nd uni&1 i Ierl usstielus tomorrow. 1-9Dc GENRA BECRI Cu AN, HNFtfDY, v YOR