I . o 4P # u tttmPr ESTABLISHED 1922 it 43Afl :4Iai1 ASSOCIATED PRESS #>A F AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE 1'Y!' T YT' -Y . . .o VOL. XVII. No. 32 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1926 PRICE FIVE rtmi - - . A V 11 t..OAUA inirn[ O Robert Lincoln, Emancipator's Son, ~ N5O 0T Passes Away Yesterday IS A DS O S O II( Asciated Tress) IKdets and within sound of the shots MA tHI ' E .V. uy26 --Rob.- that mral wuddathird. S~ ~ P° , 0SAPE BI mT. llni~z7,Du.oly- surviving sonl of When young Lincoln was graduated SENATE CAMPAI9N FUNDS COMMITTEE ACTS- IN ILLINOI K., _ -. LRS. FRANtEs LAII FIT GItE LEC'TURE 1111111' ON "LA,_sT OF PO LYESIANS" HAS DIRECTED FILM Calls Pob tesian . 'h (,reek O Th'le Pacific Beviiu~e Of Phyical Beauty "Trhe fabledl 1eo0le0of1baut aid nmy'stery 'Ind rintoa ce i) he ot h Nea Islands are fast dyin g tut .' said Mr s. Prances H-.Flaiaherty. o Norxalh Connecticut, dagh tr of Ftegent Li- is L. IHubblard, ill0amil lustratedl le- t ure on "The last of ile I oly ti'shlWo held in ii a rl Sc i nc e audit oriumn at, five o'clock yesterday. Mr. and XIfs. Flaherty Spent thei last t wo }eas il the IslIndm of sa va ii sudy igthle ac, and its customis and fli lng a p ltm'ur to rival "Nanook. their hsIiiorho ., "The Polyiesiants hiave well 1 oa 1 cale "1( The Greek of the Pa ciic' ho- c'ause their physical perfection ap- proaclies thiat of the rmace of the G oil4 of Olympus,"' states Mrs. Fahrty. "They are' a primitive, dark-skinned' people, not nleg o nd not Alon olin, but a branch from our own ri iae. They are practically the oly people who have kept a one-niess with natre.'' " T Itw Polynesia s have it tt UaI beauty of manner and custo0m1 as well as of figure. Their homes, built of simple sugar cane and cooaiut palms~, have a charm and dignity and softness of tone. The walk of the people show rhythm and dignity. ''hir'i langu 'go ix, rhythmiteal, and one who l istn, thbough tie may not uidest and t111o words, may feel thlite nusi c. Il d ac- iug, chiefly, do they excel, and thi1' is onte of the chief atusements of to people- rThey have ra lized the poeti- cal fables of Arcadia." Government in Savai, the only I land where the race remains today in ; its pure form, is of a simple kidt. A hierarchy of chiefs is formed in each village, it is the ambition of' each youth to become a chief, ani it is te greatest punishment that can ver befall a young man to have tils rigit taken away front lit11. \\hin dis -$ putes arise, the chief cetis a tconiiil of all the village to settle the trouble and punish the offender. A boy is initiated into manhood by) tattooing his body front the (hest toI below the knee. One of tree artistic patterns may be chosen. The process is a very painful one, often lasting several weeks, and there is great an- ger of infection froze the wounts, but the Polynesian youth believes tht the pain is necessary to attain his ideal. "People often ask whly we do net stake more of a love st~ry of our film," Mrs. Flaherty stated. "That is be- cause loIve does not play the imptt'ant part ini Polynesiat as it. does here. The women are virile and the mecn a' feminine. Men and womeni are Coa-- Tadces. Only the haighet itaidili ill the land has anything approath ig 2a marriage ceremony. hIso nuior mee - ly brings a present to t~e nai~et'' parents, and i it is a c ped, shute be- comes his 'wife."I IBASEBALL SCORES IAmerlen eague Boston 0, I'Piladelpia 5 National League P Iittsburgh 3, Brooklyn 2 ' Pr i'11L oIA bralhait iI ncol , was IIv 1uvru1Ils?} lsite gralited hiis reqluest to enter the army. foun t. idead in bed at hiis summner ho1cme.As i captaji ~ in , immber of Geri. lwre t oday. lls death was discov- G (rant's stalf, he witnessed the fall of ereti by Inu it) hoWeOt to call f Pe tersburg and the surrender of Gen. him. Lee'at Apponmattox. ir . Lincoln, who had servetd as seer Ilturrying to Washington, the cap- ro vof W ar, ministeorito Great Brit- j tain arrived, there April 14 and gave a tn1 atli for years a presidenlt of the; his father the first definite news of the SAKFEL INSULL TESTIFIES GIVING LARGE SUMS TO NOMINEES. TO INQUIRY DELAYED I' tll tnan ('oolfLi to had beeotilin feeble lien tIi I t' xv anuldh avliii e '.n S:: gears old Aug. 1. A iCOt'od in g to ensi 'am. ,servants xvent Lo out bhi pitt 9 a. ill., iand it was thlen 'Ain'isdet as discor. w i i. 7A; })(,oin sal ii rob'.iEl i d dito 11'thle sunitoer Idne thin tiehad O t t n t i taO i d o t , " e n uyh u 'l - o f i s- t ay . S iI w o I }en I' hal uo ' li t i )Il< 0 datil t t't natttooride, lie fooh bi:, 1 a_ a r tli'' wu1tida v. t~i of his ii dnfteX athvs h't r - 1m1t1.i' hole h('e. hat Robe irt 'iodd IDint ,)1,last it the o hert(i1tnme laireet atti lie as~-'siiatot oltwoAtutiali prest- surirender. On the evening, of the Insull Claims to Have' Spent Total same day, he was in Ford's theater Of $180,000) In Two Campaigns jwhen Johtt Wilkes Booth shot and In State fa tally xx ounded the president. - Later in life, Lincoln, although! (By Associated Press) averse to holding public office, be- CHICAGO, July 26.-Launching its caine secretary olf war in President long heralded investigation into the Garfieold's cabinet. H-e was supp~osed C Illinois senatorial primary, the SenatE o ti i ~ xtintinA 8 o'- 1ist v oif Nat iontal Contciliation is i-ooo tg-. One o'elt(k1-i'rance save herself by her own I~rihy ;'2o'et:h hasi ail be1'es- rtMotoa Muet bone in 'i'tn in Teas.to time gor- hauL tn omoo. ill lifte. (N o f'm; orVu'r; usom n im1101tIMcedlate otda y hexx- on] U t'osigm a1s a ri-suit of! a~itim day')lritnary i11 which atton- ceiteral heniiAtoily It;il her' by moore W hn<<)0M001 'it bo li nu a lprolliied oto ri;_mi if Mumotly Ibeat heri'biv1 vol a Nd in-lad iiiottiseul Ito re igtiif lit hu-ildhim by 25(000 rotes. .\htoily will be(, theitext govern'otrt'of 'l 1a-.moumiation on1the D emocratico "Ank .t, intg eoiv tixaltenlti-u election. SimnIt a ueot si \y xi lblihe r resignition~i j sxx'epilig the ftorests in the Montana,' Two second. prizes of $300 each go to hIdaho, N shiilgtott districts were mre- Mary Lispenam'd Cooper, of Vassar pIti'oted to forestry headquartems here' College, whose home is in Flushing,1 toduay as5 cleatimng thte most serious j Long Islanid, for a story entitled "Moth foresti fitr- sitnratiom in the region in> Mullein", anti Walter' D. Edmonds, Jr., 16 yiFes. of H-arvard University, whose honme is, Inthettt'1 antiksti forest, wvher'e 50,- ! in New York City, for his story.,'"Up o0o) act'es aklready have b~een devastat- River :Mists and Lilacs." oil, nwtagreheilttails indicate that the IThe wintners of htonorablei mention f'or'e of igte'rs, hampered by unfav- ;ar'e Julia Godman, of the University ota blte wealther, was helpless against of Oregon; Gilmore Flues, of Prince- lb e seafIto rimig conflagration.. ton; Robert E. Smith, of Washburn! Six new fii'es started yesterday in, College; Marie Maciumber of the Uni- I he lKanikstt. the tiamnes increasirw; versity of Nebraska; and Tench F.I fasteri than mnt could be obtained to Tilghmnan, of the University of Vir- figh t thtem. Sever'al broke control ginia. Miss Cooper, of Vassar, in ad- I lies, driving through before thene and I dition to winning a second prize, also devouring much valuable timber. I secured honorable mention with an-, (li' Associateid Press) MISSO tIA. ;Montatna, July 26.--htag- ilig 'omltplett'ly out of contrtol and spreadhing ini every direction, flames $500 and is published in the August issue of Harper's Magazine. Mr. Winston, who) graduated from Prince- ton last month, wrote the story while a mneinber of the Senior class, His home is in New York. alilotiieili~i .xvhmihaliso carr'ied;2 wx' it iti huraaI froiti aymipssible primilitwrrtui off with Moody, Gover nor2 jFerguson called a special session oft the' legiisature to meet September 13,. 4tc r vua aaab su u.vaa. . ++uw. +... +++v+"+" . .a v v a f u e. ....++.... ,.... a . ..-_ -.....- _ .. _ _