SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1926 THE UMME MICIUANDAIL PAGE THREN SUNDA, L~LY 2, 19& TH SUM ER MCHIC N DALYIPGIMUMS.i BOOKS AND WRITERS While still writing for the old ratei NOTES 0. Henry came to William Johnson The trustees of Amy Lowell's estate Ideas editor of the World, and told have announced that the $1000 Pulit- him he did not see how he could go zer award for her book of poems, on writing for such a small sum. 1"iWlhat's O'clock" will be turned into "I don't either," was the prompt amns- ithe scholarship fund for poets estab- wer. "So we'll tear up the contract lished by the conditions of Miss Low- on one condition-that you write me ell's will, and by which recipients of Christmas story at the old rate." \ help from the fund will be enabled to "You're on, Colonel," O. Henry travel. Answered, and that is how that wo)- ilerful story, "The Gift of the Magi" Autumn is not far off with its-de- a_ to be written. Kluge of new books, and publishers are preparing for an unusually good sea- Classified Ads Ii , A M H E R S T UNDERGRADUATE VERSE ,1926: Compiled by David Iorton; iMarshall Jones Company, Boston. $1.00 We Middle-Westerners are inclined to scoff Eastern college "culture"; but some of their ideas are good. "Am- herst Undergraduate Verse, 1926" is the second annual anthology of poetry written by students of Amherst Col- lege. Most of the poems, as the Edi- tor's Note informs us, are first tested in the meetings of the Amherst group of the Poetry Society of America, where undergraduate aspirants em- phasize and criticize each others ideas on love and co-education, and other pertinent topics. Many of them appear-in "Amherst Writing", an occa- sional college magazine comparable to Michigan's "Inlander". David Mor- ton, the compiler, is evidently an en- courager of production, but not a hin- derer to originality. He himself is a poet of several volumes and a well- reputed teacher. The poems are fresh and obviously collegiate. They are the expression of anyone's thoughts who is hurrying through the evanescent days of study- ing and life at college; sonnets, qua- trains, and stringy things which look like a prehensile tail affixed to the title; love, nature, college observa- tions, even "Football." Some of them would. do full justice to "T)asted Rolls", while others would be a great help to the "Inlander." If they are open imitations, they are worthy ones; if they are undeveloped, still they show promise. Amherst's idea is a pleasant one. As far as we know, it is original; cer- tainly it is worthtemulating. It is an encouragemnent to original effort, which every college needs. --W. 1. "THE GIFT OF THE MAGI" was written by 0. Henry in order to break a long term contract which The New York World was paying him much less than his stories were worth be- cause of their sudden popularity. MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS- HALLER'S 4 STATE STREETt JEWELERS ROLIA'S JOURNEY TO CAMBRIDGE by John 1. Wheelriglit ;and Frederic J. Stimson. Iiollghton 31Ifflin Com- pany. $1.75 "Rollo's Journey to Cambridge" is a delightful, rollicking parody on the Rollo books of Jacob Abbott which en- thralled our fathers when they were young. The story first appeared in the sonl. Doubleday, Page announces at least five titles of major significance. "Debits and Credits" is noteworthy because it is Mr. Kipling's first book in a number of years. Joseph Con- rad's "Life and Letters" by G. Jean Aubry is also listed. The fiction sea- son starts with Edna Ferber's book of the Mississippi river, "Show Boat", and is followed by Ellen Glasgow's WANTED WANTED -- Young men with some knowledge of Engineering or Arch- itecture. ,Call 9311. 29-30-31 WANTED-Room in private home for college in the coming college. Dial 9758. 31 LOST LOST -- Tennis racket, Spaulding "Lakeside," Thursday afternoon near Cor. East 1. and Greenwood. Phone 4339. 31 FOR RENTD FO RRENT--Three room summer cot- tage at Whitmore Lake with inside pump. First two weeks in August. $25.00. Dial 21371. 31 FOR SALE FOR SALE-New suburban 6 room house. Full basement. Lot 66 by 132 ft. $3.500. Dial 21371. 31-32-33 Your Cares Massaged Away Let skilled hands revivify the texture of your skin. Try our MILK PACK-a Skin Beautifier. STODDARD HAIR SHOP 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 ' ,g -' 'Harvard Lampoon in 1879-80, and it is "The Romantic Comedians", a blow exactly the sort of thine clever under- to the time-worn legend of Southern graduate editors would write to fill chival". and Jian Street's novel of the yawning chasms between adver- Chicago, 'Tides.' tisements in their magazines. The authors, or Edward S. 1artin, For his new book, "Studies From of Life, who writes the introduction, Nine Literatures," Ernest Boyd has I cannot vouchsafe the authenticity of the historical facts in the story. It is highly probable that the Harvard campus never saw such characters as the Chinese professor, who ran a laun- dry in connection with his professorial (uties, the jovial wisecracking D)ean, and the bounding form of the Regis- trar. However, the witty and plucky Rollo and the correct Mr. George are quitenrealistic --after the Abbott fashion. The book is somewhat shallow, but itgis highly imaginative and interest- ing to read when time hangs heavy. ---' I.- G chosen another group of well known authors to discuss, and includes writ- ers of France, United States, Germany, Ireland and other countries. Charles Scibner's Sons.will publish the book. Under the banner of Knopf, H. L. Mencken will publish his fifth vol- time of prejudices. Journalism, sex and William Jennings Bryan will lec- ture the book. LONDON.-liss Margaret Bondfield former chairman of the Trades Union Congress, is again a member of Par- liament. WATERMAN GYM OPEN Waterman gymnasium will be open at all hours of the day for the whole period of the Summer session. Any male student may use the gymnasium and the lockers are available now for any who desire them. Over 200 of the lockers are already taken, ,; " ' I I ! f; i ELECTRIC IRONS BOTH THREE AND SIX POUND SIZES I A Demand Filled Beyond Expectation HARRY HARPER Basrber for Women For appointments call 9616 BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP Nickels Arcade PRICED 3.95 Your worn out Iron has a trade in valne of $1.00 at our store, HF DETROIT EDISON COMPANY to 7.50 Main at William Phone 4226 Nights, Sundays, Holidays, 8396 y U s /, 04.0 ././:!r : It is Serkice Too That Counts Tuttle's Lunch Room 338 Maynard St. p Now enjoy all-day shaving comfort No matter how sensitive your skin, it will find all-day comfort in Williams Aqua Velva-the new, scien- tific after-shaving liquid. A few drops keep the skin all day velvety smooth just as Williams Shaving Cream leaves it. Big 5-oz. bottle 50c. At all dealers'. F O R B E T T E R S H A V I N G-WILLIAM S k . : :1:: _, . -3 Q{ .s .: ,,, : L{.. {' : it . -t r..,. t 413 -. t ' .+- .- _. j r, t . , ': Y f i "Vx;, +is k ' :: . . .". ay i; t n Yom.. e - I mmmm.mmma .e i. I A Memory Tonic It is surprising how the ever-read- iness of Eversharp prompts the jotting down of passing thoughts and facts-and how quickly the habit of"writing it down" improves the ability for accurate remembrance. Six new features make Eversharp a finer writing instrument than before-non-clogging rifled tip, quick reloading, complete inter- changeability of parts, are the most important. Put a new Eversharp in your pocket. And for complete prepared- ness, match it with a Wahl Pen. Prices $1 to $45, at all dealers. Made in the U. S. A. by THE WAHL COMPANY, Chicago Canadian Factory, THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto Manufadurers of the Wahl Eversharp and the Wah AllMetal Fountain Pen SYLVAN GARDEN SAND LAKE PARK PLANDACN NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY Featuring the Famous Orchestra-- "THE BREEZE BLOWERS" A JEAN COLOKETTE UNIT Novelty Nite Every Friday Matinee Sunday The eW P ERFECT E D WA/Il JWF R SHA fIRP Good Roads all the way via Saline and Clinton _______________________ ___________m