SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1926 THE .SUJMME.R MICHT-lAN lATT?-t b t /Y'ri1 m .tr. n.__. { 1 9 IClassified Ads WANTED xvr'lrED Yn Vrnzo t it nl knowledge of Engineering or Arch-!I iteeture. Call 9311. 29-30-31r WANTED-Rteliable and refined young woman to, care for child and (10 lit-, « . .....tie light housework. Part time.j near camIpus. Telephone 22340.1 Call Saturday evening between i v ..and 8. Mildred Sorensen. :fi)0 LOST LOST --Gold IDeed bag in (wr near cern- etervf Wednesday. (all 6354 130 M!! ~Mate Wed rtt ETHE GARRICK COMPANY Thrilling Mystery Melodrama "Shooting Shadows'I [First Time iu DetroiM T. YPEWRITNG PROM31PTI .Y A. D NLA TL Y DONE; 0 ..Morrill Arad T1li Typewriter an Stationery Store #~ Enters N. Y. To Paris Air Race NEW YORK, July 23. (-'a ptain Itene Fonck, French ace of aces, is promised a fight for the $25,000 1)!'z1. offered by Raymnond Orteig for a noni- -"tole flight from New York to Paris. An all-American expedition is tryini to "beat him to it," Liuet. Coin. Noel Davis,_ a United( States naval reserve officer who has, been on active (iuty in the, design di-I vision of the Naval Bureau of Aero- nautics, is Captain li'onckc's r ival. Hei, plans. to mlake the 3,600-mile lgh, probalel some time next monthbe,)P fore Captain Fonck's Sikorsky biplane! possibly can be ready--in the great Wright-engined Fokker monoplane, Detroiter, which Captain George HT-. i Wilkins of the Detroit Arcticexdi tion took with him on his recent nf-- Successfuil effort to reach the Northi Pole by air. Lieutenant Davis purchased the ship from its owners, contingent upon .its delivery ini good condition at Seat- tle. He will assemble the plane and fly it as soon a siSilfo 10 N wYork where the Wright Aeronauitical crr por'ation will insztall hrenew 2170- horse-powrer Whirlwind mnotlors. The ship will be putf through a s eries of Severe tests to establish its ablility fort the Iong flight and to check bhoth it;s enginecs andI navigating instrunient . This plane is the only one of its kind in America. It is in most rI-- spcts similar to the Fokker plan0,e ini which Lient. Comn.Richard Eh. Byrd1 and Floyd Bennett flew over the North Pole last month, but it haint- en fet more wiing spread than thjeir ships and consequently is exspectEdl to carryv a much heavier load of fuel. N The Ox Woman On an East Indian farm, where the crop is tea, a wooden plow turns up the rich black soil A woman drives, another woman pulls-and a black ox pulls beside her. / SEA ISLAND?9 - of course! Y The electric light, the elec- tric iron, the vacuum cleaner -the use of electricity on the farm for pumping water, for milking, and for the cream separatc r-are Belt- ing to make lifc happ ier. General Electric resear ch and engineering haveadd in making these conveni- ences possible. A new series of G-E adver- tisements showing wh-Iat electricity 1 i do in i any fields will be sent on request. Ask frbok Six hours under a tropical° sun, a bowl of cold rice --and six hours more. Then the woman goes to her bed of rushes, and the beast to his mud stall. Tomorrow will be the same.. The American home has many conveniences. But many American women often work as hard as their Oriental sisters. They toil at the washtub, they carry water, they churn by hand--all tasks which electricity can do for them at small cost, in half the time. The labor-saving possibilities of electricity are eonstantlty becoing more widely recognized. And th~~r z:Ka snf, ca,,,c. of the release of the American E{,OMI ux :.101 physical drudgery, through the increas- ir s o-f el ectricity- in and about the home, will. ~-. {> -¢ it y o evry college man and woman. CEAJLAID LS The c'rstocrag of Shrtings The quality is unmistakable - its fine weave and soft, silken lustre identify the superior fabric. You will find the Sea Island Br~iadcloth label in shirts from the best manufacturers at haberdashers selling rei-. able merchandise. SEA ISLAND MILLS, 53 WORTH ST,, NEW YORK r-nas1 GE ~'' R&LJV;-,'i1mAT" V . , NEW YORK IF~ ------------ -_________ II iiY - r -' _ 1 . l 1 ";\ ? ;/ . / r L f 'T ,,." ..--- "' una1a Oburcb) Crvtcc!e ° IIr10 - Y i01 1Af--... t- . + YOU- may be in danger at THE DANGER LINE Do YOU realize what may happen at The Dlanger Line, where gums meet teeth? f The Danger Line extends around each tooth at the gum margin. It is just a little V-shaped crevice, but it is vastly important. For in these tiny crevices, food gathers and ferments, forming the acids which cause painful, unsightly Acid Decay. You can safeguard against Acid Decay and relieve conditions favorable to Pyor- rhea, if you will use Squibb's. Dental Cream, made with Squibb's Milk of Mag- nesia. Ask your dentist, and he will tell you that Milk of Magnesia has been used for years as a safe( scientific means of counteracting the acids which attack the teeth and gums. Hence the great value of Squibb's Dental Cream. Squibb's Dental Cream is pleasant to use. It is safe. It is free from harsh, injurious abrasives. It cleans 'thoroughly and pol- ishes beautifully. It removes the danger atTeDanger Line. At reliable drug stores: DENTAvL CREAU.'&M Made with Squihb3aMlkNMagneski 01925 1 FJ .# ( u to C l urrl unhttJ FIRST METHODIS'T CHUiRCH State a nd Iash ItigonSres REV. AnRhUR w. STALhiER, Pastor DONALI) TLMEIIM1AN, MA1R({' RET 1I.' sT Ilt Associate Di)rectors of Stud tent A ctiv it iv 1 o::30 -Serion by Rev. iI r1iiip (:=tines. I(lirisi inm Jilded tes s." 12:00-12: 45-Si 8tudent (.' coup at Wcshy IBall, I td byRev.Mr. uile-. 6 :00-7 :00- Wesleyan Guild mneeting; at Wesley 11:111, lted by RNlbert XWa Ernan. 7:00-s7:30--open House. Light. refreshmenits. I Catholic Students' Chapel IViltiati a iuid ThugnpsOU Sunday Masses 8:30 o'clock Ilev, :Michael P. Bourke Chaplain i Iw FIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Herbertf A. Jump, Miilster E. Knox Miitcheil, Jr. University Pastor 10:45-Service of worship. Rev.' Aeneas Mackenzie of Brew- ster Church, Detroit. will preach. 5:30-Student Supper and Dis- cussion Hour. Miss Hutzel of Detroit police will talk on: "Night Life in a- Big City.,, 8:00--Motion picture service. Monte Blue in "Red Hot Tires:' ~. " ubrw'o iEpirpa T Qurr4 F"EASTi'OF' ST. *VMSTIEAtSL 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion. 10)00 A. N.-Morning prayer anl sermiioni ly th It' Livtroii Philip L. 4:00-6:00 P. M.-Open House at Harris Hall, I 1'IRST LiE'IiS C.: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH H'uron and Division 'Streets "ERLE H. ANDERSOIN, Minister REIXANN MRS. NELLIE B. CAI)WELL Secretaries for Student Work Offices, Lane ilall First Church of Christ, Scientist 409 South Division St. 10 :30t A. M.- Regular morning service. Subject: "Truth." 11:45 A. M.--Sunday school following the morning service. 7:45 P. M..-"Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. The Reading room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. 9:30 Church School. 10:45 MVorninjg Worship with sermon : "is the Church lFuliilliog Its 5:30 Young People's Social Hour. 6:30 Young People's Society Meeting. I t if R I