PAGE WV§5 Tr"HE SUMMER M CGIAN DAIT -V SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1926 _. ...._-. + a au rwvar " auxa a11x ti..a 1 Y1-111 LPI.L f """ I 14' umue r 1going to tae a "fop"_ winch w oult f f Nf tllan somleonle wll bi o )lose OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE alrleadly beentouret"'or lipe formal uponi- I vUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Puxbished ev ery nmornixig except li ondav during the University Summer Se'sion by1 the 13o ~xd in Control of Student I 'ablica-1 tionis, IThe Associated Press is exclusivel,' en- titled to the use for republicatio'i of al'news dispatches credited to it or , toth',,Wise credited in this paper and the h, news out)- fished hexrein. Entered at the Ajnix Arhor, \I icho&,i, p(Ttotliie as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by nAl, Offices: Press Building, NI :inal rl Si eet,st Ann Arkor, Michigan. Commnxn licatio ns, i. -signed as eviuxeice of good faith, will he pulli shedl in The Soummer t Daily at the discyctioxi of the h'ditor. 'Tn- sig ned conmmunicat ioxns will receive no ( .n sideration. The signature may be omitted in pulicatioxn if desired by the writer. The Suinxxer Djaily does niot necessarily e.. orse, the setxitimxenths expressed inx the coxnii xia. tionsg.' EDITORIAL ST.AIk' TelephIon~e 492, MANAGING EDITOR MANNING HOUJSEWORTH E Chxairmn, Editorial Board,..ugene- 11. GCitkuxs! City Editor...............Williami R. B~reyer Music anid Dramia......... Willi:ai. Lucasj7 Womnan's Editor.........Jui, kutli Brow Night lEditors William Stockw.eI lhooelllonr:~ Paul J. KernFrIederiCK Shill to Douglas Douleday ings Wleo ul,' slo'ii a o li io It -c'em1s that abotiL eex"% wox ~k they ha Ve to reopien t he t1,,_ )iwoni he- cause it ('loses aut omatiAly lyIv r2o-{ son of its own letlhargv I lhat is wrong? li ae the li i('it ipeople los#.teir foriit 1 it i William F. CookiMildred Willia's 01W1p01 N le' Edward Solomon SATU'RDAY, JULY 24, 1926 I ( ('h i'5Fo t teo ii lt -iirt Night Editor- -4), F. )O}UBLEDAY etr etli i1! t 'oitgSi A .ItEVOI [r'TlWN IMn i I's G 1 (Ildihr i -a iH'.htIIl The British mint' operator's SeemIlot l't n he' ti l ~-iO determined to urush urganized labor jwest Wined Leading Library THE LATEST BOOKS for RENTI TeThree Students -Hldaeae al Dining Room 809 East 'Washington Street (t~rag Block from Hill Auditorium) { MICHIGAN PINS FOUtNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS E SHALLER'S SSTATE STREET IN JEWELERS Y.JlJ1?LSS11,1/ll' rn (±t i . For the Coming Season No ire Leads for Smartest Frocks Rich satin and frost crepe fashion trucks that wxill also have fav-or. All of the lo%,eliness of the latest ntuaiices of the Fall Mode-the blotrsed back, the bolero, tihe brief flare, new necklines and new and unusual sleeve treatments are found in dreases that use black. as the smartest color expression and the rich wvine shades,. the tmany shades of green, all shades of blue, from sky blue to navy, to express the vagaries of Fashion's tmoods. t. 11 for once and all, supposedly,. hopingl thereby to hi re men at their own star- vation price. They sent determinedi to make the miners accedue to lower wages, longer' houris, anti an tturi(i'-V ganized industry- the three things against which the miners are tLh- ing. The opterators have even coin- joled Parliament inito helping them by passing a bill permiitting them to lengthen the xx orkinig day. After the' bill's passage notices- Wt'e'e posted in- viting the men back (toxxoi'k on thel old scale f'or the longer dlay. Th le mines, howevert, are ;t ill idle, the milnet'shav'e'just (oint'weaon)Oto 0u5e against the stupid and stu bbor'n sel-- In1 Tile- tis p1la.'i'till'I '11(1 h ' r, d it atott intin nttR " c i t ly ls X a - - vl 1 1 taler b'pa0l (f 11 ev-tVrti'i 11 "'x e to' th 7 I iol Ii-', i - l r .Nok (;!li") t~llY' .it lll ( I' h ft11 cli it he cm-i r orIl 11I 1 i: ii Zj]~ 0 II i penixctin i"'0 '.'Id H 1FOR the student or prof., the, et Iir 3 VENUS out-rivals all for pt'rfcct pencil work. _ 17 lac: k dlegreos-'-3 copyiin-g A nieriea n Leali Pelncil . 1 1 sx-, lvco:-i1ir-x lx a The Fall stage is set and silk frocks promise to play a principal part. Here you mtay choose apparal that bears all of the earmarks of fashion and so enijoy the ilistinCtiOn2 that conmes from being dressed in the height of fashion. $25.00 - $69.50 (:second Floor. ~/~&dV ' 6.640 'fit ~ i ,,t's 'ey ta- coco th ips, ati'l 0 1, r'' E ; lift 2-214 LIa __ ,' wr rr err ir rrr a r rrr riwirrrrrerr rrr , ~'Ihe IraW 'titett 1,r0 alt I i '--h a no ' - - - - -' -- that is the trike wvhich they 0 i'e1tRit th-y git exucations. sc -I p jedagoueOx'ku1 It x Fieor see, using" and wlichthey dare not lay i>s xxiix tti gMi-niol, otIIIIItItIIIx tIIIIIIIItItNl-IIhIIIIeIIIIIIhatIIIman'sl IIanIIathleteIIIIHI down for fear t hatlItteir employers .de (o'erinIi la a for xx' 'h at a 1Ono"e:tee ht-a' nahee will take advantage of their defenlce- x-iI I X o noxws Is 1ulnt format ions. lessness. The unwillingn-ss of the Hettlso tc-,'" lex- llwt t Iknoxx'the course, 1)ut1 le operator's Itogrant the rit1net's Was 110illxtlWillhpusss t'ik III xiiix rig h tfu lly th eirs is d r ain in g t i e life fti ¢ ' e 0 p e > i O t dh t l x i t i ))footd of a great ly' xweakened industry - Andlover(ix a ti a tiampus crook AL SI BCIP I N Unless they soon conie to terms the-y Wiait. 0 uti xlti riilx Xithi al his mchinations. nrasal antd antoiie ot 'olte will find themselves as bad off as their (ixHe.Jpennis oks--the cuffs of crooks _ bac~t(k of I te 1 0 01 re ndLtii Itelili Xiii 5 t epoeswthi a useless lot of holes pI Ii sadpooso Ildio t"r)oldi all their infornmation. i n t h el o . I tie sr a i h a h ' i t ll i l tS o i l-it i s ii t t i t t l x - in he roud. t i cetan tat ileabsrd itltls il xliet-h~> li- \id tli rs's a famous campus bum; miner's xii never gixe in unless they (cess'ion inallo- 'u - ~tr- - I -u are starv ed into s timissiou xxwlich is (tht' - -zi Iii vvh( eI le lu's alwvays on probation. extremely ul xvl ith t it- aid Tathey!txt/ i- i x-htiltrrli~I c'ltn ex-r beexelled --his dad unieyute ts manner antd xicis ta 500 ri'et' x r I ar eevn rmRussia, the U nited l\Fsta.Kt 1- blshed a foundation. SUMRICG AbIL States unions, and (othier sources, At'' I ('01101 sfann) rywee (Wi-I' a pici - tie present timne British union lead-A disillusioned dog