PAGE FOtJAt THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL'Y' THE UMMR MCHIGN DILYFRIDAY, JULY 23, 1926 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer 'Session until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a,.in. Saturday). Volume TI FIIII)AY , .JVl'Y 2., 126Number 209~ U'niversity Womten: The Women's League xill not serve tea Friday afternoon. Grace IRichiards, Acting Dean of W~omnt. Excursion to Put-int-Ray: Via interurban to Detroit andi Steamer to Put-In-Bay. Leave by interurban (not Michigan Central as previously announced) at Corner of State and Packard Streets at 6:00 A. MV. and return at about 11:0d P. M. same day. B~uy your interurban tickets Friday. Total expenlses under $5. In order to secure proper car sce'vice please leave your names with Dr. MacCarthy, room G223 N. S. to 11 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M., or with Dr. Hlussey, room G127 N. S. 10 to 11 a. M., 2 to 4 P. A. before Friday noon. Excursion is open to the public. G. IL MacCarth~y. To Heads of Dlepartmnits: The Printing & Binding Department will close from August 16 to 29. Make immediate arrangements for work to be completed during this period. Miss Reading will be in attendance to answer phone calls and receive orders to be completed onl the resumption of work. WV. C. Ilollands. There will be a social evening for faculty and students of the Summer Session in Barbour Gymnasium Friday from 3:30 to 11: 30. informal re. *ception, dancing, cards. Please present your student's receip~t for admission. Grace IRichiards, Acting DIean iof Womn i. Heads American{ Bar Association Read The Daily "Classified" Columns E 3OOK BAGINS 11 MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS our Bargain Counter Awaits You, Additions Daily W ' UNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE P ------ r"- ....r, - - ° A Trial will Prove the Merit of Our Specially P'repared Lunches. Tuttle'sI L.unch Room 338 Maynard St. C 0 0 L C ii4EAThmik } < P i - il I Rhetori 1 and : (>1 ij ' S.'Whit man, above. former! Students in my classes will p~lease have files complete and ready for = 9)'"nor of New York, is the new, checking on Saturday morning. A. IL D orris. presidenit of tho American Bar associ- atinsuccee'dinug Chester I. L ong of Phi D~elta Rappa Luncheon: P'atronize Daily Advertsers,- Adv. Wichita, Kan.. r The concluding luncheon of the summer series of Phi Delta Kappa luncheons will be held Tuesday, July! 27, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Lantern Shop, corner East University and Wil- lard. Three field members will speak and important fraternity matters will be considered. All chapter members are urged to attend. Hierold (C. Hunt, President. .Princeton Man Wins Harper's 1 Prose Contestl 'Today and Tomorrow The beautiful Barbara La)Yarr in John Galsworthy's famous story of Th z e White ..Monkey " Absolutely your last opportunity to see this famuous star in a picture which miarked the high water of her perfection before her recett lamented death-see this picture if you never see another this summer. Also- Felix It's a Bear Fox News Nl\V YORK, July 22.--Arche; ir sten ofPrinceton university is I he Every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8:30 tetwe-"TE£IU . winrof 1tho first Intercollegiate iii- Sarah ( ' t . t rll; Nx WH-aTHiAIU.[ erary contest for prose writing, con- auspices of I larpor's Magazine usl 11i111111111111111111i11111111111111111N111111111i1111N 1H 1 111PU 111111111111111s "'Story in D~escending Discords" w as given first, prize of $50u by the udges , W h a t 's G i gt o Hpe -U tWl i m l l~ e ' r i t p e l r el n at~ Iona Gale. Manuscripts were oubmi ted bln l(rgaat es in 4= The question that has furrowed the brows of a nation- of he leading colleges anid uniiverse- y ties in the t 'nit ed St ates. - The asward story, ane account of the= (eclino and all of a fresh mnan atA l - i h a c 'a h Prinetonas told in his letterstohs_ plarents, will be pub lis hed in t he Aug - ust magazine. Winsten, a New York.-' er. wrote they story While a senior. a c-Pl c 'lw ecn rizes o .0 ah(o- y v n Gr e " to Mary Lisp,'nard C ooper of V iss'r colgand \Walt'r I). 1lnlOndslb S nd.Lak of Harvard.- Winners of honorable menition are'- Julia Godmian, U n iversity of' Oregon; Ci inure Flutes, Priince t ote Roberta F'_! Mare Mc- wo rchstrsalternating the entire nightI S mitli W s b i n c l e e M a i M a -=tnbe r, 1'n i Ye sit y of .\ebraska, a nid , 'Tec .' ~ ilg! i iversiy of Vir-JEAN GOLDKETTE'S "LEDI" NICHOLS = Nvith the co-operation of tho lFuglish AND HIS - departments of the collcees which en- ; B E Z BREEZE MIAMI SEVEN MILAN... Cardinal Tost. arelihis- - BILOCX\iIRSDietfoFlrd= hop of Milan. has pla cod a baen on Direct____ _from____Florida ___ pu blic dlances and other "profane man- ifestations' among ('aitholics in his 1= Dancing From Sundown till Sunrise. - - - PARK PLAN _ in risdictio ion.II[I IIIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11U 11t111111M i111111i~ 111k1® ~Now SShowing Lhe I~//1/lllll/lllll~Il~."l.IYI.. .I/l /Do Highly Amusing. Diversion ti ApC t j ;4A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ i~TJON 'ti- 0 other features on stage and screen 1_ NtW .Week FIELDS in hit's The dd Army Game" 'k 11 " Sayr, Bill, shall we take the girls to a show this evening?") " No, Joe, the weather is too nice to go to a show. Let's rent a car from Chet and go to one of the lakes to a dance." a THE LOVE TRAGEDY OF A RUSSIAN PRINCE Lowel With' John Harron Also PlieGrnComedy News Locals s Raymond "~~Paint" N Griffith in VYIOI ) I Chef s Drive Yourself Car Co. Low as 1.2c per mile, including gas, oil, insurance. I 21516 First and Washington, 21516 A. lii '--------. i