rGE THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNEISDAY, JULY 21, 1926 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 11tibic~atioil ini the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the tuiversity. Copy received at the office of the Surmmer Session until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. in. Saturday}. V'olunie VI WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1926 umbenl-r20, GVQLF NOTICE: All stutdent s tahin goglfl met_ me at University Golf Course at 3 p. rte. to-dray .l1"ing .111 yolur score cards. Ethel N({'ormfick. i British Laborite Speaks Frankly In The Commons BOOK II~~~~~~_ _____________________________________________ BARGAIN S d -S, MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. ,additions Daily ' UNIVERST WAHR'S BOKSTORE Excursion to Put -in-Bay: Via interurban to Detroit and Steamer to Put-Ini-Bay. Leave liy interurban] (not Alichigaii Central as previously announced) at C"Orner of State an(d Packard Streets at 6i:00 A. Mv. and return at about 11:00j P. At. same daty. Buly your itetruirbani tickets Friday. Total expenses under $5 Il ordler to secure propier car se'rvice please leave your names wit h Dr. MlacCarthy, roomi G223 N. S. to 11 A. 1T. 2 to 4 P. Mi. or with Dr. [Hussey, room G127 X. S. 10 to 11 A. Mv., 2 to l P. M. before Friday noon. Excursion is Open] to thepublic. G. R MiwCartlhy. To Heas (of Deimrtut cuts The Priin g & Binding TDepartmnent will close from August. 16t to 251. fla~ke i imii t e arranigemlents for work to be completed during this periodi. Liss Rleadinig Nwill be in atti dn& to aiiswxer phone calls and receive orders to be completed on the restuni ition of work. WV. C. Itollands. Michigan Grand Boulevard Will Be Unique Traftcway BAY CITYIJuly 17 -(A.P.)--n- highwxay will follow' the shorecline of {;!ther link inl theo Michigan Grand Saginaw Blay to flay City. From B~ay ouilevard---a plannied highway which , 'ity onl north it will hug the Lake w ill be the world's mpost unique traf- Huron shore to Mackinaw City. rlc way-is assured through the ac- The Michigan Grand Boulevard Lon of the Tosco) county road commis- wecoptdwill offer' a drive of ' si n w s i sr ce o i nui t1secure the right-of-way between East:inealy 1500 miles to visitors and resi- Tawasvan: d t he Al conia coult,, line. 'dents of the state, virtua lly all of The Miehigan Grand Boulevard will whlich will be in sight of waters of the start at Toledo and girdle the shore' Great Lakes -Erie, [-luron and lichi- otf the lower penintsila of Michigan.' gani. The boulevard will traverse ending at ('b irago. The boulevard areas connected with whichi are someic hin cornplet ed , wvill he built of solid of the miost co]lorful incidlents inl the ccifl crete and will be 40 feet in width. jh istory of Alichi gari and the nation. Tb e east io<-n halIf ol' the proposed ''"The Michigan G rand Boulevartd bolu I'id isheing sponso redr by the, will be the os unique and tlone of the East lxi chig;a a''c)Torist a sociali, ,tmost attracive d (rives iin the world, wxith h hedq ii alers in,'m-hist.', . Pr r whenl Cornile tedA, otlicials of the East ions of 'he boulevard ha;i'rd, acco ,rlling To theli cash lwhich these vi;'sitor~ts xvill leave l ast lxicb1iean Tiris asoritillintheir xxale 101 sI ip ouths of tb t will follow the shoreolLake U"'Hoievtar. Tile boulevard will h;t iti. too, fronm Tolodo tlrotlgh NMonroe to l1)e lMichiigan]'s adlvatwnmet asa i mecca t rot it Ifi. slb i IIiio I) aroil.t i ye r for lovers of wvinter spior't s li('at e of. a adr Lake( St.(la ir', pass-Ing Mon ilt the easy acecessibilityv it wvill offer to ('blens to ! ort I Ill)l,.,Huron. n Pott 1places xwhich are already directing I lu:1n, it wxill 1,-ii7 the liI'L-11' troute ftheir energies toward eutt'rtainilug the of 1i-81. i)tO 1 liot'b-,lea.ch :1A1ad 11i-27 to Ils'er of wviniter-out-d(oe r sport.. Por t Attiu. i. The 1Detcolt t) Port 'Michigan has the country's T,,()-t; a Autnhighxway is a( hnoxvlt to tiful penIinisula. Thet' bouvrd will he one or ithe 11o051)bautiful drives°-TiIIgive visitors a chance to se'wte ilil- the counat ry. Fromi IPort Aust in, the sul a at. its edge.'' ® , , AR IC( gilts -25c to $I.50 ARRICK - -Mts.d.-Sat. 25jC, 50C, 75c. THE GARRICK COMPANY Thrilling Mystery Melodrama " Shooting Shadows" (First 'Time Inii etroitl .1ltlit1/1IUl lli/I i TImI 7ITul F ItuiilIIDtTilU U i1111ItIIIuI g1IIIll fuMil Il 31 Iil I _. _ J r i - JTack J ones, picturesque laboritet'illr the British house of commons, has been jailed several times for his fiery utterances andl his emphatic language since the callin tg of the general striike brings him again into the limelight. In Norxway the army aidls in plant- ing trlees. ii liiing swam~ps, a1n11Other Ex worlb of ro fo restati on. The work is pilannled btioh as a help to the N'om-e- gian Fo rest ry associationi, and as a-I valua ble t rainling for the men. Cllieiary ge ua14 L pencii the world F OR the student or prof., tlit- superb VENUS out-rivals all fo~r perfec(t 1)encilwor k. 27 black degrees~-3 t0pyinzr Ametricain Lead 2,20 Fifth Ave. Now rt The ol deicine wvagoni has gone forever. da~ncer, tile Coon bianjo player are 110 motre. this~ greatest of all dramas that Frank Llo, w ith a sto ry of love an d faith th at rem indtu e y o h a e v r s e n nd l v s y u you have never se~en anything half so wxond BETTY COMPSON WITH MARY ASTO' Keith stage feature I ~WATTS & HAWIAEV I'inA "LAUGHS COATED WI1TH MEOIES "Ri iol The Indian, the Dula But they live again in oyd has ever produced; < with t he memory that lerful before.; .MES KIRKWOOD )R Special Comedy l THIS MAD RACIM " AVanllibber Comedy by1 ichard Harding Davis What's Going to Happen Saturday Night? The question that has furrowed the brows of a nation - AuAll-Night Dance at the Sylvan Garden DiancePalace w Sand Lake Two Orchestras, alternating the entire night _ a=1 JEAN GOLDKETr.EE'S "LED" NICHOLS' AND HIS L, MIAMI SEVEN BLOWERS" Direct from Florida EDancing From Sundown till Sunrise ---PARK PLAN = I'.' COOL W UE RT H COZY LAST TIMES TODAY Dolores Costello in "Bride of the Storm" One of the best produc- tions of the year---a stirring and exciting melodrama- featuring the beautiful Do- lores-assisted by a remark- able cast including-Tyrone Power, John Harron, Otto Mattieson. SCHEDULE Matinees 2:00, 3:30 10c, 25c, 35c N ights 7:30, 9:04 10c. 35c, 50c }IeV /'0 1''C ; 1J1 1 .' ' . .. -- ALSO Fighting Heart Comedy Fox News Concert Organist Coming Tomorrow Screenland's most beautiful actress of recent date. In a story adapted from Gals- worthy's famous novel. 'pi