VOL. XVII. No. 27
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BTIA RF i enator Edwards
Plans National
With Clean Slate
Wells Introduces Eminent Authority
On Automobile Narketing Andt
Other Statistics
Prof. Clare E. Griffin of the School
of Business Administration, who is
recognized as one of the country's
leading authorities on automobileI
marketing and statistics, in a speech
of the Summer Session series deliver-
ed yesterday afternoon attributed toj
the automobile industry the credit of
influencing business in the United
States towards its characteristic high
wages and low prices. The economi-
cal well-being of the country can bo
traced to this policy, according to Pro-
fessor Griffin.
Carlton Wells of the rhetoric de-
partment introduced the speaker and
announced several future events on
the Summer Session program. Pro-
fessor Griffin spoke on the "Economici
Aspects of the Automobile Industry."
Besides sketching the part that tho
automobile industry has played in;
T'HE DOCTOR IN SPITE OF HIM. of the proceedings, MA. Parker discov-
SELF" ered Prof. Bruce Donaldson to the
A review, by William C. Lucas great delight of both parties.
The Players have on exhibition a But what a sight are these players.
most extraordinary entertainment this Rmy Loomis in a red wig, Robert
week. It approximates something be- Henderson, a fearful double for Cy-
tween a halucination an "atmosphericj rano de Bergerac -though he lost his
night club", and the experience is beautiful red proboscus in a scuffle inj
something not to be forgotten easily. the first scene, and let it go as a bad
What the director has done is after ob. Then there are Warren Parker
all not so incomprehensible. He has and William Bishop. Besides acting
taken a grand, rolicking Moliere farce, it is the duty of these worthies to
rescued it from the conventions of the change the properties (there are two,
"Comedie", in imitation of Capeau and I think), but they make a great deal
his theatre Vieux Colombier, and of work of it, and it's almost as much
steeped the whole production in a de- fun as the play. M. Bishop proportion-
licious travesty of customs of the ed most heroically merely assisted
French theater Colombier, and steep- 'with a word of advice. M. Parker did
ed the whole production in a delicious the work.
travesty of customs of the French Yes, there is a play also. But about
theater of the Empire. all I remember is that it is veryI
There is no curtain. A single set funny, and that Al Henderson spanks1
Four Hours To R Spent At Point
Of Historic Interest And In
Caves Of Island
As the seventh excursion on the pro-
gram of the Summer session, a party
of University students -and faculty
members will leave at 6 o'clock Sat-
urday morning for Put-In-Bay, the
historic island in Lake Erie to which
- . --
An attemlnpt to repeal the Volstead
Act by a national referendum in 19281
is proposed by Senator Edward 1. Ed-
wasrds of New Jersey. He has intro-
duced a resolution into the Senate
which provides for state conventions
to ascertain the people's will. Dele-
gates to the conventions are to be
serves for the entire performance,
changes in scene being indicated by an
intrigueing placard. An amazing com-'
motion is heard in the rear of the
theater, and the players stride down!
the isle, jabbering in a tongue which
they undoulbedly suppose to bea
French. They converse, pass com-
ments on the audience. In the course
Mlle. Loomis most realistically. If
you are worried about its intrinsic
beauties, consult Waldo Frank, Cam-
ille Masline, Richard Woellhaf. Erik
Klewer, and Frances Horine are ex-
cellent. Robert Henderson is a great
Sganarelle but what seemed most ap-
parent last night-a director of the
first rank.
selected by popular vote but the time
and place of the conventions is to be
determined by the separate state leg- OND ECT RE
Ferry Fi eld GIE YUBE
molding Anerican civilization, the
speaker traced the history of automo- TO
bile manufacturing during the past
decade and also outlined it's possible By Principals
future for the next fe wyears.
Ancient civilization was based t1 W\iinniig by the margin of a single
slavery;: medieval on feudalism;ad and
modern civilization rests on an econt
omical basis, according to Professor play, the principals established their,
Griffin. The United States, with its claim to the 1926 baseball champion-
superb and unconcerned well-being, ship of the Men's Educational club
as a result of high wages and low yesterday afternoon on Ferry Field
prices, leads the worldl in the modern by beating the superintendents by the
trend of civilization. The United
States has made a great contribution score of S to 7. The winning run was
to modern civilization and it has been made by a steal of home in the clos-
an economical one. said the speaker. ing inning.
"It has been the intelligent employ- Following the game a picnic lunch
er rather than the intelligence of the was served by the committee; Hot
worker, regardless of how high that' dogs, doughnuts, ice cream and coffee
may be, that has guided American i-I in large quantities was the menu pro-j
dustry into its present era of high , erred the teachers.
wages and low prices," said Professor The next meeting of the club will
Griffin. The guidance and direction be held in the Michigan Union next
of the future of an industry was in the Tuesday night at 7 p. m. Dean Kraus
hands of the employer, according to will speak on higher education in Ger-I
the speaker. many and following his speech the L.
The present day automobile indus- Y. D.'s will stage their annual initia-
try is characterized in several ways. tion of a few candidates.
Among these is that industry has ex-
perienced an enormous growth in the
decade of its existence. Secondly, the ANC
automobile industry has quickly
adapted labor-saving devices and effi-
dent production machinery. Also, NEL OS BETTER RATER
capital which is used in the automo-
bile industry has been culminated Reports of low water pressure and
from earnings of the same industry.I the quality of the water being pump-
There has been a constant re-invest- k ed from the Huron river were discuss-
ment of earnings in this industry. id by the meeting of the city council
In speaking of the future of the Monday night. It is believed that the
automobile industry, Professor Griffin present weather conditions will inter-
declined to make a prophesy on the fere with the water supply of AnnI
probable ultimate number of cars Arbor,
which will be in use in the United
States. At the present time, there are Alderman Freeman advised that a
20 million automobiles estimated in well be sunk on the Steere farm forI
Imore water and other aldermen ox-
ese. Even if this number of cars re- mreswate anothaldsrmen ex-
main as a constant and the so-calledsed teonionethatesoeth
'saturation point" has been reached, should
Whe automobile industry could con- Improvement of the city's water sup-
tinue in its present day productionp
merely for the replacement of worn-
out cars after 1930. The average life St. Paul Man Wins
of a car, according to a report made
as a result of an investigtion on this (By Associated Press)
subject made by University men, is WHITE BEAR LAKE, St. Paul,
seven years. Minn., July 20.--Harrison K. Johnson,
It is very probable, according to of St. Paul, won medalist order in the
Professor Griffin, that there will be Iwestern amateur gold tournament
F7 million automobiles in use in the when he completed the 336 holes of
United States by 1930 and should this qualifying play in 141 strokes,
be the "saturation point", the automo-j
bile industry would continue produc--
tion at its present rate merely to re- Our' eatherM an
place worn out cars. A "saturation I _
point" is no calamity to a business for
the shoe industry, steel industry, etc., ,
have long been engaged in merely
keeping the public supplied rather!
than catering to a new demand.
Eighty eight per cent of all cars in 4
the world are in the United States and
so an enormous foreign field is open
for new business for the automobile -
industry if it desires to expand Says that it will probably be cooler
- -s ,
May Be Prevented I- Ordinary
Fare Is Taten
Speaking of the many more com-
mon diseases such as typhoid fever,
smallpox, diphtheria, and yellow fev-
er, Dr. Lumsdeu, in his lecture yester-,
day afternoon in the auditorium of
the dental building, said that we Oan,
if we want to, free ourselves of these
pestilences that "walk in the night."
Dr. Lumsden is delivering a series of
five lectures here this week on public
The main difficulty in gathering
facts about epidemics, particularly
those new to us, Is the inability to sep-
arate coincidence from cause and ef-
fect. The speaker pointed out several
interesting examples in which such
difficulty had been experienced.
Among these examples was one of
a doctor who attempted to show that
'the reason more typhoid fever cases
occurred in the late summer and early
fall months was because of a certain
difference in the tissues of the body
and the flow of blood in the human
body at about that time of year. A
man in the audience which the doctor
in question was addressing arose and
asked whether the cause couldn't be
attributed to the fact that many straw
hats were worn by men. Since more
cases were evident among men, and
since more men wore straw hats, why,
argued the man in the audience, could
not that be the cause of more typhoid
outbreaks during the season that these
hats were worn?
Several means to prevent the spread
of disease were stressed by Dr. Lums-
den, namely: (1), cut off the spread of
disease by means of efficient sanita-
tion, (2), Purify water which we know
is contaminated, (33), Use only pas-
teurized mnilk---th.e only safe kind.
(4), Fortify ourselves by good hyg-
ienic living, (5), The use of specific1
immunizing agencies, such as vac-Z
cination in the case of small pox, and,;
(6), Having if at all possible, an effi-
cient Health Service in every commun-
Typhoid fever, for insetance, as Dr.l
Lumsden pointed out, may be spread
in ways which we never suspect. One
case he used as an illustration wasl
that, in which the water supply of a
town had become infected with the,
typhoid fever germs in the middle of
the winter months. The residents of
1ihe town were sure that the epidemicf
among them had not been caused by
the water supply since the two wells
that furnished it had not had any,
typhoid cases to their discredit in
twenty-five years. Upon careful in-
vestigation by the government healthj
authorities, however, it was discover-
ed that the wells had become polluted'
by a drain tile sixty feet distant which
itA +'het ao'anP f'rm ia farmhnuelP
Coolidge Thinks Legislation Ought
To Protect Any National
Coal Emergency
(By Associated Prrs')
PAUL SMITH'S, New York. July 20.
- Iresident Coolidge adhered to his
,views of providing protection through
)legislation for the consumer in any
coal emergency while he believes that
the government is being administered
with every possible attention to soui d
fiscal policy.
The views of the chief executive on
these two questions became known to-e
day after a call at the executive of-
fices where he received the newspape-r
The president spent most of thet
morning at the offices between visits
at White Pine camp of Secretary
Dwight Davis of the war department
and Senator Fess, Republican, Ohio,
two of his close official advisers
whose presence was said to be unre-
lated and the occasion for only ici-
dental discussion of public questions.
In response to questions at the exe-
cutive offices it was said that the Pres-
ident had no information or reported
plans of members of the House com-
merce committee to approach opera-
4 ors and miners in the coal industry
this summer with the proposal that
their labor disputes be disposed of bye
confe rence among themselves,
nOf the world's soldiers, barely 50 t
per cent are in Europe. China aloneY
has 1,607,000 men in military training.t
f Admiral Peary repaired after the
memorable victory in th'e battle of
Lake Erie.
The party will leave from the inter-
urban station at the corner of State
and Packard streets at 6 o'clock Sat-
. urday morning, taking special cars to
I Detroit where they will take the regu-
lar Put-In-Bay steamer to Put-In-Bay-
William B. WA'ilson, secretary of The excursion will arrive at the is-
Labor during the Wilson administra- land about noon and have four hour.i
tion. is said to have emerged from to spend there before returning about
the Senate investigations of Pennsyl- 4:00 o'clock.
vania primaries expenditures with a The island of Put-In-Bay is replete
clean bill of health. Mr. Wilson is the with points of historical interest from
Democratic candidate for United States the War of 1812, and there are also
Senator from Pennsylvania. many interesting geological forma-
tions there, including the Crystal cave
and the celestites formed there and
I ra s lectalso large numbers of stalacitite and
losDtelinc teaiagmite formations in the various
Am be j[ y Z The total cost of the excursion will
A mber Keazon'''''''''
not be more than five dollars, even if
the students take their lunches on
In his speech, "A Trip to the Amber .board the boat instead of carrying
Coast in the Baltic Sea." to be deliver-Ithem. Any summer school student
may accompany the party and already
ed at 5 o'clock this afternoon in the more than 30 have signed up, even
Natural Science auditorium Dean Ed- though there has only been one day
wvard H. Kraus, of the Summer session in which to do so.
will relate some of his experiences About. 75 are expected to take tha
along the Baltic seacoast of Prussia, trip and all wishing to go should see
Dean Kraus spent four days the either Mr. Russell C. Hussey of the
geology department any afternoon thi§i
early part of this year in Koenigsberg, week oi Dr. G. R. McCarty of the
one of the world's leading amber re- same department any morning bet-
gions, inspecting first hand the quan- tween 11:00 and 12:00 o'clock. Both
tity and quality of the product found
The lecture will be illustrated with
slides of the amber region and of diff-
irent specimens of the mineral. The j
difference between the real amber and
the substitutes will be taken up.
There will also be some simple plat-
form demonstrations to make clear
the nature of the mineral in question.
Class Makes Tour
In a two-hour tour made recently
through the Times-News plant., the I
editing class of the Journalism depart-
ment learned many points about news-
paper organization. R. Ray Baker,
through whose courtesy the trip was
Anade, escorted the class through all
the departments.
men can be found in their offices in
the Natural Science building.
Geography and physiography sec-
tions of the group at the geology
camp in Kentucky have left for a
study of the Appalachian range in
Tennessee and Washington, D. C.
The geology section, under the di-
rection of Dr. John H. Ehlers, profes-
sor of botany, is remaining in camp.
The geography and physiography sec-
tions are under the direction of Dr.
Kenneth C. McMurry, professor of
Work in the camp will close JuJly
24, since it commenced a week earlier
than the regular session in the Uni-
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State Geological Surveyors Plan For Campaign
Announcement was made yesterday thirty entirely new species of fossils,
of the publication of a new work on were found in the region, and some of
the "Richmond Formation in Michi- these are merely numbered, as Mr.t
gan", which was prepared by Mr. Rus- Hussey intends to treat them furtherE
sel C. Hussey of the geology depart- in a subsequent work. The fossils
ment. Thic is the first of a series of found are all remains of the timet
works which will cover the entire ! when Michigan was a sea, being waterc
state when completed and which are I animals, and a large number of plates'
being made for the State Geological are devoted to pictures of the speci-
survey department at Lansing. mens.
The material used in the prepara- Th'e work also draws a comparisont
tion of the book was largely from the between the Richmond formation in
geology museum of the University as Michigan and those found elsewhere,
well as from personal observation and pointing out the similarities and dif-
investigation of the region. The ferences of the respective fields. The
Richmond formations in Michigan are book is illustrated with plates of fos-
found near Escanaba and through the sils and about a dozen illustrations in
book covers a comparatively small the text.
area, it covers it exhaustively and The next work of the series will
(By Associated Press)
DES MOINES, Iowa, July 20.--The
third fight to obtain for agriculture
economic equality with other groups
in America was launched here today
when the corn belt committee, Ameri-
can council of agriculture, and the
committee of 22, without a dissenting
voice laid plans for a campaign which
will reach its climax before the next
American League
Detroit 5, Philadelphia 0
Detroit 8, Philadelphia 3>
St. Louis 7, New York 6
Cleveland 9, Washington 2
Chicago 13, Boston 2
National League
Chicago 16, New York 2
Pittsburgh 8, Boston 5
Cincinnati 5, Brooklyn 4
completely as no other similar work cover the region around the Black4
has ever attempted to do. ' river and Trenton, and will also be,
This is the first thorough study of prepared by Mr. Hussey. When the
the Richmond formation in Michigan, series is complete for the whole state
and some of the beds found had to be the separate books will be bound to-j
named, since no similar ones had gether, forming a comprehensive and
ever been previously found in Michi- exhaustive study of the wbhole geolog-
zan no nv nther reion. More than ical formation of the state.