p j PGE FOURI THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1926 . , r DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN F-uiblicat ton in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Sumnier Session until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. in. Saturday). Volume T1 TiTESDAY, JULYT 2{), 1926 Number 206 TYPEWRITING; PROMPTLY AND NIKA'TI.yYDONE 0. D. Morrill 17icrad I' e Typew riter and Stationery Store BOOK BARGAINS .' , I. Visitors' eights at the Observatory: t'ick(ets for Visitors' -Nights at the Observatory, July 20, and 21, may be obtained at the Office of the Sunmer Session from 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m. These tickets are intended for students of the Summer Session who will present their Treasure'r's receipts when applying for them. The supply is very limited. T. E. Rankin. :Men's Edueational Club : There will be a picnic at 0 :15 at Ferry Field and a championship base- bail game between the principals and superintendents. Corn iittee. Ed'neafion B120s : 21( ting for inexperiencd teache'rs in connection with Class in Educa- tion 1.120.. will be held iri Tappan Hall, Room 109 at 7 a. M. Thursday. Wendall S. Brooks. Phi Delta liappat Luncheon: Weekly luneheon of Phi Delta Kappa will bt~ held Tuesday, July 20, at 12 o'clock noon at the, Lan1tern Shop, corner basti University and Willard. Captain Bramri, of tt.I;I Edational Department, V. S. Army, will speak. All chapter meiders are ug +do attend, Hierold C. Hunt, Presidenit. A Trial w'ill Prove the Merit of Our Specialy Prepared Lunches. Tuttle's .Now i MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily W ' UNIVERSITY WAHR'S OOKSTORE 'I Lunch Room 338 Maynard St. wISCIONSIN WILL FIGHT EAMINATION CHEATERS osolply Uof "getting by.' lack of in- !terest, the student havinzg conme to Madison for non-aca demnic reason.. Unfitness for- unive'rsity work- this may be due to either lack of ability or lack of training." Nihs - 250o 1.50Lvn11111 ttltt ltttt tttttL 4LLtl ttf titU U E tt ttt tttitit/ GARRIC50c, 5 75c. ?A ILT1L: , m u G A R R I C K C O M P A N Y ZTr l i g M y t r l l d r m 1 l t lX Mt11 ~ i l~ i l US E M Eiii 7 ti t l l / t iNti i t i Tll t Siil t l i l ll l i t l . 'Shooting Shadows " ir r .cr .t [First Time- tu Detroitl !1?N H DrnnkaGni - ac itr hc caused critics to8 ! 4 14 laud Dolores Costello as the niost r,..;w~p tbeautiful rtnd the; greatest screen I~A~ CstefI AI57 AFighting' Heart ComedyMnky m Lr -COMING THURSDAY t tTL Barbara La Marr in The WhJiteMnky (Cont inued front P:-_- 'IThree) versitx' work, in and oilt of class, is FLI NT.- stockllders of the Flint, much miore wide-s;pr,-ad ani~d flagrant, Motor Co. have ratified sale of the, 11,h1an 1ay imemaber of your committee 'company's plant here to General Mot- had iiiiia and than miost ineni- ors. Corporation for app~roximat ely bers of tiite faculty would be inclined $4,000,000. to believe,"' -aid the comm7it tee. - lDishonest work is not limnited to JBELGRADE, Jugoslavia-Nine per- large classes . I t 7xstsi small uos re reported to hav e been killed classes atnd is engaged in by upper and several injured in floods of the, grade stdents.L It pervails under the rivers Danube, Save, Tisza, and Drave, proctor systeml and under the honor ___________ 5 VS ell ~A New Hampshire man, who wager- "One of the most discouraging as- ed he could eat four gold-fish, won a poets of the situation is the fact that b et of one dollar and suffered a se- student leaders and others prominent w'ere stomachache, In student life arec in many cases ____ amiongi those who are gulys of di - !I'atronize Rally Ad~verisers.- Adi', honesty in their work.j "Speaking generally, there exists, no student conscience inl the matter; Classified Aids no vitAl sense of the 'wrongness or un- fairness- of dishonesty iii university',LUST work. Ther majority of fraternity, risen, forexamrple would not consider .LOST A, 17. 0). jewel,,ed sister pin he- forinl)'hi anyolle whom they t ween Universit ygolf course.'and susp ct-d , 4.~r~rn tc~x~i \iich. union. Return to C. J. Lund- poker, wh1ile they wonodhae boh- (Bj ist.1Dial 5.921) in coln. Re- J(Ction to t aping inlto their o)rganiza- Ward. '4-'? -2G tion one known to he dishonest ill aca- FOR SA 14F: demnic work." Amongthe 1init t fpresenIt condi-LIPOR SALE Chealp. 4 t ables 42x44 ions cited by the- coini mittee were the inches. 32 chairs. suit able for tezi following: room. sorority or fraternity dining "The general p~revalecnce of thle Phil- room. Call 3193.. tf ;,v 'I Ilk DANCE TO Phil Diamond 1Y, and His Eight of IDiamonds At the Unilversity's Favorite Pavilion Eer, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights WHITMORE LAKE :°r .I. ".'e ,/1.'"0 ./ /. l ./I' "l 1J P~'.1v'/. ,~ i 1. 1 J~ J ~ r .~ l l v~ . I' ,_yM -I II DANCE Blue Lantern 11 i ISLAND LAKE Nightly except Monday Sunday Matinee, 3-6 Jean Goldkette.'S Vagabonds I I i I , I i 1 iti ti fti s ti . The old nmedicine \vagon has gon~e forever. The Indian, the hula dancer, the coon banjo playeF are no more. liut they live again in this greatest of all drai p ha Fan LloydI has ever produced, with a story of love and faith that reminds you of the finest pic- tures you have ever seen an le~lve* you with t he memtory that you have never seen anything half so wonderful before. W IT11 BETTY COMPSON JAMES KIRKWOOD MARY ASTOR I I III JN 1 I I K