PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MJIIMGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1926 z I. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by; the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Fntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second clas motter. Subscription by carrier, $i.-o; by mail, $2.00. Offices Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Comniunications, if signed as eviaence of good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion ot the h-ditor. -n- bigned con uunications will receive no con- sideration. The signature may be omitted in p'ublication ii desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communica- tions. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. KNOW WHEREOF YE SPEAK To the Editor: In last Sunday's Daily an editorial appeared dealing with the current nonsense about a glacial period. "In the opinion of many of our foremost scientists " it says, "this may )e the. last of our summers that we can prob- ably call by that name.." The edi- torial proceeds to hold up these "pet- ticoated scientists" to ridicule-and how very easy it is to draw a carica- ture and then make fun of it. The editorial is typical of thousands of others printed in the newspapers of this and probably other countries, and brought forth by the recent newspaper jOASED ROLL BRAYTi SMYTHE SURPRISED The Alpha Beta fraternity at the 1University of Michigan is situated on State street. It is indubitably the smartest fraternity in Ann Arbor- and the most limited in membership. Every candidate must come under the observation of the fraternity's mem- bers for three dinners, at the end of I which time he may be elected or {blackballed ...... The members of the fraternity are rich, idle, fashionable. The oldest families of the state are desolate if their sons, when they come to Mich- igan, are not decorated with Alpha Beta pin. One day five of the members were sitting in an exclusive group. Brayton Smythe, of the Detroit Smythes, sud- denly asked, "Do clothes make the man?" "I don't know," replied Dickie Treadwell. The outcome of the argument was that Dickie promised to bring a local policeman into the house, dress him up and have him elected into Alpha Beta fraternity at the end of the first dinner. Brayton bet acool five thou that it couldn't be done. Five doys later smiling Red O'Mur- phy was a member of the exclusive Alpha Beta fraternity. GRAHAM'S Special Tables of Books of Interest' to Educators GRAHAM'S At Both Ends of the Diagonal mm West Wind Lending Library MAYNARD STREET THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT The Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion in the Year 1764-5 - Cleone Kaox (i I t . .. MANAING EDITOR report which has been given such wideI MANNING HOUSEWORTH publicity. Chairman, Editorial Board......Eugene 11. (lutekunst As to whether or not we are ap- City Editor .............. William R. Breyer oci aglil Music and Dtama........William C. Lucas proaching a glacial period we can let Woman's Editor...........Julia Ruth Brown the specialists decide, and of course' Night Editors interest in something which will notl Wilton A. Simpson Theodore florniberger happen for hundreds of centuries isI PaulJ. ernFrederick iilito Paul Douglas Doubleday purely academic and so incomprehen- sible to Main Street. But let us take Assistants issue for a moment with the current Gail Lyons Thaddeus \ailewski sm George '. McKean Morris Zwerdling custom of ridiculing scientists. I hap- pen to be acquainted with some of the BUSINESS STAFF scientists quoted as predicting a com- Telephone 21214 ing period of cold, and have followed BUSINESS MANAGER fitheir studies on fluctuations of chin- PAUL W. ARNOLD ate with much interest. I amn certainI 7' -i 24 r k t, rcuia ion ...,.............. Advertising................Francis Norriuist Assistants Edward Solomon William F. Cnl:I TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1926 Night Editor-F. H. SHILLITo) BE NICE TO THEM About a week or so ago, on a quiet and sunshiny afternoon, In the som- nolent villige of Plymouth three hold- up men entered the principal bank and at the point of guns held up the cashier and escaped with several thou- sand dollars. A customer entered the bank dring the hold-up and was sum- marily shot in order that he might not get in the way. Later the same afternoon a police- man at the outskirts of Detroit stop- ped the bandit car and attempted to arrest the thugs. Immediately they opened fire and shot him in cold blood; he leaves a young widow and two tiny children which the state will now have to raise. The widow has left for her mother's home, her life darkened by the terrible catastorphe; the children will grow up never know- ing the man that was their father,' and a home of respectable people has been groken up by the vile hand of lawlessness. All this the cold blooded city of Detroit bore dispassionately. A few thousand dollars will pay the widow and the children for the loss of their husband and father, and another pol- iceman can easily be found. The bus- iness of the city went on as usual and there was nothing to ruffle the peace- ful sky until Saturday, when the ruth- less murderers who committeed the crime were arraigned in a court of justice and examined. Then the wave of sympathy broke forth on the front pages of the largest Detroit papers, and the people of the city of Detroit were moved to the core by the pathetic story of the gunmen as the people of that city seldom are moved. It seems that the criminals are be- tween the ages of sixteen and twenty years and they wanted an automobile and a vacation and so forth and the only way they could get such things was by killing people. Tears rose to the eyes of Detroiters when they told of the things they had wanted and were unable to buy the same things that the children of these D)etroiters want and are unable to buy -but that is beside the point. These poor murd- erers., it seems, had never known of any way to earn money by labor. and nothing could be more sensible than to let them make their living in ro- bing honest people. The criminals claimed they never smoked, drank, or swore how much easier it must make the widows feel to know that their husbands were shot by gentlemen. They used no pro- fanity when ordering people to put upp their hands--this made it a pleasure to hold up one's hands and give up one's money. Surely such gentlemen should not be sent to prision. The police must immediately frame an apology for having so foully ar- rested the trio and release them in order that they may steal enough money to buy the things they desire before they are too old to enjoy. them. This course, and only this, can satisfy the horrified people and newspapers of Detroit that no one of them would have made the sensational prediction contained in the opening sentence of this letter. Such an absurd distortion is the re- sult of three things: One, an inter- viewing reporter who was entirely ig- norant of a scientific point of view or of scientific language, modified, as it - always is. by phrases expressing un- certainty; two, a scientist whose life ' dw 9r had been to such an extent devoted to his work that he could no longer speak a language understandable to Red Murphy, Alpha Gamm his fellow mortals; and three, a night "But how," asked Brayton Smythe, editor craving a sensational story for Mondy'sediionof is ~apr. his"how in the devil's name could he do Monday's edition of his paper. ThisI combination results inevitably in some it all-good clothes, sparkling conver- garledto repurporingvita beythsmepsation, irreproachable taste, excellent garbled story purporting to be the op- glpiebigadhsselwy inion of a scientist. No wonder edi-I golf, prime bridge, and his swell way torial writers, when other topics failI with the women? 'fil the or ei "Well," replied Dickie Treadwell, . abouhsewihs"Well, he got all his dope from read- inches about these foolish.doddering. ing Toasted Rolls." sensation-loving scientists. But the T , joke is not on the scientists, is it? Most of them are a red-blooded, very Edtor: human lot; because of their training, Ieeenrgoing with a fellow for very conscious of the short-comings j three months now and somehow he of the human mind, and consequently r honestly uncertain of their own tind- doesn't seem to warm up. Every time ings -un uncertainty which can mean my gentleman friend calls ma and me ingsyu ncetannty whi st camean-fix him up a swell layout of food, and1 only incompetance to the rest of man wedntwn o-okyaon kind. To be misquoted and ridiculed we don't want to monkey around any longer if there ain't going to be ply setting forth the details of a sci- nothing done. What I ant to know entific theory would never be print- is, what shall I do. ed in a newspaper, nor grazsped by the- . public if it were printed there. IDear Sue: Couldn't we of the so-called educat- am sure a girl with such a nice ed public take an oath no longer to old fashioned name as your's doesn't indulge in the ridicule of scientists? want to be thought of as chasing a a i i 1 r I #i i a i t i MORE PRECIOUS THAN "DIAMONDS" To the ball player-to ANY athlete-one of the most appealing features of his favorite sport is the shower and rub-down that follows the exercise. One three-letter lad said he'd play on the croquet team if he could get in condition and they'd prom- ise him his Mifflin massage after each game! One man likes basebal-another golf-a third tennis-but ALL agree on the delights of a Mifflin Alkohol rub-down after exercise of any sort. . Fine to soften the beard, before shaving; to cool and soothe the skin, AFTERshaving. Splendid relief for tired, aching feet; great for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. Muffin Alkohol is denatured by a tormula which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many other athletic organizations use Mifiin Alkohol regu- larly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in the handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. Somethilng to ee and Try at Once In a Pen at $2.75 Parker Pens in Black and Gold Larer aizs, $3.50,$55and$7 Product of Parker Duofold Croftn i Preston E. James. ____ C MM __T EDITORIAL COMMENT WHAT THE FIGURES SHOW (Philadelphia Public -Ledger Trade statistics for the fiscal year which ended on June 30 show that the United States sold goods to the, rest of the world in excess of what it bought to the amount of $287,000,000. During the preceding year this bal- ance was more than a billion dollars.) These figures are worthy of comment from two points of view: First, they show tdrat the rest of the world is paying its debts to us as a creditor nation. The small balance of 1926 was caused by an incraese of imports by $642,000,000 and a decrease in exports of $111,000,000. A creditor nation must expect its merchandise imports to increase, even to the ex-, tent of balancing off exports entirely. This tendency may be taken as nat- ural. But there is a second point of view not to be ignored as natural and inevitable. Secretary of Commerce1 Hoover points out that the increase in1 imports means dollars rather than, quantities of goods, and that much the same goes for the decrease in exports. In plain words, we paid some high, prices for what we bought and receiv- ed some low prices for what we sold.! Secretary Hoover mentions rubber in1 the first category, grain and cotton in the second. To redress this abnormal balance, will take time. The tendency will be for the United States to produce itsj own rubber and reduce its exportablel surplus of grain and cotton. Our9 trade is bound to show such abnorm- alities until the proper economic ed- justments are made. "Americans, you know, specialize In impossiblities."-Senator Walsh. man. So, Sue dear, just forget him I for a little while, and if he doesn't come hack, just cut him dead. Re- member, Susie dear, there is more than one pebble on the beach! Dear Editor: I am 35 years old and I think it is about time I am having some liberty around here. A couple nights ago I went out with a fellow who was a lulu. But ma says he doesn't mean no good by me. But damn it all I don't want stick around home all my life. Please tell me what I should do, as I'm pretty sore. -Dorothy. Dear Dorothy: I don't like your profanity a bit, Dorothy, and I wish you would stop it Really, nicy, nice girls never use pro- fanity in any form. But Dorothy dear, are you sure your boy friend means business? I would be pretty sure, before I attempted anything, Dorothy. Remember, a stitch In time saves nine. Dear Editor Tom and I have been happily mar- ried for around thirty years and we haven't had a quarrel. But you ought to have seen the swell man I met the other day. I admit I fell for him. (He's a duck), Shall I give my oldt man the gate or what? I suppose I could put arsenic in his corn flakes. What do you think I'd better do? -Mrs. X. Dear Mrs. X: 'What you need, Mrs. X, Is a good old fashioned spanking. Any woman who would deliberately murder her husband in cold blood does not belong in the society of self-respecting peo- ple. Put that In your pipe and smoke It. I am disappointed in you Mrs. X. * S * Hot Oh, it's hot, hot, hot. And don't think it's not Hot. -Beelebub, U. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS- r a r w Ya/r r-TO-a w a _ * U a r _r r r U r SUMER ICHGAN AIL r r Y r r a r r r _ a a r a r a r d = _ a a aa Y Y a a a thi 'JwL 24, 19a I . . ~ . l ~ t a iw'- aIa ~ .L L.~ J ra 5c= cpy r