SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1926 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PANE THREE THE-SUMER MIHIGAN auLY A41 11TNRAL 1 A dds Veenkher TO WASHINGTON.-The' Taber bill to! and Madras, has accepted appointmentr Coachingrequire rigid tests of milk imported~ as governor-general of Canada to sac- HOBB EXP DIT ON C achig Saff romforeign countries was approved ceed Baron Byng of Vimy, whose term; ODDS ErrL 011 To Leave today by the House Agricultural coin-; expires next mnh,[ O R P 0 T O ite.Asmlrmauei edn ~eo~' Venkicoah t Eeionin the Senate. The proposal is aimed L.ONDON.-The adjourned Liberal *h shoo Ca d, as eenlargely at milk shipped from eastern; party meeting by a vote of 20 to 12 Canadian provinces, has passed a resolution supporting: F GN011E NI I trh nviiyoc~g ODNVson ilntno the chairmanship of David Lloyd LODN-icutWligo fGog sIiea leader in the house1 PARTY WILL TRAVEL IN 11 atSnsE.Venerwilreor1er 1omrgo+ nr my fcomos EXPEDITION SCHIOOINER I Septenmber 12 and will assist Yost in _________________________________________ "I fORRISS:EY" fotal.-aterinl.asetal, ndac as an instruct:or in the general physi- i SIX MEN IN PA T cal education program}. Graduates intrs~u i Veenker attendQdl St. Lawrence uni- Getn I to A v rl n. Will Fix Positions of Future Weather versity and Hlope College, graduating Stations to Predict Storms In from the latter institution in 1916.1 Northern Europe While a student at Hope, Veenker wonI A large metropolitan department store has openings in letters iii football, basketball, baseball its advertising department for one man and one woman. Pracicaly al dtail hae ben ad trck.Give full details as to age, experience and college prepara- completed for th'e University of Mich- During the five years he has coached pin ox00 Igan Greenland Expedition which willj at Gary, his teams have lost only one t~.BX00 sail June 28 from Sydney, Nova game and have won ive football titles. !____________________________________ Scotia, under the directorship of Prof. The Emerson basketball teams have William H. Hobbs of the geology de- also wvon tour sectional titles in has-- partment. The party will be passen- ketball. Before coaching at Emerson, gers on the 100-ton schooner, "Mor- Veenker coached one year at Ham- the American Museum Greenland ex- state championship gridiron team. I risey", wir c has been tch Pa rtdbyn d. hreleasdeloda (__ ot l / OW 00.1 __I1 Cla sifed dsclubs. Others doing fine with it. Classified_________A ___ Address M. B. Smith Publishing Co., 500 North Dearborn, Chicago, Illi- SFOR RENT os 1-2 FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for WANTED summer, 3 rooms, quiet and modern, hot water, new furnishings. Occu-1 WANTED-Man to tutor French in pants all university members. In- l Boy's camp in northern Michigan. Call quire Ellis, 315 N. Thayer. Phone' 6154 after 6 p. in. 2-3. 21824. 2-3.I WVANTED-Several engineering an- NOTICE jnouncements and invitations. Call -- Capen, ,1852. 2 NOTICE-Summer work for teacher_____________________ or advanced student; valuable ex- W OANTED--Law student for position lperience; splendid opportunity. Ap-~ in title and trust business. Address ply mornings 9-l1, Room 3, 120 i 63 Industrial Bank Building, Flint North 4th Street. Ask for Mr. Mi~ichigan. tf. Bevier. 1-2-3. ____ - I COLLEGE STUDENTS NOTICE-EARN WHILE YOU HIK1 E $75.00 weekly easily earned, during Students who contemplate walking; your summer vacation, representing or motoring tours during the sum- a reputable credit jeweler in De- nier may help pay expenses in a troit. Salesmanship principle re- pleasant, easy manner J taking quirement. We can teach you how. subscriptions for a magazine which Writ:e or call "CONHEIM'S", 226 goes only to country clubs and golf' State Street, Detroit. 1-2-3. ';c..r :.-.y ...s.rr.r.r +.rc..r r o o~r .~ ti You Who Are About to Graduate c t 6 . FZ L f' peULui[nUfor a eparatLe trip taiuer north into Greenland. A personnel of five in addition to Professor Hobbs will mnake the trip, wvhich is preliminary to a larger expe- dition to be made in 1927. Prof. Laurence M. Gould of the geology de- partment will accompany th'e party as assistant director, geologist and pho- tographer. Prof. S. P. Ferguson of the United States Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., will act as meteo- rologist, as will Prof. J. E. Church, Jr., '92, director of the Mt. Rose weather observatory at Reno, Nevada.I Ralph L. Belknap, of the geology department, will be the official survey- or and also a glacialist., P. C. Os- canyan, Jr., of New York city, will complete the party as radio operator. A complete radio outfit will be carried, built for operation on a short wave DA N C WIDELY KNOWN DOCTORS TO GIVE__HEALTH TALK11 Michigan' program of lectures, con- certs and excursions planned for this summer will be augmented by a series of talks on topics pertaining to public health. These addresses will be givenII at4 o'clock in the afternoon in thej audlitoriumn of the Dental building. The speakers selected for the series are rep~uted to b~e amng the leading authorities of the United States in this Field and will include, in addition to members ot the faculty of the Uni- versity, doctors connected with theI United Stagecs Public Health Service andl several widely known hygiene as- ETO I~ PHIL DIAMOND AND HIS EIGHT OF DIAMONDS At the University's Favorite Pavilion Every Wednesday, Friday II I Preserve Your Class Pictures and Diplomas Framed and mounted by an expert, they will last indefinitely. Diplomas Insured Within Our Shop. I I I I Shipped insured to any address C. 0. D. Leave them with us after Commencement. FRAMINOO length and will maintain communica- sociations. The topics for discussionih tion with the outside world and the wiill be announc ed later. American Museum expedition.____ The "Morrissey," which is to carry W H ITYE the University expedition to Holstens- P'ARIS,-TPhe roport in Geneva that borg, Greenland, a point just under Ffinance Minister Perot had resigned the Arctic circle, will continue with wiNas (categorically denied by 1 l. Peret's I the party from the American Museum princip~al secretary. of Natural History to the Bailin Bay region where this expedition will gath- er Arctic animals and remains for the new wing of the museum. Robert A. *........................................................ ". Bartlett, famuous Arctic explorer, will captain the vessel and Robert Peary, be engineer.I The Michigan party will arrive at I, ~ oseteexuststn Holstensborg in early July and make As tboxetexqcntising, sotie it their base of action until late Sep- - tember when they expect to be picked Io[ the most beautiful DeVilbiss up by the "Morrissey" on her return Perf umizers, Droppers and other r ' trip. Positions for future weather sta-j requisites of the modern dressing 1 tions to be used for forecasting storms 4tbl b on the North Atlantic and In Europe will be fixed, and temporary stations I ~YOU will find nothing more established for observations which will ~ lovely or appropriate for an, be mrade by special balloons contain-gftocason Ing self registering meteorological apparatus for the upper air. The six men will advance some dis- tance over the great ice cap for obser- vations. Mr. Belknap will fix ban- "...................................... boo sticks in some point of the ice capx and carefully locate themr with a view to returning next summer and determ- G C L ATUr D E i DRAKEU ining the ice movement, an experiment ~ A1..LJI#JJ J. X X..~ which has not yet been tried in the Greenland glacier. DRUG AND PRESCRIPTION A trip will be made in the summerST R of 1927, Professor Hobbs stated, toST R supplement this one and establish permanent weather stations in Green-PHONE 7611 WASHINGTON.-The bill passed by the house appropriating $7,587,000 for 1 CORNER SOUTH STATE AND NORTH additional compensation for disabled UNIVERSITY AVENUE veterans of the world war was ap- proved by the Senate F+inance comn-- ________________________________ araay mignti' II MIORE LAKE l crI aller's Jew, Gastreet relry Store) '-I ___________~'~~,- ~ K300 j i 1 )yqp- s ! ' I i f a rj f ,. ._\.Y/ Jij ,fj~ j Fascinating Vacation Apparel W s L mittee. U "T7HE :Q1UtY" _ eanww ~Goldakette 's aaod Are Nolv Playing at I_ TeBlue LanternI - lo- ISLAND LAKE Dancing Every Night Except ion day - s = Sunday JMatinee iNIUlI11111111111!#U#1111111 iii##1111111##11111110111111111#111111#1##111111111111111111111 I li##111111111111111#11111111111lI11111111 II For Seatside or Mountain,* Town or Country, from the Turn of the Sun's Rays to the Coolness of the Evening Breeze, are here in this Exclusive Women's Shop. And As Always the Prices are Most Moderate. 4L Shop of Personal Service