SATU RDAY, JULY 17, 1926 SupplementaryDirectory List Followxing is a list containing the names, addresses, home towns and ten. phone numbers of all those students who enrolled in the University of Michigan Summer session after the regular Summer Directory was, comn- piled. Horton, Clark W. X Grad. Biol. Sta.. Sycamore, Ohio. Houseworth, Manning A. 1317 Ferdon Rd. Elkhart, Ind. 8217 Hough, Helen M. Ed 899 Dewey Ave. Ann Arbor 7240 Ilsial, (hing Yuh Grad. 912 Monroe Peking, China 8741 llowsei', heui-ietta H .222 vWashtenaw Ann Arbor 9332 Iluher, Carl P. Grad. 1330 Hill Ann Arbor 3498 H tckle, Esther Bilol. Sta. Lapeer, Mich. hlug. Rosa 319 E. Univ. Indiana, Penn. 7139 fl ughes, Richard C, Grad. Biol: Sta. Tecumnseh, Okla. 1-ull, R~oy1B. (Grad. 507 E. Ann Big Cabin, Okla. 6628 full)phries, John I. Grad. Biol. Sta. Windsor, Ont. Ilutehilis, Mrs. Leata Ed. 520 Thompson Flint 7758 Ii ra nnHarold 82(0 E. Washington Detroit 6374 Ingels, 1 azie Ed.. Helen Newberry Kohkomo, Ind. 3716 Inglis, NWilljim 1025 Baldwin Ann Arbor 7267 Inglis, David F.. 1025 Baldwin Ann Arbor 7267 Jobes, Frank W. Grad Biol, Sta. Arlington, Kans. Johnson, Arvid 1T. Grad. 207 S. Ingalls Leaf River, Ill. 21726 Johnston. Archibald A. 615 M1N.onroe Wooster, Ohio 22110 J ohnson, C harles R. Grad Clawson, Mich. Jones, Inez B. GArad 206 S. Thayer Detroit 9841 J tiieoti Marv E. Grad Biol. Sta. Cadillac Jordan. James 1). Ed. 1609 S. Univ- South Whitney, Ind. 21255 Keilm, Cameron D. Med. 1015 E. Huron Harrisburg, Penn. 7617 Kelliher, Richard T. 325 S. 5th. Chicago 4818 lKelley Alice Grad 211 S. Ingalls Cambridge, Mass. 4689 1Kennediy, Clyde B. 504 Monroe TDetroit Kerwin, IreuO Jefferson Apts. Bristow, Okla. King, Ethel N. Grad Biol. Sta. Fostoria King,RIalphb Grad. Biol. Sta. Battle Creek Kirkendaill, Airs. Rachel Ed. 214 S. Thayer Highland Park Kolb1), Anna 61.1 E. 17ni. Clevelandk Kniper, John Gradl 209 S State Grand Rapids 7782 Eieliauml, IEarl 1331 Hill Cleveland 5517 Krull,-'V-nd,.'11 It. Grad Biol. Sta. Tripoli, Iowa Kuhick, he!cln1M. Grad. Biol. Sta. Crete, Neb. Kust er. l' imher C. Grad. fBi. Sta. Ann Arbor Laipple , Anna Grad. Biol. Sta. Geneva, Iowa lam, Joseph W. Mod. 906 E. IHuron Flint, Mich. 7137 Lashunit, Floyd 1 . Me d. 907 Willow Ave. Manchester, Ill. 7892 Lalx arie G. 1106; Oakland Ave. Chicago, Ill. Laws on, John XV .Me d., 505 No. Division Detroit, Mich. 7088 LyoChar,,- R . Grad 1391 So. Division New Concord. Ohio 8657 LeT I. 1s, Bib V. Grad Biol. Sta. R. 1. Cheboygan Oak Lawn, R. I, Le , l1izah C. (U Grad IBiol. Sta . Coshocton, Ohio lc={te . Jamnes 1' 33>4 E. Jefferson North Branch, Mich. 6764 Lemike, %WAlter M. Washtenaw Rood Gen'l Del. Grand Rapids, Mich. Leonard, Hairrx B3, Grad 621 Forest Ave. Coloma, Mich. Lewi, KthaineA. 1003 E. University Detroit, Mich. Lip pin,ot Mary L. Ed. 1004 Olivia Lima, Ohio 3718 Long, 1,lora K 1E(1 1227 Washtenaw Auburn, Maine 4624 Long, :Sadie~ B. Ed,.11227 Wasitenaw Auburn, Maine 4624 MeCrackin, Charles A. Ed. 810 Pearl St., Ypsilanti Ypsilanti :McGowain. Ed1na N. Ed. 321. No. Thayer Pontiac 21566 McKee, ae Grad fBi. Sta. G3oodland, Ind. McLeod., Mlar-uerife Ed. 1503 Washtenaw Port Huron 9617 McMe'ahon, lDonald IT. Grad Chelsea Me, ConC. Grad 1015 E. Huron C"ass City 7617 tl,i W~lfer L., Jr. Law 510 E. Jefferson Hollywood, Cal. 4785 :a imouski, P. Ed. 8218 THE SUMMER MICHIUAN DAILY Mark, Erle E. Ed 202 So. Thayer South Bend, Ind. 9741 Martin, Charles H. Biol. Sta. Solomon, Kans. Marsh, Clyde B. Grad. 1207 So. State New Haven 3070 .Michigan Alumnae Have Preference For Teaching, Says Miss Herdman "Ann Arbor, where commerce and j $1,450,000 or very nearly a million and education meet" is the heralded slogan a half dollars. Over half of this of this city. The city officials and amount is money spent by students citizens wisely value the location of a ;during their residence in the city. large educational institution withinAntelag iem sth aous the limits of the municipality. The Aohrlreiemiih mut exact economic estimation of the value 1 spent from the payrolls of the Normal of the University of Michigan to the such as faculty and other employees. city of Ann Arbor can not easily be accurately quoted but the figure would run into millions of dollars an- "D~el Prete . Colies;iaite Ohop" nually. ______________ Recently Floyd W. Moore of the de- partment of economics of Western StiationrofltheKalueazofoheNmala estiatiormafltheKalmazooheNmaanS. consisting of more than 2,000 students, Jto the city. The estimate was strictly economic, no attempt being made to enter any intangible items such as in-ad fluence of students upon communitys life or the importance of the higher education received by those that could f attend the Normal because it was in; thei edcatin. o ~ oat their home town who could not have oo t afforded to leave the city to further theanualonomcaueoIW, o !e Satenomal e toomthevcity of WKsla-o nmazoo was placed at a little less than U A RI K Nghts -25C to $1.50 v Mats. Wed.-Sat. S$CONI) AND FINAL WEEFKjQ f THE GARRICK COMPANY PRESEN rS The Riot of Fun and Laughter "The Family Upstairs" [First Time fu Detroit!1 We miust make room for the in- ITY PEW R I T IN G 1 coring Fall stock. In doings eaeslig ite nmn PROMPTL.Y AND NRAT.Y DNEcases less than wholesale cost. ( 7 NikelsColors including light grays, tan, tl Arcde ibties, andl to add spice to the Arcad. variety, two large shipments of 11 he Typewriter and Stationer y Store brownt suits, the most p~opular~ shade for Fall. ____________________________________________ ss asidje th e te~xt books and(1pick Kodak--vonu're ,tff for a fewv hours fun. uph your' Kodlak F'ilmi for H ie tr~i p is here ini your s~ze. Bet ter. takle a few extra rolls-thlin you're Sure of results. FREEMALN'S jDining Room 804 East Washington Street S (One Block from Hill Auditorium) I All Furnishings- 01/,--Off. 21 Years' Fxperience 313 East Libterty A nd you're sure o1 pesul ts wlvhen wve develo p yonur and make Sour~ prints= (2xp0- 3lres Kodaks $5 Up-Brownies $2 Up Calkins - Fletcher Drug Co. :124 South ,State Str(et ANN ARBOR, MIIGAN ll, I -- I -- ij West Wind Lending Library MAYNARD STREET THE LATEST BOOKS for RENT Th e Fri it ,Li fe of itelt- nof' Trov I -john rskie i i CAINDiY 7 SOD AS i " 41 _ MICHIGAN PINS FOUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HALLER'S wSTATE S'TREE'T rJEWELERS AN Iar gare ta O3ren 4bop Scientifically selected and prepared foods II %unap Oburcb cre tCe II I I 1' f I 11:30-1:30 5:00-7:30 FOUNTAIN SERVICE AFTE;RNOON AND EVENING Open cvcry E;vening except Monday and Tuesdlay 600 K. Liberty Phone 9215 I t U FIRST CONG REGATIO0NAL CHURCH Herbert A. Jump, Minister E. Knox Mitchell, Jr. UnIversity Pastor 10:45 Service of Worship, Dr. John W. Niven, of London, England, will preach. 5:30 Student Supper and Dis- cussion Hour. Dean Kraus of the Summer School will speak on "Social and Edu- cational Changes in Ger- many."+ 8:00 Motion Picture Service. Rin Tin Tin in "Below the Line." Catholic Students' Chapel W1illiam anid Thompson Sunday Masses 8:30 o'clock Rev. Michael P. Bourke Cha plain FIRST MIETHODIST CHURCH State and Washington Streets REV. ARTHUJR W. STALK{ER, Pastor DONALD TIMM ERMAN, MARGARET H. STAIR Associate D~irectors of Student Activities FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huironi st.,East It. Edward Sayles, Minister St udent Mini1ster 9:45l 10:45 I A. M. B~ible School. A. M. Morning wor~ship. 10:30-Col. Alexander M. Damon, Chief Secretary of the Salvation Army for the Central Region, will speak. 12:00-12:45-Student Class at Wesley Hall. H. C. Coffman, leader. Summer School students especially invited. 0:00--Wesleyan Guild meeting at Wesley Hall, Mildred Drescher, of India, leader. 7:00-{open house. "Fruits 'Not .Roots") Sermon by It. Edward Sayles, :Minister 12:0o041I. Bible Class for stud- ents led by Professor Stevens. I Division and Catherine Streets SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8:00 A. M. Holy Communion. 11:00 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Philip L. Schenk. 4:04) P. M. Open House at Harris Hall. Tea will be served. to hi ndl I : '> I FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Streets MERLE HI. AKNJERSOIN, Minister LEWIS C. REIMAWN MRS. NELLIE B. CAD WELL. Secretaries for Student Work Offices, Lane Hall 9:30 Church School. 10:45 Morning Worship with sermon by the Rev. George W. Shelton, D.D., of the Second Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. 5:30 Young People's Social Hour. 6:30 Young People's Society Meeting. i I First Church of Christ, Scientist 409d South Division St. 10:130 A. Al.- Regiilar morning service. Subject : "Life." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school following the n orning service. 7:45 P. M.--Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. The Reading room, 10 and 11 State Savings Bank building, is open daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays and legal holidays. a'te I i