PAGE FOUR' THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1926 Offic Of Dean Of Women Aids Students In Many Ways Portugal's Ruler " . . ,. -- - , BO06OK BARGAIN S That the day of regarding the officeIi of the Dean of Women as a place of correction has passed is a point em-; phatically stressed by Miss Grace Richards, assistant dean of women of the University. In this office many lines of interest should cross and fur- ther the purposes of the women stu- dents or the Office does not meet its opportunity. The dean of women hopes to be regarded as an advisor rathier, than a police-woman or a preceptress. In an office which has been estab-' lished as long as this one, Miss Rich- ards went on to say, there is an ac-t cumulation of material which has been gathered to meet some women's need. Miss Richards would appre- ciate it if the women students of the summer session would make known their interests and inquire to see ifc the office has or can get anything to further these. For examplle, there is y a folder containing the announcements of scholarships elsewhere which has been received during the current year.{ Although Miss Richards does not by this want to discourage attendance at Michigan, she does think it valuable1 to add a year of gradluate study at Bryn Mawr, Radcliffe, Smith, or in some university abroad. Applications1 are received from December to May. Scholarships and fellowships from $300 to $2700 a year are offered. At Radcliffe there are 20 fellowships and!. 3 scholarships; at Bryn Mawr, 24 f ci-{ lowships and 30 scholarships; atI Smith, 6 fellowships, etc. The sub- jects present a field sufficiently varied1 to encourage ambition; modern lan- guage, history, astronomy, belles1 lettres, physics, chemistry, biology,j medicine, mental science, greek, latin, romance languages, psychology, phil- osop~hy, education, mathematics, geol- ogy, economics, music, and comimunity work. The most unusual offer is that of the department of education of Smith college, two fellowships in the Smith college day school. which is a progres- sive school along essentially mcodern lines. This c:arr'ies the work from the first year of school through junior high school. Two fellowships in the Smith college cooperation nursed, school are offered by the institute for the co-ordination of women's interests.' It is a play school for children from 2 to 7 years of age. The graduate st u- dent will study and observe the pre- school child. Two fellowships are of-, fered with thio cooperation of theI Northampton public schools in the' Smith college experimnental school for exceptional children. TI'lere are a number of scholarships available to foreign women. The Am- erican association of University w-oit- ( 11 offers the hose Sidgwick memorial fellowship to British women for grad- uate study in Anie rica coleges or universities. The same organization has fellowships in education and lib- rary methods to enicourage women of the Latin Am erican countries, to study in the Unit ed States, and a fellowship of $12t0 to enable the holder to cariy on a year's research in some country other than her own. The inost. all urinag of curse are the opportunities for study abroad. ''he sacl~s research fellowship in Fine Arts ca ries witlii at a stipenld of i2ot.t ena blc a 1woman to pursue in ati part of the worldl advanced study of the history, principles, and nethod of he ine arits. TI'hese arc but a few of the scholarships and fellowships listed. All 'women who are interested are urged to take ailvantagc of this oppmortunit y, and to inquire at the D~ea n's office for furt her in format ion. Patronize DalyhiAdvertisers.-- A dv. MID-SUMMER SALE of TEXT and REFERENCE BOOKS Our Bargain Counter Awaits You. Additions Daily wwA HR9SBOOKSTORE ........... "EOitIIIt Iit Iit tits lltIIIIIILLt11XIA LLllttittuttLttltititIIIIItattttttittllLIIIstilttltitIittitIItsIIItl:6 AMUSE MEN.r"FS itililtlttitll/1it11iYttTti14151t'ttl'tlliii777Tiiili/lYllitli/11ttt17YililllttfllttiitlDlt1tt11/tttttttfi: "d1.o".1.A.J. ",111. "X~. .rC vGl.ID ",lll./1~./: r.I"J./.I°,I"l././° Lunches that appeal to warm weather Have you tried appetites. them ? c 0 0) I4 TODAY AND TOMORROW C 4 Z x 'The most recent portrait received in Amnerica of General Gomnes da Costa N ho has been estatbl isherd as a virtual tliPt ator over Portugal and whose rise to power miay lierald th~e letitrim of 4a aiim- as iiwof Portugal. Patronize Daily Adertisers.- Adv. bttlec's Iluic h Room 338 Maynard St. irsaarwr rru ro ri rr w Patronize D~aily Advertisers.- . d v. i *\j. 4B A beautiful girl caught in a thrilling feud in New Mexico. WVITHI GEORGE O'BRIEN and ANITA STEWART , ti Iti ti _ The: Players of the liir'i of 3lhhigiti Every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday at 8:30 ; rah 4isiwll Aiigell Mal Tomorrow Night! A. A. Milne's Frothiest Farce "BELINDA I A LSO FELIIX BIG GAME FOX NF, SUNDAY-" THE BRIDE OF THE STORM" w S A Perfect Midsummer Night's Play NI NT}irX 'The Doctor lo Spite Of Himself", ' I! .rrrrr rllJJJ ? %ll41-1*4 . ;4 I r W MICHIGANINS F OUNTAIN PENS ALARM CLOCKS HALt.LER IIS SATESTREET JEWELERS Well Dressed? -res, with SEA ISLAND S EA ISLAND MILLS Imported Broadcloth Shirts always set you at ease. Their soft, firn qual-. ity and lustrous finish is always apparent-always dignified. Insist upon shirts of "Sea Is- land" at your collage haberdasher. SE3A ISLAND MILLS, Ins:. New 'otK, N Y. 13"Look for this t ~l..bli' ___% 1 _ Y a -Oofec fim;sr pronunciation of words ? -_OV _r th P Ir a' f sric characters ? -ov r ~osinns ( p-uprphy ? -0 'cr~ ua s f traurnrspelling, punctuation, or i~rmgsh ua~c ~Loohtetniup)in The B-IAri~ Dictionary-Based upon WEHS"; ;.S NEW INTERNATIONAL More than. 106,000 entri .#s. A special section shows, with exu mpics, rules of punctuation, user of capitals, abbreviations, etc. 1,7t00 illustrations. 1,256 pages. t Iprinted on Bible Paper. A desk ,,~ ~ ~ book for every student. Now Playing POLA '-I 0u NEG I -Il- "("A0Q1) AND N A- ll'LY" W,~hen Pola Neg-ri made I s's'ioii" (riti("b were tinaniimous in t heir appr~ovall. 'Then she 'w proi idt'd itinfe iiirior s-tories a ndIfailed to elicit approbationi. Now, at last., she hia t be ien :ien. real story. 'mitable to tier talents; she becomes ai new PolaI-N eg-ri ---one you'll approve of' mightily! HI-LO- FIVE F"roinl "TI'he Student Prinee" "A MeAn01ge of MUSIC and lSong" OTHIER BWG FEA'TURES TOO0 Soon-James Kirkwood in "~THE WISE GUY" I RI -'--4 .; .;i ,See It at' Your College Bookstore o r Write for information to the ,Publishers. Free specimen '~pages if you name this paper. SG. a& C. Merriam Co. Springfield, Mass. f ". rCI"1.IS7C/: ./". r rtY. +G' ,",/./JYJ.. ././Y11.r'.. "./"1l, . °"1./.J: A C-~~ " ...u_ .d1 . 1 J y. 1, . 2. T i Fw{i , i Starts ''oay _r . Rkl SRC 1UHNIN7CENTER 4F ANM RR60t2 Always Cool I "'Say, flill) Shall .. ' a the girls to a Show.vv thi evening?"f' --Policy- 2 :40 -3:35 10c 35c 7:25 - 9:00) IOC 35c 50C What~ ever jwomntwaYN'-jl What evev man desires r ESoa at A W K . U i' No, Jic,, he w a eu is too nice to go to a show. Let's rent a ca Il rig ;o to one of the lakecs to a dance."1 ' d "1w is P l""i ! t -1 - 'r MoIr Co. I with IIRENE RICH BERT LYTh LL CLARA BOW 'WILLARD LOUIS ARTHUR HOYTr JOHN STEPPLINO1 L FW HARVRY- Low as 1 2c p v mile, including gas, oil, insurance. 21516 First and Washington. 21516 A. Juvenile Comedy W1w L S "Bear Cats" i n Sundy "THERAINMAKER"-Its Fast and Furious Now I _ _ - - - - - - - - - --