THE us of l DAILY. 'VOL. XI1T. ANN~ ARBOR. Id.. THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1903 No. 181 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Bakeslee Suspended. _ THIS YEAR'S "M' MEN. eA-gain Hossard hiesie has comei if L Bitot ondAim-SeiorsNow iender the lani othe aculty' and beenSMcia e o t opt nAh Its Ht~oryand mulaedioByNow upendeel for a year. Air. IBlakesee etic nio t t D eti th Eligible-Being Euae y i tin year correspendelt of the lDe- ltcUina eri-Would Other Colleges. tiit Journ l and (hicago American. Be Bad Faith. The main charge against imin that I'many respects the niserty of in- quoted extracto from the lectures lie oard of control, throsugh Keene Xleiign hs ld he nivrsiiesofof certain profeoors which made Ftptik eussta oMcia he- an ed'til unierstie oftiemlappear ill anl unpesant ligit the west, and in her organization and astie if hle had given the whole lee- 11men compete in tie ganen of he ten- iulort of ani Alumni association, she tare he fues would hare appearedte tal Association of the Amateur Ath- -b t gien one imore example of her very dfferent. t insndertood tat etic Uniona tobe hel1 d in Detroit next Jeadesiip. itemizing sone yearn ago, there were other ohjectionable fea- Saturday. n former yar it han eei tures in the way le hasohndled hris nt only 'the duty of tie aluliaiss to correspondence. Blakelee will te re- cistema~ry to. hold the coiferene be loyal to tis leanaiiter, ut tie iielered as the freshman presient emeet at Cicego tie first Saturday ill rimy of alulilmte-c to do ter tart in if the- ilas of 194, swhio was suspeende--ute. This be inexaminiiationii wee: keepin-g stronlg the bonit betwseeii eit for a yer two years ago for ciiiib-ter tils often itrfereil wititie :ahminu anit University, Mihigan men juin the flag toe oia the e-'inites. 11111 plans aid for this reason 'Michigan nnlogmmated all the alumni associa- cuttinig the rope so that isi clins o- reiuesteed that the annal inet le Ilonscof tie various idepartmnts,,ors could nt te pulled idownm by the held oie ek earlier. Although which had been necessarily rather iiilas there was soue ojectioii tiitity -aslhie1aa, into oiie general association 'Thin is the seond iase of uspei- tie other colleges it was finlly auopt- tht ley its izeiad strength wsould -44il1asithin the lit month. tteiiry eel There are seve-railo otjet le fie aile to idi 'weli the wsork eeding itndyitiunte coresponeieent of thee (li- this plies amlong tiemi our frinid to ber cii.Aleumni 1a11d1Univesri - i iiiieWsiveis "wleuavlkig Alono A. Stagg of Chicago. Ittwoli <'$ -operatediltheti organization of the te-aper recentslyifor, wrting the iiit- se-emip1o00 faith, after chaning tie .a C in on.eli011n the "loe iiain coure . - date of te coifereicenmet if NMihi- Tihe objet Of the associationis 01iiimeii should finiie oeppertnity to - -e- -hganiiiea n tuc svtlithe Comencmen RaesOn All Roads tr the emeet at Detroit andl it in '[huersci - ind with each tihler, , to - for'thisi reason tat the request is a ae ii tieii iloi- iyil elai- F-er the-firt tile thierailuoade ofieaeee-that n Micigsanemen compalete. 11oias asithout wlichlufewv eas-c-the Muehig-eml li-s-el giante-eta i ie-iil rate -Tflislees sesealeseltesvic a c.tps, but winch so often ae ceowd- ti ersos vsiatii--nniiiabriinicg aoslel lae goneato Michigan maen to exi'mlroffle laves of tile- -tieeiieby (oueIiiiieiiemetel c- ticetat oie'te feeugt out fit leaothers. use alel refeeioe~llie. he -f-re- Inc the reu teeti wiiall le s~l As -efifl-eu-tleethin yearsveerk the 411, well sfocmedodyeofla 0 lumne i must 110111aiiikneelsitn ii tc irr, rii ht--i--meimbters of the track teamieeet yes- s-e-- as-ae tiee Uiuaesty-egetet iii-';it leesetiateea twto i cels ier Lterilay 110011 at eitse-iiies for teir l""^'7aelecs the aunimnut le thie-'r e- t ieo- tci-clr.\onf 1ATu y une taacpitutree.tBe-lits Cas. Baired, e--I in-ieenlee-elhieg students here',t - -ei uJ fo etr the tie- eiiectoer: teene I'it-'iatriek snt 11iha ieee.aiiftveabee-se-eimenet tee emitinkiteln-- 5- nt-es- ume trierece d eeelIlery lamilerthi. eeia- iayn s ce nversey thmenagimeeet tie IU IBetwsee s ee eflno rantI leIioilge-c therve-ii rse 2 n-2 mem Iiliiiegrup. ste arldmcunetrya Tie AlumiAsso oai he lich teiig-et1)tr-i Ias-iitti-is fle foloiniesvg ae therenmeeewhsoiewonei ma)he i-sacompeletee-ittoelte 1 -e-eel-icrcte-oeelwiset peril le, thetmic'I tis te~r: rata efnliof nit ei d addle e s fs t flura' ial leeelmi and ic-ll eW,'I Roinoen, 1Dvoeak,Klogg. Iali. Acin snds at least one-lTulesitlyOr thec ame eslihe oreiary half tirer.-[Stwart. Hll. Stone, ery, COlge, jauiljrjTiaa caiche yeae to eavery lumina, In the tpper peninula, the cays of iebtsuck, Wie, Mddock, Breaer, -peeD ishrs the :News-Letter for thee ~u _ sale aceeiune It amda15, anill e cc-iliher andlShank. -ersiy . asstin eathee promoamtoni of teecelimitilwnilJeuee 20.'Ihec A 111t A me ae Vrelcc, Stiu-- a mp~ie eeeet renions.-epsthe hm rickets at a fare leedh a thiid, oem-gon, Norcros, Simsa, Hetom, Wuelton, ash eni rcasioopene theeye-r rounmd asaliie ctitlcate- hllel, ssibe oem salt edDlo acd Edmnaseh aarlsic cicrefor alumni- astinth e 'tlpir rsity, asemin imaly hhmlsbecsn-tie o nu'hI 0ofuniversitiesaecrezig 4e'sn) e of. such wc V'tn the ms ouir -,:months ' a romnrenci taos Tn umverities and one of theeI G N E S A -Slt esern uie rfl r e'tnbremking inquiry concerning I G A E S thec ognization,nmethods, etc.. of thee 31 pune asociations. one of theae UNIVERSITY YEAR BOOK -srr-i5 - a wemelso fr as to say to Prei- .tl' Angel1 that the Michigan Asso- a 's asses-hugdtimebeat results, an 'thlie wrriterdsie to find ou t ho's on Sal at all Book Stores. -tlwey were accomplished. It is sigutu- " *nc ut as-wthu the exteption Of0.the 'Tile Aunius Weekly, the Sithigacn at alt poitcas aithini the territory of the Mchiganensian Enata., ascanusahea the arget cirulation t(ectraI IPssegac A.sociation. ot- 417 asiW of the college alucuni journals. side of Michigan, from Junea 13 to Jue Sone istakesave occurredel is ht ~Ile associatioi's wsork is large scd I, good for return June 17 Io 22. Yer's Michiaeenhinanadthe wan- ccliatly growing, and hence, though ThreeIrritory of the CectratIPe- iig lnect awih to mke what amends -nis annonurically administered, Hoit senger Asoci-tione is bounedd on tie they ace by publicly ackno's-edging -aesolid support This it ha certiim- eat'ly Pittsburg Saanmunca, Buc a- the errors. {3y reef - 11thg in :increasing measne. to, aced Toronto oem tie northe iyvtie 'The folowing are corrections that 7 'la epcashy pleasing thattie mem-lthemeof, ceend iincluding lapoit thci uld blii e Thers ot 1, icc all departments, ut (Graced 'runk- Iaitvay, rmu Toronto Cut No. 3 of the Litera ry Senior the literary, eughueeing, to ort Huron, thececevs-heLaken Hu- e- hudbenmeed3%-r ni- andical departments, are show- rome nd Michiganc to Chice-ago on the aucel en cut No. Gl3 of tie Eni- -in teic appreciationa of the value of west by PeoriaIKeokuk, Quincy, Htane-BeigSeisc shoul be numbuered tu0. ,Or a usciation by joinin ma large ememe, St. Lous, andi Cairo; aseduloem Leaswdeisartmient No. 128, Ar. Lia- - nuahers- Could the aims and work the south bhOlice ou Rier, bueeIl-cue dwsvc rsietisedo ,ftneasociaion bethoroughly unneliudinge. pointeoneither side ofthat president of is. Fre-hman riases. ,drsta -, 'tut few 16 graduates river, larSeior No. 11, is -Mr. Melie. would'leaae Ann Arbor without lacona- Sudentsee. xipetng relatives- or The group on page p#^ is of ps1 ing m ebers of the assitin scd frieind- duringu.Commnccementaeeiasek raduate lav. se~criber to the Alumnus. shounhcotify theem of Ihi a-'pee-ale rate. Dell -'riss Det trute-nia'y pages shioudh comeactenths Ice oreer folowinmg Rockey Mountain Club. Colburn to Leave- et Usln The Rtotky Mounetaincl cub of tie Mr. Thomias C. tolbeucrn, secetary COMMENCEMENT' GITS. -Uiversity held its annuual eectioma re- of the Schooln of Mus(., it is unereestod Fraternity Emblemns. ca+-C . iR. Van Taltemeung 'sas hus enct ice his resignatione to taece i- 'teave your order for fratrity , leced president, James awley, feet t tie opeenig eof the emu c mig ehiemsauned.other deeius, horned ii tresarer,icd tKar teinhaer, -secre- school ear. M.eandet'Sir. Colurnu woo asondace 1athe, sueituale for Coma- -trfor the remainder of the- year. wil reoe Io southerne Californuia, memce -enmt gifts,awihe Marie Rriniug- Trlae lude tas growne into one of thee whiere Dlr. Colbueernm siliengage ice fruit c, 15 S. Fifth Asie. 81 %tonget'tea coliige circle. andhais f~-aringi. Ai. Colisun isisonebummdcsehi____________ fair to becomce one of the most imphort- to mai~ke thee beusiess sile- o heli- Wel Wait ~ iel-Stenteel slo hae ant soctal end political factors onl the Sellool of Mtusic a seme-estsheetdhits aud sone exiperiecee waiticeg tuble, at ncs. loss asitt be keecahy.felttby ol - tice-Mtel I 'Sita sa-,- Staewa~iche. oIn, memaership it is far ahead of Hotei is locusted oem the shore of L~ake szy of the sectional chubs of the Uni- University stutdents desiring to so- Michigan . on eacs a~tawa Busy, thirty versity, and it 'sill certainly do muds cure posithons to teach will fnd muttes.f roes Grandeatp lidssitedsix Ito bring mumeus'from thee west into closer their interest to write to James F. fronsHllanid, aced iheci of theefinest 'companionushiip, and increase theirin- McCullough, 030 'hue Arts Building, resort-s oem she chauine of takes. Ad .::.. OdI t U.Chicago. 80, dress 1St. A.IRyder, Atacatast, Much. Quarters for Southern Club. A.cereishme ieou f the Southernu ('tut1)sal' tee,-ceizede-tsln-ethey moe jieo iseeutlaer of theaic ossnm nex fall. It hasi tee, -Wineie ee thee ie-caisle te e- lua iijuace asl ea ly muy hve peran--iuienet romsumeand be icea aoitins lee enlee-talm- ieic- aheceei ands tie di- timgeisieeelSouthuerne me-en -en o fre- qtuuetly comiee-e fera short inae. This is tuking isuniquec step by a i-hute ef tutisdescripettinat Mihigani sed wil auth utelyhle a success. This caleuasitt furnistehehuesceeformaery occ-upmite liy'thee-SigimNsa fruternity ine true aesuhenistyelvsthiouegoiut, asillheumny eionfedeaite huagsicd sth ecmbleemms cotrtibuetedh ly thereaumi for ltisepurpose. 'h'terewsalalso e rooien cutheusenai foee-ralef thi Inueusawhoiaasisletole i--there. Theeemenbes f tie Southernac-ute alsi e telie-s-a-tliuehiutefeaurceeff luia orguizauutione asill apeato eeanmueneam teamtim hie e sthuernsates andce an sl inea-ntive- for thee-latea eonectee 'Michi- gan. tBesidets esablishitng itself nore firmily liee, ineu-iiels thesshopets tee edo mmcehe fiorits alahia eter iceaumhasnnerue tha~t shuld be very sueessu. 'lie newaly eecteeoffics eat thee Souethuaencuclahsaline salekmcharge tea their newshomee are: IlurruisoneJohnecsons teesient. \VS. IG. Lettereman,st-icersictet. I. s. K. Wooada, secretary. DoneceMc~e-ui treasurer. Second Clas Tennis Tournament Muc Iee-m tet-est hausebeencamshownsmice theecon-due luss t ienis tourn-enuet astute-u ieeebeee-muplauyeditlhit sekacd a lurge- quantit- ofgooeedtmasteiulsia brouamght utae. Ilete hit-lus plahye oft yestetuay elaytoncdren-a aye-a. Perry defeaitdMae-ufset e4acd 7-. lPery defeated Cattel 7- acd 1-4. T'thetaemukeslie me-emracuteas fee- ows: Perry,- first; Cayton, second; Mleuereteitthir:Th leneethese winnmes liace liier chiae of several god prizes The tournmenct brought out 24 el- eisas ice si. Threre or feursenauu, ic- cludeing Pinney, 'Sluc-Ictoste usd 1Owena hieatfor fourthand fifthi ilace, which nest-be plaeyuoff today. A cued crowydwass out to 'sines the finalmeiuatche.yeterily, aut a veet- good exibiitionm of tennis tosa put ucla Law Excursion to' Lansing Thee Senior a'sexcurshona to Lacs mg ad returnaasitt take lplace Tues- day, June 16, The laws go over for the purpose of being admitted efore tie supreme court of thee eate, and also for a day's recreation, The traina asill stop at Jackson ftr the purpose f pernmitting tie excursioniIs to vi- it the pison ad 'sill then go on to Luansing arrivingat 11 . n,' -Tihe trip Is not restricted to laws, but ally desiring may secure tickets either frees menes of Ue commit- tee o at tie SM. C. Rt R. ticket office onl the .dmye a0 the excuriaon Fare X1.25. JO, .- J~ I.SW'EENEY, TiHOS. G BAILLIE, IH. 1.KOHL, Committee -Faculty Concert. The program for tie faculty cncert to be-held Thursday erectng, June 4, at 8 o'clock is as follows: - SonatetI+ Major, Op. 57,-t.. vorak Allegro non troppo; Adante sostenuto; Moto vivace, SMrs. Emma Fisher-Cross acd William Homacn. Aria, "Hocnor and Arems' (Smo) -~Hande William Howland, Barcarole (Jeue)........ Slic 'Marchi.....- Tciaikowki -AllertLoc-kwsood. Thee Blackbird . - ... VSictor arris Thy Beaming Eyes-....tDaclswett Danncy Deeer-----------..Damrssch Goodi ioarni durinug thse summer termn It 1212 5. Universeity Avenune. $2,:50per 'seek.