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June 02, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-06-02

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If you want to know
what smartly dressed
+ . men will wear this sea-
7- Iy son askto seeJ
'ESTrSt Ihn s
liee i10 re interestedl
.Xppar~s, -it ,trwtr:and till -iip-
I ileritato 1.of lletistiS l1"l11)l,
I~a ti(-i(Oi li-slo"V.I itlieli
llhieeluiei%1 ("hlin-nl iysiy, rl
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pct lti ortwith S~
th e ~st trouble to your- -clon( \puuwi 1111i
selves. D mstcfiis ;-a
Mtri~ .M F. DOWLER, Agi. , it'lu
Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. ( "'f , bctlstrc
For193r\ eeipit ii Aidt
IiT - only almanac published that ,' ~ e ~ K s iei
contains a conipleteelist of Amer- -i1' fr il
teane Best-on-tRecordsaiid Comn-
pieIc Listnif Cliampioii. Over V A " 3'~
5pietures of prominiienitAneil- Li ~~Jr. 1 a
can and foreigniathletes.
Price 10 cents 5 1o ieis' his '1c1toCit l he
A3~ ~~~~~~ zd? 1rs.i- i-ti tc liti-l
New YOrk, hii- oDeniver, Baltd- , the ii-i i iitirlri*t 1i
73 1:e, Buffalo. il 1.?it1i
it- r .nle]l i' m '( it11 t "
3ACH & ON, 'l ou,.s
-2 S A-ain 1t rd 342F. t-st
I( B ys L A T V1A Vi,1 UPTHlE
-r. iHire a S ires thitKN8 E-B --
'ITS-Neby np-t-li-e N
~pi Crash Sults-troisi-rs
iit ciient. - ais-iiils to1 Have -oiiseen tliei. n We w-ill be pieased
sisl-odre ii lireto giveestlimates, ideas and suggestions
,dtp 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler'
it3 S.Min tit.
ai.,r-ost and finest sleetlr
to tol-ct froi,. niale of jSTRAW [qR (U
sliii or rashis, sith)-DA
trlpSE as R ..
flfISru Si".
A c' t} 'it 7iu.fb a 4 iicill-. to .'"1is, S .-
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338It{nt-i- i Iee- vi i ilts ii l't f l l i-l , IIlltr- I'LL~11 2Cttt4
30SS utLtacDt.RN1,TOL.. wnU.yi ll s 6tir 'k-lws, r w. l t t Drol e--Iliicidl evlei ii .~
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GaoL n t. ,B do ahLl 2 ParP
EyeSietiicalyFite SPiNG 5ITING' ...;.-Oro___
p ei I .ftdditrei1111 eCoiicit-ir-ceF81.50
Furi se-t.- ali1 w hi i« 1.{ii 1e t 15t cr1 l l , -1511 tills _._._co .i..lit liii cf t. -
rc3 trg..Wori-i-' bi C rth csng eeisi isea I -ha-a1-1
1'.riicsash.'rt Phoei2titttd.t".,.P.CI l'' RBE !S HOPt~r
'AN1SH RIDAN, Prop 4. HEN r ow \3'SI'.T1fI1. 1I ; a
411 br i hI,,tF^'Chi.ago ...-
Ct-i- tinf ir , (. oy on 1 ll': rR tw « U eiNs marl ;I t- "1o - I he"rS
sli ly t k.b!.r
Ciai. JiBs (lTd TIdaccos.
SEND FOR CT } ALOGUE .. ....... ...0T . t .5-_-ir.121 .-mo-E. rsn gton tree
WE PATRONIZE GOODY. t od,)r ,._t°i EAR. -FOR DRUGSi t \V

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