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May 29, 1903 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-29

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If what heelstins tore u incose
Iii i~ts toile]) ithithe yotitiimolu of the
5 n r t , iivest ur -xihf fSuits, Overcoats, Hats, Cap s;, and all the
- Exlusie Patern innewest Men's Furnishing1
Exclsiv Patern inIs eno ious andiel teresijig and
Madras, Cheviot, .iiitU)ojuti hig
Linen and Percale. that cavetone to tile ear et%
RAKaBAd t moderate cost freqiut ete.
W agnmer & Co.1, ADHA 501, RY""AN & REU"'LE
At the sgn of the paternal Estabishei~id 188. 106 E. HutronS tret
suname there comes a check.
_At the sgn of the fatherly BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE.
h Trk there comes a MOGUL
Cigarette. Endorse- the check We are trepared this seasou to imet every deutitd.
a. get money. Endorse a we have jneised the numehr of workmuen. A
COU LS and get your utauial, we have THE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS
i m ne 's orhin the city. A tn Skill viii pre om ia te ii tu r
Cigarette co-education- work tis in the past. We respetfuly ivite your
Plain and Cork Tip. S.W URHIL
> S c P A L O I S O F F IC IA L P resd en t A ngell K ills R andall B ill, been effered $ t, 0 0i to go e le wh ere .
MLLu iiMCMay27-uavc"oeuld . read you aen ,but Idn' SIR
ATH LETI C ALMANAC tiikerfaisiing to SuveI e ' tink inaerto ear tem,'i te sit A BRY RJ~
Angetl, cifte Univeersiyof 2ieiiiariii coiuitttuely
atiaa Fr a kedfof ihots ao-RephudiutiiAidthiiogi Regeit tarbour ad SIA BRYSNIY
Fr1903 artic iced too, octSUiii
The onty amncpublished ta eessetdo netiigada-sroeaesi"asPxysilp (
Contains a coimpete lst of Amer- y enitoy toward te isioit oua"It.oue tat setled it nit, foitiut t SIRAWB11D[R RY FLOP
lan Best-on-tecords and Com- was at t earing aii Iandait's bii eititsr totio ,~ iiti
plet Lis of lmaupios. Oer limiit the iomcie or the uiiversit to ceed Tis is probitly te lasi or
1530 pictures of prominent Ameni- $300,000 ia year. Re Rndaitlit's bit AT
Can and foreign athletes. Randal aiid tis friinit were deidt
Prceiocets ithmiii noiiiiriyinI)te gatheru"g lttUNDA Y LEt t iON
_____ tet listened to Presdent igrl. 1To ITe ecursio not sundriit is M is
b.iu asithi te ciiiiiittee toot foi its to 1Detiit Pette tete ki ClirI its,
moe loxal coiiwas ever graiutd acitain te D.,x u. x. J R y
firom Aon Arbor, and as aotetie iii ait.iwiite geariLie sieamr Tah- Cmprii Soe
New York, Chicago, Deuver, Baltd- bi, heir terry, whose fatiirre lcoo ciiilte a iltbfuot citi Cars _
mrB faoscnte d erry athiletir et. Te otter a n tici 6i 45 ,a. iii.aid
snrB-ao i dtaes or AcelAbr in thlhiii' )1 1 nt tU 0 ..i.,.tanl rin..I union TIlloFo1I(1Seminanry,
Is it a banquet, or an. "after- wia'al eb i ilrsooh tloio tu iii i ottIiriii 00O Park Avenue, New 'York.
lobbist f tem al." 1.2 i t. Ciluiu lItsiand a iix . uuoo
the-party'' luncheon? FPeultili ie utftirPr,$tt ert ii lei'Ii'~5 ~y eqiped for sholury and perac
Prew" tthe lie itkin faherPar $1;to etrit nd Iell Ise, a'tical aor, in tbe xmidt.tof the Christ-
We ran take crue of yu. Ou homcii tit ixlays hurs miire tiiiaiii t 'Ti'keiscfor 'iuiuiihiiO Pa r ali([it in O renterprise of a great city, in close
goos aretu iti i tatthem dores thii hiii diii. IHis toeis xwre soft, Prt Itxi rsiae atiaitoorsc.urdicreaon at Clbaad
goods ere th finest thatbt hit aoris ridiec't.Pa rtii's eoiug o ly to Diiroit caii g'ewtafodnd urpi sae a-ite okU iesteotr pw
et erori.., iid ur trire arerea "tis nt miy uuiivirc hte said, tike n iicars.Noy or Uuirstse re p
sonabte. "tiutHeuuiiriyo h rs' ___________ tusunies for te degre eo B. D., A.
BA ( "t i't .uithp uiversit is tue opr oo' M sctinete ou Alt:., ,asuitP. D.
!y5TR BAYCA~t~i G det an prorssot t isthe sate'sRoots 1ilsic Hupethe ouularundtpter0,neeutote studentsdetsoa
OY sI R AY(IR '(.uuuii rsuil f the state r iy wauisu-o-aesuppy house for everythiulug all Cri.tiuu bodis
Phone 467. arheper uiversiy, whvt ette musical. Latest umusic always iuu stock EGHHYE'AR begins Sep
oxicit to havie it. tIxo't doutt that A. B. Claso piaos reireented SIXTY-C~It
600 ASTWILIAM STEET ii routitgeta pi'ciliuut:xuut urofc- ____________ tmbr23rd, 1li-t).
600_EST________ STEET._ouculdetapresientull____e Address the President of the Faculy
soc fouiialf the monieiy, whto would Michiganensian out today. Only the Rev. Charles Cuthbert Ball, D. D.
f io thueawoi , antIc'u'aiec as welluu" the
G RAING m R' 1uutiitodesiy, but tItout bcievo one edition. Price f51.50. TSHAVE lasreceived the Largst ned
(1111aterealy wanta ceaer uni 1pi t nwlese ' hest line of
Academy Ee lasof epa.Tnew eLnYsORE. TRIHCIGARETTES and PIPES
ecxesetha~t the uieriyha growni ___________ Ever bruh to the city.
Office-Residence and Academy, to i. te attat thi founuidurs uaranteed ron.tn pens, $1 up. FINE LUNChES in connection
Ground Floor, 310-312 Maynard 5t reaiy didn't aitiliuiae ay suuihiextra- Cushings Pharmacy. Eeryhirnet ad 'ea'
Ordiuu.ry expndiitutrie as the iicomie for __________ 308 Cuth State St. R. E. JOLLY.
tiis yarasasouct te undier the quarter 1ORALE5.tA
1 UTTI.. uil]taxin. DT rte rn iiey atixanuitwety[)A N I[N (
IUW E'Stt0(LA S riicnrutiofessors woiuyd xnAn uire of G. NJ. Butr, Sit Moiroe Srn Fr 25
LuYI1L~ II0OLA[S Arbor at $4,000 a yearwietueiuy hadI street, Anns Arbir. 19. pigTr 25
338 S. State St. I University Academy
PROF. COT, tnstructor.
PHOTOGURAPH S Goods Talk--Talk Does Not. Billiard Parlors
CALL ON We sel the hst cloiting in the word for the mote. I Fiecgr dToaos
P6 S. stain i. 13 or us rom flenhootallacol fadrTobaccos.JA
3EYMOUR STUDIO $t0.00 ard $1500 suts and overcoats madesulpeci ii 'JA ESj \V.R+EID,31 Sut
Ta ASTYBRE nd fit equalled by foxyansd exceed by one. CITY BARBER SHOP
StityFrtClass. N F ALLEN, Men's outitter, 13 S. Main St. AND BATH ROOMS Cigars &Toacs
E. Wiluam C., cria der ff tate. AGENCY CHICAGO AMERICAN.
ThetWC.K m oft Bewee
411 E. 57th St., Chicago. 1 e ro t Toledo, C l bu
Capesind (Gcwns mde to Vi
order aind roted.
Pc Ils fr il oilgisasd ~J/~:7 Leave Detroittop. in., Michbigan Central
Pennfor. aliollegri d - in Leave Toedo i1230 night Hocking Valley
fratrnites crrie iriArrive Columbus 6:50 a. 17x., Hoking Valley
cia riPni, (lays ansd nn'I' PARLOR OARS ON THE DAY' TRAINS
SEDFRCAAOU w Say "Hockng Valley" to the ticket agent or w:rite
SEMIFOR ATAOG UE L W. Ladman, G. T. A., Detroit, Mich.

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