THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. _ _______ Spiring Anonounceinent 'The largest and muist Collilte0 line of YY-0OO'LEN THE U. OF M. DAILY Entered as sc I -chiqmatter at AA rbor Pst O 011c. Published dails (Mondays cexcprtedo dringc the colieiir year at the UnIiversity' at Michi- cri' betheM tichigcan Daily-News Publishing= Cctoeayiu Iac). MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOUSTON. '031. BUSINESS 'tANAGER, ROSCOE B. ILUSTON, '04-L. EDITORS. Athlet~cs Ro'bertI K. ttis, '04L. Assignmentt Editor Ralph F. Jcaar' '5 GENERAL NEWS f Blue," hot far iihc isnefitiofauy back- sliders it is pirintled ielow. I.1111 YELLOWV ANDT)HfE, lt'tL ii iii 11nit iii iorthe Yellow Ildisi . feliiow'thea' . rs as die i It" ?:'""i Andtrool i21 a rsltrtIn-i errs Yo liogythits' ells sta .1'((s athe l111totei0 he X'.ltni ntIin h i i a i C L I Popular Priced' Tennis Rackets These Rackaets are made by Wrtiht & Ditson, tiele tading mtakers at Tennis grads in this coiuntry anid lre -sacantecd correct in weight aiii model. L~ongwrood- welt balanceit frame of white asih, waliiit throat 1an1 checkeredt hanilec, is strung with line quality of g-ilt $3.50 P.arta-tFult siceid fraai :o f w tbite ash, holy throat, struni with Il in A\nn Arbirit willbe founttil Thoi a t laabrrt '1 . . o '1. tii'are tiehbillo tair s tsirti to 'i gotL $3.75 atCy. .Wili& Ca.'s, 108 Ma Fikstein103. Foiert J.1'ilkin,'t W 5en 11 The'tiest tots tricd 1' ti ~'3. i t0 ltti i tin S'ettowU-robdiia'cl iiiiri.iiilssd e'. H h-dac"e IE.XXashinto ttit b Greatt S vvtro loiqc '04.1. Jia s 1ic. lardff.'03 '" '' maite nahliany II 10 it iheck- Ii ts h veoebeen taken hat n tf i 0 e a, 5. Ry pe.. i '-, it i i'1'eraia olLi~i. hS erect haindtc.... ..$2.00 the selecttiti of tal tuit- J nIa 5. tifsi 5 ocis ~ t.'~~ Inatiditioni se cran n etlent ingii' stiiiiits &rovit-storck of tile highlei piced rack- The tubscriponaprice of the C. of M. Blute'are tii' titsis is o Ia i tiinti'ir' e tsCa pelPnec coattngs fart hitsseaso0n. Dti ly isM;0 tor the coilege year. No- An l ue ltiis5 tii'eatpphie, idet l ti ca ,com iolcatliosetc.,msot tie haoded life : i I;Teinis Balts, each....,,,,40c in at the Daily oftice befsre 0 . ulI.,srlir m~aiteittlathe editor before nscniof the day Ililt ii Uil Irevisal tothata iniwhihthey ace expecated flail to tii'ribbtihaiot NiatrelasAT II 11111toIa ppear. SuE llPbscriberas ilt eonferat a havr eportingii i VVIU.IU s~~~~poiptty at thts o0fcayfaiuste'oftcarriers lrt o Ii ita 111Ili U V LJJJAlt ehoticesitoadve'tisigmatter mustthe l t BOKTRS 108 in ~the iifce byt1.00.onthedaypr'eviosto 108E. Washington St. ihat oowhtiih ther are to a ppear. Htere', to the eiiltege wthosec'oliors v __________________________________ Off11cc int e ile lty Argot offiec. No. 300 Sooth Ilee' lit iehe arts thatarc trite'; Engraved Calling .AI iit ee tltIrsir!i~g511 Cards Ga ltso luebeli'! aze*ne-A~ t ill', Newsa Editor Today, tLouls A. tartoni. Anid saris tiat lire tilt indioltiicLL IHail! Bittilcd Inlstructios to Juois, U eNOTICE. lHalltot ti ithetl.oe colr"iv we 1iaas votueo...i........i $6 0 Annulitsitockhtlders ltle'iig of tiec( we'lr; Daniels 'negotiahte tInstrtuents. Lev it u order n01 lli, tow f0r caird s. liigi. lDaly- rses ' Iii etliig Co., Hutrrahtlforrthee1Yellow ad111111 tlte .........i...''4 We mak~te tiewin llScript, Itolll'ltlOldria , ay29,7:00 1p. inI., at Daity -t'rof. Ctharletl' a 31.(ili 1 Ker' oil tInsur'lae. 1 voilim',. . t;( English and Old Englisih Shaded. aofc. EOCRI.ItSO. Xah't-!lilg111 tt aillrios tt olllltiInsraie, 1 vol 5 510G+! ______________________ isitig iialilieis, idv'. writei'., joiiirici t' Nails iteri''iio i'llateI' tltioti5 Price foi' 100cards 1a1d cotper'lte III can'i'itiO i stitheliii' oall iof ista, repoirti'rs, steoig'i'rar, boiiok-' 1 Votiiie.. ..,. .(.. 1.t00iC from $1.25 to $3.50. li'i' hhios 31y11rsth' Daity wsillt itsstueepri llu'i s tatoi's, itesigners, e 'l-Neli tha t St face11 ltiods Onie hundore'd crds fiom plti e c. on Dei'soraitiioilll .y, Saturdtay,'. Sty 3to "rave'rstelegratptiotperators, titsiii,is I otiiiii ... ( ____________________systimtiziersa'ni thrlt ucrative 1)01',l- iif'ny Re'il Prop erty l)"I fgthe nL'ilSo ~.11 ions. W5e have strialgist faculty, ad vlia -.: 201 Se trtilo i nitii a l soltporiroritai iiimost eipleite C'olursie-reglarl iiind t'.'Eaiton & Cits Cii alim-ii Se'e' ouirethy i]i'riittetito'f t Positionis se'i'red gmotloiates. -ii ~ ~ o is 55's' T.;iedwh iietnheycever ouraii to reman sf. ieyl 1 s ton t0a oot~it . iA I tiisor sifat ist lo hs 'iiit t o H litllcs es 2 'apll I~' tYttle ia hol tjiiia B stt ie illU111 eEttiI S1 I,1Itin im t at'1 ee iviiliihhii otii not fli ile oiti ali t 1 ?1cill t t oo l i ghalyiii'at'l'itd taes Co pied Sttue ithis iseatrtitend'his to i ii ieet h Sl t I devL 7 EdELy X. li~ht o o'. e e sSelen Ir.ct notto1, dde t te eg0arlie 1,'I titlhyrd (the lrsty'soirylieb Mof lganensiafl oit today.t OnlyLaw B ok Seller. Universityand Booksellers.ybeliev 320 S. Stte St. ti't one tr kiedisstttil"Yctsttl t ne AEdo PR E$150.326S.TtatESt REmEGAL OFRD0 See our window, there is oniy one V 4quality, the best; there is onlyone price on them, that is $3.50. If you have never had a pair ask your friend how they wear. THE REG"AL SHOE ST"ORE, M[TIRS' NtfWS SlAND), 611!I1ASI WIllIAM SIRLLI.3 ARoN ARECF10MICH. DETROIT h BUFF " Dt TROIT AT L 0AL Arrvet BFFAO . 8.0 A N L Eav TUFAOTAily BUF 30A.LO Arrive at DETROIT . " . 7.00 A. M. Throgh tikts sold to all pontsSend to. tor ilaus. troted pamphletsaand rate. Rate hetwesn Dttreit ad Bufflo$2.60 oewar. 4.60raond trip. Berths $.m0, $1.60;Steooems $2.60eaeh diretioa. Wmekhmd Exusoins Buffalo andiagara Fall&. 'IF your railwrayyagent will notseallyos a ticket to Buffals or Detroit, asd pay your transfer chargea from depot to swharf. By doing this we witt save you $3.00 to asy point Fast or West. A. A. SCHArTZ, 0.PA.T..M., DtroitMich.. W k4M A FirstTh Safety. :" . Points and - '~ C Gat For ClevetladPittsbuirg intl alt points eaost, leave Datroit 'gaily 1 0:30 p. us. Doiible itaily setrvlce do ring July soil Aitgust. For Mackinaw, Chiicao, Duluth and alt poitst. tortiile. ice Detroit Stonily 5:Op. nit'riit'i '9:;;0 a. n. Four trips tier Nteele 'ht r doune 10th. Send 2°c . i t r i te ir and Router to dii points. XdotessHLt'. A. A. -SCHANTZ, enrI Passenr i.nitTt-vid. liii Dct I oitMihl ---------------------- A DASH OF STYLhZ t !a IiinJ o me ttcway101u 1110n011 our hollrs. it 11ives tiii iii dierent j loot and fit atid atttricts the miost fi"dastidiou ti tste. (itie tran ut a'a. . s1 . . . . ''hey are repeatets," meanitng, lbuy oncc,bun)aa'in. Yiuii ci'l51 go wrontg in a HELMET' BRE NICola.oh iT'hiey're2 lit25 cents'11101 ""'0 ate in price, but wh a tiy more? SCORIVISS, COOU0"N Q CO. Makers.