aOl,: XI. ANiN 1AtPP= MICH..]RSDIAY MAY 4.129, 190(3 No. 77 M01iIGAN WINS Anual Baquet BASEBALL PRACTICE Js11.r.fEctaL ______ i ii'f,, iitii ii:dApio Ni 1e i Itbr .;n' I:n, t al Ta~ Ag inTll Big Tournament 9t ,,;toit r ir h uau gjont 1 r' 1ctice Yesterday Was Snappy 8a d . ; 0 fit rrku gy l -.cga inas Betwes Dan- '1t 1, rilytin.o iveluu -'at s [ Encouraging - Campbll ad . 7 71k0 - Pars idSt Jon s B (I lt . tlilisIIit ii ii 11 1011 Bid 1I1jrEd-Both Will Be o ii'11'.1:1r ~lso 11th -ii Played Bere. Illi i alk Ilii Wi Illinois Game. (3i1,11 .. *ig lrllg t________ !-i Wt~ I showingi to i'11- tst__, % li'ti' 0 . 1-lii' i:ti Nit t aii (iiio tot.ll' 1t.. ....Seitiiiig ir s sn i 1 11Ir fl-iillign in tilliii-i, teR nes G ,igt-H w ili ii Uy't''ii' l-l- .~1(iY o ltliIn- .. Irie>-a{lii-'-t isN 'ewto.... iii En ~ ieue. il li~ iIir eotiei o ii'n - it't otit for utirr t 'it'htatl'Iti'iii ii l -iyI ii ii l:l''i'ltISiiity Vlli' ni iil-~irt f th we t Bo h D tjl l ' il t ... ....1.... .. t'D l y i l a e R ors D ec I n tim 5 I i l l l s i i l i 'iol i li V i t . I o m nlilliill(1 1'iy o ll. ii! iii'.,'-nt nt iiiigo ien1 1il in, ill 11 llil.. i lit.1iilo ruii ' 1(1ilr. X''-l--g N'-iinn, im ' li'- liiniil ilsaiillI 111 Iiir i il'iarW h's att sri-icd +3 t.,. ii e1 1 lo i 111 M ile tt3 siil l g'ii - . l . . l'nm nk. 1111 115.1inlg.I b i i. ii.-ly Sin' li'iu - ill~ 'ituai. te £iinii I-e- 11.0. nto ti Se ;.oaiit tijo Al Ou li, W uu l.n 11~J1i5 lililll. Sim'51l5111,illtiIitt Ill '((.111 li-i12illl1 P1111n51l1 In In~n i tu.1111. mll liliteamIL eavesi hiI ionig a11111d I ils gl~l 1 1 i 1t-lli hwll i-io A ioluI --un ofi ilh-11 SIC 00ii -sltiii11111 iii blb lllil~l'lii lioii lilin l~le 113'. tus il'iig n Io' li or t tis iris nl a 51 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a [t 5''tl ti1l5ges 111alisuo nt.! in 151 -i hsm'miiOirul'1111I i .tu'lga 1Sls i1''11, (111lut 0v1 till itoXXtersslGnok Stii'i'u II 8111, \e ti u-ip: 11-s ii siu lu !wtus niiden 1111}till ((I'lil' !,1111111r1,'s t(; over the ' II i'i'liu'itrm11te1l1'its'uS till- 51of1tSill'oit liit S t Io'th lui iu s; willp glent i. T els of ent ti tke s atwh sd o th l ulin ilfti r P -8 ftO BI M E . u i- :,!! becaus of hac el' ed nItht'tr.1n11 Sit nui}eter-luhuu-I- lllt itlisth (1,ts t!, uu iilh re.a0trIi ol nd iii'o 1.111'e hitemtolbileu~t. lit 1111a1, :11'l lii1err}i'I Il. 111'te 1-t.' n111'uugu'utllht - Oaltts uof .F;llln ,dfa-ec Seat idoG ree.I~~ l fortlug tl~tlt irius :tof til't l llliSutAnoce 1113-1s ul 7i itl 515 113iill TT '!j.'1INocros, toleIe-T Spt1e1 taolt-c. oe _11e tW hr' 11 er i it. N' ! . to l~ i stWhatS Py ne- an 1 .l olCI(1 ' R binso. loi r ctls ft oi f v r t e ilt tlu i u Ioil th111-i aS' erneissti i o l rlt 11i1.0ill",'ii eet ed Ilis -mo n 11 Int i, 1tn .t111ir~i1 y1 ! u!1 w131,r 1 .11liuslut hu. lulrdlue 111 111 1111with n l !,' Ithl. l fttlii i'1>iii uiil illi etI-boatt unod lotrooterS V-1t11gugetmuot :: l ; i p~ y n h 1,.", 1}t il orrb . Stthen-I no n thdet iet i t riOth iongo rllsll be nS tlt l,: early iv&two V ' illoAd eol ~et (nt-ii'nehI it'tnnny i uh'in' ar inf e ,it f tlt,., go n a lso the&n- lJrLu ~ig N('oi, i:ere nuuieu nuiiill"iunst, itn! 1110 I stugl i t it:o~ th pe, u.1 , T is s n t, ir he r cta'l-ge ison , et por e sts- Se -nilass Tennsis. oit a T i -u+3 'wl ,1ii n ar nri1r, . ;i n ,,l s Seci a s r o. t ~t lenet eet f fitsno iihiett letopt Bmalee spirit e t hewil oe ect te }f i l tl iii t Sit - i ttood tho "iiiaa sert e f rtI 1' : Yb++ vi .. .1, .-1 ~ pk S:t1ji Ltli) _ ' ip l - t ~ [he l-Si l el the nl u-11 e le grtpch l ,i~l te ttl:nlu es eli lfel idell icL t ill1w -V - rtoIIil ('uluif ilill-ne at Miethi-i il a~id % tl~u atfe flBYr 'rA, 1-. n-fohllegtetlptee wl rs 'tlen i toto11'litiiRah it -g ach eve n-intl -o twlbea- ltt uttt51B~~1 ., i ititn le , I'm-I- i lt Ph ie s u',,file t e15' wgin r oftiuin u ite gomer s thu d ee. "Tee ilib o u.e t tsg og n ,eato i ll, cai n-4,7i t, ruhosoed criii Also opprrhdr illto 7playiig t he uliadtfenthel it ale At te r h in oie i- storelloinitt e shp diI t-frsteulin single s Wn n-a e02 m re ud 01overtidto fiy ti~ lei' 513 oign echi .onf usnie. the 5i3tr iig, f sir-ites(ht evr 1011 enui et oiat alapitt .t l~ln3 rel001tepiy 1 iltalodueootblaesote ualyosoSitlrhiis gule5115tl' whmii M(ifor.the lu o o~ ftle ulg h Ii -AsIlOse-is 0111w o hv o Sti at,(c ts g~ hae e slmad t nsth e r y al efiotbhosr-a oo.eut Yell n oowut l l 111w" M lt. ao ,,IP tTot ti St t h en rtea t h re vety h eal1 c t po tshl of thn e ro-t onlt thte lSi gro .Ili e g s ehd ud tee th l sg lme.11111T he herllashe Sims lsbolins ven i ii~ goesoff ith Te reo$1le-sceaS fo~towa esg to nlit attIOtope ll-tsl tnt-ofitthe pipBu erP at t fn;n t .promtess. Trie mnin W STRwillPOISIIP. Itoirsll.i aptel 31 ie h or .e .Ta~e a bte y hs-a n t on1, wo1 hv0nolye lla 'etointalset.Ill _ Cill ugl t h e~ll ullo 1Xednoesuyathernoon.ilihfi og ,erate 1aioloai110 yld uasrr5051--M y~ly iulglhf te utrlle stcil tricktl nglitt'suen ane lnnlu '.>E tti- - E , i. t M olek;SConi- WeNlel,517;Iltmsg'n oretd5siiils'TusW5 o tw elpand. Ohin o, and waSpirit. . n!", Ilugl-Clton, 230l.10 ad lS'llt3li3ilt'tit at aes as13> C -ao0 Dfl eog. ,Gtha s B ayi ng a a hnswi e Mg n~ d tniae d I2:30: yosnthr H --. sde liinag ms avngea s olden t i tue yard and wihen toM r. s-a-ar Lilw:ie iite to4;h %Ietit, Ws il 150 oi h tftl o lie Vc~i sas nt isa deep on and stS5 &- ut-llt OlSat-t'itncl anerzt. W il oe i .Iu4-Ppe...Two umile -ruui-01:3Il--l. HIl;, Chico- Otuuser 'stter of (lie visity team no idea that the doh is not a lieultliy It'dKCo.-Clgat IHolder. tgo. 1)02. 1ins appuoiuseNl Y04 usmtsters for ihie oo, i wa