Two= iec Suis i Twe ds,5erg s 119111 . Washington
and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr.
RENTSCIILER, ARTISTIC FRAMING 1 You wit a de assortment of
Dark R oomniPCH.TMai A PER , Poe39 AT RENTSCHLER'S. PI1C T U R E S
Abolished Cor.___________and___Huron____Sts. ____Phone ____3__9,3 ___rings.__ Suitable for wedt i g and
Negatives dveloped and OTHR OLEGE CLEDA
prints 1m.1(e all by day DeF[ E
lig~ht, in 'o minutes, My It Alplio Ni a! lepn a-II T
Come and see t (loe at Thfl it c t ity of al t as ii.i a iii ' i latttO \f '
our stre 'Ihrdary, a521, al t iiiiut'iiia to tilouePl ushali i " o ' lidei.M i.t i
2 toand7 o5 (Il Nlo'int ti~iii ~ iii217 S. Fourth St.
CALKNS' PHARMACY. tornell dlii at' lin~tonin a (11x0 'etr o li rrrutiiii' eitt ii t FRAIIINU A SPECIALTY.
324 S. State St. tioo'k Icat tiatoooday ly Oi ortOfI('
67 to .-O poits~i. 'lhe'sht litttles t I'v t { Ba
5______nches_____nn_____________________________________hhr De't'iii of i'iiro t'iii 1i14 ft t i iu wuitt E t(I i n etiiti
1 1 2tihruudt co hi o t t'lo-ei't a 'litIia Sat
'hnitrro. TIht'e ''~etlt' l t1 t of fiisNTCE. IJ Botnh Ino V Sheeian
Min Anlti Di V C Vatgno
stlcoo'hip is to c1 l it' roo-f lly clota ' Ifyou or yor firld, lit' (0ny uas Ut1w de FPF.\tttt
unidrr tho'lietii 00of Voe 1V i riy a ndiy feto ol. manlyt'oi' bo y. o u 11 ttdil "cernk P (lazier Ctisiitt t M rti
Ne:ver was a trime when so ''h littbitawill it' holauti t' IleI"bi' i' t itittin t o ring:ltit (l R o1~ ~o aiu al
1. 's o perona eh rictotd hl t o shchal l , t.'s o k stttt ies nn Fitt
much attractive elegance went t.reilt,'Iit iotto Rte2tl i ttl. CptlSi',50tO Sept 10
into Clu e-Peabody neglige A ruutr lntatitt,'of ('iittgit r 1, t tle &n oi:i 'of Niw 'tork, tillhav e Ognize tteed Lie eareec *Ge000l tOl t
shirts as nu. Ask your dealer. ngrva:1 o o rutite ' In c ite tor r tie' ti t''tt'' t t h e Itn',1 till l~t . Ii i f thin (tem. teO ta o~n
CuetShits, $.50 op Itt i toittit' Sieitidshi trl ynt orly ieo ri k(ee vridepstse, tuy and ete exchange
Monarch Shirt, $,oo up i'eieor for D'io 1 l'tif''iit ftti t tr' ot' ksittl.Iitt at')yuir lt'ltrtl' 'ty rooteuhetiuonopeuritientifiatin
iii' a.In 'h nn o tudty i I ait k i (tl it . 77 slttr boit nt e 't
Peaody& o. 11aCartttls L.Iiftisk. Pe.; W. i
ClraetPeab dy &;C u* ' ctaasteilby 1ikl iit irtri r n hi1itt ii i ola-'ts .i 'il (tiCasher
--ily.&_ dm un s ur . itucelii lho titti ithe yilst toe L'Uiviersity soiteorto eco i to stoni'--- - -----
ale & Ed u d yuhcl 11ic ceit 'Itiro iritiltciitte positionis to techli it ill(]ht ty hi I'
ihi B T s t tut etrriug.'ltiit1',,'li,1o'itrtheir lit toFinieto Ititns Od ; fl',
me in t t ut rii i t I o liti tlititl 'tI'iilotgb lo itI639 fine Aits tuioliii aeiI IeU
((a sui c'nn t elist pati ui l itrtiot. 8t) Direct Line
FOR DECORATINtG. I tl attginr. Alknso rtt n h Tog OLDO 10 (OLUMBUS
121 East Liberty St. tlAiutuyui lueit.o lrltinds oriPCsts'ngd Phian Ptlecrt ite-tn
rindi" ntrt 1..A. Iadetalr 426NN.DY.. A. A & J. Y. Stalard Tias
P n I eet. C7 Exert epuirilg oc jewelry at For Detroit halt horly from 6:15 a.
OPNDYAL Ih. SLEEPING CAtR SERVICE -- 11t15, For Ypilatit only, at 12:15 a.
Freh Allegrernl unocalatni at ush, e. nd 12:43 a. m. For Jackon hourly
W. C. BINDER, Prop. on the, from 6t15 a. m. unil 7:15 p. m. Then
12 .HrnS.ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. los at 915 P. m. and 1115 P."om.
Sleigcrsriebetween Toledo Waiting room Huron tit.. W. of Main,
ac r n fl Slngerner 'ihale eAnn Roomsitfr IRent for Next Year-
II:I.H11 .PIPand Frankfort.h, vateAnTto stes and three single rooms, A()ABRRIRA
inVII~~I UIUArbor railroad will be resumed'Mon- wl u ilelgtdadhae; ANN ARBOR RxAIROADvE
DEALER IN day, DMay 11. on train's leaving Toledo $2.l00 to $3.0; fur'nace eat, bulb1, ga, Tran e ee Ann Abor y Central SanG
Fresh and Salt Cleats. at 3:30 p. im. and from Frankfot at phone 461. Half raten for uniiier adTlne.
0-00 p . ihsc6heool' 331 Pakard street 75 EffectIve Oct. 9, ttW .
607 E.. Williatm St. SOUTH NUiRTH
t le er e:ae a f ft : MichiganensianloutItoday. Only Expert repairing of jewery at
BU OROl dto.price j$1.50. HALL.ER'S JEWELRY STORE N. . :203A. No. 1.-9:00 A. X.
No. 4.- 8un5 P. K' No. a.- 4:uaSrs.
Ar BROWN'S DRUG STORE. 77a.UnvestyAv.Toaled ny..,tad.alree
Prizes given each day. 77 Fnvest v recain 1,3caind Nit. lied 4.~ud
}iner Mai and Haron Streets ____________________--" W. T WILLS. Agent
?atA D~i '3~a]:.:s:y '+ +i $fil .,.. .. " _....""..,","^, J. J. KIRY. . P. A.
L krearnkyftigSeaon of joy Is great at M ICHIGAN CEEI.I$Li,
Knives,. shear, razors and the cremation of Calculus.rmNigaFasBot.
skates ground. ' Likewiae at the cremaion of ~ ~ FisRg.
W ENJUW!IGR, 113 E. Liberty Street. the kind of joy in smoking that ANN ARBOR TO
/_______________ makes you want to incinerate OHIOAGO
Pilo s n anesanother. Peace to the ashea BUFFALO
PlosadBnes . '. ' of both. More peace- NEW YOR K
DARLING & MALLEA.UX''S 'Plain and Cork Tp. widret cnection at Ctuagi fnr St
tots, iKaaCitCy, Stt. Pal and te Wea.
fanCy Goods afnd Notion Store, ca Fri nratin and thrugh tketa cailenr
Cor. State and Liberty Ste..01 wieto iW. W. CASE. Aent. Ann Arbor
Single admission 5Oc, $1.00. An'essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $1.00
Students' Lecture AssociatonTicket
The Ansociation nells tickets, not to "make money." but to he able to brung to the Watch this space for S. L. A. an-
University :,f Michigan the greatest orators, lecturers and entertainers of the world. All nucmnsaddts
money is returned to the tudent in the form of lectures. nucmnsaddts
NI I LWA RD' Spring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain
i ng prettiest line of Home-Spuns ever shown