THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring An nouncement 'omplt linet115of in Ann Arbor wvill be found AtG Ii. H.Wild &( Co.',)108S E.I Washingto n t. Great ptains have beenl taken in the selection of all suil- inas. trouserits & over- THlE U. OF M. DAILY Enteras seconclot 'matter at AtrnnSArbor of thet literary departmentt of the UVol versity, whomelheered oil the Nvorkers, Witt) adiee ando mfrt 'Ilte sloth twillIprobtaly prottareos i IPopular Priced Tennis Rackets Post_____________O_____ce___________rtapidly.-ff'aoltet 0' 'Bates. Published (aily (Mtonays exceted)' during ttafttg "t yar at the loioersiti'of t ichi- IBETTERIITAN fIIAI0A(CNi ., he ttettheMichtt'a DI 1-News tPutlishngo ''t byisfl Ctmnaeoaa(tnc), t'tili'ttil. A f'Iiltl oftisa t lt MANAGING EDITOR, :apta' of n1":'d t'Sptlit". It trrit- EARLE I. HOUSTON, '(t3. otitwhile It'yo w- :ia snt rn ol BUSINESS DANAGER, Ilk-ttii*t' opedtll fIwx.11o A t'e ROSCOE B. HIUSTON, '04-L. a1ll(,lit'itt ' I. lW4! kit fort GENERAL NEWS In 11li'act11111iI Mhilltlloltttult I These moote by Wfrigtht & Ditten, the leatling matkers of Tennis gootitsintthi/s countey antIate guaraetnteedt correct int weight tail model. Long'wood-wes'll italancedl frame of owtite asht,swalnttit raet attd checkeredt hantoi e, is strttm svittline qnality of buit $3.30 Park-butll sized frtae"of wIbite asht, tallytteroatt, slttng %sthl a goodl tuality tif reil atoilwhite gutt............. .$2.75 Hbtth-leltest lotwv pruildratett maate,taotogatty Itntrt t,ctieok- ettl hantdle........... $2.00 In tittition lye carty aitetceelent stotcttf the highter ptricetd rack- ets, Catmpbtell, Plitt, etc. Tenatis halls, eac.......... 40c AT WAHR'S BOOKSTORES. I coatlitgs forttt 3tt1S Seasott. Ttte stattt otn prtce nof (Tte . 0of'X. lio ttt z, t' o ite 1ti tti It _ll i Dtaily ts V500otnttheta, e e yea.itt. tts, omntataicatons. ete.. tmust be htandeit tit tisuchi a 'I ltina' tl'of li lt 'to Ic tnat atohe ltaily ottice e fret ite n.,t r m~atltdStotheedtob fo r et nottnittfte'day R twtltt Spl1t. It is jittlly a' tlted t TTITJTTF1 liii previnusto that s ontiolthtley ate textectedllI''iii' \oftt't'it'ts io. tilln i t t EU RNI EU to atpear *U~JIIIII *** pronmptly t thits otfice any failute it cattietrs55ill surtiely'Icltantse}t' sysotteitt Ail 11chaat nsin ttdvertistttgmattetr ttt 'mtus tt b P t i t ftttr I t'h i da 's wIt'll H in at thoce1by at. .onthedatttr'itou0s to tullffit'thcokand pttttdthetparkt 18EWahntnS. tht on whichthey atappar litt ttatititoo Iii' w'O "1 donoat ________________________________Office___inthe__Daffy Atcreaofftee. No. Itt0Sotha I'a! 1t'tfftt. 'it al t Engraved Calling totlolo ttdintya'1 ttt It' isou- Cards ____________ S Editor Totfay', . Clifford Stevettsont. ftt'dY ttg flat ttt 7'IIi N ft ? NT 'I C . i s s , r pt' s t e lltr aptts ,O0 . EMich-allf alyoitis Pbl tito~ o.s a do ttrl'. stt'i. lttt'io- Letveeyour orers ow frecads.l"'itfa', Ma~y 29, 7:00p. i, t Dily f' v eon o-ly((1 We mtttke thtetttittScriptt,IRottato, Oldot ttte. Los tc aesrn tfcly n English anid Oll Eiglislt Shladed. II) Posf.iIt'''O f titt s ol ttitl''ectt-rt''ttes. tteit- Price for 1010 cttrds antd copper plate Im~reovement Comnmittee Forks frtotm $1.25 to $ 3.0. 'fth faae AlieAtNOfTtot'IIt'C E EENS'. One htttndred cattds ft'omtpltate Siic. .ftto,'tittitttt ftr to itttlt't s'aatt'att o ' I Itt l.t'Stttttftitn Cftf l l "If St'to111'lute of intt fit' futheist eoi t he f ity~. SU 1 111 R ST1AIOINERIY ff'ork w1100 5ttonttttd'tsiftt'r Il thefrt toity t't'itittlaf attt 10 t,' m~ll fit ltt regthtr lit etr't t to r t unt ' te rW ite tte 1!ra ds, b t'l n 'S II'l(110 bytttlthetiottpot'uttdttla't0 ' . INI' .0. Re''iL turn to E. Iii~r~Ii'~n j''~f~ k- 1s a liettfttt'tit til 0 arirl ''ss teanhteda FSchnk,6ereS.Toy oernt a oab- S IIU'1IUIItt ttth oetty. Mi1hig lensia otttNoay, Onl As ths qu ntit is lmite and i II nt I I'tittt 'ed ltttt'k tittr lst''s o gs P tes dtos'. d yig t to 320 S. Sto lte r1.St. i at -ti o I tha t ot'deti yo Ift o p kto tt one e t o aPr i e$.50 Dress for Comfort Dan Mc G uin says President Suspenders are the easiest he ever wore. Guaranteed "All Breaks Made Good." 50c and $1.00. All shopkeep- ers in Ann Arbor ortb ayitlptpa~idtfrom C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CO. Box 286, Shirley, Mass. FirstTh Service ' Line to Safety; Tll." Point: Speed -- LIakes For ttlos'olind, Pittltttt and all points ettst, ietave Debt-ott,'oily 10t30 o.n. Dotuble daily serv'ice'data-lg. July atnt Autgust. For IacI;nto w t lirt= a ltanth antd al1tornts otheflt tDot roil Matntly 5a00 p1111I{rd. tbI:I,0Ia. m. Fouttap erltetwek ifta rttate 11111 Seott 2e, stuntIp orterI a i( Rouiter to all pit adI It co Glenertal lasseatst.e.:a Ttlic M~anatgert'. - -Ioi'i l ill. W1 !I When in need of a FOU NTA IN P EN buy the The Pen we guarantee- to give] perfect satisfactionl BOOKSTORES 116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets DETRO IT A6DBUFF s veD MRO Ail . a ..M ImLravedBUFalO Daes Si (11ho5.30beP.en. Larve a DETROIT al . . 7.00 A. M. Are a ' ta t B FAO..rai . I 8.00tn, A.Ntt Leoa BUFFALOtDaaltttn .ta5.30tP.Ma Arreat DETROiIT .. ooA. f neti. it h ardi ist tai a0nsaponts aainE a011d ST ERNan NE EGLNDtTAES I Thcrug ticso dtof allit s. endt 2e.ta orpay lua . $8.50rountip.ethafasto$1.50;tatrom a .d N a.r anlls . 0..M.Otat.Fih I a A N M K ~~Pittanin,,. Gatoand Electric Fixtures, Steanm - - j.~~~~~~~~~~2 F.Fluhoor :IU1~iS iaI~3TEATH~NSPEAREFL~.SPitr ElcrcLampst 207 E.W ashington Street. I2d4Floor All tr goodness in the $500 H at is shown in our 'Varsity Hats at $ .0 UOODSPEED'S,'117 S. PlainStreet.