THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SprngTHE U.OFM. DAILY fl thti h AIdtily(Iod ay. ecepied),drn Aln c he si iah a a13 c-s tPublishing The largest, and most EARLE I. HOUSTON, '03S. eotoli to tine of BUSINESS ANGR ROSCOE B. IHUSTON, 11;4-L. Oak EDITORS, R0!)0t1 K.lI'uifan, 'OiL. W OO Assignment Editor W O O L N Raph Ef. Jesisoss, '0i' GENERAL NEWS t21 Anin Arbor will be found Thomas ld.Iibersa.'Oh I. b'. fley, '51. asT~t Co'. 18 .0h~sa '01 F oJ. i lar .e itt{.. aaL id Sz o. 's, 108 lls. cFink a.teia,'0. 7,fs tL. 1till) I '/l E. Wo. shingtoi-3t. Great ~ lT'l'at' i 0 '. 1)"?y fai 1 A', '03 1'o"in. t111M,'beeni taken ini irt leyBk ,'051. eles '~hi, 'cOk' Ot.e,.: 'leetion1 of all suit- Li'f A. BrtoIn, '03. Cl'iffosled les a','O :stronserings & over- The eubseripenon prfce of the C. of IM. coat ili1gs for this season. I)..ily is #2.50 for Olin coiliege year. INa- tioes catomunieatior . etc.. taust te hooded in at the II ily oilice before 8 p; ., .or miled to the editor h face non ofot h' day TTprevi to that ot which they oee expected Li 111 7scr1 r cill confer a favor byrepartlog EuKlIN promptiy at this office anyfilureof careies t11.11 tod ispaper. * * Ail chonrt. in advertising matter mt b1 e nteie by 1 p. to. on the day preei100010 18 E Washington S {. Ihat ono ohi ii they ore t apn r l0Office0inthe lDaily Arhus office. No. 3t0South ____________Alain__$t._____________ No. 13. Engraved Calling 1t Cards ... ..- .- , ..- - _ ... .« Eitr oay.R.LWiis.1 ldaliager Baird asks the Datty to ex-I piress to the studenlt botly his wisti, atid that of the coustiel, that the nien refrainl froiii alt objectoiiable rooting at the bas'hill " iies at tFcrry' Fitetd. It is iothIll. pao't. ia sl ilhe fco47t n- oreelteriats'try len-iS tto personnl re- nia;ks 1iccarding tih'opossi e ts'ii). Expnressions of nsiprov,1ar e ;o ssayS inl bi it'rl utshuld t - ; aii re- 1 lly ils'e stb istdcteaioscsi1 :l if wrhiihtii'yars' iatiabits' teamilgoodi, but pe5rsonaiisiuisrs inst ersi~ls tittiie'umitreiloa iiiici to re'- nie ethe tara thast aiio'oi eel- telsisars'strlvioOfor athtlsie tihaior . 'T'ii priactice if lesingiithe tic wheis Popular Priced Tennis Rackets Thaese Rackets aro made by Wright & Ditson, the leading .makers of Tennis geits in this country and are guaranteed correct to weighlt aiidlmodel. j Loogwoodl-well balanceid frame of awhite ash, walnu'st throat and chockered liandtl', asstrung with line quality of, si-t $3.50 Partk-Full sized fr.ame of w hite asia, hotly, struno witlh a 'goodl quality of reil is d white got..................$2.75 Hubh-Tsheaet lawpriced racket m. ibmahogaany throat, checis- ered Ihatasle........... $2.00 Ion addlititao no arn excelent t i 40 i S k M 4 t ~NIORS Leave your orsders now for cards. Awe iiak lliteisin lScript, tRomaan,, Old Engl ish aiid Old Eiiglsh Shaded. Price for 100) c;irds atid copper tilate fraii $1.25 to $.0 Onie issiistrcst ca;rds froi ai te1 1 5c. slid rulsiniiO lownotihs) ti t: iii 5 1 fi abs Isof the htghetr pr ildrac :- iiitgttalso i he well dsetimsui ids It etsCatmphell, Pine, etc. dss,,- 110goodl, andis h lihar Ii. Loii's Tetis at lseacia......40c he, eiitlisisttc, lilt tist hliii 0 it s ______ AT j The 1tieluigan Central hlitjust 0p1)511 hliesta lulailit notivetiir of Itie Iostonl W H'S ~ UQ N. E. A. Conveltllsll onttinig110 inter-flD~ estitg accounlts of Bttonlou 1ro1 ,ilorary'Dlictiotnary, 1094; 3101e' Gazeltteer,e., antd illustrateditwithi fasilie -utisfron t OhNew EIghi lnd Priiier, Goosdriehi's llisti-yaof he United Sates , tioav'. I'o.toll, etc. ITiey seedl it for a rest staiip, whalte the etditliosts.It willbeho ighlly THE trized liy teacher, 'whethertleyv at- W. Ito'-'eI, (A. P. S& T. A.(hicago. 7(3) ~ n4h. 't tetsitiICsao iiB1"nt0 D n ip u C L~ost-PolIulti 1)11nawithi two gsuol With amendments of'l9O3 hianids, bsetwes''nicillilsls ansd Ferry Complete with general orders ands t'ield. Rleavard .$2.00. Rtutsrs to E. forms only 20c. Gert a copy, S. Shaiit, (;,)t; S. Thiayer street. _____ Michiganensian out today. Only Have you seen Beer'sjEdilion ot one edition. bricr $1.50. Stephen's Digest w'Money loaned on watcheoianmands, . o vdne whesand othe persanal piropierty. Just the work for student-andi Otbece at reside.nce, 331 E. Liberty practitioner. street. All husitinsess otid e itiat. . -_ NO'T'IC.E. Atllilial stocktihot5''5li's'ttig 5o0the SlTsiiali I Daity-Ncaas Publshling Co., t M'tly,.\sy 21 175)p. i.'at Daily 110SC011 1. IUSION, Seeretaisry. THElCS'llhI7NPUOUS T11I'lt. t'titiu-,i IIi'ciir-llttrail, Slay 25. Whtat tote is' nater 'waiti Ann .t rhor? iii 4"lia sns'r1 t -usetoete cit awouldl :1115. 51. L. IAI'N1iI. S's' o"tr lille of SPB11 f~l' ,,NIIy 5 H'I ii 01.000555'05'~ ours, S to 11:20 a. tm. and 1 to 3:20 sot irsoieiiii of theis' aei'55oitly and 7 to 9I p. mn. 411ttiounlotd if tI;,,' nAi Ar t slo? l':?ll s ts,' JOSEPH C. WATTS. aseilihillS pusiloed Itytiy lii'hitsag I'ct lnlt t,,, ' rr shll~, ns Boot's Mstic Ihouse, thesspopuslar and As tiltsu,tiltity is Itit~,, l 11t ihsra ehshsts'ssir'li iiot up-todate sutpply house for everythinlg niot l i sol' (ldltos tis r'1i4o1ht., sir lt sitYlflssi~5i 'w'1.' 151i1 ntuscal. Latest nonie alwstayu in tock~ orster lit}dO l '" l ic1 lly . I tielso st'Ill oii slutsI4'li,'' si11tisay be A . .Chasepitanos retlresetitecl. 6 0# All Ohio latest selections from the light University I-hia hiilieii" st sahi,"1sh else rites. operas inI stock. 320 S. State St. if l int ,lcifells sltiy, titslt-ll 209-211 East Washintgon St. Now Ready. Thompson's Cases Equity Pleading and Practice. C.Ei E Baihell 326 S. State"St. Second Feoor E L OXFORDS See our window, there is only one S quality, the best; there is only one S price on t hem, that is $3.5o. If you have never had a pair ask your friend how they wear. E1REGAL SHOE STOREf MLYIR' 4S1, sSIAND, 611 lIiASI WILIAM STREET. c A I i, A R E O R . M C Hi. Athens Theatre Seat Sate at Stofflet's News Stand. A DASH OF STYLE Oi ~k~i Is ill011me way Isutintlo outr sllats. It givet.Iin a dti fmernt a loop1a cl fit atid attracts the most fastiusno thaste. Otue Iliad said r,'heyre repeater-," Ilae.mngbuy 00001 buy again. Yotuint0 o ~ rollill -inSIHMET LSRAND0It Ci 1'Ihey're 2four 25 cents, tool ea t+ inlprice, but Il ahy yIlorti' CO 0RL I SS, COO O Mailers.