THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. REVER Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, Serges ___________higta and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMINGl You willi a Ine assortment of 00aflj PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER' Sp 10 F A o i h dCr. Mian and Huron St.. Phone 389, 3rig. SICtf rw E Sdn n Negativea developed and (Csiat rm ietre)Scnd Class Tournament ohrgfsa pint ade, allby day gout iitfront ielil 'aas stdoe ee T'hose inerested in tni swillbe, DeFRI ES lghtinst15 itnutes. I'iFitzptr ik anlthe11 'pprttnity shorud plasedto lStntIltthat te' ra I 1 sine ad see it doe at li, takesIto hoe that the sttdetts totttnaent sill tie held teltItert itt ou teTh urs a day, 1 May 21, appreciate the lhard work at' the tbase- f hi wek ivo i i r v;~ize ie RT lO CAKNS HR2C,17 S. Furth St. CAKN'PAMC.There is a noovena' t on foal acanotg those interested 'i the 5amtoi t FRAINU A SPECIALTY. 324 S. State St. theinst active-i at attets to store te'utan tnlIry. Aly stdent______of_________________________-_ _______________________________of______the Band of i titi r ti , l e r lal nt first 1 tn, in iiel pi tr t iftt' ,'s 'ts fittte nene , o tt. hir Mto l ite'. 01 'I tr t isitf1o en 0'S tht i a k f e-('d tltentelvet, easvtit s illin;ttir tt1it. Ntie m ybeh ne toD R CO;1Eptpat ftilepeu sof he ad 0'' I intei'sitity Is:' I F ct it , It i , Wtilt- t Jo 5'Sheebaa SCE ertaitn it s thaitit Mieltgit sill 1 tu r t i it air, M talecSret St'. 'lt'1 ti'sm Arnld tir V'C Vitihan their sertlees ini i the Iorottat and niatii l t is-,' fit'sof ttei'itytti' N J tiver Jhba Hare e e ir i o titili..ld to' adtio,'l seuiet,' i- at i i lotreil..t taFith leo tH S Cahaci eTrye lFachP tlazier Chitian Martin 'it'ritiiii rtit ~ n olil lho'tiri o ,iit'l Michiganensian out today. Onla Te AnnD Aror aing Bank ha taeloet i ytiseit ity it ' t is f ti,' one edition. Pricr $ 1.50. Capital Sto', Cisa 0to. Srpi lu, oWl ttrint mi t s' ls ais 11' bi'test (Ogttzed uer the Gneal Rakin Law - 1o ths State vis-tt'iee f i ability is do goit wotk. 'Iilersty stuets deirtng to 50' I E e 0vesdpsaitshiuys ad elt exhang Ias. ii s t i t o ii'iis 11 ispinti l- cure ipositions. to teach still fid it to ott eth plc ai eit i s ot he. i nit ediaStae a' Datsittcashdt pn popr Ietiication 111 as iii 'ita i' 10to ,ttt, tit hs. ii' their iters t to strite to Jmne F .Sateti' tunesto ent. Baiey Edmunds r ie'i h ifhCiitri'snoial d McCulloutghI, 639 ine A tluilding" tetiuvctw Ciale E. Hitei'o e Pr W Fl l\JE'~ S 5li lil etsmittitlfitillriiiii ltkn r ri ndPotgOhio entral Lies FOR DECORATING. lt tro 'that 011e iill Sti tth i ltl- rphers' supplies. Csisnga Pham I Direct Line ___________________________ School_____ mt i t iniood sittil 'cotitiontttExpeisrt rpatiring of jwelrhisat ILD 0 (IUIU TL i3AFEtehusI s to vii th hiiti-ufor ihe l,LI 'SJEWJ~ELRYt,Y I {)flProcirs t tain tt-i tl, t ttla~ig,. ernt it he liinet-'- littilte 'lu ' '5 t1 X1.1 I is D.,Y.. A. A & J RY. Standard Tie s OPEN DAY ANU NIGHiT. utu its'it' ios follow~ss: ill g~r,. For Detroit half hourly from 6:It5 a. May 2i l i tttsvs.l hit'tioat iIi._____.______u. ntil 6:5 p. u.Tien hourly until .C.B N E ,P2rp.lon Fresh Alegrertiunocatates at Cush It1:15. For Yptsilant only, at 12:5 a. W* C BIN ER, titiismi and 12:45 a. un. Foi Jackson hourly 20 EItHirontSt ii is3ti- Mlciianivs. Illintois t Iags Pharmacy, from 6:15 a. um. until 7:15 pin. Then Gutt aibort at 9:t1 It . .and 111 p. u. etre Tne r. Arthcstrn 1. 'ich anWaiting room Huron St. W. of Main. ut tnAnrtot. Rooms for IBett fr NitX'ier- tun ac6in & Pere hi N1'l:ago vst. 'iscsntiTwo suites atd tee'ssiertosis, ANN ARBOR RAILROAD DEALER IN Madisiont. el furnisedlightedand lit-ted; m-t 1 '. . aa~aea x zuEau Fresh and Salt Cleats. .Tne 1:1 l'ht'tigtt s. 'Michtigantiat $2.00) to $3310; furnauce tetit h, gts, Trains leae Ana Arbor by Central Snde Atntettbtr. phoe 4G1. Ha tlf rates for osummner ard Tie 607 1. William St. _________ shool; 31 Packard street 7 Effecite Oct 2A, taro. SOUTH atRTH -o*RUGGIST Michiganensian out today. only Epert repairing of jewelry at BUY YOUR one edition. Price $1.50. HALLERS JEWELRY STORE No S- 71:2 a No .- 9:00 A. GO D a2No .-2 ui .n Na. .-:3-ttPa. At BROWN'S DRUG STORE. PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR &BOWLING "Trant Na 0andrn between Ann Arbor clay ~ N ~Free chair art on Ns I ad 4 Lock repairing, key fitting J .KRYG .A Knives, shears, razors and onThebne tatpite skates grounid MOGUL Cigarette a little "The Nagar Falls Rote." GENERAL IIACINE WORK DONE rll of tobacco much beloved THE SHORT LINE- WM. J. W NEtR, 113 E. Liberty Street by the collegium studentum. ANN ARBOR TO _________________ his room, where CH ICAGO 5PiIowsand Baners /s smket he hem On ofBUFFALO Pilow ad B nnrsthe lectures not in the cours "O e NEW YORK AT ANDi BOSTON15c DARLING & MALLEAUJX'S Plain and Cork Tip. wandrc onciaAND CiaOSTON Louim Kana Cit, 5i Pant and the WntL Fancy Goods and Notion Store. -For information and tbrogh tiket calnnor Cor.Stat an Librty ts.write toW. W. CASE Aent Ann Arbor Single admission 50c, $1.00 An essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $1.00 c.tUStunts LectureM Associaton icket The Association cells tickets, not to "make money," hut to be able to bring to the Watch this space for S. L. A. an- ,University of Michigan the greatest orators, lecturers and entertainers of the wvorld. All nucmnsaddts money is returtied to the student in the form of lectures.nucm tsadae. 1VI ILXVA D'S pring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain- ing prettiest line of Home-Spurt ever shown