THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring The~ reest tant most conmplete litneof YOOLEN~ in Ann Arb~or twill b~e foundo at G.. I. Wild c- Co.'s, 108 E. Washington 5t. Great pains have bern taken ini the selection of all suit- I ings, tronserings &r over- coatings for this season. Go HAVILD cog 108 E. WashingtonSt. THE U, OF M. DAILY En terd a wnt-ctt mater atAnn Artr Pet (titer. Pube/lished ily (inMondayexncepted), during the eer cer at the Unvesity oat Michi- gan, by the Michigan Oailya--Ni-s Putblisnteg Ceanlia y .tnc). ---- - - - MANAGING EDITOR, EARLE I. HOUSTON. '03. BUSINESS nANAGER, ROSCOE B. HLUSTON, 'H4-L. EDITORS, Athletics toe/at1K. Wtoitn, '04L. Assignment Editso- Ba/p~h B. Jiaaeal, '04. GENERAL NEWS Tt'enaas .n t.bect..'ai. J. N.I/seas, '05. M/ark/cFoote,.''63. Faai k J. Ctark,.'aXe etleA I'/neei/, '0t. 1i/i-i- t I,.W/0/ine, O 8!i/cc.,/r /ao-c,704e. Doas/i Moats/tf, 'a 11oes//ey Bai' r, '05/. Bay 1/a-b/ia, Sa Lau/s A. J/aetaa. '0t. 'ti/rat 5/eICV0eaii,' ; The estbscription sr/ce nof the(r.of)It. tDaily isoI.50 /otoe ercoi/ege year. /a tiesommnic/at/ons. -tc.. muse he hended in t tena//ryo/fcebefre 8 p. in., o tai//et to the edetar before noes at the day previ/se to that on twhiche they are expected to apeaer. Stebscrbers will ronfera favor by report/ng promptly at this ett/rr aney ta//ace of cartres en /dr//ve paper. Al/ chaegen tn advertitsiegtmatternaust be int the otficet/y I t. tm. oate dayerlevee/eseto thaeten which ehey are tot appear. Tennis Intt e I/er tttt'- -sem/it-fi as esteray aftte-rtoon tt.CJo/ht n wintfrom ttt il te la~ ir P-riced andteel I f- rottm 1cil'i Ttee tw oil /l tof elfC/t ti /thi aft eno.The ' 'Iennis Rack~ets t5 it/ter tof the /fi/nal wilt hen/sti ptlay _________________________ /t/tettt/i t/ep/cree/t't/ n/ott Cot C/ t th e t:ni/tte// i/ti of/C the ' I it-ert y / Ve c/htamtpioipe/t st/illp/ct / These Raorients tre itaeby tl/an soti et/cnextant twekWrgttt & Dttsnthe lirieg; toeresnof Tennoords/0iS t coutensnd ate guarntee \OTC',.correct ti n we/ght ttanodel Thm/u M e 'itnc ti/ofte n t S c Longwvood-wneli balanced frame ]asieMet conialr llit th grl of onhlotecns/, waln/tthtiroat ofttite) Alrie11gteSr/teneto ti ute/i t /nd theeckered i//ndtie, /s strung; th/ie tatwe t/isa e 'etee atoe sia/itl/el)-i wits titteequali/tyof gilt $3.50 ter/ai/eta tee vt/te cin tlt/er. PartkI-IPill s/roelfrtame of wsile/- hope/tht/ee teen):: eeietv1tee et eic tti tn/i t, oo//y throat, stertng witi donee of t/e'1tigth sc/iune/ ti/r/a. aoodtuitty/t'of'ilettand witi J. S. tSARPi'iINTEIIf gt...........$2.75 Ma)ae Hub-heTierit ions'priced racke nest aeteuogatey tieri/it, clenck- MONEY LOANED. 0/ret ihane......$2.00 Ms/try loaned on watchtes. diamns, In /dttot/nwe carry tee excellent whteels and other person.a1 property stockeat the ho/ghter priced racki- Othece at residence, 331 E. Libaerty ets, Canopbell, Ptietc. street. A/I bus/ness confidental Tettnistials, earlh...... 0 Hours, S to 11:30 a.o. and 1 to 3:3 and 7 to 9i p. m. A JOSEPH C. WATTS. A Root's 'Musir House, thte popular and W H' OKTR S upt-dt upl huefor ev'erytiig W H'S BOKTRES mutsicael. Ltest nmnsic s/nways itt slock A. B. Chsse pi/anon represented. IOtt/ce inte tailoy Arisonffitce. No. tin Soueh / Met/n St. Treiene No. :3 Guarantee rounrAin pens, $1 op. Engraved Calling osigsPansy ' Expert repairing of jewelry at Cards NcnvN HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE.. THE -Nw Editor Toay Ft. Jd 'tark. f~ -- t~~~Lst-Ilttitingea cse got/tcht ~ tv r plti/clilRotte/ngold//t maesi ze:nailsueatutupflu. E N O S It is saiti/cnnif acies/tlerettte M-ints'i/ebeat-t. EIttrtito iDtlta CU.i inuse tnt ofetunt/i e cea lle/ti tic feint/itno-tintc/d receive rewrcrud. tf With amendments of 1903, teil:oto/ Chicnagoitietnete /ti'Xe/i/tn Compleewithgneraloesan__ ic/ittteae/t t eoe/, aeanty re- Untiversity stuecusreiring to sCmleewtegnrlores- L eavyor norners tinwfir cc/rn/s. tenIe I/tic/ianecit-e retiruepot/utoeaowltBdt forms only 20c. Get a copy. Sir/tuctiti,0t edrte cint taini ned fonitthe cutireiroiti e on s ittooc illfn te toWmaetlnlilSrpLo aOd ila. Tw hu llclsuEnt ly hir neetto rte torm s F. I~ilsladOd i~ntisti S/iatieel. a/i/ta/tics thenir /itetintin t ctke n/in McCullough, 639 Fine Arts ttuiilding, ___tri//,ec/ti - ctn iiinra it i i -itolasChicaego. Have you seen Beer'slEdilion at f // th e nt/tent til/it /ti/i /n/n ITiesil- Piefr10 ctididco/pr pl-ate' / n/ne etiant tin-hr v/it the exeln t e SLEEPING CARt SERI-ICE SehnsDigest fret/ 513te 87i.n/ierMich-iani hasteersS it nee teteet Censi te ._ t m eeinteould ne a tig otee/nitt A-5N ARBiORIt LitROAD. of Evidencela 0/is- iensere earuis i/roni laiiii t nt ee i lorte. (Gen/et tent/ii /nt-invas Sling er/ rvmicetaetwseeniToledo Js h or o tdn _____tenmen hitter nner/cil l tee ce co t itn t-Franikfort, Metcit., sis the A n Ju tthtie/irsudn aI et th im-a/si/u-itht i/n/potinitCs t Arbor rcilrocid wnittbe re.tsmed Moti-practitioner. Se-c str li/i/n'of lidilltee a tee/egriatn e t n-i idnat/it-- y1, Maty 11, ott trait/s lintg 1's/edco S1' IMSTAT~ /IRY n/heenitt,/themti- t-/addc/it/ional ieO at te:t0 p. n. atid fronm FrankforCt/at NwRay.T ponsae I~t- t oud i f n rt/t lae, ti/nitcee'/ftI // C /55 ea l t -Equity Pleading and Practice. tr /toimniteiraty nite is nveii; ten Fresh A/teg 'e'rti C ocotatee at Cash- - lu S //nel-/ i S/i/i n-i-/it t isa it Ite'n g's 5Phttaray. \s Itais i/iat-itte in lit/it/ it ntelis r lsueo Vn e// l'teitl ieI/a tent tI(etset it._______________ int Ci et / e li-it Iiito /ithe re- tie/ineti-a/i-itnt cre te l itieeeling it n/se/toies fti/i' t tC feret t :e/ r-/ 0/tiel/s shouititi plt edi ealy.tshidirediSi ti- e ir Iitinites It Sin/eta' Tno tts n t hrtel stigle rtom- tssoii s/s i bls/e, 5 it inirer ttti e ei/ n--i furtinishe-d, ig/iti-i atnd tieitedi i/it/i1:1 iin'ii / ti/emY i(4at linte ollth'Ie-y7/i/ii)() teocfurdnac trt325ata il cl nit//i/ti'ch/ool:l3e/ifPa c ti-s 26S State St. University BSite'lers tl/:n/nA an r"stee ltieumstiit Boksllrs i/ic tell.i. . i 2. XX II h;at ALLERI'S .JEWEL.RY STORE. Second Floor 320 S. State St. litue--i sntieIetcty. E-yes te-Ced anetfitted at f SeeAL OXPORDSI I1aes quality, the best; there is only one price on them, that is $3.50. If M i1. you have never had a pair ask your frieand how they wear. St I THE"RGAL SHOE STOR"E, ~ .ANN 5ARBOtRS.-* , - e Prices: Parqueti, IN Th LONG RUN Stoflet's Newys Stand. THIS" WEEK upporting t20c, Circle 25c, Balcony 10c.. - It I / i te eeuee - e-teu/eu t t o ci l it e /2 lie 2r uL't Ii ctrs, lu/ct ;rot Iicle nolte at-I e1-l)-ct va-/S Itntu gatue thlie- i / It is ceelt it/el v ld-thuni *i~henn he -Collar." is thlet-isile ofithe litctr e eIc repii -e t i ct i/zlSt a cluet-,duc/ill st yl'1I- il i alI t ite l it l/rlli t) '1 ci eu i/ell u/u tuta te i le-u(s, b XIti niy Ie'I itlutre? CORLISS, COO%#%kN ( o CO. Mailers.