TAlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY "r' -r ;... .,,,trY"'t V i e",r . f n ',- r~r- ~~t - ^ F, .-:a. r: ; :^ ~ i ,r^Rq ' 't " .i r . - a.y' " -r '" ,,: r ,t ~, ,. , _ t r.,l, ,,r,0 r Wlneo ae-isI 'l leNew "HiUL Bll"1'Last t latest. -- Ne Svouvenir o flci j ,\1itl14 i iitct University Views and PHOOGRdlAHER't. AT tEN''TSCIiEI S. = E 1-L AL kethesic. Min an'cuironc St. Phone 2tSP3 I cms. til TC .)R Inquire at )9': °tti -6hcc t :' ouo.1 Res- LOV[LL'S (01N[01P O [ , >j 1'iinrc ji 2 ;, tcl< 'I nn: c c~v'; :n.ca.ht j* 74Am- l 1 1 ,,t i o ct1951 1'i ' i t cit i' 1'oucci11 1 d1t :,iuctit conti. Ilicicc . cc .31 i'.it'ii ad W oolen Suitings ll , ot e1~1,1 t te 1153 lLcste t5 11 111 c ock 'o/ci'WOO(LENS in School ''t Lawtr cci ii. 4 'r: t 1h Notl c , 'ir - Pinc iii'c 5': ,'iFuil Tcncirs 1ics1.30e iii ii' c'o c nd rl c ci'cc' 111oiic ol the 13cand up. SA' 'I'ACTlC 1'O U (AR- Ofer a thre-yea's course in ipriae 11ti I c osofcici0tw ic' c ntraiii N'sN\ARBOR RAILRIOAD. AN''EI. I"~c. In c-ii1% te c ct of i c S c 1spiig cs ricebewen Tolelo R l ty antI ipubllic claw iclea iig Io the degree n -cc.rioni .'-toiunit}thi c' ,tit n)c and I it 1fr icct lili.via thlie Aimi cool so. l and ji r 'ti ii' listfor 1d- lArbor. ralond il'l bet iit' iiin MoAo- 1(JSTOM TAILO1R1I1N, (ier 1s Na- of ~ ~ ~ ~ isin t ol e Wl LI . I cnbrslip in lie school ctoiiI iIlc 'iilI I iiii cc 1II~1, on rainsci-c1ciinc Tledc ie-i l ank, -An Aio, 1ic. is resirictcei to graiduaies of colleges ci-to tiii i i ' hi gh' i ch o t 09l at1:!;;0 p. n. andciii mi r an c kcitIati iti'c'tli'Secc'oe lcccc-c cccii ccc' t 9:00' t (1(1P in.7 ~ ~ 'o u n ' D n sanc ~lp aigscicctitic schocols inc good sanding mothcl 'c scofccitittiii<. OGIBaVIII kGI ascd In persons Ireseccilicgsctiscfactory DIE TOS.~ fi. \',i''i'ic'i\''. llove'r-c'ntrct oro-c'icJ c di 5no 5 iih~c ev-iicne fe i lvctlilrinng. tGrad- i c i i;, ofthe l ii- ict i o f ccc' 31 cci I So r)'Y nu tcc oaties Ofpo v ilcced cllgs re admci- ci cit c't ni tco ccc t1 w C.c'1 P 1 P'f t cc:r l tIth ,d ai'o i i . f- o r i lt ct' [ -'.cni1 lzer et Icc.r i Ic- it'c'ttccilexinainici.tic-iiic l ''outcI'tciiteic- mil ' crci jit Ior e'cn lccca i ciinig faill ccicr- Fe ' l ci Ii A . i a9' yiol Firs mcin i , acdesscic-i Ile Siecicy of C-'1vd et teaetritFresProckccc 'VJ ZZI-affY TilE SHORT LIN- Arbd ci ru stye-c'chs lcsa d Jw lyANARBOR TO Arbcycccrncii",cad lie Accic e alAgseer vn lng. The'best papers inc lie REPAIRED ON STATE SITREET. OH ICAGO slate and city for the cne price BUFFALO derstortlc eer:.nLeanctina-tEcgrtiviccg a specialty. Work Guaranteed. Call in ant examinue NEW YORK Slollett's, 11 Main St,Meyerc, (olr U. of M. Pins. Souvenir Spoons and Banners. AND BOSTON 61ll E. Williacmc St. or Args Wfle dlec conecinsc at Cl-e o for St IhOilice 310 Southlc Main Street. ,-as iy t.Pu n h et TRY i WO F ED . J jrLf HI CED V ' 4 .Sat e.Fo ota lon and through tcescl no 4s E_ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ wrie to W. W. CASE. Aent. Ann Arbr Single admission 50c, $1.00 An-essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $ 1.00 StdetsI Lecture Associatwn I~kt The As-socication selis tickels, not to snake mconey," biut to be able tocbicicgoc lie \Vatcthspaefr .L..an Uirsifty (.fMircigan lice greatest orattcrs, lecturers ncd entertcaicners ofcieoles'cd.AclthspaefrSL. A.an nmoney s retursned to the student in thce form of lectures. nouncements and dates. MI LWAR D'S Spring of 'o3"Woolens have arrived contain ing prettiest line of Home=Spuns ever shown