arnow- Th5L+ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAXN DAILY. -FU R NESSItA. 5 ig THE RIGHT THINGS AND ENOUGH OF THEM IsTow hat keeps. this store in closef ~ i1~*touch witht the voting men of thelr s lieit. urxhbto PSuits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the- Ecusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing - larasIChevotn e otteanid interesting and I ini itillp of jist itoethings Linen and Percale. imhi(give itoe(toiiie0wearirl ++M-] h iet eNieldesdRACKET BRAND .ii ntioderatte cost fiequent Ieie. T2a -or sWagner & Co.' ADHApS, RYAN &RULE ++++++++++++++++The days of life's sweetest Est11llslleol18.16E iruSiet memories ace the good old 1~E lioiSre college dayi. MOGUL Cigar- BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. ettes figure largely in reiro- 4 speotion. Thsy leave sweet WVe are prepaired thtis "season to iieet ever-' demantid. ;.mem'ries of a smoke. Ah! 1a swe ittve5 inceaetsed the slumbiiier tof worlkmlen. As don't you remember the MO- usual, we halve THlE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS GUJLS, dear pat? Yours for iii tse cite. Art tnt Skllh will predlominalte intttl ou , r"\all the time. wx urls as iii the peost. We resetftulflyiivite yur l' Ten for 15c. j enqujirty. iPlain and Cork Tip. S. W. BURCIIFIELD 4.4) iti 0.' k" q. C' 4 t r" ; . w a a SPALDING'S OFFICIAL MICHIGAN NOTES. Fresh Aletl unesates atCuh - ___ ngsarmacy____STRAWB[RRY (RUSH SATHLETIC ALMANAC 'Thie' weeyseoritil nti 0 herttittinew 'S5andoiitltin r guir For 1903 "'elei tat sit' "Ilt e iceld o l it'for $1. Inqiiriee t 321 Pacmtkarmte let. STRAWBERRY SUNlDAY The only lmn iac published that atiitlis tLtt igtiit.te Ieeiltt contains a vco plee list of Anmer- lt« tti't i ttO hut 1 Qtmtt. i ttt A ite te'ilittts titt 'veltiti. Ii x tniivcetc -di if STSRAWB[RRY EO lean Beston-Records and Conm- Pro-feso Fred N. icttel of tit'e itlltitt'e, til S. iitstts sret'. pete List ottCh'laipionis. Over _________as______ntgd y heCh- 630 pictures of poient ltAneri- viiy o i' itttsmt t teCi--IA can and fontign athletes. sagiooard ofi i ti ttititi to ,given COME IN SATURDAY EV EING. A cus oflielt' 'ue Ion .fl -ti-tline And hear or lppular smusi played. Price 1o cents tof inish ci ompiots" tit'e Ctiiem'r'tAllthe latest selections froiiithe ligti N i ieie.oeras in steels.AR Y ANN AROR MUSIC COMIPANY. rr9.Rrndnp O IIIt roiisslor tJttoItlttishletlof the 209-200 Est Washiigtn St. R:b1lrIUII cUIUu foiltthelis tttiet eeiiit'th e Cmu rgSoe New York, Cicago, Deever, Balti e iIis io iti v''si tt more, Bufalo. acdeUnionarIin Irerathaemeinayy. Is it a banquet, or an "after- tihatoi lttilitii ti nltltttition itle li'DETIROITs BUFF Q Too Park Avenue, New York. the-party''luncheon .? bit'too Iis rcttly ais lntne'tmuchilimti- Fu il lll lteil dfoi' shlalyt'and pte- Im0i1rte istttll i~tItl i i' l ital xx cin iithe iiidst f the Chit- slet bitslttlse cit ct ofitell.eOurinan enteprses of a great ciy n close MGA ood ie tey]hst ha th mrl- B/FA( rL5 teademinie tltittns with Clumblia toad et eit l. iid sticres tre tea- l-l vtadtuliiid te c~~s. w 1 t'Newv Ycrk Utiversiies, efers ior- sbati'ti lic.stiisoi i u rte l t'ttit eltt s oftitLA tunities ftc the degrees of B. 11., A-. I CoMaeNCIsNOaMAY 11TsMH 1 itind Iii. D 1 jS4R BAY (ATFD~IN (0. ImtrovedtDaily Expess Semenp(dep hoAN )bALO tillCOtileqa teis ts tdeuls at IvilLeave DETROIT Daily .. 4.00 PM Phone 467. l tIgtu t slid ti-oitt'""(11i- Arrive at BUFFALO" . . 8.00 A: M. SIXTY-EttlG l it YEAR begins Sep- 600 EAST WILLIAMS 'STREET ig ti ldedsttili..t t it ' Thonlitths Leave BUFFALO Daily . . 5.30 P M teumber 23rd, 1:)03. of ~ttwol ourttii.-o I cvi ' tl sttc- Arrive at DETROIT . . . 7.00 A: M: Address te Presideit f the Factuh, ConeetintoF .tsrtm e ra aits let i ito oEs the Rev. Charles Cuhbert hall, Do_0. el !YOKEASTEN and EW E55LiRSsTATES. ____________________ ttt oied tt' P of oit' '1-' t gtiitil eTt sttgtitustosotervtedt pies.Ltrgei.stieito C1 RAN1~G ERS j l ' ii.(tt the'. lcptu i.I ,tht asietntoup n . Bod5. rin" ______ ot epm~pittet ot.. HAVEloereceve te 'orest m _.__ .....___________1 -d l i t ( itittig i lx t I", i-ii ndthe Ra' testobets-snte Pt-ittd Sufal 5.0 i onew y. insteliue sf sl Wietill-it ttt te itit t' g..0itt'- isecsO~tin. Wekend 'aneos.Baoffs' TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES Academy of Dancing tio Or heIlilr i t d i lt ' lt-theb dtNiesaFa.. gn ii otsl s i titvf hltdl