THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CUTTING r_,Li L S ~ u EE Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, ,Serge~s 19-1 E. Washington and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr. RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING You wil a fine assortment of Dark Room C Pr. Tai RAndHR AT RENTSCHLER'S. P IC0TU RE S Abolished_______________________ Suitable for wedding and A o ih dMfCHIGAN NOTES. today, bt on attn tnt of tienhuttdoteifsa Negatives developed and _____snply, ty wll not Inoffiered otDFRIE S irints nmaiie, ail by day prit uti lituet JodM t hen i atl0 it ii i cosin 15 minutes. Tesret trl setiontofte "-tehet- alhaearvd abe R T Come antid see itdone at naow V('re iin t lititcvenhtog%%itht ie; Ess ourstoe TursayM itbepated ii the ttotsbiltingsti" 2 oa d tore 9.sdyayy 2, Me indttthet poolsitiwat' itetiie. 21iS. FortthSt ' ' fAMC Mor tier IE. Ciooly, toft ssot of tieiri-tor at tmy of the ibok tots F2A7IS. o urSP IAt. CALKNS H ARMAY. t tt ictite -igittt-rig at thet tivtr- F ABirdsPE IA TY 324 S. State s , itti ittiel t tountiiteiof the A ittri-M hia wh____________as____hof_______l eeth ;nio In (Iiiies M~ it tttt-i i niiiiSate a n ank1 Baiey Edmunds i hug ttie wetirotrt-f M~y. it-tfs ety roottetiit ti tmus DIRECTO tt tttt ti tiitiitt if uniiitit tt tiit tit tiitit if W J tooth Je v Sheehan tttt titt0itif w t tutotript titch i ch u t htt ad tiWin Arnod tie V C aughan FISH N ETS itoni( e rttvocai tke tihletii sudyitig tie ntt1tilordsN J Kye JIoh Hare FOR DECORATING. erutptiotns- oi Mrtittiutue atdit. vi- of tii sttt. Jnk P iiinter Chrteiua tuannk Martn 121 East Liberty St cntbhI r~l C. i ellprfessosr of enniit ertioitaken ofthe G "r oQ pyn~ a perin- -t i tti-oew hinur i otithti t ftniiit,,hrdi life f Mici t ~tS t.ope- Capiti Stck,I550000.Supu, tfiuttoil ii t tr O riui 0ganzed under the G.0ea ralaning Law repuibiliIhed ii inteu \tit-X tuatietrii t it o e evtti ion of the o er a t ra fthin State. PRTLAAND CAH. fE in: iiil:;:ii::nt itittlte rict ofuittectit nattait hets ii fit- epeis~ and e~el rxchange OPENof DAYdr AN bpotaic NIGHTfs cshdpnoer tetniatio;nt wV. .BINDER ,Prop. itost iof iooutu ctntaitiini- in i f slu ct omllitti atisb aeti ty toes Vto rete. rt iibe 120 E. HitnoiSt. utu--s ii-Itt i-i-i-fti eci ve tiS ii the i t ito uchi rcordsil-t i n the ii is i a ' n a nlP~ iR o u t i i i o f 1 t h t i stn d u i fii i- o u t t h twi-i t~ h it it htu tu a h rth ey 'iin esO collectEUE W VI I~ i on oitf t rk- ii t - ititt liters- D rect line between Toedo Colom DEALR I tur an scoucc whch brs ornbus, Athens, (atipolis. Charleston, W. Fres an .5~t leas. hu ii i uilf-niut inti i EughuiuiGuaranteed founain pens, $1 ap. Va, ad thu South. Ask your agent or Frshad al let. thrd u~lllecn pr. f nladCuaing's Pharmacy. tpply o L. P. Lucvts, P A, Fort St, and tttitutiy ________Detroit, ich. Mu-LI'ONosHocus;, 607 E. Wilimo St. ii t-- t-i i 5~euG PA.. Toed, I st t .ti lt i lwtilltfs'stuioot ha it it tlick frontticamutuis;wat i-unti sutr, DY. A. A, & J1. RY. Standard Time is looutlt- fr lany wht veuu otut uye- tuoli summuuue; su-rteidslu -itSlt For Detroit hlnf hourly from 615tHe. ( BUY YOUR itadi thueii tiug t gt inii tltpitue.n tiotury twasihitand, int-pthc, but, m until 615 p m Then hourly until DRUGGIST1 GODS "AIt tI ib butiuthe.liii- ies lst i- ga-i;plote Si. Juint WhtvluY out re 11:15 For Ypianti oly, at 1215 a. 111 l1 l A A' etr'is isit i rutuioba lurctti u t oiniilg fo. Four ]r luro fn uiuthi--, mand 11-ASa . For Jackon hourly At BROWN'S DRUG STORE. oariratutu Si,ts of tlh tudar tvilcae mal u 2 ' -,'$5.0 iuf rts from 6:t5 a muntil 7:i5 p. m. Then CornerrMaini and Huron Steets h isadcu t eir o 10 for' uuuner school;'520 E. Jffersoni St. a ti p anrom1Hron1 t, p of ain ___________________________ ii ii in lt-ie rsrvei for it i te Unverity students desiring to s- ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Lockreparin, ke fitingAiumnui ituitiso-tutiminJuneiijust-icuro posiions to teach will fid it to A.1t n O a'r mJS.H1.k-LSTitES itthu eutuutititi ttu ivektheir interest to Write to James F Tran leae Ann Aror by Central Sand Knives, Shears, razors and Onii uu-euuuuutofonuty autiitied numbeulur McCuough, 639 Fine Arts Building, nd Tie. skates grounud. of Mitiiciaunuihuuu i uuvhig utriue, Chicago. OEffetve Oct. 28. 19=1 GENERAL nIACHINE WORK DONE it tWas dui-ueuiheit t s tone -s-i-nl SOUTH NORTH WM. . WEMftGR, 113 E. liberty Stret dyteiisale of theiboounk it tvs Eye glasses repared. new lenses at ~ AK N -90* afisineddto iet-uhet-mttuunile- HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. No.h.- :20A. K SiN.t.- su55 a. u N. 4- 8156 P.K. No .- 415a . PICWIC BILIA D P RLO & OW I INGlTans Na. 5 and 6 run eteen Ann Arbor J SIES Pizes ive eac da Tr i , , 2 ,4, and6datyeept Snday Przsguneahdy 707 N University Ave Free chair ars on Non. i and 4. 2cec ..WLS gn . ) J J KIRY,. P A TYOL I5cstaihtAt the sign of the patrnal AALHIGAN EN-TRALh Wih ioeigsumname there comes a check _________ ______ _At the sign of the fatherly "Te Iiagaa Fals Rut." Tlc e1 , ( Turk there comes a MOGUL THE SHORT LINE- Cigarette. Endre the check ANN ARBOR TO /1and get money Endorse CHICAGO SMOGULS and gel yourBUFL Pillows and Banners I - NmoeysOort AT Cgaetec-euato- E YR DALN IALARSTen for 15. Wt drc AND BOSTON 1 ennetln a atCicago tr t DARING& iIALEAU'S - PainandCor Tp. lois itnnaCt, s Pani and the West. Fancy Gods an NotionStore.-Suernormaa S.UY innand thrugh tickets al t. or Fanc Gods nd Ntio Stre.writs t W. W. CASE. Aent. Ann Arbr Cor. State and Liberty St. _. Single admission 50c, $1.00 Anessential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $.00 Students 4 Lecture Associatio i~ t The Associa tion sells tickets, not to "make money," but to be able to beinug to the Watch this space for S. L. A. an- University of Michigan the greatest orators, lecturers and entertainers of the world. All nouncemlents and dates. money us returned to the student in thue form of lectures. M LXVA RJYS Spring of 'o3'Woolefls have arrived contain- ing prettiest line of Home-Spuns ever shown