THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHtIGAN DAILY. -FURNES~SIA: THE RIGHT THINGS AW SpringENOUGH OF THEM [r rtsIt wht eeth this stoe in close SIi J if touch with the youig mni of the nlix lx y. Ourexibit ofA- Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the- / Exclusive Patterns in newest Men's Furnishing ..,~Isgnirots and iniersingquad -Madras, Cheviot, I ii mde tilloljutthloethings Linen and percale. ithat Rive tnii.tiothe lweariri RiM111w1) like to hi11(1we lliesse RACKET BRAND' t iiodirate cot friquiint he I-r ,!c.rWagner & Co' ADHAMS, RYAN &REULE. Season of joy is geat at Estabishd 1881. 106 E. Iliron Stree the cremation of Calculus. ± BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. Likewise at the cremation of aMOGUL Cigarette. But + We re prepred this seas on to meet ever deiaid the kind of joy in smoking that as we hive iicreased the nmer of workmen. A makes you want to incinerate usiual, we have THE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS another. Peace to the ahe in the city. Art and Skill wiii prdoiiiate in our of both. More peace-f xork as in the past. We respectfully inite your Tefr15.eiqtiry. Plain and Cork Tip. S. W. BURCHFIELD SPALING'S OFFICIAL Badgers Defeat Ilini Wtiun Golf Teamn Picked ISRW~RY~Ul ATHLETIC ALMANAC s~iin e ti-I ills i oa dual track ingediheicnt hursciiiiidiay. Friiay and Fo 93ue et0Sicrf 2to 50. iBrif Sitrytiioidii itri iur tliieamwich TR B F ror1903 rt::iii-paiuiti- i te xvarious inexxs- xilloiy Chiiigo Unieiur.ty iiext Fri- SlAWVBrRRY SUfIDAY' The only almanac published that p i ii iitind itosiowx-thatlno ltig rpe- dixa' a ii Si ill idii LiEit iiiriientered.i contains a complete list of Amer- ruually rruuuriuuile xwas dn i twirli i-lif xive o iuhom iwliiflas oiws TRAWBE~13RRY FOP lean Best-oi-Records and Con- ts- o fei itiirr tram. Nexertiures, "'l'ir. 13J: Scust. O, iS 1 1 t ILSJ plete List of Champions. Over li ir a usy uiterlnilteTrurbi iiii i171: liisiou 1. W3O pictures of prominent Ameni- iucsx r oci i eurl vr uo ire x i forChicaAT can and foreign athletes. imcde andiie osors loeud up, either niext Wrulsesiiy uii.i. 7h ra Price io cents amngthueIiii o i nteI iadlr iiigrs. xiiWibe piae nyr thecii omewooIdli n . te o ie]tu enuhoutedhup. wll, er' uple. usigslQir AR RY'S~ an iri hicaidi Ixork xx-eiimiri the vie- All kinds of Artists and P'hois- oi uiuvuu ti u-igli l ii t iirdir de ad ac. uius Nxx in iiau grt imiasur resion- Campus Drug Store. New York, Chicago, Denxver, Bal i oluiforei ideufrat fth Ililiniu, xwho Expert repiriug of Jewxxryc at more, Buffalo. prvel to tewkicxun thieuse rvent". HALLERWS JEW\ELRIY STORE.m Fomoiithe ioucomeof the meerethliiiUnio n elngilSinar Our large iii iii i ir that the NItuiiraniitthe XiiAroOiCril.triug Uio ItlULl.. fjld, takitils of Miu~ligauu ini te Ctosfe riier alleysind Ciuhicg, 'iixvae & St. 7OO Park Avenue, New York. Clu Nose rie. A tu roe te lolyrius Pultraisportaiiou at 15 per cnt Fully quippd for sciolarly and pra Clu7HusoStak elnotiu to fiur from the stregth discount. Inqirie at 33 Packrd tical work, in the midst ofthCri- for six is a winner tcli xi iiiitau i ii urir __________ academic reatioisxith Columbi and nnd ms furr terdas reorus COMIEI SATURDAY EVENING. Nexw York Uiversities, offers opw ( { ( Iii iii Michiiganini liiir for vitory i And hear our popular muisic played. tiiiities for te deres of B. I.. - OYSffR BAY' (AHLRlNG (0. liici eexint. All the latest selectiois from the light AI., aid Ph. D. the Iterscholastic Meet opras in stock. Opei on equal terms to studens of 600 E. Williams St.L ANN ARBOR MUSIC COMPANY, all Christiani bodies. tterc toll.ic maiuuugr J. S. -Cur- 20-211 East Washington St. SIXTY-EIt.IITH YEAR bgnsSp- Open day and night. Phone 467.,prutuc hus imad final arangemnets tember 23rd, lao. ________________________for the bitxumeet here thisxweek. Txo Expert repairing of jewelry at Address the President of Cle Facu1, C R NG Rt uniidred ti ih school a tlete will be HALLER'S JEWELRY STOE. the Rev. Charles Cthbert Hall, D. D. _________ ___________evenuts uand ua great maniy rerurds will Fresh Allegreio coatea at Cauh- 1ZAVE lst received the Largest ad Academy of Dancing iYesterdayil 'Mtie ger ar lug'steraire-.TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES erveit xword thtiHyde-iPark ihigt SLEEPING CAR SERVICE Office-Residence and kcademy, oliool unitdebided not to enlter. flow- on thFNELUE S ino cht o noctio Ground Floor, 310-312 Maynard S. ever, Lexwis Inustitute xwiidiut ful ol ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. FI EriUCSkinctsadneio ''( illintr sverl o thn thlees and Fraikfort, Mich., cia the Anii TUTTLE Ii ysoeeli(fDtri.hsat r alon will tbe resuned'Mon-D amlrecptin t begivn or he is-at :30p. n.aid from frankfort at LOWM[Y'S (HOCOLAIS temaa e)naietn sasre.90 .i.70 Spring Term $250 "ALENS orQUALITY" PO.SOT ntutr POO RAPH S Goods Talk---Talk Does Not. Billiard Parlors GALNW elthe bet clothinig in the world for the naone.FlecgranToaos 7 MO RSTUDIO $10.00 and $16.00 suits and oercoatImade peeil i- FineA Cgars nTacs ________________________ and fit equalled y fexx and excelled by none I HEVRIYBARBER SHOP, 13 s. CT A B R S O _ 51limS., First door o . AEC HCG MRCN .,. s -NEW SLEEPING OAR LINE The W.C.KernCo. Between 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. I 'i an.r isf et Dctrpoi, Toledo, Goluw bus older aidcieintrd /'i - 'f Leave Detroit io p . . Michigan Central PEiin,9iite forl.Q1 collegesiud i Leave Toledo 1230 night Hocking Valley frutinhcsiuncdsulUfitt41u1t Arrive Columnbus 6:5o a. mn., Hocking Valley ,stock. y .G C ls~PisCIesondTun .. r~re A PARLOR OARS ON THE DAY TRAINS Caps.Say 'Hocking Valley" to the ticket agent or write SEND FOR CATALOGUE : L. WV. Landman, G. T. A., Detroit, Mich. WE PATRONIZE GOODYE"OAR FOR DRUGS