WHIT$ VESTS FANCY wr Lend tone an(I quality to grw]" dres,. V.d u"ll tv Mora than 1,!eaxcd with ttse r:m st)lc:,&-fabric .3 ; "".. citect,. } THE~ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If yu wnt o kowIWe carr a complete line of what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- sdardaApparatus son as toseStanar pprau I for Stein= Qualiative and Quantittiv o Blocl U rinary 1Analysis r RmnrI flinthp~. Accoding to the most appiroed and I w1lL4E IVIuIII p~racticail methods. EBER ACH CAN IMPORTERS AND~ LiIsint Afl112 S.M &inS n, 4 .Stt t PALACE AND PARISIAN LS EF EGTU.K HaveYouSIGMIA SIGMA Have YouN.SOUTHERN liat's pl ace where youj ge pt-aewrwthe least trouble to your- hat5 selves. Domestic finish T ae o seenitiem? We will bieplea da specialty. M. F, DOWLER, Ag. T a Spring S l ogv siaeideaamug' in Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. ' or Overcoat ? 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler.,I " ALOiGsOFCA Patteins to please everyone. Styles tha ATHLETIC ALMANAC lower that anywhere else, consistent to STRAWBI[RRY (RUSII For 1903 pgSodWBqualitUNy. The only almanac published thatSTABRYUNY contains a comnplete list of Amer- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lean Best-on-IRecords and Coinmd-~f& i~ I SJRAWB[RRY [[OP plete List of Champions. Over §i30 pictnres of preminient Ameni can and foreign athletes. """- AT Price io cents A.G.Spalding& ros. New York, Chicago, Denver, Balti- mere, BRnfalo. Academy of Dancing Office-Residence and cademy, Ground Floor, 310-312 Maynard :St. TUTTLE [OWNKY'S (llO(OLAI[S 338 S. State St. C. H. nIAJOR & CO Artistic Decorators Specialty fine interior ideiorative awork. Wall paper. paiiits, ioils aand glass. 203 E. Wash. St. Phone 237. STUDENTS USE Gasoline Lamps W. S. PIPER, 308 S. M'ain Street. EyesScietifiallyFitted New lens and repairing Fine watch and jewelry nepeiring. Work rea- sonable andi warranted. J.LCHAP MAG, jeweler,206 S. Main St THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, strictly First Class. DAN SHERIDAN, Prop. E. Williani St., First doer off State. Wiscansin After Pennant iasoniiiof r>: -ork. Lewvis irill io diiail, lthe iiivi-rsiiy of \Visi-iois I___________ itiily, shiissthat Wisi-ensiln has nmti liii iioiia awili roiiinier t-i ii'ia i- ivenii tp 1hipe of ic s-anipioiishiap hoiri.ii wi i--lu -ifirer i--iiieicii-ti-u cutk. Thei gaiiuu- whichli splsyed n N iii ii--udeiuuv still be eeiluaraedl. so iiliiuesiday resiilirdil i ta very c lose ' iiiiio c a-ke I-u-aral tu'ii-ki-for scor(e, aiid ii-iiaiy expets ilively co Iiii list wi irke iiueet iheiliriigiuii i oi ih rCe lt, i-i uti. lu I1ili. If ilury suc-reerill df-aiI stllet.0;o us thiey swill loire to play a strnuger Guraiiteed faunTiaun pens, $1 op. gamle 0li.11tey hase I routpiltyitug: Cushing's Pharmsacy. "Ihle Wisron sin iuilteatii eltis afieirtoon tinai -laiiiitsliilitouii Expert repiaiinig of jewelry at (ioach llaiudeliti eays itittheinoli e iii I HAILLER'S ,JEWELRIY STORE. deterineiid toi 0wa l aeu h ie auidilaty i beter lirill ioi huisltripithaiuiiieyoohliveiCOML IN SATURDiAY EVEING. -auililed ulurintuheiir luist fits taiies.Addlieasr our pioptilar music plaiyeid. The first gamtiofethle series will be ;All the latest selections from the light hir1aed wlihtelerailers, Illiois. Tiieii0operas ini stock. Wiscoitsini asill imeet Northiaestiern i ANA ARBOR MUSIC COMPANY, for the last gamue of the series ssth 20-2tt East Washington St. thie 'Methodisis. Oii the ISthi they wtill ilay a retiirii giaie withi the Expert repsairinig of jewelry at Wolverines. The iiext day Coach HIALLERI'S JEWELRY STORE. lidelios siroeges will phlay a prc ie gamte .at lio. On the retuin Fresh Ailerem tiUooasatea at Cush- tripi they sill :alsoisitiChieago folIiilgs Pharmacy. thei siconotf lie sieties. This ame oil thie i01hiwath icitttagio aill heeIbie SLEEPING CAR SERVICE lat iiiiniiiioup miie that Wisooi- on the Iiii atill platis isay froiiihouse this ANN ARBR R SAILROAD. jiy-ir. Ilie imiii wvho asill go on the Sleepsing ear service betaseon Toledo tip are ias fiillowss: Leais, Richardi- aiid Fraitkfort, ?Mict., si the Ann aiii p;SotrimiM tut, c; torresoiitt11: Arhor raifroaid aill he resunsed 'M\on- Buh 21)i loe lzi;Ii t~i:nt, If; Per sonls, day, -May 11, oii tratins teas-log Toledo of fliats rf.Mu-kltston and Stray at 8:30 p. in- anid friim Frankfort at still iiit Ie abilelto liaeliii trip0oniac-)( :00p. 05 76 SPRING SUITINGS... We hlave plated tipoii our 0-shies a complete line of Fa- brics for the coming season's wear. We have also is- ceaetsed otur force of workmen, to insure prompt attention B earnestly solicited. 0 TENRY AND KYER, 1C TTAILORS TRY THlE Only Candy Kitchen When You Want Homne-Mode Candies. E. M1 STOL-lLLu.T, '15 N [Il ~HV utreceived the Largest l TURKI ,H CICAREI1ES an~d PIPES liver broiight to tke city. FINE LUNCHES inl coiSIICt Elverything neat sod clean- 308 South State St. 1. E. JOLLY. DA NC ING Spring Term $2.50 University Academy PROS' SCOT.Instructor. ROSEY'S Billiard Parlors Fine Cigars and Tobaccos. iaTAMlIUCU.lI D9S St Choce Pictures and Frang -AT- Liberty St. Art Store Near the UNIVERSITY CITY BARBER SHOP ANDa BATHS ROOMS Cigars & Tobarees. 116lE.I tIRoN ST. AGENCY CHICAGO AMERICAN. The W1C1KernCo. ,>7 rt iI \N1 f L 411 E. 51th St, (hic go9. Cap-s rid G Iunc nidetoth Oider anld ienttd./I~h Fexln llts for alltcolcpi - iid, 11 , r//ku fess P in e las a rdil Tcllm l SE ND FOR CATALOGUE 121 E. Washington Street WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS