Th)g UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WHITE VESTS FANCY Lend tone and quality to your ya..tist yj drrs.. You -11 be more than plescd with the y 4 . JJ ncwst}les4r^fabric '' I If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- son ask to see Stein= Bloc Smn~art Clot hes [in ~1(11i1[ A ptel We carr a complete line of Standard Apparatus for Qualitative'1a1d1Quaintitativ Urinary Analiysis Aceording to the most approved anid practical methods. EBERBACH&SON, IPRER N j LAST YEAR WE GOT UP TH-E PALACE AND PAISIAN w v L ailltaid.A r a i Aency That' the p1ac where you get up-)to-daitoewoilk, with the leaist trouble to your- selves. Domestic finish a specially. M, F. DOWLER, AgV. Phone 657. Office, 402 Maynard St. j4 SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ATHLETIC ALMANAC ~For 1 903 The only almanac published that contains a complete list of Amner- iean Best-on-Records aiid Com- plete List of Champions. Over W3 pictures of prominent Ameri- can and foreigii athletes. Price io cents A*G ,Spaldig& Bros. New York, Chicago, Denver, Balti- more, Buffalo. URANGER'S Academy of Dancing Office-Residence and Academy, Ground Floor, 310-312 Maynard SL. TUTTLE LOWNIIY'S (llO(OLAIIS 338 S. State 5t. C. IH. tIAJOR &CO Artistic Decorators Specialty ine interior decorative work. Warll paper, paints, oils and glass. 203 E. Wash. St. Phone 237. STUDENTS USE Gasoline Lamps W. S. PIPER, 308 S. nabai Street. Eyes Scientifically FittedI New lens and repairing I Fine watch and jewelryI repeiring. Work ren- nonable and warranted. . (L AP MAN, Jewdler, 206 S Main St THE VARSITY BARBER SHOP, DAN SHERIDAN, Prop. E. wiliam St., First door off State. fave Y ou Neglected That Spring Suit Pal rrs oor Ove rcat? Pten toplease everyone. Styles that are right. Woirkmanislhip perfect. Prices lower thit rnywlirre else, consistlent to giootlquality to ~t6IrWuCrth COLL11EGES l\) 11ltilli OTHER Thenex ltre in this ousei o (.oes tris iwoo' ic ii k liwitha lun ingcan- 1-1 irsr-lom o i ..21 es vionisir i-st. liii ii rird On rim un i i)f ,the irrY The th lirteenthl iretirirrl eonvenrionrr -uerrivn onr oll thirs li-iture will itw- if liii hellao iii I -oo lili is is 1 lii IiI ii i ---1.-t. -a.tu l o teii u iii irlrilis-ir -ri lirhoiur.rTheerschedle. f ic the--realtcoflire held lillr. Uiuclv ii iatilhesi is -15 ch~i ptriethisil eekolin 12 torii. courses.-irrt 'lii riv-riiMSrrliii ii vlII clill u thes i illighr. 1he -u- t' r i rer rfeIeving 'uiri i s ,ia~i r urn 1l. rofesso Cirr ilrl, 3lry toilihav ie a inew en1ihr iloiriicl is rowiexieeteil lieuir e blilcilrr as11i,1"ut i Vinlluii lImplies, May 21, in- vouilli-idl bytliii lilofii t1.1 Professor 33 lii SIGM1A SIGMYA SOUTHERN KNICKERBOCKER Have you seen theni? We will Ire pleased to give estimates, ideaaindi.suggestiois 0. H. LUTZ, Jeweler.1fl -101 S.Maon St. S1RAWBURRY (RUSH SIRAWB[RRY SUNDAY STRAWBERY [LOP AT TRY THlE OnyCandy Kitchen When You Want Home-Made Candies. E. M1. STOFt'LET, 115 N 11AIN H;sAVE Jast received the Largest ad ine s tieo TURKISH CIGARETTES and PIPES Evercbroiughti methe city. FINE LUNCHES in connection Everything seat sod rcan, ,oW South State 5t. R. E. JOLLY. D ANCING3 Spring Term $2,50 University Academy PROF. SCOTT. Instructor. ROSEY'S casno art stuidenatii(or-nell swill lie alloitveid to brare rare-thanri16iihours a term. his ureasurei- las lbeeniioh- jr-eeil to bry somei if lire studrenrts. The- I rrrechastiudrnts of lire Cornerll Trnivensily INrill give ltwaoI-renichla iys' tis eveiii. COiie of threim is isonie- act comedy iii wvhichr the mnieistuidenrts wvill trake- botli orrle riid femanle paris. Yaile li-fr-sled Prinicetoni in a dual track nieet Iast Saturdray by a score of 73 to 29) points. Tire isost exciitig race wsa betwveen Demngi, Yale, and Adsit, Princetomn, ini the hlif-mile;, tvhich Demnig'won by frlling across the tape. All kinda of Artists and Photog- raphers' supplies. Cushings Pharm- acey. COME IN SATURIDAY EVENING. Aiid IliareurIpopulrinumsimic plrayed. All the latest selections from the light opserasin ~sstock. ANN ARBOR 'MUSIC COMPANY. 209-211 East Washinigton St. Expert repairiiig of jewelry at HALLE-RS JEWELRY STORE. Fresh Aillegretti uca tea at Cush- lug's Pharmac~y. SLEEPING CAR SER'VICE onrtire ANN ARBOR RAILROAD. Sleepig car service between Toledo amid Franmkfort, 'Mich., sia the Ann Arbor railroad wvill be resumed 'Men- day. May 11, omn trainsmoleavimng Toledo I Expert repairing of jewelry at at 3:3. piii. arid from F'rankfort at B ll ' 'O 11ALRaJEWELRY STORE. 9:001p. Il. 76 iliadj aror _________________________________________________ Fine Cigars and Tobaccoa. JAMES W.REID, ~SPR NG 5 ITIN S...Choice Pictures and FramIng.. Wie have placed upomn our tabhles a conmpletre line of Fa- -AT- brie for the coinmg season's5 wear. We Iave also ii- Li bert" St. Art Store crcea-ed our force of workmen, to insure pronmpt rttentionmirth NVEST to our patrons. An early inspection of our stock is NerteUIEST eammiestlysolmited., ECATTiOCS CT ABRSO u HENRY R, 709 iZNosrnT ~STyAVENUE 'ITAYBARBEigR s & obcc 1fHNYAND 1( 70.NRTYUIVRIY NE A Hi~i115E. ICigars.T.bccs I~lC~l A + ~l a A JARA +1Ati R~l'alI AtGENCYXCCICAGO AMERICAN. The W.Ckern Co. 411 E. 571h St., Chicago. A~ ~ :f % D 2L Caps amid Gowns made to ;, ea ;; ;i , Z1 order amid remated. / // Pinnumnts for all col ges rindP fi nt-n ihllee ca rrired 11111l stock._ C lass Pius, Class. and Team 1 Caps. C carsv . t SEND FOR CATALOGUE'.- 121 E. Washington Street WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS