THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. v SpigTH~E U. OE M. DAILY MICHIGAN NOTES.- Enteed xt ecolt-ercv mater t An Abor Sink .& Ilowaril.official agents for W eJ sel fnI i ' o'ta na tt AnnArt the May Festival librettos, Ihavte at- Uer ite It all oe a ndupply on saie 1 a.a iii titi anlaiyN - ntiiio eaelt of the cotncerts.C _______________________________ Com ac, To tic- lottttoitte the titi at o tt f ___________________________ stonlptrons iof the _llay testiv it the MANAGING EDITOR', 1I tieisite Art iGallery awill tbe oliden Shi largit antd ttost £EARLE I. HOUSTON., l t lici~e ihiy tti a t ti comltlitte litie tf BUSINESS fOANAGFR, frollitot t2 a. Ill. and to Good, dependatl)le ones- ROSCOE B. IUSTON, '04-t. maiAto tgta o ttitt t'de from the very best mit- EDITORS, resett-l :it tie Alt iiiit ilitteis-losi c tertals itt the best tea e. They Athletietutua: etu I elt Sititt1. AsI).T'. tire corect ill1 Ittlitte tiand 1 letK.ttutuuu Ca. S. willt itt iii lottt condititis ;Ire verit fiels inished. biiecial, at- W O L NAssignmen t Editnre c iota liii'fir Ill :III IiArhioc vii lii i tion is giv'enito thie sprinig GENERAL NEWSth I iesiy1adoilad(le! adblneo th cl s.' e it itA h ti alheftit1~ I' t Jsb itR . ii , J. .S. ~luy. 'D£ Clb I wtiti eii (ilitt];ist Iti:t ill iii tititutc irotis are htatiu lhimntiet'ci I1 \ ihttig it a Cir,1G . 'ii. isiii.11 iiiisge'0 'u - I itit ii the l adtii- fte wii " I ifors e i e s bt mild hsteetl. at i . i. i ldi itt ? 1 08 _ I i t e gr tEi.t iiIt it. l i1 Slvester1___ge_,'__,__ mt_/l__ _ l_______ t' ___ ii';i tl t-'11e' Siicii ctstti \e't CitisehidT se!ire ii' pa n av e n ta e n f wly1acr Int1'el.,'rn it it;tit ife tl I Louis A. t at iiit ii h ica d the a rt ,eit itti itt it i asic' t I t he K AT D G l t e l ci on oa aial site-ten tasebere ii ll Hiett eliac te hs-obleset ret viis ! C u sanielf r: D i e s Iansdeettsingaaatteroier-liT e1eice n :1we to I shreitthe S tiii nffllhIlfr 1.. t t c ii~ itapieofuathesG tiaa 0. he1tettstf .ii't iees1. AH Waan s thingteon . St . 5 0 iflieo r e ctaleap ear - lio. io the i ttril litril iii 1 inat he Dlly offie bforeS p in. or The I ' i cIth ,ic i fraithernitiltiI ' mt eaIi t iotedtoeore n of t. hei dayh iv eir'li' a ntncutlue pscarttiat t ir to tpp a St.'iousear N. n ticf at i 1-S. 'sily o li 2.A $1~~~~~~~~~~~~popl .50 opyigh I office_____ tiny___ failure_____of___carrie_ rsii;t;efl to-dtugver Iau("of the fa it te ant a e t'iti 4'tfuil 1!It Y 6 D S O sltecitAlil 8hai es n ldv -sig m att u evuthc h e aiewn ml T o Hs I nWatItD C 0d"qit iiuth'tb oititiiiiut-illesi-itaditt-s itt this Ist'~ lose ~ ilheofsfibtu p.i ctis.n te ypi us liito ii tsis e 1 ___________ sI heatton twihteygbtareigto a e . I ti uS ____th ________________ the_____ Ti atherl. It o. yeie ilau ir i siua uti h ts res'hAe pctrea isoucorthe at Cloat ThIaly o eiit u fice ttd i t lly u'isitoyfice o.30fthtt oflti- lgs h Annrmcy. i olpa M'tto.h ats s-l i' u isi iutintu elp o e cNo. 1:3. t Prf. _A_.__:. _ooley_ of_ the_______ D an Unla-eo itcat, ht N v ls" tldnyofitI ttnthes-tos-t iui ii cttt at .NICloado titIr LJoit aeto f ItudtQtl y Ih 'rtts Cici~i i i W s hooII oftilt 1 lis t iS.ts . A - flutist Chin-leo Majo'. t thelit-t tuu'. t' it'liuutti I ii~ toltu e ut the T it it Mt ofs 15 oF.A ich- Mooe Wth he reea Sittlets li Ed.itrTodayst l.i liff toiStevetisonsTill ltti erI it s Ver fltt e i n,tis-e che. da- ci.Iotls gs iet eti t u rsiu ic ti t Fdele . AtIte ll£,ISeein4 il - Tiee Itspia titlttes oIittiy ]'eite'Todayii' ll' tttwv iits a ivet ifluxo ae(qaliy'ittleSem, uthve 'ch to I is t ht'.' a t tothttis eylwpie vstr mvrio'useut Itulut-tthia' Prors' t_.aiAtyttsOhie tiatt ttuuhti r e s d Tae CItav-saliebyGe.' . MitCt a bessuuiuI ill'ibeu hes-irie hutoN - i t li' stthe ui'etis t'Futah A egret t auo ti t CusiI hit The Vlsts f i i o. It- M's te l in thetu ni vebuy ic ty stfill i-uiar n' hr ay D tortyVro. o adn al y theetu st i ni veut'. itrs itilltitheu et AllluansO e N. . . A . st M c Ug r Ca rslgCtclstti gla i-itt. th i rt tine. si-itt wi'eghoun ll ;Ieii gui o in y \a l~i uoI:tttA. ill neesAl-re k M d ttus' t ihthe areey h tterstiota I ll, :11141tu sit. I i tt time uth iuuvai if to ai se tl' ' S t:taie'tit d eigto se-ay Geo. Dhuhlas.-i-a ,lu hugyhut liIs'pleaa t t'5t'Ioit ur- oi ta t E. Ach ILs-IhitYtt n n r o Th M sem anr 'o .cb huhea- its iiilt-t-i" Itiitiet itheiuhusandththav i'etaern-I to ssa' T rea tiisr C. a t i.atiaiau a A DoIueBareled Deeive S tiory, itii.nCtt Ao r85O1iBoC286tralaeyckass Univelerty o ksrellyer.h a iut atl e $11 titilttt owvr gt w iitr oH LLn t 'S JluieWoft 3:1tY STO R. ( 320hos s . tath e rb lSt . t tu'dentaa lair'datl;t te art iasee.r yn:enedattatred a 1q ________________________________ When in need of aa buy the A.A. Watormanon TIhe Pen we guarantee-to give, perfect satisfaction SOHALLR BOO000KSTORES 116 S Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets The University of Chicag'o Professional Schools I Medicine Law and Theology Education Each hnan a special Circular of Intormation which with be sent on application. Each will be in session daring the Summer Quarter (June 17-Septeanher 3). Q 'The courses in Medicine are given in connection with the swork of Rush Medical College. 0 The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois hEilectrac Consttrtion att Sutpiis. Stanitary THE ATHENS PR~ESS, Qrh~Plumin, Guts and 'tactric Fixtures, _____ __ _______ anti Hot Vater Heaing.,Studient'a Gtas anid2dForA EN E TE BLG Ele ctric Lanti, 207 E. Washington Street. dForAHN HAR LG All the goodness in the $5.00 Hat is shown in our 'Varsity Hats at $3.00. GOODSPEJIDS, 117 S. tlain Ste.