-T' Tf UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -FURNESSIA:5 THE RIGHT THINGS AND SpringENOUGH OF THEM rtsIsohat ieeps thisistoe ini close S hIi toris with the Yugmenofthe Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the- 'r Exclusive Patterns in nev est Men's Furnishing Madras, Cheviot,I ii t ttdntlignl iimadetp o l nt hose thing11I Linen and Percale. thatt give tone to he wearer. RACKET BRANDMen who ike to e swellI desedtr RCE BR d'at tioderte cost frequent here. z fr 2oc Wagner & Co.-WADHAMS, RYAN & REULEI A blue chip and a wlit Establtshed 1881. 106 E. Huron Stre chip are sufficient to get into B URCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. I teMGLg i.Cgr es that ar winning ttoe We are prepared this season to meet every demtand. handa of many asokers. as we have increased the nnmer of workmen. As / usual, we lhve THlE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS Get a ^ hand"' yourelf. in the city. Art and Sill will preomintate ito00 No mis-deals. work as in the past. Ws rspiectfully invite you All nTen for t5c. enquiry.j Plain and Cork Tip. S. W. BURCHFIELD cli H.**44*4*4I44+*+++44+..+ SPALDING'S OFFICIAL State Oratorical ContestOTC ATHLETIC ALMANA Stste rateical conest -was Athlts agitiout the Ix13tltntc(asso SRA u 1'RRY(RUSH' ATHITIG LMAAC hld I ot ta r Fidaryniit and rtu ust is iled withiithe clis o tdttt For 903iI tout Mu Anoutthe -Asllrtgor high (imiitttttitlvltesdity vin(tilt) ayt (BW~ffYCIUA Fo 14 Sholwo iirtironoeers a~;:nut tvery t1, toisire p iin~itt I i ilstaxiS JIRIYVUIR N UIIJ Thu only almtanac published that stongi comeitiutiom. L. iS.CtI~aut of Wit ihe vi' ed iii liite btisoto tbtitts' contains a compete list of Amer- S tt oisiws secontd.Tesnsttjet of Paisdio i~tilt i tistimie. Atdti i t32 ST( TAWIFDYFlI5 lan flest-on-tiecorits and Cor- ai. ale.tt soratio was tiulatte aikiiid stret. ) EtiVJL II LJr' plee List of Campons Over Giltio,, u u iet'Oir ia tI. iV. KRtIStIt. 530 pictures of prominient Amen ii well-orsodiei address rivetiis atiity AT can and foreign athletes ts iti sltor. Tte markiiigsuof te '03/ LITSf-ENGItNEERtiS NO~TCL Price Io cents jugi ult i0itiid s folows: For ti- Tte otitescenllt ittittis owitt - N it iii rots itit ttie ceettt ott he- t e i let latter p iii t i t st eeki ier:Iled th Ciotie ottltouiadad cmitbte had iriy ftir t t ritti toiii adonseoniild- UA R ' A G S p a id in g & r o s . ittiotpts i itti i'testven iioitts iittit st the de tits t x of ,ao i tai i tith ii tutverity iii ~ 4 Campus Drug Stor. New York, Chicago, lDenver, Bati Nt,): S XtNSt tdtS. tid 2t1)anyt iv et x cpti Sttritt. more, Buffalo. 0'alth ~ns nte msrl A. E. IItI NSitrIN. word,. there are lon whichuubttter 61 'Treasirer. IUnion 1helogio~dIseminodr, Our large coljure ti luatit tmismtourn sof if voittifilt utmttiatiuui thiathIosi f Fresh Alegrecn Unocaates at Csh 70OO Park Avenue, New Yoa. t'it !qitpedforechsotlary and p .o tiertie toi itw~ s. titti work, itu te tmittof rte hia- ClubtHosenStea ot La I etnduit. whititos ti stgsa tchfolii taretaretepissof z ret city, inton for six s a wnner ter f middlute as(e tatoss not re- rountmi eouru'rtoi. Finder retrnt to aNad e taioms wherrit Columnhi aa& __________ ter nt tisilm l tuuttomw s th- _t'l i titu t. Iandiiiceiverwtiu li. it;2 tie ur Ueieres ofer s p cetto rowdsthe itit aesoft teatre f tnte o h ere fB _ AY/Y A1 l '.formter tasl AN OPOTIT'Y tostarnmi aers IC, sund onhu.I. OYSER BA l( tING FOpnoneua(0.stosudns EWt hs bI uir oftiur ifatutu,-isputtose ttcolttltege, t thomto, preset- itCtrisiaoie 600 E. Williams St. htionfrequetltyiatked; bte i isvow tiug astrity high gride hproositio. SIXTY-EIHTtHttYEAR begin &W membu ter of JouttW\v ogets lmg aIfittSisial iinuemtetts offeredt Westerni Open day and night. Phone 467. strets, whietiwith itilir at teAthenstiscthigatistttdetnts. Address at once, tAddresst2e3resieit1f.oe03.1~ _____________________________ Theat_ rot 11 omuay evetitg. giving outs address, for fill partie - dthessev. PuresCibet of ttl, IS. ~ v~3-"~lars, Agency D Iiretor, 50- Michigan theRev._CharlesCthbertHall,_I___ CL AING EPj~l( Freth Ategrerti Coocoates at ush- Trust Bldg., Gratd Rapids, Mich. 80 aFjs eeve h ags n In____hg's tPharmaey IOsiest thus of Asetbis il ot~u trugot Exie eatitgo Jwlr t ASENTS--iun, a new money Ty~URKIIGAhihRTTES and PIES Assmbie wil onine troghutExprtreairngofjeelrraushle; 0,000 sold itt Mitneapois; a Iflil lflIL the college year, Including the sunmmer HJALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. hotsehtoldt necessity; millhiots with be Ever brought to the cty. school seasot. trivate lessotts $1.0- sold; csts r, oet1s for 23c; bets FINE LUNCHES In oisectim each given by Mir. or Mtrs. Granger. My Fstial tickts boutgtitatd everythitng Ias a mtotey naker; agents Everythig et and clen, solditut Skiinner's. 63 nake 40 to SO saes per day; send 38 sutihstae 5t. R. E. JOLL. c for sauthue outfit. Domestic Mfg. TU T EFor Sle-Lasv I ative. Library and Co., destk 2, XMintepolis, Minnm. 61 D A I C I N TUTTLE ~~~office furtniture. (God toan of 5,00}0. D A iu ~ AT t soml A 1sap. I. J. Mo WIIEY, IHALLsERS .EWELRY STORE IO~ YS(l(LIS 62 Wiatertowi, S. D. Eye glasses repaired. new lenses at Spring Term 2,60 338 S Stat St.University Academy 338 S. StatePRF. COT.ttutrtto. "ALLE.N'S for QUALITY" ROSEPO.fSEY'sctr PHOTO GRAPHSGod Talk---Talk Does Not. Billiard Parlors CALL ONWeslth best clothtg in the world for the mole.FneCasadTbac. ,EYMOUR STUDIO $10.00 and $15.00 suits and overcoats made ehecill- JM S ~ 32l $16 s. Main St. ly for us from thte eat all wool fatrics, style VVAM S .t(,IU, State St. ________________________ and fit equalled by few aiid excelled by tone. FHE VARSITY BARBER SHOPj I A lI M CITitY 13.N1n t " 'BARBER SHOP Strictly First Class Its P F. ALLEANDeiS ritfOOtSeCigar S.TMbine5t DAN SjEiRIDAN, Prop.lr 2 I 1a'fi100.3 igrs ToboS E. Wtthtsms 5., Frt dor off tte. r AGENCY cHICAGO AMERICAN. Thej C.erno 1NEW SLEEPING OAR LINE TheXC~rn~oBetween 411 E. 57th St., Chncago °. C 15 i f 111titto \ etroitT oled.o,GColu ambus Lae e to 0p. i., Mi1(gan ent--s Pemuunts fr fl "d I etc * o\ Lu-ave 'lole do 12:3('1 iit ililgV le stoc. 1111Ito a 4 Arr-ive Co mbus 6:0a. Ill., G oking 'Valley tok i'qClues PClass(uteatd Teaum P.P" LOR OASONTHE DAY TRAINS Cups. 4.A ~ os --Say "Docking Valley" to the ticket agent or write SEND FOR CATALOCUE =' U5O s ~ r L. WI. Landman, G. T. A., Detroit, Mich. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR FOR DRUGS