THE us. oi: Mt 'DAILY. VOL. X II. ANN ARBOR, MIH.., SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1903 No. 161 S RECORDS WERE BROKEN Rastn.seold; hayes, thirdi. Tie MICHIGAN DEFEATED i Half-Ml tie e-I hlt. irt; Di litwiay. I 7 the 'Varsity Meet Yesterday-Moad- seeond; arpham., third. Time. 2 f he 'Varsity Lost the Game to Ili- dock and Stewart Each Won mnlnes4 eld.nis Yesterday in a Well Played TheeEvnt-Tre Aci 0-Yrde Low htrdles-Stewart. Contest-Score was 8 to 2 The vnsTreAc- first; Sttreef, second; Herurstein, third._____ dents Marred the Day Tinrie,23: seconds.c 22(1Yard Dash-Hahn, ist; ting,. Te Univrity of Michian baseballt STYs aly was an ideal day" for a secon1d11;llt, third. Time, 22 seconds teain wits defeated by te UniversityI rt oaset and the performances made flat. of Ilinlois at Champain yeterday.1 Pwr v yi-si n s v.riy Mv~ileRn-iKellog, firt Stone Ti tescnddfa 1rcre liar zly eery vent n the'i asi (011(1m. Time, 10 nite 30 seconds. Ti stescn eetrcre 9bed d~iay -ereigihly _sad factory to Oigl Jum-Br eer and Mller tied aga inst DMlhigan in th Iner-niver- F i~ itzpatrick. Thre 'Varsity for firs t. Height, 5 feet 1t inches. city League, th firt being admtinis-1 adens were tbcoken and two others Verberg. third; 5 feet 9 inces. tered b Chicago on April ii. " egmua]l and Iwo western intercillegi- Ruinining Broad Julipl-Stewart, first Tie acconits of the gameneeccvry1 a r-ords broken anld two more 21fe7ille;Shn,-w d,1 meagre, but the returns soitaitt leI feet G1/4ainels; Sturgeon, third, 21 Michigan was taken off its feet in tiet nt 'u~xk iras the brightt particular feet G inchies. frst inig whell tie tZlli isuerededf mar if the ay's events, winning 1 oe5al-voafrs;le lt 0in scorin four rols. Micigi aInade e itg first place iiitilhe ham- fetfGillchs. Sims and Red tied for one ru fill the firt and( did not scor Dnoshlot put 1anld discus. Heo second at same heit. 1 11111ulitl ti igt,si-ien they 'Zr . a1%r -ounmt hanbmer 1.41 feet S hot Put-.Haddock first. 41 fet 9 iere able to tally lanoter. -Amdn iekilltB11ce Shots' Mi- ichen: Dunlap. secoldLHowi, third. After te first hivlig oti tas I -' 7reoi of 19 fieet 7Ya_ inhes by Disius PThrow-Madd~ock, first.ili eett1ed downl to ply andthtie gamle sias1 4w 12fee. HsIle ilculed tie iscis feet D0 in1ce;I (Illiiy. secondi. Low i, lmarked by brilliant jlayigonte iat 1 17 fort-10 ^;nlkl5'5 surpassinig tie oldl third. of tinf's protege.Ill the fitt ltli- 3i - at reciiri of 107 fe 2 inchtes IHamiier Throiv-Maidsock, firt.I141 nos bean to score ands two inre 11n Idl 17WlioAery afe etrinciytfeet 8ictes;hIfestun. secnd: Ld- the si tl ld, onlein the sevethi tiade allil b-site ome wseangeoM unsthird.tefilal scire of eight rcnis. 1 heM 1sTltan~gell of Wsconsin. As a This defeat at tie hands of Ilitois I o. I l~ e was equnlii. Oneessfu, The Hair-Cutting Affair will esels ill tarkdl deree icli- prxfhr' Ihe lf'rpiotlli bal 41 feet 9 Several ciiflfictting reorts ]nmce beelsgal's calnlces for tie cilsutlpioll hii. -nfei a t one inch furtherthan tie ill circulationl regardinig anter iiit- Ilinos is playig winnhigll111 and old yvM is record tmade by Plaw -of' lrek in the"hair cuttigit raete It is donttful if any teaml il the wst Calihcsra in 1900. Thisiowever,- among the University- studetts. Thei save Michfigan can stop ter winningt - doeh aol. approiach the Michigitt recoril fsllowiog is believei to li e li-cr- streak. Northwestern ani Wsionsina * t 44 feet 3% icles miase by rent virson sit the story. as gietiot lie reglir 'uches " for ter adl are BnS~c Ballh w yback in 15. by ia mmberticiof the104-Cclus; of ue ony in fattngtiheecetaglee Ar -ao HahutwasIfn excelett form Arthur I. Nrtn, at mmbr of the olumnt. Ciicao is somiewhaist better * -tm adwont boththie dlases jttioi r class sitf the hotmepathic de- andsIstcapae of putting up a goi 4n-fcudi',ie sing bis fiel hanudily lsrtmnenlias surpi-sdt ty a numntar game, ut yt ifecannot present a il'e " wett Steswart slit nt con- iff stuents ofithei deparmsent, prit- formisdabule ostace to Huff' mii in at it n either sf these es-cnts, btt cipaly tmiimuers of his owvn class, at thir presnt formi. It rests uipon ' vee lJess equaled Miauduok its the (21otiiik hFriaafternoon asithlorii Michgan ito cnotest this champioinshipa aMTUXb -o hpinltts wion, gintintg first of his locuk. ' liiiat wasl1 niiiiitteil with the pciesent leadrsitisd this cati vl,& i- eac1 fif:t hiishurlss-ldill inhe hiight 'hre .of the afternooti only e dotseby wishning tie remainlt- the Inmadtjum, iwithi credituahle per- suttiott thi lawsn ini font of thietos- tg games o the shedttle. Ciciao -rmtar s In ath thetse. ital tnus v the exeution of threts hs phayed on Monday at Ciicago shiie Th l1i race was ote'of thi pretti- oft-chieated throighott tieyar. Dutr- Wicon.i is schedtled for Toesday. -, §~ Tit lmay. hPery-winniin outf from ng itiesurgical clnicieconutttedi by After these giea tieteam cieturtle ' - 01111-y nlyix Ihes theeswo hDr. Le- cttr oti Friay yountg Nirtoun houe itistthin trip to Ithaca ten fo- -me a ng stiintesh sile by-siselehiapeudoser thi raiiginto 10the pit lowss. -rweu Mintire hotmi stret. Thiey atns after a fewssiotodsitt Dr. Le Score by initing. w t 'ew"Yirsit3-re-cordl of 4 mintse u turnaed to the first assistsitt atd 12.345 79 = seewls. hieatitig tuy 3secotnis the oienly-cri-ticizedl thetmannin hitsscirh Iinois-....4 0 0 0i 1 2 0 1 °- [--. mi made its 197 by Julius ttii sioutsitwai5sressed. AsiifiimlicIihiganiu ....1 0 0 0i t 0 0 1 0-2 "uFos.etig of fle stuetts sias cllits- Tim smarter-mile as sion by Itc- neiahtey. restltitg iitideisioti to C'tASS GAEt YS TERfItDAY. -aft 4a 'th excellett time of '513/5ct the yountg mat's hair. 'le affair t'hissctics-------------5 rids, sowinig good improement witsdistitnt3-a class affair tti-liit It1oisi- - - 19 -ovaer I. last years form. 'ie finihi both fraternity men and itdependets "du tl~sevent was tarred by an ani- hpartiipted. '0 Ieiis- - - - --......... 11 ^-d rat alton, while finishing see- 'GMdc............ -ndto 'Rebstck antd wshent stihl ton Adelphi-Alpha Nu Joint Meeting - Muis----------f -, aTmmsti the tape, trippedstd fel, temnber of Cle two literiry - oe- '0 M~edics---------------------...11 ' Ift t gtting second atd tHayes ties of the literry dpartment spett '04 Medics- - --.........-- 3 ~oer*s mt fue s 15) mifortn tavery phea snt eveig togther in - me it-~ adhowstrde msfortn e theAdelehli rooss lasttight. Te GAMtES MONDAY. -nar ; he hst hitrde, whie run llwin hrogrmniii.s crtdered ty '01 1)nts v. '01I Dents, 4:11 p. t., membtuutsters of both societies: Southi terry Fied. Beng- tttg ' secotid to Stwart, le fell Mtaidolin duet- - - - --........ '04 Laws v. '0 Lawsv, 4:10 p. in., : him self bMadly iputtitnthitsr.Ct. Joluhn,Di r. FitktkcIn15'Varsity tField. -.out-cit Tac. whiftealso met with an accdent. la,'Ma Mp.IOvu r.p".. - - - - - - - - - - -I~r hithi New Athletes fr Next Year -(~ On ie unrth ap of the two-tilie Adrless----------------Mar. Pet-z - oeur T 1 - hoes catme of and he was. thano soo-----------M.Dr. Ovetpak Next seuester it sill e a difficut ,. cos il to dropu out for a th. t When Realttg----------Ir. Lathers I.ask for Physical Director MecCober K 1ct d Stoueejcmed narouetthe 0Aitulres----------Mr. Corsintiu o mantass~ithe high athletic rptts- .m Ot-h otct I u st-teharluintitay lDrill------------on of fle Detroit tUnivseri1y-scool. g~nv-, Iantmto "fiutshtle rauc. Be - -- .FeshimseunMeusber No less taist 3of his stsrcetiletieciscIt -ogun nfair tiuse aund Stone fiti h'Patio solo- - - -C......Dr. Iotiitz Jule to recruit thi auks of the iffer- ishd - g-ood secnud, ess thiaun 10 feet The commitiltee from'oth soc -iectie urf ssarsitv ti-situ of the uland,1itc!t- -- irnd hous etsensippintedito'I iarr-agforis patlythosof Mi-higanu. Eselsiusi 1Hlf a aoodI hattminle itthflet joitatiutttto te hels heluetutes Mr. DMcCombter'tools holof atleic -time o 2-mnuesiue.4%seconids, Dllia- hissrt os it(flu utoti.tillis shotla ihigh stadarsd hsbelecn -ry Yti' sabout four yarssnbactsuk, ____ma_______ instatsie. a litesmor' than - the s ame spa ccThlis couigt Junue .7w-li knuonu abhea Of-ta tsnthisu, iwhiose taitntug May Festival Artist lusiateur athlete~s graduate ftouthle - is liei somtewhait itserupted by Dlr. ude Gogouz nuatsilast 3ear's itstitution. Of these I. and I. eeer, - hmss Fesial fr thue fiust tite us iAn iDeetna, Nicoil. orduansti latstiuii, all ha Ilie psiesvault Dvorakhclreaed rbo, uirsit thuetmagnetic qulityii of his go th fu vrsity of Iichigsiu. A 10 0 Ginsies aily- onhis fust deliery, the ric-hness of hutss-itcsutnilfussre sun issu-et udecie, ut it is t-", s-tftinnig the es-eut. HeliedhunIot genersa]srtisi iss-n siotionfor himtus hought thist Ifictiglit siill cptue - fry Ton is greater height, prefeunitig to liii mo1sf unqui~ilit sututuprossi. Tii fotir-iths of the gradusts. roit -t-ngo his liuit agsaiinstChictago ussin' to luasr himusaginthusyeit lidtRaliphi Ku-i-er. th, esld-tIbasiuhof next Sadsrdsiy. tou his nsenggs'meut fr te role Of hlast saso's fiotall lusu"ctsi.isiifiiif 'Tle asumary ofeseuts is as to- Anioasr^isn iVrs-utsAtid'sihicht-irfl,-prtini-ltfruitk ti-sit. and hltidr it lowasill bei-givets neuxt Stfudasy evenuigthe Micuhiga initeshoasticrucois it -YarudDas-Htahni, first; Itutgg. fthelasst u-stct inthe ]fay Fe-stivsal for littto susdu220stv3aritsfo htwo)3-cutss - -econi; Kern,.third. 'Tiume10 aecondls s-is. ATis, is ions'cf the otusiu lin ~suuci-sstn. gaduautes i Junue. I 11. 5o tiutpa hrts -ii t-siswhoe oprut. ssuitthus'ecu-iuitituioo -uatntest suoff atf 1 * Yard tHighli uIls a-teswart. its it e sill doubutlehss'hoss the tole theucauhoo, Rlpuh bettualed ~theol frt, street, secotnd; -Kahlhe, third. itualuites reeas ld i hits sutheribips-c- titioon rcorud fiatr-40-and dashi, tisk- "''t-ue,, 1f1/ seconids. foruiinanc of Valentinite ini Gouuais's tig the udistnce in 4%/5se-ondis. Mi ile Rutt-Perry, first;' Cotsger, see-"Faui.t." As 'Cuutmctanus iti Ri1gor's is botushuec. 'red Beeher, svill atso -nd; Voorheis, third. -"Time. 4 niinuteestwork,; s,0iitis ,liveniThuorsudauy tvenu- g rautinlTJune. 1cred is the qusarter- 35% seconds. ig. lie hits - ai hurt wsorthiy of hits utile 1). 1. A. L. chianapions.intg cov'- 4 to1 r- ile 5=ttun-'Ltebstock, ' ret; -power-!3 ul -£a-. cy ri eihct. Bed flue distatne in 53%seconds. He lsou holstheu Iithligutanintert'schoasti mistei ru'o-unitst5:08-% seco-ndis. J. TI. Keena, laterfecknosnsas °Traf," tile cutchiep of this yesi's bl te'aim,swhiouholdshuls -IMichiganin tier- sc-holaustic ieh ijni},rec-ord, 5 feet ft tinches, siills-utie' I tiArbor. Keen asied futo hl thi&'H iC aniteltschoas- tic plte ivaitt Ir's-udat ffet its-ces, baut fluereod1a boe renty H~e a1so didco20 si-uturiniche ithy. broadstump a20tfeI/aMihian inte Schlasstic-. F. I. Ninol, tacklse out lsst season's fooutbatll teattm, cs-lter fielur ont his seasonut's baseballtelam.,uttd holder of the ihigatiand IDetroit intifeoohs- tic high andloss hurdle records at 10i% atud 20-1/. aeondj; respectiv'ely,.also graiduates. W. B. Colburti, nanager of last sea- sot's football team. nitnanager of flits year's basiebaulh teams.fl'tahatiasiho maude usthbettercmise record Itdoors than he did outdoors. '4:°3-1I,,lagainst 4:59 to tudecidhedlas o which college e still attetid. Coluturn's induoor mie run betils M. I. A.- L. ottdoor rcord of 4:53. lHe is playiin a fasC first base out this ,peau's al team. Physical hirector IleConiher exprtessed the opititonthats all of these me;n ioul "maike tie feamtn abott 1 Vanues sfter they3-itlaed in coil F-red IFord, ncaptain off lt ii team, highJip11er aidtl uea'racert will finish the educatioti of his-mindnil usces st Atn Arbor. Capt. E. I. J. Hamnssud, centier of last season's fiotballiiteamndsiua om- ig shouf puter will itlso recruit fte ratuis-oftthe It- C' Ii a athtehs. Cercle Francais Reception 'fle ureceptuioni giveni 11-fle Cee hracsiussis i SaahiCassiell AngeaHatull Friday n3igtu susa hpleasing suctcess. A singenuutber ,of limemhbers 1ud frienstiu erseusitt attendauncu-u, atnis ai de- lightfiultee--ittlevas5enjloyed by-all present. This'proguuraintinItsrtchhih-hwi.a givstowedi'l'l uuaisiseliue skilliton the hurt of tillstofudentiasiho masdue up hic u-slt ofuharactuersinthCii'perform- ance. 'The l'ntetinmentitsl' wasa. i chrige- of P'rof. D e Pont, silihouhadtly drlltedl the youtng people. 'T'hose whio asatstedl in cryig o11ute tarorati seeMilie. Evangteine BeniOlic, Mile. Catuolitne A. Supe.Ittle. 'ahutia. Sa- gent, I. Alfred 1D. Schtoch, Mite. Ger- tttide Bourden, ile. Gleneviee O'Neill, Mile. Ida A. Dibble. Mtle. Alice J. Htoutle, It. Donald C. Sturt. A happy reception folosweld the e- trtainmnit, after wih-idaning iwas the feaitre of the esetintg's peastres. '11h'etCrle i. conustntly icresig its inteest and membershipanatd these rcepeltioti.silt be gietiat saios intervalus diritig each school yer. The Woman's League Election 'hue anuat.I ectiont of this IWomant'. L.ettue was hld i Sailh Casssell Angel Halt Safurday'mnsoing atd the regular busitiess udiposed of. 'Te report of the noiattig coml- umittee si-as received andl accepted. The foloisntg officiessi-ere eted for the cominug 3ear: President'itss Masry' I. Farns- siorths,'0, of tDetroit. Vic-presiet-Miss Msaories hos- ing.04. htsiit Il. 1 'fcesistre-Mtiss Alice Scff, '05 Dhrttth. linnt. Rteucrding Scetclfsc-Iiss Annieo Mtuilsiernu.'1, Detroit. Corspond-inguh t Secreary-Mis Hle- enastL.. Dluss-hisk. '0)6,',Btuffalo, N. Y. Chirmicuati of Socialt Commuittee- S'ifss Loutise''atsck. '05, AntiActo. fitiadduitiout it sias sdecided-u to renesw the oldu-timeu'customu of hlding a gar- its-si ty each s'singus ash a couiti- fee iw-sm apoitedh tohurocures'a hproaper placse. It seit'hissis disue itsout- door gaune of basket ballth sill he given t flits time.i' Thus'parity siill betetls lst Saiturdayin isMauy or the first itt Jutnue. Bishop IJohnt VW. tHamuiton iof Sns Franitus-si-itil is-un the' last l'stutuce in Clue Weslyani Guild course this eveii- A tug of the Itethodhistchsurcht. 1-i.s-sub- jest siu he "Aclevemets of the Nitneteethicetntury."