THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ~CI SAL CUTTING , REYER Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, Serges 119111 E. Washington and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr. * " '"' 'Ri HTSC LLSiII, ARiTSTIC FRtAMI T8G Youa willaie assortment of ls T ie. 'PHOTOGRAPHER. AT RINTSCHLIDR'. CrPManIndHuCnSs.T[ne38, rng.R E S To Buy a an uo 1. Poe 85 trns ui ale fir weddi-g and I DA ( The ladies annual May Party will Parties having rooms or table board otier gifts a "KODAK for May Festival visitors are equested r ake place at (Granger's academy Mlon- tolaeterades'tteSho eRE Come in and seea the new uiy night. Programs can be procured t e eteradesa h colD of Music. G00 (' things. of Mrs. Granger at the acdemy office. A KT'lS' 5i Rl E. ALN'PAMC.Fifty cents per couple. HALLER'S JEWELRY STORE. 21\St Furh t ALfSPAMCGuaranteed fountain pens, $1 up. Ee etdan te tFRAfINtS A SPECIALY. :I 324 S. State St. Cshing's Pharmacy. THE MICHIGAN CENTRALi' v Lst-A gold watich fob with argfe from Detroit and Jukson to AnnV B n Bailey &Edmunds roundi lcmeo cinin. Finder etnrn to Arbor, to be n effet at time of MayDRETR Dak - N T 1 t illiam t. an(1receive resard.Il etial and Mich ign Athletic sso- WI ngth Jon V11herhsn el - I~ Ls-~tacation Itescholastic meet. 1 AsnArnold tie VI Vagan pin* * ~ ~ ta ~~ N J Eyspr Jhn Harer ncrt of ('hunreb antil sheets.tHe- EXCURSION TO DETROT, Jon Koh Pnf H S Carart FOR DECORATINU. wrdt if rtuirned to 014U..tUniversity, Suday, iy 10 frank P'slazer hrtaso artin 121 East Liberty St. avenne. Via Michigan Central special train. Tefli~nil Mor Savings Bank toutd trip 60ct. Leave Ann Aror at I f Mo ost--Betsweeni(Ctholic hurch and1. 1:10 a. sm.tRetnrning leave Detroit Capital Stok, esoces. Srpus, Sta,555. sOR L D C F othest corner of eatimna lady'"s at (:30 p. m. Bicycles and baby cabs rrnzdunerdrthheGealra anngLw 'old watch. A B. 1'.in 7 . intor uill b hakd at arid o a ts State. Mngaony b hcedadcried tvs deposits, Sys and sils exchange blenaaannac.Fde reurn fre. 61 O on the principal cites of the United Stats. OPNDYA~.NGI. to 1U20 S. University; reward. atetctoses to rent roe art.ct W. C. BINDER, Prop. COME IN SATUIRDAY EVENING. 0.,r1c.s: Chare E. RItecock, Pros.; W. D 12 .Hrn.Uiversity students desiritg to s- (Atot ier our itplrmscpayed. Hairmans, Fi-Pro.; 5. J. rit, Casier. cure ti ositios to teach wil fittdi to All the latest selectionso from the light nL: Cntr~al in tlu heir iterestt to write to Jamues F. opeaIin stock. III UIII LIU Zl wiflannf& PrfiO McCullough, 09 Fine Arts Building, ANN ARBhOR MUSIC COMPANY. hlicago. st 29211 East Wasigton S. 'Direct line between Toledo, Comm DEALER IN-___ bus, Athens, ( slipolis. Ctarestin, W. Vs. and the South. Ask your agent or Fresh and Salt Cleats. Will the gettlemtats with whon I S.EEPIN(G CAlR SER'VICE apply t L. P. Lns, P. A., 7 Fort St., exhmngdioperamhats at the Comtety ott the Detroit, Mtich. MOULTON HOR, 607 E. William St. Cub kitdly coitututifate with tie itt ANN ARBIOR RIAILtROAD, G. P. A.. Toledo, n 602 E.liutuoun street. Sleeingcar servie bt-wienuTlieduo - tgt gGd t); 0 . F. ZIMMEIIMAN. ant Frankfort, Mi., vii thit AnnttDJ,.. A. A, & J. RY. Standard Tit BUY YOUR Aror rairoaid will be risumetotntu- For Detroit half horly from 6:1a. - (y All kinds of Artists and Photog. itty, M- 11, ou trIamus leavittg Toledo m. until 6:1 p. m. then hourly until I'DR GGIS GOODS raphers supplies. Cushing's Pbsrn att 3:0 p. m.. tnd from Frnkfort at 11:15. For Ypsilanti only, at 1213 Q? m. andh3 1243 a. m. For Jackson hourl At BRW' RGSOE ay. 10:10 a. i.7 from 6:13 a. nm. until 7:5 p.nm. Then Crer 14 ih and Hran treets at 9:15 p. m. and 11:1 p. n. '03 LITS-ENGINEERS NOTICE. SUNDAY EXCURSION TO TOLEDO Waiting roomHuron St.. W. of Maiw 0150 109 'rThe commencement itvitations will Te tet Sunday excursions to Toedo t, ~be here the later prt of next week, over the Ann Arbor railroad will be ANN ARBOR RAILROAD k ~lrepairing' key fitt 11" and- can be had only aftr pyment-of given May 10. Special trai will leave .A-W= r fa..ara sa.xa LZam mskates g' heii Td azQr's uad the cl.s tax...of $. ItO..Tis tax is Ann Arbor at' 10:25 a. M. Fare for Trlb Iseo~tik korrg r'nE~is1°1btaa* ov doean, a bl-tob' me at ow t 005 round trip 50. C(ilidren under twelve a s otieInUniversity all between 12:,45 years bf age half-the "adult fare. Effective Oct. 5, 195' IiRVEAL lIACSINIIWORK D0"1 an,52:15 any 4day except Saturday,. . , , " __ -souTH isiTS l11.aJ. WtftGt, 113tELierty-Street - A. E. HERItST IN,. Expert rparlrtogof ewelryat iiAX No .f 61Treasurer. IIALLER S JEWELRY STORE. na %-. t, r Yr t bQesitea kn- 8 J.JKII A, 3151551 (,ty- fit 5h opep ce -- - - - selyas1i~u~ c t ftyw>a ek. se fae } The ,4ayw - if p 4c1eet (? 'cfrgathwek. obneaeona at mtemorias are the good old _________ _______ Steffiet'a,121 Elin St. t, n~lyr, college days. OGIJL igar- " ra Fadk za"J 4i£E Williamp St. or Argue - ..,. tls figure lrgel titt-etrci- T E Q 8but M n tits secflb'!' l h leave swet A, . T O- tietri fa k.AANN ARBOR TO d 'I tyu resolember the M OHICA$ PGf~ ud Baur U LS, dear p? Yours for BUFLO -1 T - -'- all the time.f rz wYOR K c. V~Ten for 15c. AND BOSTON )ARLING M1'ALUI6AP2lS' lainianddCrkect '~capn kioO:s t mso for t :ancy Goods anid Notion Store. . cia For tnation aldthrugh cksi aioc Cor. State and Liberty Sts.. -- wriote tq W -645. Aent. A-nnAtbsr ' Sngle adnl sso** sc, .%i'AnO IAiessentlal part f your college 'equiptwt is A4f ickets, entir-ecourse$ ~oO Sudent1sLectur~e - Asociatio Tiwibk heAssocitttnffsells tikets, not to tmake6 money," hut to he abhe to hbig to the W thti pc om S .A n University of Michigan the greatest oratotrs, lecturers and entertiners of the World. Aill acnohissnceent S .A. t s. money is returned to the student in the form of ce ntad aes tMLA' S pring of '03 Woolens have arrived contain= ,. , ing prettiest line oif iome-Spuns ever-shown