THE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAILY. _ SpringTHE U. OF M. DAILY Entee ecod- ci -lasomtter at Ann Arborr A~~~Ps Ononcfienceb. ~~ ~MANAGING EDITOR, Tie largest and most EARLE I. HOUSTON. '(tO. comletel line of BUSINESS tIANAG3ER, ROSCOE B. H1USTON, '04-L. EDITORS, Athletics Robiert KA 1*auna, '001.. W O O LE NAssignment Editor ~ Y O O L~NRlph IL. Jrsia /, '0'. GENERAL NEWS in Ann Arb)or will be found Toa ,Rbrs'kJ .Rly'5 at GiH. Wild & Co.'s, 10 .aik l'sle.'03 FrakJ. Clark,'Xe E. W ashinogton St. CGreat Syvtr lgo. '54. Douas ac oduffT. .5 pains hae been Itaken in Hi-i eyesBer, '051. R1? ele,; ' 06ni.'5e tl,. 5t10'e..t;.ae n .of , i Ali- ILouis A. Ia lo 'SI. Cl'iffor es on'0 stric-t per-sonal libertyv in the 'niv er- itry, taid if' eniionis lie or become serious, Awe Ball safely itnst the udis- cilie fte oIteisers to the Iltirer.- sityauhrte intinil(' hl l 15'sereI oun piowe'rle'ss. TIhereissno lan.;er .a 'Ilass i'i'rtainily'pursued lthe' wisor i'on' eill Sayling :please.'"lnst I1s Fresh Allegreto Cuacotates at Cash- ing's Pharmacy. MONEY LOANED. Money loaned on watches, diamonds. wheels and other. personal propierty. Office at residence, 331 E. Liberty street. All business confidential. Hours, S to 11:30 a. mn. and 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 9 p. in. JOSEPH C. WATTS. Root's Musie Houise. the popnlar and np-to-date supply house for everything mnusical. tLatest mus0.ic always in 'tork A. 1B. Chase piainos represented. Money loaned on Watches, Dia- inonds, Jewelry and any personal) effects. Rosiness strictly confidential. Terms reasonable. 0111ce hours 9 to 11:30 a. n., 1hto5and7to~p.mi. Call or address W. J. Lourim, Room 7, Henning block. Phone 459. 151 The annual mseeting of the Cross Country Club will be held in thie trophy rosin of Waterman gymnasiu at 10 o'clock Saturday, May 9. All membsers should be pre.ent if possitle, as then otficers fortheensuinge Near We sell Golf Clubs Good, dependtable onls- made from tile very iiest mal- terials in the best swaty. They are correct in oultlilne and finely finished. Sipecial at- tion is given to the spring and btlance of tile clubs. Tile ironls are hantd hamniered from tile finest mild steel. The grips are woinod with horsehide. These arc knowno as the "H. VARJ)ON"' Golf Clubs and sell for: Drivers and Brassies, $2.50 each; Irons, $2.00 each. AT WAK'S BOOKSTORES. ings, troulserilngs & over- coatings for this season. GHO WILD coo 108 E. Washington St. $1. .50 Copyright Novels The suhscri110n5plee ofthe(I. of NM. Daily is V.150 tsr tile coolege year. '0' tises. comsmsnications. etc.. must tie hinded In at the Daily office tbefore 0 p. is.. or miled to the ed~tor hefore noon of the day prvoust to that ons which they are expected to appear. Subiscrihers sill 'asters favor by'reporting promtoaly at this office asy tailure of carriers All changes inl advertliig matter mutst he is the otfietby 1p. as o the diy previous to that as whichl they are to appear. Office Is the Dily Arerss tofc. No. 310 South M'aillSt. Telephone No. 13. THE c, ~ I Nero ilibr 'liollg' It.P..Wiltns.will be elected ot thlis mleetin~g. _____________________________ tOOthllEIS, Pri's. These special titles (limited qulantity) 31 irligila's shoin'lg iliil't NoIl- 1- KELL.OGG, Cat. at lhis very blywlprice. wi'st'l'liye'sterday i i5 l rnlinlgtoabot)h ae fths h iht ta i iirooters. IBifore Io th e ' heifllramoells wo ilt The Cavalier, tiy(Geo. W. Calble. eeryone felt r1115i'll thalt awe could rtun foridirectors of thle Good (iNvelrl' The Valley of Decisionl,tiy EdithrI n ll) alli letotial 011 thie'lpurlel wills Illult Club It thle electionlotn May 161 Wharliton' outlint lIleffoirt. '111' lrcorit f NorthI mulst be Iranded ill to umetiy 6 oclock Unllexltd BreaId, by Rhobert Gr-lnlt Saturday,'ttaty9. w.seste'rnllonh letrlitints farI'seemed Dorthiy Vet-nell of IHaddon HllI, by to icateb'hIt 'cry. Butlt llt-Wl~IGO. hR. WItBUII. Chariles Maljor'. thishuovercidence 'ri. andloniiII titilof 59Secretalry. Itouse SWithIthe tGreenl Shutters, by 'a:0rtce 1.'tatlo isItv our ppIoents,.thesNAlEt (Geo. fDouglas.'gultie woo .onlII, t-lishle, disatppo~intl I~N . Tile Misde'meanlors of Nancey, tby Elca- I 11'The siias''anhtnuaIli 110 l elect~ionof theIelander nor Hyt. artllipt'5lninsit has at1 a 5 ,idal Iassocatllionl will be held litt Room 7, A Double-Barrelled lDe'te'tive Story, ti to illi eo i es"t H11111turttday, 'May 9, att 3 p. ill. byr oftlath'eili.easot ii . be titika Al 11en5115'lof the associattion, andu by :arlTwin.ill th eahid. ia Ct-lois, tby I". Muationll('rawforld. ;Inare andiattesfour IpositioslaOottthe Tilte Hlmaet if Narle', by Btaetaitoliat tioar'dt.stiiildiattutni. Runkile. T'elit'aliiion o ite freshmiitanlass iln -I'.it. WAG\hI+. Thte Hotsts if tie Lord,. to'Mr-s. Steel. ntladuoti lug'loustIbc"esouhtiosat its i00 lPr'sidentf. lanai. ib' the' ((iiisereatise i'lem'tii'liof thei Guaranteed fountain pens, $1 up. c.liie'rsity. It is hot ontly ttriicls, Cashing's Pharmacy. I'ie Statihoury byytile iy. wsi e st sudetnitatloy is1notolty IUniversity studentstdesliing to se- tilero s ul bt is bitiiadl ind eture tpositionts to teach wsill f11d it to ios iltoitlit Ii. ally3 reigulationis as tai thair intterest to write to Janmes F. .6 00 ncodt ittit theil I ii' pliltllilt dtiis if 'McCullought, 639 Fine Arts Ituilding, UnvriyBooksellers. 2tite last s unanll lottie'r. Wi' shldli Unvesiybeto irltoi enc'rage-:ort'al'i'tllii- Expert repairing of jewelry at 320 S. State St. siluce aijytiioi'tlii'tlti'liliit liito °- HAtLE'S JEWELRY STORE. i i BankruptcyAc With amendments of 1903 Complete with general orders awl, forms only 20c: Get 'a copy. Have you seen Beer's[Edition of Stephen's Digest of Evidence?' Just the work for student and practitioner. Now Ready. Thompson's Cases Equity Pleading and Practice.. C. E. B arlie1I 326 5. State St. Second Floor See our window, there is' only one I quality, the best; there is only one.ieo hm ta s.35.I you have never had a pair ask your friend how they wear. II MUM[S' N[WS STAND, 611 [AS! W1llIAM STR[EJ. ANN ARBOR MICH. Athens Theatre Seat Sale at Stoiflet's News Stand. Monday, May11th Vogyel Minstrels STYLE and SNAP tre ditstintctly 5wo(t itl hinutcoilaire. )Ttiy au~'sape- ancee htas been shaoiledl by ot colbar oft'helcwrcon.g shttpa. If' yotidaut. casre iaboutt su~chtiiigs get the "just cs good" hinil. If you ho, notht- inag still siit you so seell as a IEI.Mlf'l'TJBRAND collar soles 2 for 25 tenits. 'Thxeyre moderatte in price, but wih~y iytore? Ililustrattions itowv 2 coliect styles afoir Spr'ina Summ~tlIler. CORLISS, COON"( COn. Mahers.