THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PURITAN SHOES AND OXFORDS .-,.,-. g$3.50 - - OUR NEW LAST ON A LEVEL iii South Main Street. RENTSCHILER, ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's Fresh, PHOTOGRAPHER. AT REN(TSCH3LER'S.Waeclr P it Sta be1 e Cor. Main and Huron Sts. Phone 39, 3 rings. Oclr rli Baseball Candidates CALENDAR Ar At our soda fountain 'I'lsfolo fris a arthial list of DeER ES every' lay now. All tn the, the andidiates for te hi'las titsiTut sdoti '. ay ;3-CmedyClub pet- othei h'tlin td cld sdrinks to fors, u-is sill d tle ionstilt, ( iii'firmitiiieeat Athens Teate Am" F i too. iiutdii s ispring liii the ilass i-iiii- Ej . piinhip II R it1AT'ION XX 11 1 217 S. Fourth St CALKNS' PHARMACY. 1!0ott 1I'NG. 'rlirt is thea question wicih is 55 iii- ' 3 2 4 5 SIS Ii is sliii'i, I ikhI'.Eie , , - l if) t1:11ait collee'seiiorithlie w (iii FRAIIN4 A SPECIALY. 324____S.____ State_____ St._____________ itasli 'irg, iiiD i lli m s. huh Ialouu wit-h yin o u sinto sii oritech- l la StI ii Iitlt'lii Sttts i ts', i-eilitt lsi'h iii'fw i t ittiltyi i i l a W adeBoothil le uhn FISH N T , , nOnilli i~'i;~siJsH. ad F FMil FOR DECORATING. C lrkI, IFowilr, BI tt't, IMoyil,IBroitti' ea tu tu osti~ ti s i- i''t' itadanceme t ank PP P iiae riutin 'acMatin i tiCntl t'ts '-R s i l i iiuiui t-a'ryU Izfnn Iiroristan ain~Bn 12 a t L b r y S . sn ; i tt t Sstil, o lwit'l utui i tIto otha tiid nd ue. i i i 'aia t',8i i~ ri 10 V' i errtet.g-Sm iit iii lii t-'isli'i' - ie ittu it',or alul thus avlgh ttiri's apialf B ,50.Uit'C r pu5.,o o PO RT AND C FE tll. eweyAlit-elotDnchruu set atnn~l, andthus t~rilt Orgasined ,$ unBaningtkn Gened rairdBankingnera Laaw StulIe},i It iti L ew I is' li(r lt-i- tutu S ono "ii ofi Iilt' iima iy g'i ti til lii't -of this State. OPEN DAY ANi., NIGH-T. 'iWileri. ts itr 1lv it it~t' ililiaton te iriciplici'iesof ithe Unitledut ate. W. C. BIND~ER, Prop. Land. (i'tilt G lit I'. ini, Ai-t\XXilt lsioriss it' or ion titisaety oes to rent. i20 . tttiiu oSt. lru, i ai I ot I is-- i-t \iuli'i i nn- booket.ti Hlarrinan, Vio-reei.; M.. rit, asier. tour ii 1 i t'it'i, I ittitilt I t enantii . liCot ai sio, siiimXith, liii 'situ ('OICIN SATURDtiAY EVNING.Ifll Zahm nn / /Peri IinaMonm, odsei lmi e Ad ea or opla msi payd.Ohio Central LinesO iutrt ~clHlet ltus. Alte aetseetos"rmte ih iret ie Ibten TlledClum DEALER IN ope tliras Il stss'uhth nsIGalipol i,Charlestn, It. Fresh and Salt i'ieats. . I liii nntn 1orli,ii tII11;t11)1-i~I'II t" uhAh i giiio 00-21tLut i s in t orn S. lapply to Lh P lusts ?P. ., 'orthSt, lo lair , iu. ii'siiut,i 1:i tiisoui.iKohtl,___Detr_____it__,Sich. MO UTiNRo'stux, It .Wila S. Pit i, lcer, 'lu, l'.11ir. H I I i JEI'SWELSRttY STORE. G. LF A.-Tited, (0 Ilohell' ~iiht titi-u , i\ii'y .IK. Ittilsch. Eyes ttedttIand ited at D .. A. A, & J. FY. Standard Tme BUY YOUR °IBllod irkttt For Detroit half hory from :15 a. DRUGGIST GOODS All knds o r Ata' and Phitog- u, uti :13 p.m. Then houry until t1 l lASS. rphers upplies. Csinhg'a Pharmn- 11:15. For Ypsilantih only, at 12:15 a. At BROWN'S DRUG STORE. RtttiinsonitBrIttt cttiirauit, listiii acyin, and 12:45 a. i. For Jackson hourlynranadHrnsres 9 od]er el iewl ilfo ;5a ~ni71 .i.Te - ';,atlt, tGutinrut, I,asriton, IHyde', I iii xpet rpauiiring of jewelry at at 9:15 p. in, and 11:11). in. ______________________________ ant, 11B'e'nntat,'hTui'nier, Itil), Cotittuitti 15 LICit'SJEWSELRY STORE. Waitingroomn Huron St., W. of Main, Lock repairing, key fitting'lth'Ta.reI ige,,1intn y Sg ui ho'its, Shtuiu',uiru nagr,'iugiig. Moey loaned on Watees, Di- ANN ARBOR RAILROAD KPnives, shears, razors anid tiii I I',tmnds, Jewelry and any personal B~ 2D asxxUt 2xZLIq;n skaesgrut urril, setoni, Iotutu, Ct'inut, Atr- effects. Business strictly confidential Trains leae Ann Aror by Central Stan ~knts gnil u'uluuiu, tti-uitur,,tithiu, Ilsus'uu Tems easnabl. O~enboun 9to ffec~veGet It ttht. IIEERL IACINEWOK DNE Ihsluuiiu, Kempul, , Ts'wes, SWuidiiut, 11:30 a. in., 1 to 5 and 7 to S p. in. 8017TB W. T. W06M1, 113 L. Liberty Street hitt's, SWilsont, Iltuivhty, Horton, Call or address W. J. Lourlm, Room RT Ihittutyst't', C. C. Robuintsont, tmaniager 7, Henning block. Phone 49. 11 No. .- 7,20 A. u. No I.- 4uW A. U. Every Student Should n- No z-n:3 . I s.N.-2:0 P . K. vest no Cents PICKWICK BILLIARD PARLOR & BOWLING TrisNSadrnbeenAnAco And get the Detroit Fiee Press Tan o n u ewe n ro every morning and thin Ann Prizes given each day. 7071. University Ae, Tris12,45an dlyexptSdy Arbor Daily Argus every even- Fr___________________________________ eechr ar nosIfnd4 ing. The best papers in the ________________________ W. T. WILLS, Agent state and city for tihe one pice J. J. KIRBY. P. A ot10 cents a week. Leae or ders for the combinaton att When the hop--dancing, AICHLGAN CjENTRA 611tE.fil,lilai St,M r Aruswe mean-noeanon coreaog,5 Wagara Fals Baow." 4l5 R. Williouh amSt reArgus / -around you'll find MOGUL THSORLNE betweee30nSoThMain Treet Cigarettes pleasant smokes THSOTLNE ________________between numbers, Or, Ii you ANN ARBOR TO I4 OFF ON ,"sit i out," she won't cb~ect CHICANO itto MOGUL smoke 'Dainty BUFFALO Stamped Shirt Waists as a springtime zephyr. NEW YORK THSWE T" ETen for 15.I AND BOSTON DALN ILEU'S Plain and Cork Tip. Wis direct conneetitons at CI-iaga hoe St DARLNG MALEAU S LoisKanss CtySt.Paul and the West. F'amcy Goods anid Notion Store. C For informaioaund through tickets Csl nr Cor. State and Liberty St..writetoW._W,_CASE,_Aent,_AnnArb_ Single admission 50c, $1.00 An-essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $ 1.00 Students' Lectu re AsscitonTc-t The Assotiationi sells ticklets, not to "make mney,"e but ho be tile to burinug to thue Watch this space for S. L. A. an- Untiversity c f Micbigan the greatest oratoirshecturers anO enttainieis of the wsorld. Ahln u ce etlnddts money is returned to thie student in the form of lectures.nucmtsadae. MI WARSspring of '031Woolens have arrived contain= ing prettiest line of Hiome-Spuns ever shown