THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THlE U. OF M. DAILY . Senior Caps and Gowns _________________________________ Nords btllui tetly g oiceg titeitili Entere as seeant-class matter at Ann Arboar lately a111eet the Senioer fneI to tier Sp inoPst qifiee. ef'ctthatihywl ea h a n A Nnounceinent 'iP olletetyelarae Uisty ofhihi eeins- to mot pertl 1-+e a .1111ec MANAGING EDITOR, The largest and most EARLE I. HOUSTON. '03. Senior Lits and Engineers collplete lite of BUSINESS rIANAGER, tt tteertaeit eetileg ofaseniter tit-oiligi- ROSCOE B. HIUSTON, '0i4-L. tiercittg('lasos Wredes-eday at 4:15 in - EDITORS, tRoomte I tivorsitv Ihall,5to eonsieder 11 ~Athiet'cs tieattieeof .1iclastmemreeeielend esee i-s, Roabert K. Walolace, 'O. crecords. SO L b NiAssignentcEiorOh'MAtRE FOOTE; GENERAL NEWS! itsAtt Aror illbe oeteel Thosmas B. Robees. I-J A.Baley, '05. 11fInEi1rwile lid aerk Feeeee, '55. Fransk J. Ctcrk. '06e ilest wltoet t telyet eetc-eelI at(G. H. Wild & Co.'s, 108 Afex Finelslten,'03. Roert L. Wlk~ins, 'octlcregrrleafocr tier ttetthetssessel Meay E. Washinsgtons t. Great Aylterolsr goecr.'00. Doleeatcsse-eef, ,03 lFesitialest lsecurte ice ncteoraeeee l)aiesleave beets taken- in IlHanle-Bake r,- '01. RJtc 15les. '06m thetestsent-teloeefrindsele i l rwrit- tihe selection of all stilt- ILeouis A. Beerton, '03. Cteffoerdel tcccco'O secot et'lehltit (Net. 17:11 Theins isgs, trousserinegs (& over- C.C'. tceitett. esecre-try ofithe- ltivetsil -Thesusbcritin nprtce oathe UI. of Mt. Selool f Msic.te eear tl o~ coatsngs for this seaon. Daiy isc$2. 0 ftheclleg iee yeair. As- .St.Iecccsiiecte- tie, mset be handed vry getee se-t eel cft. in at th e Detl office before 0 p. mt., or _________ tesiesttoll dtheertbeforenoociof the ely TT f pevitoos to that sen which they arestxectedl ATTETINC LASS'T-EAMS. Su Ibser swilt sentera favr hy reportitig prompiEm t y i rtaIbs ofcr ay.alueofcr iters ' ele r t dsie ha h W I. aullLDf gSt. Seluth ppsr. rerpaof the rr class gdes Me ~~.) * ~Altic hacngroes neadvectiosngmatter must hejcte-l - efst-cisisseese- nthe olfice byI p. m. on the dacy peveieeus to plye h ile tisicZ'arsetl is ewes a-. 10 CG asinto S lastoeeawheels they ore to tappeair. Theswillsee-cc-esiltte tplaying;thtIe irt, follw ilclssccessiosn. A fasllt $1 .50 Copyright Novels "LIbihdilteDtl hr~yton tee teenc-theifr ttlitrarttticems. 85C ~~Editor Tody.Mark Foote FROANK f. RAIN, D~n-rIta asBsbl eis YThec-ste- eel litlies (hiitelt-t t ej teety) leof. Aeleele ande t e ltic It tivc-rity tire- eel this very lowrc'tee. toe le c)rlitte pole-l Ice ccineg suchte1Guaranteed fountain pens, $1 up. :a ai a .ir.\ll)1,hal t sea b-ICushingas Pharmacy. ih ale f Decistion, Icy Edith toetesu ent fc i ee-ce. lee c Lt--iA1141. I'hpinl. Oner', i UnevndBce-td, 1t obet rn.lita"Smite n asoi h ' ited t ltS ecAlph eh te andteeceie-c DotyVernocne of Haddocn HaIttll,Icy Steeles.lite is tc oreytalkterhn.11iiits i r e a d h r e M aj oe r . le e s e:a lr i te l 1 , it. c ty ! ti p-te e -c i te I c - Ho s ih the Geen iShutters, b ur n u sto s f to~ y. H s e N 0 POl T Ult NI'T'Y t e rsl: e a ' tleo ougiltes. ltec- ecsterd y w lsttitee o b icy lpe-ces- ;a-t ecleieie,.1t le esen-t-te Theeld eaos f\Neiy, byeIl- hicr-nuerte ofeeel plei o ther-Hc n tie iceiee tict ie-iitcl noieht Situdentsecof I te-ctnieece Ore-ee andcs.Se ccclbcec-iimeelscteelcieofferedceIst ern A. D lecc-Baetr el IDetc-I-ciisvc Slty, lcrcve e c-t cieee-e tleite jgiti1;;s e twel l ie i eel S - ets. Addressatoi , by:fan voWice. is ice secc-ice-. Ilt e -ectnes ccl 'i riceg Horete :r elss, leor fall ri cu- ee Vi (rteiet, lby 1;.-:clariontt Ctraeford. lhe Lh-c-cs ofTel p. i.thee. l rest if the lirs. katecy Ii e-etor. el-I leii ie Thet ein e otice f Neitterre, liry tBertil it e ee-h 1 ti 11-e : tte-iiettcc- c-ite ice e cc c siIll It . te'ra dcl t1ides. Mich. v!1e 'The litsts oc ef I lee I cl. icy Mr s. Ste-1. Vies Stile -te se iee cie, tibia cv sty - 'lhe Ladey Pataine eeebiy IHenry 11t11- I N L N I )E-I. oltic-io furnsitue. PClo wic l eeof 5,010. la df''le ec t :1ettiicelet io of tleIlandeicer I sa . It. J. SIOWIEY, AsseeC-itlicese ctill le held il RooI , cee - c.Waetroewn, S. ID. Colin C;Iii terdls 1-teieeel.Vest 1I111t~tc ittely . y C :,t p. l i nte. _____________ seeccir eeleiic-fe e o st i s otets iee i tcur e eositionts to lteecle ceill feel it to 11editoria1 esel. shldesatl tel. theit-inteset to wre-sle sto see-s F. S h o-n . A. IVAI lNEll. Mi-ftliotglt, -039Fise Arts Blidintg, S 115111dl06 l)1J ile:;e'residlet.' pCicageo. s0 University Booksellers. Fresh Allegrei Caceeeates at Coos- REepert repaeirinig of jewelry at 320 S. Slate St. Itiag's Phaurmtacy. 0IA tLERtS JEWELRY STORE. We sell Golf Clubs Goodcldeendabtle onesrt- nmade fronm tieer v s ee n - terials tn the best ceai. Ihey are correct in e ttlitiead finely finiesched. Spcsiil a- tion is given to tie rinettg and balancse of the clubs.'Tle 'trones are hand hammteced fromr the finest nmsild steel- Thte grips are wcouted with horsehtide.The se tere kneown as the tH. VARI)ON' Golf Globe tnd sell fot: Drieres and Brassies, $2.50 each; Irons, $2.00 each. AT WAHR'S BOOKSTORES. aneDallBeksMd inuAnnro .a.eDabg orthF. Guar Esx286, Shirley, Mass. When'in need of a FOUNTAIN PEN buy theI A.A.WaormnI TI he Pen we guarantee to give perfect s~atisfactionu SCHALLERSI BOOKSTORES3 116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets a The University of Chicago Professional Schools, Medicine Law and Theology Education Each hao a special Circular eel Intfeemation which will be oent on apcplicaetin.. Eache eill be in sessiots durinig the Summer Qoarter (June 17-Sepee 3).. rThe courses in Medicine arc given ini connection witls thse wockta Rosh Medical College. - The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois ElcrcLims, 207 E. Washington Street. 2d Floor ATIHNS UnMEATRFi BLDG. All the goodness in the $5.00 Hat is shown in our 'Varsity Hats at $3.00. GOODSPEED'S, 117 S. flain Street.