ifli! v.Or N. DAILY. VoL.: xII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY' 5, 1903 No. 1.50 'VARSITY MEET SATURDAY !:Many Excitin Contests are Promised in the Annual Meet-Chicago Hes on May 16 'nlu' yes of te athletically iun'tlned poriull of the Uiersity' are now4 torowd towad The annual 'arsity raknmeet.oinetrwvilt take jplaeesuet Satilav afternoon on ctery Fel. I nerest in 1the succesn of Iihiiawn tirick lamifor 1 510010 s mreilteneG 11hun m fr sme time pat tease of the gre'att posibiltie open11to tis this 'Tbreec 'ears 5)31 when the We~tern VOnfmine wan fotnd tby the "lBigI .Niue" malieitien of tie west, pald ni1 .&co o C('itiago donated to the ofernae a msive andialablahe il- 1 5 scupltt'i' permanel ttipy to te Cop''dfor bythte tirakteams111 of 135r it it ea1c11yea isigraed ott th ~ llit tie tiop~hy in otto ie come ils plrnpert' of ally idividua0l1 5101510 lexcetig ii teimpriii~otbbl ,eet 0f1oneiinivrity 0wiingIii t AMi ill yde111) 1 alm1ost (out of the 11Ill tol posiblitietlI 'thtl Itee. b9 ~ ye'axmuchtiithe 0cha1gri of XX 10 (0011510 01011 t'lieai'ii raiier Ftaat- yolk.i't"rIiged to trn otit 11tetihthat -aatlt rd' hed i'trick. Ad(Inow0 111 -gnrstil tIItmot geieailly dicend in lvsen n'ilel1til'0'irles is 0111 5111- i}p in 011111' l'lmilultstill iagan ils yea 1111'heanswrls pr1 liolleilitilt. sui~oll 1 0s 1111nd 1onl11tihe 00111 lell thie Vile Bttne10001teles, the 51nio- flog a neset Satriday) in the'Vr- 110)10 10111111to 111101'fultire lprdi'tins. 'Pit' mccl titef wil furiiih11m11ny1 110 "'lihogo on11 May 10, 111e'strg"''l'sfor s'ipln'osfacamong111(15teI' lge 111111 ol 'on'ts('lnaas tosure to 110 11ig110'eit jog.Inlpreiallevery0010v0nt11the i ame te ie nnerII1iildoubtful11110( even101m chose few 'tere will is' h'rd slrugt,'100 011)'the se')'nd ploees, a'1 owing 'ty the fact that Mlihgan will be -.tl'soed to puit iii twenty"i0e11101 avm t hicago a larg number of weds 1andeven t '00'ew inners of 1 mon xae wl'111 0n10ered1 lgit Ditea iltzpiatriek is 'confident that a imlr of 'Vars ity record will b 51) 010 iSatrday, iiid a statemencit ito 'str' " 0a rcord 'bieakig m'etfomi .zsc'o a 0110sratve' 000100 st thin armt-u'doubtedly lo"ig ot a 'lage ?Ease ii lfor Gte e Ute o'toadiig of the foorteams01 in the fFner-iverity' seris -is as f- 'Pet Won. Lost Cent. ChX'l5..,.......3 '1 750 11A2 :t.. .... .. 3 1 150 'Mt '$1 0-" .......2 1 166 'WI Itzlfvit 1 3 250 $oiastrn.... 1 4 200 lrrv m'e tanr~it gaies will e played 3n 0100 ' intruiviersity 5Leage series 'idis week, the follow0ig being the -Schedle: 'osltay- inois vs.on' orthwestet, at Evanston. Vedefilshy-llinios vs. Wisconsin, 2t m.0lisoii Thlursday-Northwooestern vs. ichi ato n Artor Sattrd'v-Chieago vs. Northweo'stern. at Inston and1Ilinoids11-v50's. Zlhigni, at haiiliikii (hit 1 0is ti01withIlln010 for first pt., in 11epert n tg o c um,dc spite iher coslings defeat at the hands or ""k '1 Roch's proteges last Sat rlqyoithi'Michigan a good second. 1f Illinois wins her games with North' 'atern and Wisconsin she will geta Dead on the other teams thet =it will he hrd toovercome l ess iligan sets her kick I peg1,)'by 11111I t Chain- GERMANY AND COMMERCE tout1 of1th t ell llli''g1e columnii is Prof. Moneghan of Bureau of Foreign tluttiliIS 1111 )goodIrticle' of ball11:11111 Commerce Speaks-Witty and 111l 1111ouItedlll 1for tte'nbest Interesting Lectore 11101t tof 1Calpta1111itley's 11111ill)'h -:11il1' wi11l1he'thell'tnte11)'at hometifor1'Pref. Molni'glal, fornierly' of Win' sole t i'me,111a'ndisit eo10 ilen 1toin i'ver110sity.andatrte theli''d lb'-w'k arst salr1obnae1't'h'tiof 't'e1)1 0-ll oflorignClo' lluec the111') it illo' 1(11il1 be)'s1 lare us)1111 i t ho 'lnew' dep a ('11111111 ('1111 Tiheilyf'asi05ot bse 'lltei aolit1)theIre(Istinganliylecture)1 ilok l 's)''1pp:I1 ml t i s i l ieill hicaho foo'i ll in lb 0 10 ll e s111a)1 r1)1' ( iiil'il'lit thefrt __meandSwrmedualitlehisosubet.iliteCe rc iantoures) tll BRILLIANT SUCCESS greatest1)commet'rcillpolIre1r. Already ________ilnleisO iprogres s 11 1 ')'een 11)11)1) in Girls' Glee Club Entertains a Lan go still lilly a1 tllgiilllilgllS;hs 1)1e'p 11ade). Audience-Reception and Dance 'Mil1 1theuill ted ttes is nlot tetir111) in Barbour' Gym Afterwards Ithiangyittis ml~l o et.liNot to be1 Ssaid. there are the IIrs, .1111 to'e(Germns Altargt' crowod, Ilompiosedt of facnlty tie anion:ilgthi'fotetnosi lot ttie'e. Szial C aswell Aingell Itill list eo'en- 111lans it'llslow 1and)1phlegmattic a)1)1 lot i'nil'rsity Gils' Glee Club11. Ever'tyonie trary' teoy are inven'itiv'e. 'lily in- A .s ,,osis lie first year of ite ex- gll)iI)100')t)r.(If courseitheseln'wer)1e ciIea to till'first perforntance of I)11ma)de t1111em l'r111icIiI'. lla' I orll')'.1ion10 'wul'd t noI'tbeil 111' IhWe111(., IIter under(111111)he if 01') ;rn .1"rnderedll'i'h'l'ncI'ls1)1)11e1ieze)1 'l)) the1111)) irlil c hratrstc. 111)lill'l5 thelll 1elI 1 ver 11 1 " lih11)111ithot I11 1Sit le cimateI )1of te coun15tay t-e. T he 01 Mho yp 5thll ~ltan thewn At'henets dTh e re.'ihhi ji~s~lyred Se ai tsealdee'euy4t tonc Sherdi ehn'is Booke dnludd lenor t eeStoe lat $same .emng is h tla IlnllurĀ°i 10fascinatig. Inii iilifalltlrirtg, te Ge1111)11ete- tilelt tf II'l'5lo'1'ik'e its shown lts tlf. canno 1110 pet1ith Engll lattdo1w'die liltst-theImtis 11tur e niesary.15 tll1 11 utr~i i l1111tsinted ha115v'lpor~izer 1b1 wh smitts'If0)1r1 e flo'isatiie'oillyitfur- (adOt souse tfte her1' mairketsmadeths te try I' of'I'll y lesii i the.ttit iisgiia wter Aid the e Enmp'r' r t m1111aet. stitee ll' ialiseechite iii tub 110 it i )11ho 11)00tiyiia ll ver 1th- op ot -r E'v'e n l theiltis. inigiiais nlrn)'ieaos pefpler.goltitogefeo'syeir formedl fllI tita we'eOBlld fbenth anion."''ad contibt(edotai''p'nhisi 0015 ailihd Empeorlto bull'ildtotaefleet.O aid i thsoialitesaoiedofn1111s mo010 me'nt.illNaprolo Lfiledmany lite la o trilvy.th 0Em0'per ill1ila-sees ths dis boll. trigitild -tutp ia grat shii)nellpower.tbSiuh iliti 1)11)I'lltill' inthrse 1daystiske'ingoit 'eryieailtoIs ofI hig daitiia 'e11ye0r0 thipsed n atOtIlaw)1ste ofllodslin-a por01tefromthil teman itihey 1beathe 01) 00115 ijo'lelthe sa0l':55 of XX't'oost. aWhefiperil)0GertaybiltStte. "hii)' s10il 11'(Of anir itaei th ttf i't- er ip bsotlh ws eve1011'm'd111)acrosts Comedy--Aticthe AthnsaTheatre -ratsosemedSeato Still Lf)to 110.1 oo'dihacborl'tskte 111agriniof5tel Thope chli ins be it(,o'eati friva1W" he 'aoo' Eknglnandtheiiemre 15onth Enistnfeelwthays0'orh'elidgoesnoittbile bei.01)11)0peed but or sayty'.e Fo bI'' te tlst o ineus 1a1thatd thae hiliio 0-lr lithuito'ferlhe iTe r'ue.ThrolelKiseal iole-')5 laethayIil beiimeat watilheti a idee han'sploaid saitrslumber fse as were oldc. iltueeatel tay good honest hec1. Phit sritootbe.f In tits cntinth spokelor~lf Joid then they wcill loll tl10athe1)1i ie lofmlitc' hievtteet.Fah ad Ilics-oneof tl c o'rgrehtesie goaoes"ts ofrmn Mi'.lslo deie. ot o'int rouice "ArnIoprsigcone i'yente cst "Mitdiend FomInia"Sprkin Mi' Some Seradats-Still Left Silo Mr. cbiris.ready.frlo 11 itserot Mric. wichkewill-... plan.etierhont lit'.c("ith.s1be-S r.Jems'i' o' ed-e br.ntcloeIt'mael"Mi re. O entFrie ir. Qothenosanuccasf.....lheyhht th51club'aseverk'ipoduceda Miss-Skelton. lI..... StMarion HaIyste MTis Whbeeer, Ils..Be'nie Imiderholt 3isso"Elliott. a. -.. (terlrode Ttmieerhiolt. bliss-tall) ro10' u .s. ..."Al 4 1' r f G t } } f F} i 3" tielniloer woithioioliii 1n1)1fluiteoere' wohllpplandedl'(. SilsSartallh owardhs 'san)- her sollo part in ".C rid Mh Sade' Lo)10' tthIe- St 1 " 00"t a1biiiiiiiiig .1c-0' paut it hI)'Oh oh I 11, ini aniex- troelil.-'leasing1115mannelir. PTho'i'ren O(rn o' f(hi " 'Pelloowaitd111u0" antd Il"uiitiiteii's "String Soing" by'tihelb airt' asteooorthy- tof eseciallmenttiont. After the hprogrS'mtlRsreceptitonlwa0, held 'ini till WXome's nleague palorsl',; form1 a'ceionIthe gym tito'r. Senior Social 'lhie last setnior' lit-enIgineeltrinig so cial-thi is sI - til'hilii',almost loll thettic iniitis sta~temen~t to lime thoulght-- ful-nililed. And foil';just this re:ltollil it is itouediitil' oill be1 the best of the( snreliu. -tt uteirn -' risdtl)evenlinig lit ('-iang01's5 . ogItn,. oo'li ibegin promlipt- 1' it Slt). 'ri'ckets.--1,1111y' le lad of Chairmnm 't~tt'uti or Kirk.,liBirtn, MtcAfeeCoont, VIuoninkX'lke itidiFoote. 'Lolanthe" Seat Sale The reserved'set sale for "tolitbhl" opelned woithm a ruhh.tondsy morninig at Millet's dlrug store. tFromithio ad- vance sale the opeira Mill h'e greeted by crowoded houses. It behooves those whio have not got seats to secure them at once. Time cast has been practicing tot three montlhs and will give a fine performance. meni are') stronig. 111'e' 110eiit ixedi owithifour'tignmloodt 115time EngishiareI. Thu most idoliiiiantlIlorian chaaci'tr- istics 1are petsevu'ueuicetandstability. 1o ot oioreimson IPtof. Soneglmaim b- lievied that tt littlo' infusion of German 1b11)o0 intuu the South)Aunereani Re- ptihics wo'uld hue the teot thting thait cooulh)posibile hpen to them.Time)' mighlt got in this w0ay a little stailtilty in their goIverimients for a few wveeks at heast. tim1,18748 Gerimany passed aimitItperiaml P. 11111 laow'Wh11101 lhad a001'y'bele- (ficial eff'ct 11p1051industr'). IBefotre'this a ('irntln liventohoad to g0 Io every petty' kingmhtim nd itprincipamlity in the entpire for the)1protecthion of a pateitt. Before this('ermoog oowas.fouiiteentlh 11s 111 iinv'enitinlg ntonm. NOooshiohas jumlpe'd to se'conu lacelid. Thuos sue surpasseOs 0 Iigltiidlwho e rs t tther ouwness , and France , wvithm ill her imagiitatioit.Germnity's plent law'. lire inowvtim test in time world. G'er- imny siands fist in chel'miclldisovoo- eries antdtinventions. Guimiany) uoil- st.uitlyhas1115m001niAimericastuldyinmg our11 imethods. ''lTus she 1is1imitativ'e 11 owell as iventive. Hto ieat tools yip time favorabtle 1locm. 'ioinof Germny, withi wvate'roways on twvo sides.:Ithiss excelleitt liar- hors and nav'igoble rivers. Phiey haye covered the country with 'aiuet-workh of canals. The story of the develop-' Iintent of such cities a- tremen aind