THE UNIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN DAILY. -' THE RIGHT THING S AND ENOUGH OAF THEM 7 Suits, 0Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the- F xclusive Patterns in new~est Men's Furnishing . - 'tnNls fi( nrrstt id_. ad ras, Cheviot, T i iU ii il "iiii'i Linen and Percale. hit itoe to tle rcii('di [SJRACKT RAND ' I iiit o tiiifiiequ ell'er. :Wagner & Co.WDASRA EUE The next painted picture Estlllilcol 106 1O E . lliiroie St %o h anri hto h 0~/'N, nth bnori tato tuMOGUL Cigarette, a little i BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. roll of tobacco much beloved W r rprdti eao ome vr ead by the collegium studenturn. W i 11 rv ti ei+it setee> eui Often takes to his room, where ± is xheIihaveiirreale(l tien'ui mber of work men. As smoketh he them." Gee of iusual we ha ve THE FINEST LINE of WOOLENS the lectures not in the course. in the city Art and Skill xwi l redlomntfe inonr Ten fr 1 5. xxork is in te past. We respiectfulily invite yottr tPlain and Cork Tip. 4 Cs S. W. BLIRCHFIIELI ti"ect D 01. STKLEIGAIMOFFC I Speial1Muic anTe proamedd with amohAHEI LAA e i slci tpeo n i itc ytePol lfer iter Sl ides Cir l l iii itl r end a o n Siiunay, te etiii'aitntitiinii 1Iifit 63c rr gros F-or 903 i), 'l(, o slmii. te rit tintt~ii'hld'iit ich itling tir~r( S e rs Tb' only almanac published that iittor ii f ii'sil'soiiii, xiriie si o usstree rciiilb b" n cointins a cemplete' list f Amer- 1h, aito larg e ilors i'e'rsiu tijlr ith e t ofi 'hiii. 1i i icr eto~tcrd n on r ilti nrl' tinlu, a1 "feiuiilt(5C, 30c, 50C. icit tistoi-lt'ers ti dCin- H 'iii' of Mr. lc i osii ' iio~ f iihe libit 1iii(fi[ ruckiii r ved r piece List f Ch itnets. Over S(101oil I u~Mili' Thiis ii1i1ii)i'r illxx 11c HicI r vi stok t full lie 310 pictture's of prominett Aneti- a dainiyii'ot taem te parlor._f______. ic ni siaterial fore fit l can atid foregn tih11e1tes. 11:1" sri orktigoi(i i orsiiiiiit iie _ - - H x'ol , PI'ilo5igl' sttd 11 Prcei cns lio flMoast"ichorussill xaiii Henr for 1)r. McM lric eil ______10 cent l_ i ven iiiti' theii sli meOlili itime. 'M iir i t iinoriiii' 1010o101 olri th actco fr bee cl(, i ouf iiIII ig ii ' rfi'or r . l. I.liyi- A l, nfiSlaldoi'iiitia ou'niofiulio'ltii' Vuiel A uopcui ~tg toU~ hbll lie ile e j eeiii iii liis ri'i' teix ii illpoili ii itCampus Drug Store. New York, Chicago. DInver Bal1-01 n ''iii F urt avnu. 'his o n 'ii i ' iii==iuiii 1 !..iiii ' li ii 's'.i . 't iny ih ni' 1 1 011il 1uh il' C lo A mI ru ii huf h lan to , tifl tit Union IheoI~kI Seminry, the csiri'iceou'5 iSuiiid ay xxil ixi' sis-U i Oa~ r large -c =i ~ li' ''rnui iiiit l n ndee-see fa inai lii, lthe' tiiiiioo '70 Park Avenue, New York. Cl b No sitil lo xemaeiii Deer , iiofx ii ieet xior t ite mtis of te Chtiist- ii- I it 1ot ttry.ctio'suniii, w'ci'in t, frl is i tiiis'lx ti' m in, i coaeterpti''rise of t great city, ii close for sixi is a winner _____________- ono wsii' xi whoi s iiiiiIxiii.o sii lqux i fi'i d ' i tc e erel ti oni~ibs xil'itColu iba and tad this wokta I~ . MCl 1 ii . Nixi'York ve~titixuusi',oiers hppr- {Wma's League Eritertainment lior "ir -iOl monts Dr. McIS ri li titittis fr te dgris of It ., vA.. VCYfS E AY rQE Iiylf . 'Tiii'u'uiiu'rineiiiii'ivxxii'ick xx's gi'lr o is it peen iqitlilty i'iii'i'iiioafiiirhs wor' yI. 1a1111 lr. Ii 0 ~ ~ ~ b the SA tALIW ~Vi ii Wolin' ie' egiii'olridiiter c- vl i If r: o .fa ist lo ioui 1(oil oil eiiuil li'rtts to sttdntto o 600 . W illiams St. a oe of te'kIiiuaeusO of sitbi 'lei pii' iifssol' expe''isto siduit fe ll Cristianuu bodi's. functiots wiithitthe g'oiup ]laers cmiiiiio'siiiiii''at lh