A nnnunromm TIHE UNIVERSITY OFJl MICHIGAN DAILY. 1..-_. . 'THE U. OP M. DAILY sltc' ~1t2witi tt . I lI,1:llS1,(1i-tit ___________________________________________ tloit whi s 1' ni lily --ii Ene0 t c~rtcc~ mater-at Art Arbor I'iil"tto te' 'st r- ItIlk 's ;1 pohli '\ V' . Y, r _________________kr__III_ __l_ t___l'iiiiii-iI riiio Ii I oil MANAUINO ITOR1 0, i-ollt 'e 1i ol "lt lihi toii l- l olt''et.14I tt't EARLE I. IIIAUsTON .. Q srlf:111t1 Itli-Iit. n l1 ott oll v Afteri co pfoI i)(" ofUSINESS M'ANAGERtI, t 'Ii ,) :i)seoi-tI llee ov('iii It i ROSCUE B. t IKLSTON, '04-L."); :t icoy'(lAv l m l A1txc hi.o~lto, Assig net Editor,'____ (iLNEtIAL DEWSi o' btl II t ) n Arlmnt' itillbe 'ou l l 7t to i O t-t o t i,fr ,o, I li qlr ,'0(ii lleI ll 111:1 t tltittlsI 1 .i th ______________Fr,_______ S.Clark Oii lrtlto ii itt li()1' 1114, - i' i lles l E . Wash imrtm GreIt ,ito 'tit'c' sol ttl( it'r,'tI s fti tr/Irr i ett t rj' ,'rtt 11" N11 tr* ti )llI-RAK B. R is, thOelc oltf:d ui' ou.csA.at o it t':. tot i o tto. Gotanted ounoon pen, $ up 108 F. Wasehington1St. of tseuiog's Pharmacyl l-l'The cis f lt oy prie oft hei'i.N . I outM __________________for__til__sSeason.___ ailyis tt0 o r the t ollut ea . it.Iell f ocas 114s vl n previous tonthatonnwatchesey aretexpecte toa c iIapgpea ci tr Tity, . JbS i ey. wlt e l l d thefor lperotal ry oNlerty luoturil Os "ilenerafaott eprin reolNle I, L3':1AE.tier promp lyi atthis i ce n f inreo'l ai erst-o of e'e l l assutitiasebconfeidett. tha onwhih heyaretoaItartourteed t o unt11)a i.petsl1 t up: t.. V't t i itot to ii' opt-litr Iro, $200eeicli ns S ilade ro tevr etIa WeiAHRS i tebOOsaTRe. aecrctHE ~d~e 11 Bnkrupl ihe.tc at- Offcil*a 1'. of At. Daily I'uhiishiirg company at they Si-nia ('hi house, Sunday, May , at :J::3U 11cG, UGI N President. I nio h. sclrill t(taill played .1 gOod -.a 11le yestol-Ony, alld '(Iicl nzuch tow:l rd i . and 7 to o9n"i'n. With amendments of 1903 IOSE.PtI C. WATTS. Complete with general orders ant Root's MlusietHottse, the polliltir atnd forms only 20C. Gel a copy. til-O 3 ,I'tilph ouse fot' everythitng yA. I3. Chtase' lpititot'r'pre'se'ted'l. Have you seen Beer's Eiino 5ase 5all Guide 1905 now ready SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. totusillghe -Ot-ir tiItoiti, it'' stiet II I-tMSSNl-elph en's Digest I I ll he iterlas ha~hal seies 111""tof tvide ce?? I Ilav Ito lili 1 t hat- icin -ll 'vvt'i1 >1 i% ini liiiil tei too t ol:1(1 ta -tiof thcio les 1111 ii't1 ,u~lt t l -B l'oiti ii i t(ilt iii to 1 i t 27 S 5 l s tr(t i-I Just the work for student and !Th isisn lltttuuti f ii I'ii llithe u'utio i t h~~.Y . ltpGI. A full listtpractitioner. of aill ptilterti- 1to beil in 111y till' lIi i-ttr, is 1 iiot lt; Iiitli's 'if 11 t till e , I:t :. 'il.1 oi'lie'luie of Now Ready. Thompson 's Cases iS;t-t uu 'tt'tolI 'liiI~ li'11 til1 (4y pu'liilioili-tl iiitltti t tO see'the Ii'' iii itt i t et i t- IltiplaeI l mt't' blue, x1(111o 1ltl r N'-i' lit' 1u, Equity Pleediug and Practice.. i11 the I ________ t i" t' o1 l t eli s: i 1' 1ulPlil o1111: vl Marshall Win Second -AN- . AN E ll iittt'iili lb Mittin, 'Ii 2.-:1(i 2 - U til It ity it studetis desirlig to se- lt t- 1'. of N I I ;I l qi ~t] t 1 at ut t tiotis to teaichl itollfinid it to I~:;1eunii'ut Ic ,' ' State lb ciieet o rie oJ~ie F 1us - h''~ 1s1., ,'( ,11 Cli u:"Iso 326 S. Stat .t 1'1:1(I) tm' "4' lItI~)( 1ll. I' 441it t'elairittgof jewelry a illd LO lT It 11N tuR'ss'u Ilii't'l erE J II1thiR'S JEWEILIIY STORE. 5codFlo P,514 f eat Sa'e at Stoflet's News Stand. REG L XPRDn M'ty evening, fnay 4th Se u idW hrei p~noia'J Dgep ent of the World-Famed quality, the best; there is only olliho tf - t ,,r t'a 'r ' prc nte ,that is. '3;, 6 ' - ' "I c I th Sp eta uar Pant m n p medy, the yopriendhowm, eyea. &S you have never had .a, pair ark F ,rkA TI-I REGAL SHOE STORE1, ~ P~e 5,,5,5c ~~d$0 Wedn. esatyvn, W 6th1 MYRtS1ANID, 61 EAT 111AMIRIP*11"N I'Lll~3ANN ARBCR. MICH.{t WILA i S , e.O V IlĀ± J . Pirices $1.50, $1.00, ZS, >4 . it sr dtomorro w rtluylu tC C,.,tl l'l K11I - " ,, 111tyi ;1u ' "i 7%: .t il t 11 4(11 1 t11 i ), ~x o' ~ it lp y Ito lxeod +c I - %I ~tt 't o ,u i't' , 't i t!" ttt {l I ' t , r il . f I J ISY1 ~' i If' f a FO t ' ll, l hA B u1'' -' t ii i i it Adf1~ 'Ii11 1 'ttI {. 'i lt till it All u' i a hi'i::r t 'r., , o t ' j.1 r t t t ruti It ~3 lt cf lt : ;itx oA 4I ( t irt 'tluao I A II IIo(ly 4 i i th- i ~l~~I t I ai l it ti LI t,,t~tiliitti'loi'l it CuIit1Itoxi t i, Td illI Ili i ji tt ;1fiICOR1"I JISS i.cioON(1). .., CO# NIWYRlHIAOBSO