THlE U. OF M DAILY"'ifre i>liale.1
Sprng M.The i'eremloml lof yesterday would
111l0e teliWeleole/lPI
Pos t ooofc c h .rdatd) lse o l eat
flnouncemwent t Colee yx ear ath Uivoersty of Mietir ; ;:z; 11d n l;00 - e.1'1'at.iGoIf Clubs
N -^^^ - 111 allical e 11111113eher ofi11
MANAGING EDITOR, (.alcolnobehdil111yfte
The largest 111(1 flI~ ~ ~ BSINE EARLE I. HOUSTON.'0. 100ol111t'111ii
coplete h l BSNS INOR £l slia Good, dependable ones-
ROSCOE B. IHUSTON, 'U4-t,. e olee' well asdran tat madhe trom the very lest too-
EDITORS. 1period1. Itch1a1l actionoldl te1( nd'1t1o terials in the best way. They
.Athietics iringy001tiand crytali e tile ichIigan are correct iiou1d1 iean
Assignment Editor liiwiccantfitobstog fie'fnsd.Scali-
t04 E ~lle. ~ inl the brceast ol every seioris 1 lie 110n 15 given to thle spring
GNRLNWaprahstedyohi rdait Aim Arbor will be found Thomas B. Robrts." .1. P,0/h. 5 _________irolis are hand iiaiiinered
~ T001 ~ i~ Mack Foote, '03. Feaak J. Ciark, 1'6e from the fitiest mild steel.
attG.aa. Wildt& Co.'s)10 Max Fiakelstean, '03. Cohert 1.. W£lkias,'051 Anl rbrHgh' P dranEigh The grip3slire wound with
E. Washliigioni 3t. Great OSlsieo Iolger, '00. Douglas Mlacllul1T.'03 ThiAnn Arbor higl1 0110111 will plaly horsehide. These are ktnown1
pinhl~Save been taken in Huoodley Baker, '061. }fog/Peebls, '0010
the eletionof ll uit- ouis 0A. Burtoa, '03. Clifford Sicceocco ,'0 1111'Adrian high school 11todaly lit II) ias the "H. VARI)ON" Golf
theseecio o al sif oclcl atth firground.It prne- Clubs and sell for:lDrivers
igtoerns& Tie eii00cripcoaaprice of the u. at 'K. ices'o be il'a gooldgul110 astilt' .drian i and Brassies, $2 SO each.;
coiattigs for this seaisoni Dolly is $2.'0 Car tlecolileeyear. NooIos'.O ah
licco. comtata ionn.etc..,omast be handed iii1 lolhits 1 a0 s tcong telilIltlt Irnn$20deib
in at the Daily office before 8 p. a., ar
maileto teedtor befotre 00011 oft he d' y 11itiArbrcic liilschool hstil y111 t1
prevhf~ iousoo that on witich they ore expectedbndeaI itedill by ai high schoolll teiili AT
II 3 513 to appeae.
3.4 33535 i 00ubsiers a Rilroferao ar hy reporting M~il 11141 Geotrgeit' lwiletihei'biiaottiry
NE 1111 proiitlylit this office ony tilate of careiern for thel(ttltienttiri. Lumiri, "Shel"
* g JJ ~ All advrtcisiag mttor mustthe Roac'h.
tintile offh~ice p. m. on the dar peeviaas to _________
rroothataon whch theyareltoappar.
Office inl the 0DailyArteas officer. Nc 810 Sooth lat tile .ttellO Thealtre' MAlutly 1v10'
:B£L ".L. + 1 L.AIS.NOTICE.
a din S Nesditor Today .F. 3.Clark. hand i110thir names gldat fthel
1111 f oad of directors o f Ittfll lay rs 1111t01liI ll 11 10 11
cT1. of AM.1)alybuiiniig compnyltiii liISaltrdati.1 May .!. '0t1 h 01ii tll ot
off al ithe S~~~Oil a I(i liose, Sillldlly, May 3, Iutl~es'0011iI riilt itia .at930.Il. ACUGN shrtmean1opayrhsMneti1 01111 ress s
is lot 1oi1lihe list 1i1nily bIillc llt 11 oI 0 r
I'eieIll'beligilcle to pilay' OWitlh111s ii 10 Conif'it
1'es5rd t'tl 'tiei-uttw sit kIyN
ii o ail et0sitllgll11115 i oftoey A_________ N.
C1l111 oill 11'e 11held inltyMaly 2,
itii10 1 0 1 21(;31Sate t'i''t
b ~v ' tl~thtter a1 o tics 'ratailteca~i11ot thi to sall 1101111 111111F111 l lit 11 0 thisof tl7 'S turd1110 i'elttiioti'd~ t,
11 1111' 1111f the 111:I1)1Ind 1111i 1by 1111 All till' 't1, 1lit 01r111k1men1 w011 s113t0
E Ian tn lasesin th i li i ty-13 11111 i 11 111 i1111'ltI:0
a 1c1s11 10 11111is 111ed1bythel'fcccll1'TRACK MAtNAGI'I.
LJJUiJ o t ), \)I1 '11, iiitll'h ili tl''lilili CGuaranteedt fouhIfll l pcns, $1 top.
ant 1110105 tddes wich111he 1made1111'Cushilco 'sPharmacy.I
lii llllll 'l ilgily 111' I'ioai <.roity stiitentsto desiring to .e
II I ii fl C O iit1itude 1110 1111x1in 11111111 113b 11till h 11 ('(lure 1positions0to tall ll ind 11(it to
Sn EH ~ ~ den11110s0 wih e-grdcaps 11 and11 11111 il10 111 thei terstto 0wri1e 1o Ttlen F.
WE EU1We eill 111111 1101111111'facit11111 1111t 1etcll o'lloiigi, 6389 tine Ats't Buildinlg,
University Booksellers, lltgllI101 1Iilg'l 1'lllely Chicago. 813
.320 S. State Street. 11i 1111. itstoigin andieed, viert dill o I xlert replairinlg of jewelry at
______________________________ 111111 1iltillr.111hgs lost, 11011n1e11' ttALLEII'S JEWE'LRY STORE.
Dan Mc G uin
are the easiest he ever
wore. Guaranteed "All
Breaks Made Good." 50c
and. $1.00. All shopkeep-
ers in Ann Arbor
or by mailpostpalifrom
Boo 2$8, Shirley, Mass.
when in need of a
buy the
A. A. Wlermiian
T he Pen we gusarantee to
give perfect ,satisfaction
116 5 Main Street and corner of State and Liberty Streets
The University of Chicajo
Professional Schools
Lawe and
Each has a special Circular of Information which wilt be sent oin apptication.
Each wilt be in session daring the Summer Quarter (June 17-September 3).
l'The courscs in Medicine 0re given ini connectioni with tile work of
Rush Medical College.0
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
S~ ~jEeti o stuio t 111p00es Satnitary') ITHE ATH N PRES "
enk..k limtiing, Gas and 1mecr11 VIxtoes, 510110 _....... PR.FSS
J letrc ams,207 E. Washington Street. I7 ViATt BDte 4'
Swellest Line of Lig ht=Weight Cheviot Suitings in
T'own. You're invited to look.
SGOODSPEEDQ)S1 110 E.nWashin ton